Desperate heart.

Hope is rekindled again! Qin Hao is not invincible.

He can still be injured! He can still be killed! Qin Hao above the Nine Heavens.

After looking at his injured hand for a while.

Laughing dumbly! He's been invincible for too long.

He has completely forgotten himself, and he has not yet attained the Great Dao! How can it be strange that he has been broken into the emptiness of his true essence by the spiritual energy of one level higher than himself! At the same time.

Qin Hao's heart is full of pride! 6 is the first level, if he has enough real energy in his body.

That spiritual energy can never escape from the palm of his hand! But Qin Hao lost his mind for a while.

The spiritual energy has completely disappeared.

I don't know where it is lurking! But Qin Hao is not worried at all! Because.

Although the spirit energy escaped from his palm.

But it was stained with a trace of his blood! That means.

Even if he flees to the ends of the earth, his spiritual energy cannot escape from his deduction! A little deduction.

Qin Hao got the place where the spiritual energy of the gods was hidden! Venus! Qin Hao smiled casually.

Slowly fly towards Venus.

While flying, while distracted, restore the true essence of the body.

It's like walking in a leisurely courtyard! This also allows the satellite,,, to keep up with Qin Hao's footsteps! After half an hour.

When the world saw Qin Hao, he hung above Venus.

Zhenyuan thumped violently.

Blaze towards Venus! Clang! After that.

The world will see it.

Gold gleams in Venus.

Then disappear! See the change.

Everyone knows it.

That Qibao was caught by Qin Hao! Although I knew this.

But the satellite, did not shift the camera, and kept taking pictures of Venus! At the same time.

People in the world media live room.

He was also staring at the screen of the live broadcast room.

I want to see how Qin Hao refined this strange treasure! What kind of things will it be refined into.


Apparently the world is going to be disappointed! They don't even know.

This is not Qibao.

It is the opportunity for Qin Hao to be promoted to the next stage! Qin Hao at this moment.

Being in the interior of Venus, although it has grasped the spiritual energy, it is very opposed to Qin Hao's absorption.

So Qin Hao could only sit cross-legged inside Venus.

Little by little, absorb it.

According to Qin Hao’s conservative estimate.

It will take at least a month.

In order to fully absorb the spiritual energy of the gods! As for refining and even promoting the gods, it may take longer! Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect

Chapter 185 Everyone in the world aims to become a Han Chinese!

a whole day.

The audience in the world media live broadcast room were all staring at the live broadcast screen.

But since Qin Hao disappeared from Venus, Venus has fluctuated a little bit.

"What's the situation? After Qin Xian received the strange treasure, why didn't he follow up?"

"Yeah, so strange! Isn't that Qibao some refining material?"

"No, Qin Xian used the last Qibao to refine the moon!"

"You said, Qin Xian hasn't found that strange treasure yet, right?"

People in the live broadcast room of the world media were talking a lot.

While saying so.

The audience in the live broadcast room left the live broadcast room one after another.

Only some of Qin Hao's fanatical fans remain.

Still waiting for news.

And the world's authoritative media did not evacuate the satellite.

It didn't even close the live room.

It was live streamed quietly.

They believe.

Qin Hao will definitely make big moves.

I just don't know when this big move will take place.

People in the live room.

When talking about Qin Hao going deep into Venus.

In the network of various countries, there is a commotion.

"Huh, Qin Xian actually created an immortal world on the moon, is he planning to select disciples to enter there in the future!"

"I think it's very possible, the fairy world is set above the big Han, and Qin Xian must be picking apprentices from the big Han people!"

"Alas, I have already submitted hundreds of applications for naturalization to the Dahan official, but all of them have gone to nothing!"

"Now the naturalization review of Dahan is very strict. Without outstanding talent, it is impossible to enter Dahan!"

"Hey, even if that's the case, you have to continue to apply, maybe you'll be spotted by Dahan officials!"

"Who says it's not, the current big man is not... the former big man, that is completely the number one country, and the quality of the people is so much higher than the world, it's hard not to rise!"

"In the end, it's because of Qin Xian!"

In the network of various countries, people are shocked by what Qin Hao has done on the moon.

at the same time.

Almost everyone in the world aspires to become a Han Chinese! Become a child of the fairy! And under such momentum.

Dahan official, once again received a naturalization application like a snowflake.

In the world, countless people want to join Dahan.

In order to look forward to the benefits of Qin Hao's next preaching, and even become a citizen of the fairy world! Under such circumstances.

The faces of the officials of various countries are ashen! Since Qin Hao preached in Dahan.

They have lost more than half of their domestic talent.

Those are the top talents in the country! Even those who still stay in the country are all left under his coercion! They can completely imagine.

After a period of time, all domestic talents will definitely flow to Dahan.

And the big man will soon become the center of the world! But even if you know this is the trend.

They can't do anything at all! Because.

Qin Hao stood behind the big man! Even if they were dissatisfied, they would not dare to show it.

Even, on the bright side, there are still big men! Qin Hao is alone! He has completely overwhelmed the world! When he did not explicitly state his support for the big man, it has already made all countries in the world dare not move! But in all countries in the world.

With an extremely ugly face, he looked at the 'immortal world' hanging on the big man, and helplessly watched the rapid loss of talents in his own country.

Dominant country.

Some officials led by Trang.

but gathered in a secret room.

On the big screen in front of them, there was a video of Qin Hao creating the world, connecting the earth and the moon into a world, and finally being cut into five palms by the spiritual energy of the gods, and finally hidden into Venus.

Look at Qin Hao's creation again.

Trang and others were still extremely shocked.

Of course, his face became more and more ugly.

after all.

a country

Home, the feeling of being crushed by a person is really uncomfortable! But.

When they saw that the divine aura opened Qin Hao's palm.

But it was bright.

Until the video ended, Qin Hao disappeared.

Tron and others took their eyes off the screen.

It can only be dumb and boring!"

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