"Does it look good? Do you still want to touch it?"

Yu Ying's tone is sultry, with a smile that is not a smile. Her legs stretch out from the red gauze nightgown, and her long, well-proportioned legs are exposed, overlapping each other and gently rubbing, even the beautiful lotus feet are silent. It was enchanting, like a feather fluttering at the tip of Gu Junqing's heart, tickling people's hearts.

Gu Junqing almost sucked in a breath, who can resist this temptation?

"Cough, it's not impossible to touch it."

Gu Junqing coughed lightly and said with dignity.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like women. I just want to see how the friction coefficient on my sister's legs is too smooth. I'm just a Taoist priest devoted to science."

In fact, it is not wrong to say that the priest is not wrong. After all, he is under the tutelage of Yu Miaowei, and now there is a new sect, Xuanmiao Sect.

"Bah, it's almost the same as the Taoist priest."

Yu Ying spat, gave Gu Junqing a shy and angry look, and retracted her leg.

She felt the cold hairs on her body stand up.

"Xiao Gu, you really can't look like a person. She has a long appearance, and is very handsome. How can I talk like I don't have a door. Can you flirt with me too?"

In fact, Gu Junqing can't help it. The heroine who pursues the girl type may only need to be handsome, and the heroine who pursues the sister-in-law type cannot only be handsome.

And more golden mouth sweet body stick.

Duojinzuitian is easy to understand, and the best standard for a good body is Seven Nights, just don't get out of bed~

"What are you talking about, sister, sister is still very young, don't tell yourself that you are old." Gu Junqing said.

Gu Junqing is well aware of the complaints of some sister-level women, such as the elder sister is long, the elder sister is short, and the elder sister is wet.

However, he will

Yu Ying was a little funny, "Let's not say age, you can't even be your identity."

When Yu Ying said this, she suddenly remembered that there was a mother-in-law series in the resources on Yufeng's computer in the afternoon, and she was embarrassed to go on.

"Sister won't really think that I have any thoughts about my sister."

Gu Junqing suddenly smiled helplessly, and his expression became serious.

"Actually, I just want to see a doctor for my sister."

"see a doctor?"

Yu Ying was stunned for a moment.

Although Gu Junqing really wanted to be the kind of person who would be a groom every day, change brides every night, and be a mother-in-law all over the country, he still had some basic moral values. But men don't bother, unless Heshen is not greedy.

"Yes, does my sister often feel that her body will suddenly appear edema from time to time, and her menstrual period is also extremely irregular."

"And now I can even feel abdominal pain and even cramps, and my sister's mood changes will be very big, and sometimes she will suddenly become restless."

A golden light flashed in Gu Junqing's eyes, and with his divine medical skills, he could see the flow of meridians and blood vessels in Yu Ying's body, and he looked at the problems of her body.

"How do you know, do you really know medicine?"

Yu Ying was a little surprised, isn't this person in front of him the son of a big family like the Gu family? Why did he suddenly become a magician again?

"Of course, even Miaoyu, I have given her regular injections."

Gu Junqing nodded with a serious nod, his eyes were sincere, and he couldn't remember the scenes of the injection with Yu Miaowei. He sincerely felt that the patient was a little noisy, and occasionally refused his injection like a child, but who would let him do it? His needles are different from ordinary needles.

That's a needle that can be turned into a wishful gold hoop, as big as it gets, as long as it grows!

"Why did Miao Wei never tell me about her illness?"

Yu Ying was a little suspicious, a pair of beautiful eyes kept flowing on Gu Junqing's face, trying to find a flaw in lying.

However, as long as Gu Junqing doesn't want to, no one can find flaws in him.

If he wants to convince others, he should be the first to convince himself. Even if he believes his own nonsense, how can others not believe it?

"I guess it's because Miaoyu doesn't want you to worry. Miaoyu doesn't even want to tell you about being drugged so badly, let alone some minor illnesses?"

Itching should be considered a kind of disease, so Gu Junqing did not lie.

Yu Miaokui was treated by Gu Junqing for itching, isn't it a cure?

"Yeah, that kid doesn't tell me anything."

After Yu Ying muttered to herself, she said solemnly, "Is my illness serious?"

She looked at Gu Junqing with a frown, so she was a little worried.

I'm not afraid of Western medicine smiling, but I'm afraid that the old Chinese medicine has low eyebrows.

"Sit down and talk to my sister."

Yu Ying took Gu Junqing's arm, pulled him to her side, leaned on him tightly, and asked carefully.

You can see the symptoms on her body at a glance, and it can also be seen from Gu Junqing's extraordinary medical skills, and looking at Gu Junqing's face, he is not a very liar.

She still didn't believe that she couldn't handle a man so much smaller than her, and even such a small man couldn't see through whether he was lying.

Then she has eaten for nothing in the past few decades.

To her, Gu Junqing is indeed a little brother.

What a shame. Breasts made Gu Junqing a little furious.

Cough, I understand everything, if I don't understand skip it.

"Actually, it's not too serious to say it's serious, it's just that some are intractable."

Gu Junqing's eyes were a little embarrassed.

"What's intractable? As long as it can be cured!"

Yu Ying breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that Gu Junqing said she could be treated.

"Cough, in fact, my sister just needs to look for it."

Gu Junqing looked embarrassed, as if it was a little embarrassing to tell Yu Ying about this.

"What are you looking for? Are you talking?" Yu Ying couldn't help but get anxious.

"Just find a guy who has **** regularly."

Gu Junqing's words surprised Yu Ying for a moment and said hesitantly.

"Did the younger brother really not lie to the elder sister?"

"Really not." Gu Junqing said firmly.

In fact, Gu Junqing did not deceive Yu Miaoyu here. Traditional Chinese medicine has a theory of yin and yang since ancient times.

Long-term absence of male contact is naturally prone to yin and yang imbalance, resulting in symptoms. In Western medicine, it can also be explained as a decrease in the secretion of estrogen, resulting in symptoms of endocrine disorders in women, and endocrine disorders in women are more harmful.

"But where did my sister find a man for you to have **** with?"

Yu Ying let go of Gu Junqing's arm, and her voice became louder. .

Gu Junqing couldn't help but feel a little regretful when the moment of bearing the burden of **** came to an end.

Yu Ying's body and face and posture are indeed top-notch, and there is no middle-aged skin sagging.

Not only was her skin tight like a 20-year-old girl, but Gu Junqing, whose skin was fair and tender, doubted that she could squeeze water out of it.

"Sister be quiet, don't speak so loudly."

Gu Junqing said helplessly, those who heard and knew thought that Gu Junqing was treating a disease, and those who did not know thought that Gu Junqing was filming.

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