Even if the population of the big Han is added in the past ten years, due to the rapid improvement of the world's physical fitness, the high birth rate, and the declining mortality rate, the population has increased.

It will only be [-] billion! And Qin Hao's scarf fans are even more than the population of Dahan.

This shows how huge Qin Hao's influence is in the world! "Qin Xian, thank you for everything you have done for Dahan, we Dahan people will always remember it in our hearts!"

"Qin Xian, you are the immortal of our Han people and our savior!"

"Qin Xian, I adore you so much, I want to be your servant, please accept me!"

"Qin Xian, I want to marry you, I have sent you a private message, please comment!"

"Where did the hooves come from, Qin Xian is the husband of all of us, not just for you!"

Among Qin Hao's scarves, most of them are Han people, and they are grateful to Qin Hao, and a few are fans of Qin Hao's younger sister, who are courting Qin Hao.

Of course, there are also some people who want to be Qin Hao's apprentices, want to polish Qin Hao's bags and shoes, etc.

"Thank you Qin Xian, and forgive the sins of our brain-dead officials!"

"Qin Xian, the people of our country are friendly to Dahan. You must not anger us because of the mistakes of the officials!"

"Qin Xian, in our next election, we will definitely get rid of these cerebral palsy children!"

And the remaining half.

It was the people of other countries who begged Qin Hao for mercy.

Seeing so many foreign comments, it's not surprising that Qin Hao's fans have so many fans! Qin Hao looked at these comments and smiled.

After that, he didn't look again.

Instead, I posted the second neck guest after I registered my scarf.

"Tomorrow at 1:[-], Yuxufeng will chant Huang Tingjing and preach to the world!"

After the scarf is done.

Qin Hao put down the phone.

Sit cross-legged on the bed, and start to meditate! A person who cultivates immortals is like rowing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat! Although Qin Hao can use the spiritual energy of the whole world, he has the blessing of the anti-sky system.

But he still needs to practice hard! Moreover, tomorrow he plans to transform the bodies of all the big Han people who come to the scene.

Make their bodies stronger and their brain development levels rapidly improved.

It definitely needs a lot of energy! Therefore, he needs to practice breathing well today! As for Qin Hao, he has no plans to let the Han people cultivate immortals for the time being! Now, it is not yet time.

And after Qin Hao sent out the scarf, the scarf instantly exploded the number of comments, with a frequency of thousands per second, quickly refreshed! "Qin Xian, Qin Xian has sent a scarf again!"

"Yuxufeng, Qin Xian Daotong! Qin Xian will preach there tomorrow!"

"I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, Qin Xian said, this is something that has never happened before!"

"What are you waiting for, everyone, hurry up and go to Kunlun and Yuxu Peak!"

"I'm already on my way, I want to take a good seat and listen to Qin Xian's preaching!"

The people in Qin Hao's scarf homepage went crazy in an instant.

Countless people even bought the scarf while returning it

Tickets to Lucheng, Xihai Province, which is the closest to Yuxu Peak! At the same time, the news quickly spread among the big Han.

The entire big man was instantly detonated.

The streets of the magic city.

"Have you heard that Qin Xian will preach at Yuxu Peak at 1:[-] tomorrow!"


"This is still fake! I'm going to buy a ticket now, do you want to go?"

"I'm going, of course I'm going! Maybe, after listening to Qin Xian's teaching, I will be able to embark on the road of immortal cultivation!"

An office building in Beijing.

"Why don't you hurry up and buy a ticket when you are still at work!"

"What's the matter? Today is Monday, where can I go if I don't go to work and buy a ticket?"

"Go to Yuxu Peak, Qin Xian will preach there tomorrow at twelve o'clock!"

"Oh my God, Qin Xian preaches! Wait for me, I'll go buy a ticket with you!"

In the entire big man, countless people either flew, or took the train, bus, or even self-driving, and rushed towards Yuxu Peak.

If at this moment, the satellite can take a panoramic view of Dahan.

You will find that the whole big man is all because of Qin Hao's scarf.

Crazy into a stream of cars, crowds, rushing towards Yuxu Peak.

That scene is even more popular than the Spring Festival travel of Dahan! Airports, passenger stations, and railway stations in various cities are even more immediate.

Increase the frequency of going to Xihai Road City! When the big man is crazy.

The networks of other countries also exploded directly.


Qin Xian is going to preach at Yuxu Peak tomorrow, let's go and see it!"

"What does it mean to preach"

"I don't know exactly what it means, but it must be beneficial anyway!"

"Even if it's not good, it's fine to simply go to see Qin Xian and admire Qin Xian's true appearance!"

When people from all over the world are talking frantically on the Internet.

There was also a large wave of people, madly rushing to the airport and buying tickets to Dahan.

Even if some people couldn't buy tickets to Xihai Province, they all bought tickets to neighboring Xihai Province.

at the same time.

For example, Ma Yun and other bigwigs also dropped their hands after receiving the news: all things, get on a special plane and rush to Yuxu Peak.

Qin Hao wears a scarf.

It didn't even say what benefit his preaching would bring to the people and to whom he would benefit.

attracted countless people all over the world.

Coming towards Yuxu Peak! It shows how powerful Qin Hao's appeal is! And after receiving this news, officials from all over the world focused their attention on Yuxu Peak.

Even, there are many satellites of Wang Zhao,,,,,, have been detecting Yuxu Peak.

Closely observe the situation of Yuxu Peak.

So that it can be dealt with at any time! At the same time, the world's authoritative media, it is immediately.


Not only did they send their most popular reporters to the scene,

He even focused all the satellites he could mobilize on Yuxu Peak.

Once Qin Hao starts preaching, they will broadcast the whole thing live! On the afternoon of the day Qin Hao sent the scarf.

Someone was the first to arrive at the foot of Yuxu Peak.

After they arrived, they desperately sat at the foot of Yuxu Peak.

He looked up at the sky expectantly.

And that night, the foot of Yuxu Peak was already overcrowded.

It is conservatively estimated that there are tens of millions of people who have gathered there! At a glance, it is densely packed with people! Everyone waits, tomorrow, Qin Tian - preaching to the world! Please automatically subscribe to see the underlined novel download fly

Chapter 156 Today, Praise Huang Tingjing! (please subscribe)

the next day.

Yuxu Peak, and even the entire Kunlun Mountains.

That's even more overcrowded! Conservative estimates, there are tens of millions of people.

Gather there! And, there are many more.

From all over the world, from all over the world.

rush here.

"I'm so excited, I don't know what Qin Xian's sermon is for this time!"

"You said, is Qin Xian ready to teach us to cultivate immortals?"

"I don't dare to think about immortality. As long as I can hear Qin Xian's voice, see Qin Xian's true face, and if I can still absorb some of Qin Xian's immortal energy, I will be satisfied!"

"That's true, even if Qin Xian is an immortal, it is impossible to hand over the cultivation method easily, and it is better to teach it to so many people! Look around, there are still some foreigners!"

"Well, don't think about such a large-scale teaching and cultivation of immortals. If Qin Xian can establish a sect, we will all burn high incense!"

The Han people who arrived in Kunlun were discussing hotly there.

And what benefits will they bring to the people for Qin Hao's preaching this time?

Very curious! "Why haven't we arrived yet, we won't miss Qin Xian's sermons"

"No no ::, I've driven as fast as I can!"

"It's so frustrating. I already said that I would go out last night, but you have to delay it until this morning!"

6 On the way, people who have not yet reached Kunlun Mountain.

It is anxious.

Fear of missing Qin Hao's sermon.

As for the world media live room.

It started live streaming early.

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