Hepburn looked at Gu Junqing tearfully, moved by the future in his mouth.

"I'm so stupid, I still can't remember what happened before us."

Hepburn was a little annoyed, she didn't know how to respond to Gu Junqing's affection, and she was a little scared.

"It's alright, take your time, and treat everything all over again."

If I could do it all over again, I would choose Li Bai~

Gu Junqing held Hepburn's slender hand sincerely, with gentle eyes, but inexplicably began to hum a song in his heart.

"Then you lie down and sleep for a while, take a good rest, and I'll come to you next time."

Gu Junqing soothed Hepburn's head, stroked her cheek, and let her fall asleep slowly.

After watching her fall asleep, Gu Junqing stood up with a smile and walked out.

After Gu Junqing left, Hepburn opened her eyes again. She didn't know whether she should believe this man. There was such a coincidence, and it wasn't writing a novel. , After searching for a long time, I found the result that my fiancee lost her memory.

And although Hepburn lost his memory, like a piece of black paper that has been washed white, there are always some instincts that still remain in the heart and body.

As a former mercenary assistant, the vigilance in his heart can be imagined.

In fact, she was also acting a little in front of her. She instinctively told her that this man named Gu Junqing was not that simple.

However, she was still moved by the past and future described by Gu Junqing.

"Head hurts."

Hepburn desperately wanted to recall the past, but there was no way, leaving only a headache.

As soon as I woke up, I lived in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, and I could imagine the fear in my heart.

Gu Junqing had a brooding look on his face. He knew that it was not so easy to get into a girl's heart. He might be able to gain trust based on his appearance, but some of his words still couldn't stand scrutiny.

"It's really hard to lie to a girl, but fortunately I treat every woman with sincerity and never lie."

Gu Junqing sighed with some emotion.

"Master, the woman inside has lost her memory. It's hard to ask for any information. Why keep her?"

Gu Ming didn't answer, and his young master never left useless people.

"I can't explain anything to you, but this woman has other uses."

"I also remember to be a little more respectful when I ask the little nurse to apply medicine. She hasn't fully trusted me yet, so she still has to do it."

Gu Junqing ordered.

He couldn't explain the protagonist's halo or something, but if Hepburn was allowed to see the soldier king, Gu Junqing was 80% sure that she would be able to recover her memory.

And no matter how Hepburn is also a great beauty, it can't be called useless.

When Gu Junqing treated her, he had already discovered that the girl named Hepburn was still an unmanned woman.

Although Gu Junqing is not afraid of meat and vegetables, he is willing to feed the tiger with his own body.

However, being ridden by the protagonist for thousands of years, Gu Junqing felt that there was no need to stay in the world. Such women are generally very loyal to the protagonist, and it is difficult to betray.

Gu Junqing's primary purpose is to scour the wool and plunder the protagonist's luck.

This kind of woman can't pick up the wool, and she will even deal with Gu Junqing in turn, so Gu Junqing will not say much, he is not a soft-hearted person.


Gu Ming nodded, and he naturally had to obey his young master's orders.


On the other side, the Ye family, one of the four major families.

Ye Hongbo, the head of the Ye family, chatted with his daughter, Ye Qingxian.

"Xian'er, do you still like Gu Junqing now?"

Ye Hongbo, who has always been majestic in front of outsiders and clansmen, said cautiously and tentatively.

After Ye Qingxian heard Gu Junqing's name, her icy eyes instantly became complicated.

"I don't like it anymore."

Their four major families have always been in the same spirit, and although there will be occasional small frictions, on the whole they are still developing harmoniously.

She is several years older than Gu Junqing, so she likes to take care of Gu Junqing's younger brother since she was a child. When things happen, she protects him like a sister, and likes to play with him.

In fact, it's mainly because Gu Junqing's younger brother is better-looking, and what he knows when he is a child, he knows what looks like.

So at the age when she was in love, she naturally fell in love with Gu Junqing, her childhood sweetheart.

But later, that guy Gu Junqing refused her confession because of an ordinary woman, which made her mentality explode. From then on, Ye Qingxian and Gu Junqing were at odds with each other.

Only her father, Ye Hongbo, knew about this matter.

So Ye Hongbo could only tentatively say Gu Junqing's name, for fear of angering his precious daughter.

He was also very angry about it. His precious daughter was good-looking and had a good temper. Why didn't Gu Junqing like it.

But seeing that his daughter has gradually grown up, his temperament has become more and more cold, and he has even been in charge of a company by himself, but he still has not found a boyfriend, so he has some concerns.

"Daughter, do you have any idea of ​​finding a boyfriend?"

Ye Hongbo said tentatively that he was old and wanted to hold on to his grandson.


Ye Qingxian said coldly, since she was rejected by Gu Junqing a few years ago, she felt that she would simply die alone, and her expression became colder and colder, and she was unwilling to contact other men.

"But, I heard that you were harassed again yesterday?"

Ye Hongbo said with a gloomy face, although that person has been dealt with by him, there is still a thorn in his heart.

"But it's just a little thief, I haven't even met anyone."

Ye Qingxian shook her head, indicating that she was not hurt.

"But you still need a reliable person to protect you. Well, I just found someone for you, and I will be your bodyguard in the future."

Ye Hongbo said in consultation.

"I don't need a bodyguard, and he doesn't necessarily beat me."

Ye Qingxian frowned, her father likes to meddle in his own business.

Ye Hongbo laughed, "Daughter, with your three-legged cat kung fu, you haven't reached the black section of Taekwondo yet, but others have been kings of soldiers."

"And his parents used to work under me. I saw him when I was a child. Although he has been abroad for a long time, I know him well, so you don't have to worry about the character of others."

In fact, he still has some little Jiujiu in his heart. Since his daughter doesn't like Gu Junqing's eyeless junior, then he naturally has some chances for this soldier king.

He just wanted to use the name of the bodyguard so that they could contact each other and have feelings for each other.

As for the character of that kid Yu Feng, after seeing him, he was still somewhat satisfied.

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