"No, no, Qin Xian will only deal with those who dare to defy his decision, and will not attack us!"

When the people in the world media live broadcast room, from the mouths of netizens from all over the world.

Learn about the whole earth.

After all turned into purgatory.

Collectively confused.

Then, a shocking discussion broke out! Awe for Qin Hao.

It has reached an incredible level! And those who are not in the world media live broadcast room.

Although I heard Qin Hao's vast voice.

But for the scene that changes immediately around me.

Instantly confused.

They blinked, not knowing what was going on

"I, where are we, where is my house?"

"This, is this the eighteen layers of hell in the mouth of the big Han? It looks terrible!"

"Yes, the sky is blood red, and there are terrifying instruments of torture all around!"

At the beginning, because there were no ghosts, there was no screaming.

I don't know that the entire earth has been turned into eighteen layers of hell by Qin Hao.

People are not very shocked.

There is also the mood to look at the surrounding situation.

Some people even took a look at the slightly terrifying scenery of purgatory.

After all, these people are not the people who defied Qin Hao as Qin Hao said.

They have a little curiosity on their faces, which is understandable! However.

Those who understand the Han culture and the eighteen layers of purgatory.

See the world you live in.

After turning into eighteen layers of purgatory.

The panic in my heart can't be added! As for those people, who are hiding at home, hiding under the bed, and running wildly, in order to avoid Qin Hao's punishment.

See your surroundings.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a purgatory.

Instantly confused.

There was panic in his eyes.

These people started to run wildly.

Want to escape from purgatory.

But they ran for a long time, only to find that they couldn't escape from purgatory.

It was as if the whole world had turned into purgatory.

In the end, these people were desperate! They collapsed on the ground and looked at the blood-red sky in despair.

Then, he cried out to the sky.

"No, no, Qin Xian, I was wrong!"

"Wuwuwu, I don't want to suffer from hell, I don't want it!"

"Qin Xian, please spare us, spare us!"

the whole earth.

There were countless beggings and cries.

And the world doesn't know.

This is just the beginning! Purgatory has descended.

Those who are against immortals.

About to suffer the wrath of immortals and the punishment of purgatory six! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 173 Life and death in the palm of the hand, sentence the world!

in the world.

All were shocked when the whole world changed.

Inside Dahan, it has not been converted into Jiuyou Purgatory.

The entire land of the great Han has turned into a golden temple of Yama.

Magnificent, yet solemn! As for Qin Hao.

But he had already sat down.

It happens to be sitting at the top of the Yama Temple.

his face.

Although cold.

Yet still very calm.

But his whole personality.

But an earth-shattering change took place.

Make people look at it.

just feel.

He seems to have the power to kill hundreds of millions of people.

And just when Qin Hao sat down with his knees crossed.

Either in the southern or northern hemisphere.

Regardless of

where are you.

You could see Qin Hao sitting down with his knees crossed.

This made everyone look up.

He looked towards Qin Hao.

at this time.

People no longer pay attention to the media live broadcast room, but look up and look at Qin Hao above the nine heavens in shock.

Couldn't get back to God for a long time.

Qin Xian's power reaches the sky and the earth! It actually allows all of them, no matter where they are on the earth.

You can see him! "Six seven, three"

This is simply incredible! And those who have attacked Qin Hao on the Internet and marched on the street before.

After seeing Qin Hao sitting down with great majesty:.

After being stunned for a while.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

They were facing Qin Hao's direction.

Cry loudly.

"Qin Xian, please forgive me, I was wrong!"

"Qin Xian, I don't want to die, I don't want to suffer from purgatory, I don't want to become a pig, a dog, a sheep, please let me go!"

"Wuwuwu, Qin Xian, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

their loud pleas.

Make everyone around them look at them.

These people shook their heads.

But nothing was said.

Those people, it's their own fault! As for Qin Hao.

Although he heard the pleading of these people.

But not the slightest bit moved.

The heart is more restless.

He glanced down slowly.

Open your mouth softly.

"Necto, Robinson," he said brightly, reading out tens of thousands of names.

"To sow discord, slander and deceive people, lie and deceive people."

"Punish him into the tongue-pulling hell and suffer the pain of tongue-pulling!"

Qin Hao said lightly.

Then, swept in several directions.

at once.

From the sky, countless ghosts flashed.

With chains on their backs and fierce faces, they shot towards the surroundings.

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