City: I Started As a Rich Second-generation Villain

Chapter 167: Lin Qingzhu's birthday

Gu Junqing drove Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu in the car.

The surrounding scenery flew away, the two women chatted in the back of the car, and Gu Junqing interjected two sentences from time to time.

Suddenly they said that the Chinese New Year was coming, Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows.


Gu Junqing's sudden braking made the two girls jump directly to the back of the seat.

"What's wrong?"

Murong Wan rubbed her front chest, she was not as big as Luo Ningyu, so it would still hurt to hit her directly.

As for Luo Ningyu's size, Gu Junqing joked that if she was driving, she would not need an airbag.

"I seem to have forgotten that today is Lin Qingzhu's little girl's birthday."

"If you hadn't reminded me that it's almost New Year's Eve, I'd have forgotten it."

Gu Junqing held his forehead with a headache, feeling a little embarrassed for his mistake.

"Your brother is really incompetent, let's go buy some gifts."

Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu said in unison that they liked Lin Qingzhu's younger sister very much. After all, Lin Qingzhu was also good-looking and her family background was very distressing.

Gu Junqing has a lot of things going on recently, Lin Qingzhu and Shi Hanyan have not been concerned about it recently.

Fortunately, I remembered it now, otherwise Lin Qingzhu's little girl would not know how sad she would be.

Gu Junqing is her only relative now, so if even Gu Junqing forgets, then no one really can remember.

Moreover, because of Lin Tianchang's quiet and cowardly temperament, Gu Junqing also took a long time to raise her to make some changes.

That's why Gu Junqing found her a playmate.

If Gu Junqing really forgot, this little guy will definitely become poor again.

Thinking of this, Gu Junqing's heart sank, and he quickly started the car and galloped towards his home.

"Wan'er, Ning Yu, do you have any comments on how to celebrate that little girl's birthday?"

While driving, Gu Junqing asked his children if they had any opinions.

After all, although Gu Junqing is known as a girl killer and a young woman killer, but a girl's feelings are always poetry, how to make Qingzhu extremely satisfied is still very important.

As for Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu, they were also people who came here. Asking for their opinions must have played an important role in his understanding of Lin Qingzhu.

"Well, how about the fireworks? I still remember the last century fireworks. It is said that the entire Luodu fireworks are almost bought. I still remember that scene fresh!"

Luo Ningyu's eyes seemed to be as gorgeous as fireworks. She was holding it in the sun and shaking her feet. Obviously, the century fireworks at that time made her very emotional.

"I also remember the fireworks. The fireworks were photographed. It is said that they have won the grand prize. I don't know who prepared the surprise for the beautiful smile."

Murong Wan also interjected, she also liked the scene of the century fireworks very much, as if the whole Luo was covered by fireworks, it was the first time she had seen such a beautiful scene.

May I be like the star and the moon, and the lights are bright every night.

Gu Junqing twitched the corner of his mouth, he dared not admit that he set off the fireworks to gain Ji Zhuyue's favor.

Otherwise, it is estimated that all of his confidantes will chase after him.

However, it seems that fireworks are not bad?

Gu Junqing thought for a while.

"However, it doesn't seem to work as a birthday gift. After all, there is a century fireworks ahead, and the peak fireworks gift is like that."

Murong Wan thought for a while and said, she felt that as long as there was a precedent, she would lose the sense of mystery and surprise.

After all, the shock of the century fireworks to the people of Luodu was too deep.

Many people are wondering if it is a gift carefully prepared by some domineering president to chase after his petite wife.

But this also brought a contrast to some men in Luodu. Every time they were preparing a wedding gift or birthday gift, they would use the fireworks of the century as a comparison.

There is no harm without contrast.

During that time, when Luodu men rolled in, every man wept silently, but there was no way.

Only hard work can kill other people.

Gu Junqing also felt that Murong Wan seemed to have some truth in what he said, and he didn't want to do this kind of century fireworks again.

Otherwise, the fireworks in Luodu will definitely not be enough, and it is estimated that they will go to other states to buy them.

You must know that Luodu's fireworks have not been replenished for so long.

"Ning Yu, do you have any comments?"

Gu Junqing asked Luo Ningyu's opinion.

"Hey, Brother Junqing, what is the most important thing for Lin Qingzhu?"

Luo Ningyu thought for a moment, hehe smiled, and smiled mysteriously.

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled.

"What is it?"

"Of course it's you, brother Junqing. You are now Lin Qingzhu's most important person."

"Brother Junqing, do you want to sacrifice yourself and dedicate yourself to Lin Qingzhu."

Luo Ningyu snickered after speaking.

Gu Junqing's heart swayed, and he began to recall some bits and pieces of his relationship with Lin Qingzhu.

Thinking of the bunny girl outfit she was wearing, she looked like Mai-senpai.

Gu Junqing said righteously, "Then this old man can only sacrifice my body."

"Bah, I'm going to report to the magistrate!"

Luo Ningyu and Murong Wan both covered their mouths and laughed.

And now Lin Qingzhu, who is taking care of the family, is chatting with Shi Hanyan in a bored way.

"Don't worry, Brother Junqing will be back."

Shi Hanyan persuaded that since she was asked by Gu Junqing to call him brother Junqing last time, she has always called Gu Junqing that way.

"Hmph, he must have forgotten me."

The more Lin Qingzhu thought about it, the more aggrieved it became, and Jin Doudou began to brew in his eyes.

"How is it possible, don't you know what brother Junqing is like?"

"Hmph, I feel that he loves you the most and likes you the most."

"That's why I'm a little jealous of you, always robbing you of brother Junqing's love."

Shi Hanyan touched Lin Qingzhu's little head. Although she was a little jealous of the love Lin Qingzhu received from Gu Junqing, she actually liked her character quite a bit.

She is not arrogant or arrogant at all, she often helps some servants to do things, and usually does her own things quietly, without the feeling of being superior as Gu Junqing's younger sister.

The servants living here all like Lin Qingzhu very much, and her background is also distressing, and they all regard her as a little sister.

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