"I must be floating."

Gu Junqing thought to himself, how dare he call another fish in front of one fish.

It seems that there is too much **** life recently.

Gu Junqing was a little remorseful now, sighed and walked out of the door, planning to coax Shi Hanyan first.

Too many girlfriends is also a trouble, um, sweet trouble.

When he walked out of the room and saw that Shi Hanyan was not there, Lin Qingzhu's bright eyes were looking curiously.

Gu Junqing looked at Lin Qingzhu a little. Today, she was wearing an aqua blue jacket with a fluffy white sweater inside. It was unusually fresh and attractive, and the dress was also extremely delicate. The slight bulge that has begun to develop is like a flower bone that is budding, and the future has infinite beauty and splendor.

It looks like a fruit that is not fully ripe yet, it looks crystal clear, but it tastes extremely green.

A bit sour, can't taste it.

Gu Junqing looked for Shi Hanyan's figure and secretly commented in his heart.

"Brother Junqing, tell you to make Sister Hanyan angry."

Lin Qingzhu was a little gloating about the misfortune. She was just rinsing her mouth when she saw Shi Hanyan rushing out of Gu Junqing's room.

Turning his eyes, isn't this a great opportunity to occupy Gu Junqing one by one?

"Brother Junqing, it's alright. Sister Hanyan will not be angry after a while, and we haven't played together for a long time."

Lin Qingzhu's eyes were sparkling, and she was a little bit overjoyed.

"Don't make trouble, your sister Hanyan is really angry this time."

Gu Junqing patted Lin Qingzhu's head.

"Well, tell me where Sister Hanyan is, and I'll call your idol to play with you."

Gu Junqing seduced.

It just so happened that he also wanted to brush up on Su Anran's favorability, so as not to be preempted by the male protagonist of the novel.

Although he had already arranged a house for Su Anran and had his film and television company sign her, he still had to be just in case.

He knew that Su Anran had some good feelings for Luo Bei at the beginning. As long as Gu Junqing's favorability in the heroine's heart was not over 50, that is, the level of admiration, Gu Junqing was not at ease.

The average man only has two feet and can only pedal two boats at most, while the scumbag can pedal three boats.

Gu Junqing is different. Although he has not calculated carefully, he has seven or eight boats.

Every toe treads a boat.

This is fraternity, what a great love.

Ander has thousands of ships, and the heroines of the world are all happy.

Gu Junqing smiled, thinking about how to seduce more female protagonists.

Sure enough, he is a representative figure of beasts in clothes.

"Well, sister Shi just went to Bai Yue's cage. I guess she took Bai Yue for a walk."

Lin Qingzhu weighed the pros and cons, although she knew that this was a good opportunity to get along with Gu Junqing, but Shi Hanyan also needed Gu Junqing's comfort.

Shi Hanyan has a very good temper. She usually angers Shi Hanyan, and Shi Hanyan will forgive her, but this time, she is so angry, obviously Gu Junqing has done something bad. So this time, she will leave brother Junqing to her for a while.

Lin Qingzhu felt that her heart was too kind, and she didn't have the vicious heart that she had just watched The Legend of Zhen Huan.

It makes Lin Qingzhu a little worried, if brother Jun Qing's future girlfriend has such a woman, she will be finished.

"No, I still need to study Zhen Huan's biography."

Lin Qingzhu encouraged herself a bit, and went back to her room to watch the TV series.

Gu Junqing, who had not gone far, moved his ears, the Legend of Zhen Huan?

As soon as I heard it, it was the son of luck who crossed the stream.

It's really a scholar's business, how can it be called stealing?

Gu Junqing smiled and didn't care too much, but, since that's the case, he can follow the example of Son of Luck.

If it's just shameless, who can be called invincible, and who dares to say no?

After a while, Gu Junqing saw that Shi Hanyan was untying the rope for the big tiger Bai Yue.

Bai Yue's recent food is much better than in the mountains, so it is too lazy to move now. No one takes it for a walk, so it hibernates like a house tiger.

Gu Junqing had never heard of tigers going to hibernate, so he wanted to send someone to yo.

Otherwise, he couldn't tell whether it was a tiger or a pig.

Also, although Bai Yue has a good understanding of human nature, she will not let her hold her when she encounters other servants who want to hold her. Only the two heroines, Shi Hanyan and Lin Qingzhu, are willing to contact her.

Therefore, the picture of two little girls holding a tiger often appears in the Gu family's manor, making everyone who sees it a little frightened.

However, Bai Yue won't hurt them. The first reason is that it was controlled by Gu Junqing's beast-fighting technique, and the second reason is that it can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

"Han Yan, take Bai Yue for a walk."

Gu Junqing blinked, pretending that nothing happened.

"Yeah, what can compare to the beauty of Young Master Gu, who is busy with affairs."

Shi Hanyan turned her back to Gu Junqing to clean up Bai Yue's rope. Although she tried her best to cover it up, Gu Junqing could still hear something strange about Shi Hanyan.

Really jealous. Gu Junqing thought to himself.

Gu Junqing stepped forward and picked up Shi Hanyan's waist and turned Shi Hanyan around. Sure enough, Shi Hanyan opened her round eyes with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you still crying? This makes me feel very distressed."

Gu Junqing raised his palm and gently wiped away the tears for Shi Hanyan.

"Really, doesn't Mr. Gu have another woman in his heart? He is flirting with me in front of me."

Shi Hanyan put her head aside and did not look at Gu Junqing.

She was afraid that just by looking at Gu Junqing, she couldn't help but forgive Gu Junqing.

"That's my senior sister. It's normal to talk a little more intimately, and my heart is full of you."

Gu Junqing put Shi Hanyan's palm on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

Such an action gave Shi Hanyan a little comfort and was no longer so sad.

She was sad that Gu Junqing could talk to any woman, but he rarely talked to her.

So after all, an emotion called jealousy broke out, so I thought about going out to relax.

The sourness and jealousy made her a little unaware of herself, and she didn't want to let herself be wrapped in this emotion.

"Hanyan, don't worry that I will leave you. God knows that I lack love, that's why I have you."

"So how could I leave you all, you are my most beloved baby."

"If there's a deadline to add to this, I hope it's forever."

Gu Junqing whispered love words, Shi Hanyan's attitude has gradually softened, nesting in Gu Junqing's broad and fiery mind.

Gu Junqing blinked and got one.

"Hmph, I don't believe you. Big bad guys only bully others."

Shi Hanyan felt a little girlish, which made Gu Junqing very happy.

Because he knew that this matter was over, anyway, the girl's words were always right.

PS. So if a reader's girlfriend asks you to stay for the night, don't say yes. (manual dog head)

[Ding, because of the host's shamelessness and ability to tell lies, the system is moved, with the demeanor of a big villain, special reward of 2000 villain points]

? ?

The system is insulting my reputation. Who doesn't know that Gu Junqing is an upright gentleman? I can sue you for defamation!

Gu Junqing hugged Shi Hanyan's small head and condemned the system in his heart. If there was a complaint function, Gu Junqing would give a bad review.

And Bai Yue, who was lying on the ground with a circle of meat, licked his paws, and wanted to roll his eyes very humanely.

Tiger life is difficult, how can you feed tiger dog food.

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