"Jun Qingxian... brother, do you have any requirements for the Li family, or do you need us to do something?"

Li Xiao is still a little embarrassed and unaccustomed to, and always has to pause when talking about the virtuous character.

He thinks it's better not to play sloppy eyes or play tricks with Gu Junqing.

At first, Li Xiao thought that Gu Junqing was so old after all, whether it was drinking or scheming, he should not be able to compare to an old fox like him who had been working hard in the workplace for many years.

But he didn't expect Gu Junqing to be more clever than he knew, both in scheming and means.

The amount of alcohol he was proud of was nothing in front of Gu Junqing, so he decided to be open and honest with Gu Junqing.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will explain to Xixue what I have to do. Don't worry so much about my uncle's step down."

Gu Junqing's light words made Li Xiao murmur in his heart.

That's why I don't worry about you! Xixue, that silly girl, don't I understand? I'm just afraid that you will sell Xixue, and Xixue is still counting the money for you.

But Li Xiao definitely couldn't say it like that.

After hesitating for a while, he gave up talking. Anyway, now that he and the old man are still alive, they can still help Li Xixue, so as not to be sold by the little fox Gu Junqing.

"Since there is nothing to do, and the crisis of the Li family has been lifted, then I will go first. I still have some things to do."

Gu Junqing smiled and wanted to leave, planning to come back later.

This girl Li Xixue will talk about it later, after all, she is still young.

As for Yue Jinlian, the big shark, Gu Junqing felt that he still had to come and hand in the public food to her frequently, otherwise Gu Junqing himself would not know whether this enchanting and charming woman with a great appetite would put a hat on him.

After thinking this way, he glanced at Yue Jinlian's direction, the meaning was unclear.

"What are you going to leave now, don't stay for a few more days."

Li Xixue hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Gu Junqing's arm, her reluctant expression and obvious admiration made Li Xiao's teeth sour.

"What, did you leave so early?"

Yue Jinlian was still watching the play, but when she heard the news that Gu Junqing was leaving, she couldn't sit still.

She didn't want Gu Junqing to just leave like this. She had just reached a relationship with Gu Junqing who managed Bao, and last night, Gu Junqing had just hit the nail on the head and was going to run away today.

Gu Junqing looked like a scumbag who raised his pants and didn't recognize him just after finishing it, which made Yue Jinlian feel resentful.

She was originally going to find an opportunity to attack tonight. Last night, she was out of shape for the first time, but tonight is different. She has already recharged her energy and vowed to ensure that Gu Jun will not be shy.

But I didn't expect Gu Junqing to actually say that he was leaving, and the faint eyes shot at Gu Junqing like a cold arrow.

But just after she finished saying this, Li Xiao and Li Xixue looked at Yue Jinlian with a slightly strange expression.

It was only then that Yue Jinlian suddenly woke up. From the outsiders' point of view, she and Gu Junqing had nothing to do with each other, but now that she was so anxious to not let Gu Junqing go, it would obviously make people misunderstood.

She, who was anxious to find a way, looked at Gu Junqing, and found that he was watching a play with a smile on her face. Seeing Gu Junqing like this made her angry.

It turned out that she was the only one who was anxious, this "adulter" was not in a hurry at all!

In a hurry, she quickly took out the appearance of an elder.

"I met Gu Junqing like old friends, so I also recognized him as my younger brother. Now that my younger brother is leaving, why should I keep him?"

Li Xiao and Li Xixue were not fools either, so it was natural to hear that this statement was false.

Li Xiao was a little embarrassed. Even if he didn't pay attention to Yue Jinlian, if Yue Jinlian and Gu Junqing got together, he would lose face more or less.

So he still pretended not to know about this matter, and regarded it as selling it to Gu Junqing to save face.

On the other hand, Li Xixue had an indifferent attitude, and even thought that if Gu Junqing took Yue Jinlian as well, then the two sisters would be a perfect match, wouldn't they hang and beat the two sisters Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu?

But they all still think shallowly. At most, they think that Yue Jinlian is in love when she sees Gu Junqing's handsome and charming temperament.

Because Yue Jinlian is also a woman, as long as a woman sees Gu Junqing's face, she will like it. After all, Gu Junqing is too good-looking.

Moreover, Gu Junqing also has a wild and uninhibited temperament, which is basically the appearance and bearing of men, women, young and old.

But they never thought that Gu Junqing and Yue Jinlian had already communicated deeply.

I have reached the point where you understand my length and I know your depth.

Sometimes, the relationship between a man and a woman is so strange, it may be just a pair of eyes that is like thunder and fire, and lingering to death.

Of course, this kind of relationship between Gu Junqing and Yue Jinlian is completely because Yue Jinlian is degraded, and she is jealous of Gu Junqing's body.

After listening to what Yue Jinlian said, Gu Junqing supported her forehead.

The reason to look for it is better not to look for it, but also to do things like sister and brother, don't you know that sister and brother are the most prone to accidents?

However, after seeing that Li Xiao and the two did not respond, Gu Junqing breathed a sigh of relief, after all, it was quite troublesome to explain.

He couldn't say outright that Yue Jinlian was greedy for his body, but he would just follow her with half a push.

"No way, I still have some things to do. I'll see you next time, Xixue and my sister."

Gu Junqing smiled and deliberately paused at her sister's place, making Yue Jinlian a little embarrassed.

"Jun Qing, wait, come with me, I have something to trouble you."

Li Xiao said suddenly, but his expression was a little embarrassed.

Gu Junqing raised his eyebrows. He wouldn't really let Li Xiao catch anything, would he? Now he wants to confess and be lenient?

However, Gu Junqing and Li Xiao walked towards a small cubicle in the hall.

"What's the matter, Uncle Li?"

Gu Junqing looked at Li Xiao's awkward look, obviously embarrassed to speak, so he could only speak.

"My dear brother, I'm not afraid of your school beauty. My body has a problem and I can't bear children. Can you show my uncle to help?"

Li Xiao hesitated for a while, but still spoke very embarrassedly.

After all, anyone would be embarrassed to tell a junior about something that was inhumane.

Although Gu Jun knew it early in the morning.

"Uncle, take out your hand and I'll give you a pulse."

Li Xiao stretched out his hand.

After Gu Junqing took his pulse, he frowned and shook his head.

This frown made Li Xiao's heart skip a beat.

There is an old saying that if it's good, if it's not good for a Western doctor to smile, the old Chinese doctor will frown.

Sure enough, Gu Junqing shook his head, "Uncle, I'm sorry, all your kidney meridians are necrotic, and immortals are hard to save."

After Gu Junqing finished speaking, he left, leaving Li Xiao to sigh in place.

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