Countless officials of the hegemonic country have repeatedly proposed to close the 'Research Institute', a department that eats countless gold.

However, under the strong opposition of Saric, they all ended without a hitch! But even so.

nearly fifty years.

'The research institute has also gradually fallen into silence.

not known to outsiders.

Even most domineering country officials do not know that there is such a department in the country! But.

The tech explosion of the past decade.

Let this institute, which has gradually fallen into silence, be reborn! Because of Qin Hao, the sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

Trump paid a lot of money and mobilized countless top scientific and technological personnel.

Enter into this institute.

Specifically to crack this alien spaceship and find a way to fight against Qin Hao.

did not expect.

Really let Saric, a scientific genius, crack the main control computer of this spacecraft.

As a result, we have obtained the ultimate weapon that is comparable to a 'nuclear bomb' on the 'Maria' planet! "Although '' is expensive, it is relative to the 'Maria' planet.

Because, on their planet, the production of 'palladium' is extremely rare! But on our earth, 'palladium' is rare, but it is not a rare thing!"

"So, we can study the finished product so quickly!"

Saric brought Trang and the others to the corner of Laboratory No. [-], a closed metal room.

this room.

It looks small from the outside.

But when people come in.

However, the interior space was found to be very large.

There are not only all kinds of research equipment, but also hundreds of people, busy working there.

After Saric entered the room, he directly took Trang and others.

brought to the center of the room.

In front of a metal table shaped like a bed.

Above the metal table, there is a glass cover.

And inside the glass cover, there is a miniature ancient cannon! This is a 1 to [-] miniature cannon! "This is [-]!"

Saric seemed to be looking at a work of art, after glancing at the fort, he said to Trang and the others.

"Dr. Saric, 1, can you really kill Qin Hao? If you can't kill him, our hegemonic country will face extinction!"

Trang glanced at the mini-turret and asked suspiciously.

"With the Qin Hao ability model you gave, after tens of thousands of simulation calculations, as long as enough 11 are produced, we will definitely be able to kill that immortal cultivator!"

Although Saric is a Frankenstein, his attitude towards science is still very strict! "Enough is as much as you want"

Tron asked.

The rest looked at Saric curiously.

"At least [-] or more! And it's not the miniature version of the current one, if it's a thousand times the size of this fort!"

Saric replied.

"How much does it cost to invest [-]?"

The head of the Commerce Department of the domineering country behind Trump asked.

"Money is second, what you have to think about is how to raise the materials to make 1 [-]!"

"Palladium is only the primary material for 1, but many other materials are needed to make 1 successfully.

With our country's current reserves, it is absolutely impossible to raise so many materials in a short period of time.

Don't say [-].

Even if it is a thousand, I guess it will hang!"

Saric sneered.

Money is in the world of science.

Money is the most useless thing! There are some things that no amount of money can buy! "Sarich"

The head of the Ministry of Commerce was just about to defend himself.

In this world, money can't buy materials, but Trang waved his hand to stop the head of the Commerce Department.

"Dr. Saric, can we see the power of this weapon?"

Tron asked.

After hearing what Trang said, the rest of the officials of the hegemonic country stopped talking.

They looked at Saric with fire in their eyes.

The ultimate weapon across the era! How powerful is the attack? "Of course, but not here!"

Saric nodded and replied.

He then instructed a researcher to carefully take the small 1 out of the glass cover.

Then he walked outside on his own.

Tron and the others hurriedly followed.


Saric took Trang and others.

Came to another room.

in this room.

There are no research equipment.

But there are countless stones that are black and not slippery.

"These are all abandoned extraterrestrial meteorites that have fallen to our earth in recent years."

"After burning in the atmosphere, it can still fall to the earth."

"These things are the hardest things in the world."

"Even, compared to the video you showed me, that person named Qin Hao, the extraterrestrial meteorite that has been refined is even harder!"

"Now, I will use these meteorite scraps to do an experiment for you!"

To Trang and the others, Saric explained the origin of these black stones.


Several researchers who came along with Saric brought in a few pieces of scrap iron from meteorites.

Follow Saric, Trang, and the others, and head towards the Institute for laymen.

After arriving at the open space outside the institute.

After Saric took the Micro 1 in the hands of the researchers.

Wait until the researchers have placed the meteorite scrap iron.

I didn't wait for the researchers to leave.

Just pressed the transmitter switch of Micro 1.

Shhhhhh! Time to go.

Tron and others saw it.

From the miniature 1, several fiery rays of light are emitted.

this light.

It was like a meteor streaking across the sky, like a trail of fire.

呲呲呲! With this light appeared.

The surrounding air was instantly burned and evaporated, making a harsh sound.

There was a burning smell in the air.

And this light.

It went by in a flash! Quietly, it struck the scraps of meteorites.

And with it, a few researchers next to it.

also attacked together.

Wait until Tron and the others come back to their senses.

only saw

The place where several researchers stood just now was empty.

Even those few pieces of meteorite scrap iron have disappeared.

And in a few places.

But a few deep black holes were left behind.

The surrounding air kept rushing towards the black hole.

at the same time.

Some weeds around.

It was also sucked into this black hole.

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