Yu Feng was a little disdainful. There were a dozen or so security guards surrounding him, so what if it was twice as many?

"I've been through the hail of bullets, let alone a dozen people here? Are you looking down on me?"

Five years ago in the Central South region, he was hunted down by an armed force of a thousand people.

Two years ago, in Xizhou, he was besieged by a black force that controlled the drug business in many parts of the world. In the end, he single-handedly, the eldest and the younger brother did not leak, and destroyed this black force.

Three months ago, under the live broadcast of hundreds of millions of people, they broke into the place of negotiation, and the leaders of the Eagle Country were killed by him in a much-anticipated environment.

A month ago, in the Eagle Country, he was ambushed by ten of the world's top killers. In the end, he violently shot, and all the top ten killers were killed by his guns. He even dispatched the army to encircle and suppress him in the Eagle Country. to Xia.

It is these experiences that make Yu Feng look down on the battle of only a dozen security guards. Compared with his experience, these are not worth mentioning.

It's a good touchstone for him, and that's what he wants.

If he didn't shock everyone's attention at first, how could he have a position in the company, and how could he impress the female president Lin Qingxian with admiration.

So in fact, from the very beginning, he had planned to make some trouble in the company. Anyway, he had the help of Ye Qingxian's father behind him.

The consequences of the fight are far from the benefits. He wants to become famous in one battle, so that everyone can take a good look at his ability.

Otherwise, with his experience, it is impossible to be so arrogant.

If he was really just a mindless and reckless man, it is estimated that he would have died in his mercenary career abroad.

It is not bad to be able to survive as a mercenary abroad, not to mention that he is still prosperous. With the title of King of Soldiers, how could he be a fool who pretends to be a force.

"Hey, boy, go out by yourself. If you want to make trouble, don't look at where this place is. We don't want to do anything."

It has been 1202 years since a leading security guard came out. How can there still be such a pretence to make trouble.

"Why should I go out? I'm the captain of the security hired by your father, Ye Dong. You guys are not even dare to fight, why are you security guards?"

Yu Feng ignored his words.

He is the captain of the security guards, and he will be in charge of these security guards in the future. Now, take care of them well, and I am not afraid that they will not be obedient in the future.

He has always advocated convincing people by force, and the truth is punched out one by one.

"And if you can't even drive out the troublemakers, you **** should go home and hold the children."

Yu Feng was a little impatient. Xia Guo was fine with everything, but he was too polite. If he was abroad, he would have taken out his gun and started to chug if he dared to provoke others like this.

"Chong, brothers, even if the salary is confiscated, I will beat this dog. My mother-in-law."

A security guard couldn't bear the humiliation and cursed angrily.

In fact, those who can be security guards in big companies will naturally not choose to offend people easily. They also don't know which character who is not well dressed is actually a big boss.

Therefore, they did not dare to offend people easily.

But the man in front of him not only had such an arrogant attitude, but also insulted others.

Even if he is really their new boss, they don't care, just beat him first.

Yu Feng licked his lips with a cruel look in his eyes. The last fight was with the mysterious man in black, but he still couldn't beat the man in black.

This time, I can abuse the food again to find the feeling.

Just as the two sides were arguing and were about to fight, a voice sounded like a cold spring.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Qingxian raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes were a little cold, and her expression was a little angry.

When I came to the company early in the morning, I saw a man surrounded by security guards at home, and it seemed that there was a tendency to want to fight.

If this is seen by the company's customers, the image of the entire company will be damaged, and the losses will have to be borne by her alone.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxian became even more angry.

"Hello, Dong Ye."

"Hello Director Ye."

The employees of the company who were watching the excitement saw Ye Qingxian coming, and they quickly said hello, and did not dare to stay and go back to their jobs.

This Ye Dong is not a person who is easy to negotiate, and he is meticulous about his work.

If you don't go back in time during work hours, and you dare to watch the fun here, it is estimated that it will be difficult to keep your job.

Yu Feng looked at Ye Qingxian, her eyes instantly straightened, she had black waist-length hair, and a pair of unusually beautiful eyes. Although her eyes were full of indifference, it did not affect her beauty in the slightest. Ruxue's face didn't have a trace of smile, it was cold and arrogant, her emotions were indistinguishable, but she could not open her eyes like she was lost.

Wearing black and white, she looks capable and elegant, and at first glance she looks like a business elite.

Exposing a pair of delicate collarbone, the temperament and style of the whole person tend to be sharp and domineering, and there is a feeling of cold, arrogant and domineering female president.

"Ye Dong, he said that he was here to apply for the position of security captain, and he also said that he was introduced by your father, and we asked him to show proof, but he not only did not listen to him, but also had an extremely arrogant attitude, so we are going to take him Get out."

The security guards headed up to take responsibility.

"What's your name?"

Ye Qingxian frowned.

"My name is Yu Feng. I'm here to be the security captain to protect you. Uncle Ye should have told you."

Yu Feng aggressively said that what this kind of girl needs is the conquest of a man. If she can conquer this kind of woman, the sense of achievement it brings is simply unparalleled.

This man's tone didn't feel like he came to be the captain of the security, but rather like he came to be the domineering president.

The people who noticed this scene secretly complained in their hearts. This tone was too arrogant, and it felt like they were ordering people.

Her good father really gave her a good talent, and even such a person can give him a good vision?

Ye Qingxian frowned in disgust, but remembering what her father said, it would be too much for him to worry about his own affairs. Ye Qingxian still planned to let him do it for a while.

"Since it's because I didn't notify and there was a misunderstanding, this matter is over, but your actions have harmed the company's interests. Now that your monthly salary is deducted, you can work here for nothing."

Ye Qingxian thought about it for a while and then ordered.

If he doesn't want to, it's best to leave by himself, so that she can explain to Ye Hongbo.

After Ye Qingxian finished speaking, she gestured to the female assistant next to her, and the female assistant understood.

"Don't gather here any more, let it go."

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