City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 193: "Traitor" Lin Qingzhu

"Heh, do you think I'll let your master go? Even if you're a waste, if it's not useful, I won't let you continue to exist."

Jiang Feiyu sneered, stepped forward and pinched Su Chen's chin with a cold expression.

This is what he has learned after being attacked one after another in the past few days. Since it is useless, there is no need to exist.

Su Chen didn't know what to say.

He thought that Jiang Feiyu was acting too hard every day, and he believed it himself.

He just couldn't get up again after being hit by a qi force just now, and now he is bragging about his master who won't let him go.

"Really? Is it based on your ability to be scared to move by Gu Junqing? Or is it based on your ability to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead after being hit by my master?"

"You're really a bat with feathers on it--what kind of bird are you."

Jiang Feiyu laughed angrily after hearing Su Chen's words.

"I originally wanted to keep you to enjoy later, but since you want to advance, then I will follow your wish."

After Jiang Feiyu finished speaking, he picked up the leather whip on the side, carried Su Chen and walked inside.

There were only a few fists hitting the face, "Quick! Give me Kangkang!"

"Brother Yu, don't!"


After Gu Junqing hung up the phone, he didn't pay attention to other things. He believed that Ji Zhuyue would not treat him like that.

One is because he believes that the system's favorability level has exceeded 50, and the other is that Ji Zhuyue will stand by his side no matter what happens, he is still a little confident.

Seeing people's hearts for a long time.

The sun has already reached his heart, how could he not know what Ji Zhuyue was thinking? Although it is from the mouth that way.

Gu Junqing patted Shi Hanyan who was still working hard and felt that she was working too hard.

Some are young, it is better to move by yourself.

Shi Hanyan glanced at Gu Junqing with hazy eyes, not knowing what he wanted to do by patting his head.

But she soon found out.

What does the turbulent feel like?

After the strong wind and rain, Shi Hanyan collapsed on the small bed in the room tired, she felt like she was about to bleed.

Where did she feel this feeling.

Gu Junqing is like a tireless old cow who has been working hard.

Doesn't he know that even artifacts have wear and tear? What's more, she is still a mortal body, even if she has a big chest, she can't stand Gu Junqing's wear and tear.

Where did Lin Qingzhu see this battle? After seeing Gu Junqing getting Shi Hanyan off the bed, he fled.

After all, she is inexperienced, but although she has never tried that feeling, she eats a lot.

"Hanyan, don't blame me, I'm not quite a deserter, but a cow from brother Junqing. I'm also a little scared."

Lin Qingzhu sold Shi Hanyan without any burden in his heart, and led Bai Yue out to walk around the Gu family's manor.

She feels that she is so majestic now, this is a tiger!

Shi Hanyan had tears in her eyes, her back to Gu Junqing with teary eyes, like a bullied little daughter-in-law.

Gu Junqing smiled bitterly.

"Since you know you can't provoke me, why do you want to provoke me?"

Gu Junqing stepped forward and embraced Shi Hanyan's round shoulders.

"Well, it's very moist."

Gu Junqing made a secret evaluation.

"Lin Qingzhu, that big liar, she lied to me that you will be able to solve it soon."

"She also said that where is the most comfortable place, just let Brother Junqing satisfy you. Woohoo┭┮﹏┭┮"

Shi Hanyan was crying a little. She was shy at first, but then tired.

One really dares to teach, and the other really dares to learn.

Even a seductive woman like Yue Jinlian dare not say that she will definitely make Gu Junqing willing to bow down, not to mention that she and Lin Qingzhu are little chickens who love to play chickens.

Don't you know it will peck people?

It's a tie to peck a person. After seeing the seam and inserting the needle, Gu Junqing will never deviate by one centimeter.

old acupuncture.

Gu Junqing was a little worried that Shi Hanyan would not leave any shadows in his heart in the future, such as fainting or something.

"Brother Junqing, you must let Lin Qingzhu have a taste of this too!"

Shi Hanyan turned around a little unwillingly, and said to Gu Junqing coquettishly with her watery eyes open.

Hmph, dare to lie to her, she also wants to let Lin Qingzhu have a good taste of this!

The taste of being hit by the sea all the time was cool at first, but it didn't work after that, and it was all red and glowing!

It's not that she doesn't want to change the way to satisfy Gu Junqing, but that her legs can't withstand too much impact. She is afraid that under the impact of Gu Junqing's sea, her small body will definitely fall apart, for sure!

So she can only use her upper body. She has racked her brains to learn some of the techniques of Gu Junqing's teaching, but she still can't keep herself intact.

Made myself a little hurt.

This made Shi Hanyan a little indignant at Lin Qingzhu's "teacher" who had defected. Why should her student stay here, and her "teacher" had already run out to have fun!

Gu Junqing just wanted to tut twice, these two little girls are too young.

That girl, Lin Qingzhu, still wanted to teach Shi Hanyan these things. When she was a junior teacher, it was a pity that Gu Junqing was not something they could surrender.

Lin Qingzhu himself didn't understand those skills. It seemed that he watched little movies less, and studied less with teachers. He had mastered all the nine skills, and knew nothing.

Gu Junqing touched his chin and pondered.

Like the girls in his previous life, it can be said that one is more dirty than the other, and they watch more small movies than the boys, but they hide one after another, and don't let others know about it.

Sometimes girls are more dirty than you think.

You thought you were driving on the high-speed, but you didn't know she was on the high-speed rail.

There are also some licking dogs, who have been licking the goddess they thought, but they did not know that the dense jungle they thought was actually covered with white dew every morning and evening.

However, Gu Junqing still likes Shi Hanyan quite a bit, and he can have **** in person.

One day he will be able to change some of their inherent ideas, such as crying when they kick **** when they are young, and then they will know how to change their actions when they kick ass.

"Okay, I'll take revenge for you."

Gu Junqing comforted Shi Hanyan for a while, and then stopped Shi Hanyan from sobbing softly and smiled again.

After finishing speaking, Gu Junqing patted Shi Hanyan's back, lightly pecked the tears on Shi Hanyan's face, and let her slowly fall asleep.

Although Gu Junqing was the leader in the back, the effect of force was mutual, and she was also very tired.

And sleeping in Gu Junqing's arms, smelling the good fragrance on his body, the sense of security is overwhelming.

After Shi Hanyan fell asleep, Gu Junqing got up and walked out of the room, refreshed.

Excessive demand will only make him sluggish, while the right amount of demand will increase his spirits.

Anyway, everyone knows it!

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