Although Wang Wu and the others only insulted Murong Wan and the others with words, in Gu Junqing's view, this was also a challenge to him.

For those who provoke him, Gu Junqing will not let them go as mercifully as the protagonist.

He doesn't need to pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger, and he doesn't need to feel wronged.

In his previous life, Gu Junqing saw that the protagonists who were obviously very capable would also be made difficult and looked down upon by some small people, and he was angry when he thought about it.

However, Gu Junqing did it himself, which is obviously not in line with his own identity.

Now that the whole venue has been discovered, there are more and more people watching the excitement.

All pointing around.

Gu Junqing thought for a while, and waved at the younger brother Wang Wu who was standing in the distance.

Those little brothers came over with some trepidation.

"You beat your boss, and I won't pursue your problems."

After Gu Junqing finished speaking, he looked at them quietly. Although there was no expression on his face, he could see the threatening meaning.

The younger brothers looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

They can't provoke the man in front of them, but they can't provoke their boss either.

Both sides are great gods, and neither of them can afford to offend them.

"Come to fight."

Wang Wu gritted his teeth and said, Gu Junqing is too scary and unfathomable, even if he is also the son of the four major families, he can't see through him.

Usually he has heard some of Gu Junqing's deeds, but it is undoubtedly the words of Guangfeng Jiyue.

Either donating money, donating resources, or doing some other charity, the reputation of good people and good deeds is also circulating in the circle of Luodu.

Coupled with a good background, good looks, and most importantly, good grades.

And because of the spread of online media, almost all students in Luodu have heard about Gu Junqing's deeds more or less.

Many young people are regarded as idols and beliefs.

call it God.

But he now sees that Gu Junqing is clearly not that kind of person.

He just teased his girlfriend, and Gu Junqing even had to clean up his own family.

Wang Wu was about to die of grievance.

"Come here and hit me hard. Whoever doesn't hit me thinks about the consequences for themselves."

Wang Wu vented his emotions, closed his eyes, and let his group of younger brothers beat him severely, otherwise it would not be enough to vent the grief and anger in his heart.

The younger brother was still a little hesitant, but when he heard that Wang Wu still had such a need, he let go of the fear in his heart.

One person took the lead, and everyone followed.

He stepped forward and punched Wang Wu everywhere.

Not one by one.

Well, there is no brotherhood, only personal grudges.

In fact, they were unhappy with following Wang Wu every day. This time Wang Wu himself asked to beat him, just to vent his emotions.

One hit is more enjoyable than the other.

"You fat pig, you dare to order Lao Tzu."

"Forget about killing you fat pig."

Wang Wu was about to be beaten and cried, and he had never suffered such grievances before.

When he fell to the ground, there were still people doing it, and there were some scolding voices, and he couldn't tell who it was.

He also thought that his younger brothers would take the shots lightly, but he didn't expect them to hit so hard.


Wang Wu tore off the clothes that had been put on his head, and when he lifted the clothes, he found that there was a foot in front of him that had not been kicked off.

It was the man with glasses who came up with ideas next to Wang Wu at the beginning.

The man with glasses raised his feet a little embarrassedly.

"Brother, do you think my shoes look good?"

"Glasses, you dare to beat the boss!"

The younger brother next to him who had already finished fighting, shouted loyally when he saw this scene.

Wang Wu turned his head to look around, but did not find Gu Junqing in his sight, obviously Gu Junqing had already left.

Some fat pig faces with bruised noses and swollen faces became more and more gloomy.

It seems that these little brothers are avenging their personal revenge, which is really good.

"Boss, you won't be mad at us, will you?"

"Of course not, I asked for it myself, how could I blame you."

Wang Wu's kind expression made all the younger brothers put down their apprehensions, and accidentally shot him too much. Gu Junqing walked away in front of them, and they didn't stop this good opportunity to beat him.

Gu Junqing saw how hard they were fighting, and left with a calm expression.

His business has been instructed and there is no need to stay.

As for Wang Wu's younger brother's safety, it has nothing to do with him.

He said that he would let Wang Wu's younger brother go, but if Wang Wu would let them go, Gu Junqing wouldn't care more.

Because Wang Wu, as the heir of the big family, how could he allow himself to accept the fact that he was beaten.

As if how could the emperor let go of a group of beggars who had beaten him?

Gu Junqing also deliberately asked Wang Wu's younger brother to beat Wang Wu instead of him. Wang Wu was not the only one who molested Murong Wan and the others, and his younger brothers also spoke badly.

Naturally, he wouldn't let them go so easily.

However, it is only for Wang Wu to do it. Gu Junqing does not believe that he has a big belly for someone who can betray his family just because of a few words.

Gu Junqing returned to the car, and the two little girls sat in a row obediently, like children who had caused trouble.



Gu Junqing wanted to laugh a little, but held it back and sighed deliberately to attract their attention.

"What's the matter, Jun Qing, nothing happened?"

Although he has always believed in Gu Junqing's ability and strength, the other party is also the young master of one of the four major families after all, so Gu Junqing logically has the same status as others.

Therefore, they are also very worried about whether Gu Junqing has anything to do.

"Yeah, did he make it difficult for you? Did that dead fat pig see you being easy to bully and bully you?"

Luo Ningyu said angrily, but the anxious look on his face was obviously very worried about whether Gu Junqing had paid any price.

After all, care is messy, and they don't know how strong Gu Junqing's ability is.

At most, they know that Gu Junqing's ability between the beds is first-class, after all, it is more than enough to fight against them both.

Gu Junqing was a little amused, how the two little girls didn't believe him.

Is it because I look good to bully?

"I'm just teasing you to see where you go."

Gu Junqing shook his head.

"I just think how can I better protect you in the future."

"After all, you two little fellows are so heartbreaking, and they are so attractive and attractive, I am thinking about how to protect you better, I really want to hide you from others. Find."

Gu Junqing said sincerely, making Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu blush, are they really as good as Gu Junqing said?

After all, every female protagonist is like a sweet pastry, which not only tempts the protagonist, but even some minor villains.

He, the big villain, has to protect the heroines well.

Give them a safe home.

Well, mistress, I want it all!

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