But early the next morning.

All gathered in the satellite, monitoring room.

Stare at the screen.

Those huge parades in their own country.


There are also people who are specifically looking at the situation on the big man's side.

As for the Han people, as well as the Han officials.

Instead, it's like being outside.

I didn't look at the domestic situation.

Instead, it entered the world media live broadcast room.

Look at the situation abroad.

Be a big man.

See live abroad.

Some people actually beat up foreign Han Chinese during the parade.

Immediately angry! "Fuck, these bastards are so arrogant! They dare to beat people!"

"Mad, if you have the ability, come to the big man and take a look! Let's see if we don't want to kill you!"

"It's so arrogant, and more than a hundred beaten one person!"

"Qin Xian should kill all these people!"

"Yes, Qin Xian's decision is something you mortals can control!"

Big Han people, scolding directly in the live broadcast room of the world media.

"Don't think Qin Hao takes care of you, you guys are really superior to others, we just beat you up, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, if you have the ability, don't go abroad, you will always be in your big Han country, otherwise, even if we fight one by one, I can't beat you.

We play one hundred against one, one against one thousand, and we can always beat you!"

"Hmph, self-righteous Han people, when Qin Hao compromises, we will stand on the same starting line again, I see how much superiority you have!"

"Yes, this time you big men have become the public enemy of the world. Even if Qin Hao helps you, you will not be able to resist the anger of the people of the world! You big men, you will play your own game in the future!"

However, some radical people in other countries immediately turned back.

"Qin Xian will help you idiots dream!"

"Yeah, I'll just wait and see, in your country, there will be groups of pigs and dogs!"

"Haha, I must record it and show it to my grandson, great-grandson.

This picture, don't be too beautiful!"

"Shameless big Han people, even if they become pigs and dogs, it will only take a while.

In order to cultivate immortals, we are not afraid!"

"Yeah, do you really think Qin Hao is an immortal? He is just a cultivator. Does he have the ability to turn so many people around the world into pigs and dogs?"

"Yes, there are at least one billion people who are boycotting your big man and begging Qin Hao! That's more than half of your big man's population. I don't believe that Qin Hao can keep his face and compromise!"

The two parties, in the world media live broadcast room.

Crazy rant.

With the number of people on both sides, the difference is almost the same.

The noise was fiery.

The rest of the melon eaters watched and waited for the arrival of twelve o'clock.


Time has come to Dahan Kyoto time, twelve o'clock.

Everyone in the world stopped arguing and swiped.

Even people who are marching.

They all stopped.

Look up at the sky.

Even if they say they are not afraid.

But it's really time.

Most people are afraid of dying.

And when it arrived at twelve o'clock.


Suddenly a bright light appeared.

a figure.

In an instant, he appeared in the big man, [-] meters above the sky.

After he reached an altitude of [-] meters.

Shots inside the world media live room.

In an instant, I gave a close-up of this person! Qin Hao! Be the world.

when I saw this face.

They all recognized it! At the same time, they saw Qin Hao's face was as cold as frost, and his eyes were cold.

All were heartbroken.

This time, Qin Xian.

It's a bit scary! This anger is more than punishing the island country, the three countries, and even when the immortals teach people.

It's even bigger! "Today, the heavenly punishment will be cast down.

will go to purgatory, and the soul will be punished by it.

Those who covet my immortal dharma door will demote immortality to beasts, fearing to be slaughtered by others!"

Qin Hao hangs for nine days.

Staring coldly at the satellite above the nine heavens,

It seems to be looking at the live broadcast room, those who are watching the live broadcast screen.

Open your mouth slowly! And he opened his mouth.

people, no matter what

Are you... watching the live broadcast.

Regardless of

where is.

All heard it.

at once.

The whole world fell silent.

Wave! Those who have scolded Qin Hao on the Internet and are participating in the parade.

All were pale.

Even the initiators who inspired the world.

He fell directly to the ground in fright.

Qin Hao's punishment.

It's not about turning people into animals for a while

It is eternal life! And.

before they became livestock.

Good need to go through purgatory, endure the pain of swords and fires, oil pans and axes! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 172 Turn the entire earth into purgatory!

When the world is confused.

Qin Hao scored another [-]%.

He looked extremely solemn.

Open your hands and whisper.

"Everything in the world is for me!"

After Qin Hao said softly.

global wide.

all auras,

All come together.

Gathered towards Qin Hao.

One by one colorful.

Blazing from various countries to Qin Hao.

Thousands of colorful ribbons.

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