"Sister, why don't I give you a full body massage?"

Gu Junqing said tentatively.

Yu Ying's head was stuffed on the quilt and pillow, and her blue silk was scattered to cover most of her fair and delicate jade back.

On the soft mattress, Yu Ying was lying on her stomach with only women's close-fitting clothes, and she had the attractive curves that are enough to seduce most men, mature-women's unique.

Gu Junqing's eyes moved up from the soles of his feet. First of all, it was a pair of white jade feet. The feet were round and perfect in shape. The bare feet were also full of hands. They were delicate and lovely. The toes were slightly curled, exquisite and small, and their fair and smooth appearance was like the top in the world. of jade.

People like Gu Junqing who have no special hobbies can't help but want to play with them in their hands.

Gu Junqing sighed a little, this scene was seen by Yu Miaoku, and there would be a problem if there was no misunderstanding.

So it's correct to say just in case, otherwise, if Yu Miaokui saw it, Gu Junqing couldn't explain it clearly.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Yu Ying put her head on the pillow, her voice muffled.

"I don't have a needle." Gu Junqing said a little embarrassedly.

Only the golden hoop stick can not be used as a medical tool except for itching.


Yu Ying raised her head in surprise, turned her body slightly to Gu Junqing's side, and let her hair loose to one side, so that he could clearly see the red tulle ribbon on his back and the half-exposed snow-capped mountains.

When I went out, I calculated a hexagram for myself, and what the hexagram showed was correct. Gu Junqing muttered in his heart.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and they were silent in their hearts.

"Aren't you a doctor? Go out without tools?"

"I've taken off my clothes, are you telling me this?" Yu Ying said speechlessly.

However, she quickly noticed Gu Junqing's eyes, and there was some interest in her heart, and she couldn't help but want to tease Gu Junqing.

She is not a girl anymore, she is more open to this kind of thing than a girl, not to mention that Gu Junqing is so handsome, so she does not suffer.

Sure enough, appearance determines everything. Gu Junqing feels that he has made the charm value so high, and he really has foresight.

Young and old take everything, no matter whether the status is high or low, they can all be influenced by Gu Junqing.

"Then why don't I help my sister wear it back?" Gu Junqing blinked.

"Really? I think the only two underwear I have left, um~... will be taken off by your stinky brother." Yu Ying tugged her hair charmingly, so that Gu Junqing could observe it with the naked eye. more areas

This half-covered demeanor will be more attractive.

When Gu Junqing was driving with her just now, Yu Ying knew that the person in front of her was definitely not a serious person.

She doesn't believe it anymore, she can't let Gu Junqing lose his temper, and she doesn't care that much about whether she will stage the mother-in-law series of small movies.

"Sister, what are you talking about, how could my brother be such a person?"

Gu Junqing said with a slightly dissatisfied expression, who didn't know that Gu someone was a serious person!

"Really?" How could Yu Ying believe Gu Junqing's nonsense.

"But my sister still has to wear it herself."

Yu Ying ignored Gu Junqing's desire to help, and gave Gu Junqing a blank look.

He stretched out his little hand and picked up the silk pajamas next to him. He didn't care about Gu Junqing's eyes, he just lifted it up a few times and covered himself, and turned around to get out of bed.

A pair of slender, jade-like legs turned enchantingly, and the beautiful and petite lotus feet lightly stepped on the carpet covered with floor heating, walking towards the dressing table beside.

Gu Junqing just watched silently without much movement.

It's not that Gu Junqing doesn't want to, but that he feels something is wrong.

No matter how hungry you are, you can't be so open to your prospective son-in-law?

Moreover, Yu Ying's favorability level has not reached the level of admiration and above, and it is still maintained at the stage of 30-40.

At most, he just had some appreciation for Gu Junqing.

It is impossible to be like those female protagonists with 70 and 80 favorability, even if they look at the body, it doesn't matter.

this is not

"Little Gu, I've actually been testing you all night."

Yu Ying opened her mouth with a confused look.

"Try me?" Gu Junqing was a little puzzled on the surface, but his heart didn't fluctuate, and he was as steady as an old dog.

"Because your status is too noble, I'm really afraid that Miao Ai will be deceived by you." Yu Ying said.

Without waiting for Gu Junqing to speak, Yu Ying looked at herself in the mirror and slowly began to narrate.

"This child has no father's love since she was a child, and I am busy making money, and I don't have much time to care about her, so she is actually a child who lacks love."

"Then why didn't my sister find a father for Miaoyu?"

For example, I can be a husband and a father, and I can usually talk about it. Gu Junqing muttered in his heart.

However, according to the age at that time, Gu Junqing was still a cell.

"It's not what I want to rely on other people's life, and I have inherited my beautiful appearance. What if I encounter a bad stepfather?" Yu Ying explained.

Gu Junqing knew that, after all, he was an orphan and a widowed mother, and it was normal to be afraid that another would treat his daughter badly.

"So I'm afraid that you are just greedy for Miaoyu's body, and you just used rhetoric to deceive Miaoyu."

"If it wasn't for the fact that you had no intention of attacking me just now, and you didn't look like a lustful person, I would almost suspect that you deliberately let that high school director prescribe medicine, and then you appear as a hero to save the beauty."

Yu Ying expressed her doubts. After all, a dignified prince in Luodu fell in love with his daughter, and everyone would be worried.

Although her daughter looks extremely beautiful, she is much prettier.

Or maybe this young master Gu has a habit of liking the profession of a teacher?

While combing her hair, Yu Ying glanced at Gu Junqing with suspicion in her eyes.

"Sister, if you have these questions, you can actually ask Miaoyu when she wakes up."

Gu Junqing was helpless, the suspicion of the expectant mother-in-law was too serious.

In order to confirm Gu Junqing's character, she is willing to take risks, and she is indeed a good mother.

But the price is slightly higher.

"Didn't she be taken to the room by you as soon as she came back, did...do that kind of thing?" Yu Ying glared at Gu Junqing with a blushing face and didn't continue.

Gu Junqing was a little embarrassed, saying that, he was indeed a little suspicious.

How could it be the first time I went to my mother-in-law's house and dragged someone else's daughter to do that kind of thing that I love to do, and did it all night.

"So don't blame elder sister." Yu Ying was a little apologetic, after all, she always had a skeptical attitude towards Gu Junqing from beginning to end.

"Of course not." Gu Junqing replied with a smile.

Cough, isn't it always me taking advantage of it?

"Don't worry, sister, I will take care of you two in the future." Gu Junqing said suddenly.

He will uphold Cao Cao's legacy, your mother and daughter, and I will support them.

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