City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 171: Small scene, I still grasp it

Gu Junqing followed the four daughters into the restaurant. The servants he saw along the way lowered their heads and did not speak, but occasionally looked up at Gu Junqing with complicated eyes.

After all, any one of these four girls is alluring, beautiful and refined, but they all revolve around their own young masters, and some feel the charm of their own young masters.

However, as servants of the Gu family, they still know some rules, they don't dare to read more, and they do their own things silently.

Gu Junqing concealed his slight embarrassment with a smile.

Fortunately, he was at his own home. If he was walking on the street outside, he would probably be stared at by pedestrians on the road.

"Master, everything is arranged, the dishes will be served slowly."

After the four girls entered the restaurant, the old housekeeper standing at the door of the restaurant whispered to Gu Junqing.


Gu Junqing nodded and walked in.

I found that today's dining table has been replaced by the old butler with a long Western-style rectangular table.

Gu Junqing was a little surprised, after all, this kind of table is usually not used, and when there is a need to socialize, he always goes to his father's side.

I have always used a small round table in my home.

However, after everything was done, Gu Junqing understood the old butler's intentions.

Gu Junqing looked at the four women who were sitting separately, and thought about it. It is estimated that the old housekeeper was afraid that if the four women were to be a round table, the four women would compete for a position closer to him, which would lead to another situation in the Shura field.

So it was replaced with a large rectangular table, and everyone was not so close, so there was no need to fight.

"Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy."

Gu Junqing thought to himself.

Looking at the harmonious appearance of the four girls now, he was still very pleased.

As for such a day, even when more women join in the future, he still can't grasp it, he doesn't know, but at least he is still very happy now.

Gu Junqing doesn't think it's a fuss, especially in this world that has been integrated into many urban novels. It can be described as a strong man walking all over the place, and the protagonists are as many as dogs.

It is important to win the heroine as soon as possible. If you don't seize the opportunity, these heroines will be snatched by the protagonist, and they may become the protagonist's help, and in turn deal with themselves.

Gu Junqing is not stupid, of course he chooses to strike first and kill them all.

I just want to give the heroines a home, soothe their lonely bodies and hearts. Is there a problem?

Of course not, Gu Junqing thought to himself.

Even if it was possible, Gu Junqing wanted to grab it from the doll, but of course it seemed a bit too beastly.

"Qingzhu, forgive me now."

Gu Junqing looked at Lin Qingzhu's eyes and blinked at her.

Lin Qingzhu understood and replied with a smile.

"Well, thank you Brother Junqing!"

Lin Qingzhu smiled cutely. In fact, he was really thinking about it. The chicken soup in the short video said that when you are with outsiders, you have to give your man face.

If Shi Hanyan knew Lin Qingzhu's thoughts, she would definitely feel that she had been let down, and even treated herself as an outsider after being with her for so long.

Sure enough, the pink hair is black when cut.

The other three girls saw Lin Qingzhu chatting so innocently and cutely, and they also began to chat with each other tentatively, and the dining table finally started to get lively.

Gu Junqing breathed a sigh of relief, the atmosphere should not be so depressing,

He still grasped this scene, and practiced in advance, his heroines will definitely have a reunion in the future.

After all, he is still a person now, and his strength and ability can't support him not to be a human being.

As long as it is a human, it will be ineffective, and it is impossible to really cover everything.

Even the founder of multiplayer sports and the founder of time management master has overturned, so he is likely to overturn.

And he was flirting with a lucky heroine, each of which is not simple, and it is impossible to fool so easily.

And the current situation is just a gathering of four student heroines. Gu Junqing feels that this can only be regarded as a small scene. It's just an exercise in advance.

First, because these women are generally young and have little experience, even if they are involved in each other, they will not be able to get anywhere.

The second is that the characters of these four women are relatively indifferent, not the kind of possessiveness that is particularly strong.

Murong Wan has a calm and serious personality, Shi Hanyan has a quiet and delicate personality, and Lin Qingzhu and Luo Ningyu are both beautiful and cute, with a little black belly.

Therefore, they will not use any means to do things. The reason for the misunderstanding at the beginning is because of the nature of women.

Look how harmonious the scene is now.

"Sister Hanyan, why do you live in Junqing's house?"

Murong Wan asked in a gentle manner.

"Because my legs and feet are inconvenient, I need brother Junqing's treatment. Brother Junqing let me live here for my own good."

Shi Hanyan first said to Murong Wan, and then looked at Gu Junqing with affection.

Gu Junqing ate in silence, the scene was too harmonious, he still waited for the two sides to complete the big move before waiting for the opportunity to enter the field, so as to harvest the battlefield.

Old MOBA gamer.

"But I see that your legs and feet are already very good, so you probably don't need Gu Junqing's help."

Luo Ningyu interjected, what she meant in the vernacular was, get out when you're cured, don't pester my family Gu Junqing!

"It's not completely cured yet. It still needs the massage and caress of Brother Junqing to get better."

Shi Hanyan deliberately emphasized the word "stroking", indicating that Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu had a not simple relationship with Gu Junqing, and some very wonderful things had happened.

Gu Junqing wanted to complain when he heard this. He really only treated Shi Hanyan, and he hadn't done anything out of the ordinary!

Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu's expressions changed after hearing what Shi Hanyan said. At first, they thought it was just pure medical treatment, but they didn't expect that this woman would really be plotting against Gu Junqing, and she would even tempt Gu Junqing with her beauty!

The scene changed from the harmony and temptation just now to the tension.

Gu Junqing felt that Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu were a bit rude, each time they were two-on-one, and wanted to take advantage of the number of people to seize the opportunity and oppress each other.

For example, Li Xixue is always one to two.

So in the situation where poverty can change, she wanted to bring Yue Jinlian to her camp, but she didn't know how to do it, and Gu Junqing was the only one who was cool.

Gu Junqing can still occasionally recall the feeling of in-depth communication with Yue Jinlian. After all, Yue Jinlian's appetite and body flexibility are indeed impressive.

There is also Yue Jinlian's femininity. At first glance, she has experienced growth.

When I was a child, I would cry when I was spanked, but now I change my actions when I spanked. This is the difference between Yue Jinlian's age and Murong Wan's age.

"Brother Junqing, this is delicious, you can try it."

Lin Qingzhu tasted the dishes on the plate, and his eyes lit up.

She doesn't want to get involved in their battles anymore, she still learned about Chen Cang.

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