"Oh, you two little girls, it's good to have Jun Qing's favor, and you're picky."

"If you want me to say that you should train your body like me, Jun Qing likes it."

Li Xixue raised her chest proudly, as if she was demonstrating to Luo Ningyu and Murong Wan.

Of course Luo Ningyu is not to be outdone, is the size of the fourth letter of her letter covered?

Murong Wan was about to cry when she saw the two women comparing their size there.

She felt that she didn't even deserve to participate in the war of her best friend, so she could only shout and wave the flag and shout 666 in the back.

Turning his head to look at Gu Junqing with a particularly pitiful look, Gu Junqing quickly said distressedly, "Didn't I tell you, I like everything you do."

When Murong Wan heard Gu Junqing's words, she immediately joined in.

Perhaps the war between women can make even the coldest girls fall into it.

Three women in one play, the ancients did not deceive me.

"Okay, you Murong Wan, I thought you were indistinguishable from the world just to help your best friend, but I didn't expect you to secretly hide Chen Cang!"

Li Xixue was furious when she saw Murong Wan seduce Gu Junqing.

"Have you seen it? Jun Qing never looks at his body, he looks at me!"

Murong Wan also seemed to have changed, and said proudly to Li Xixue.

She is the first female protagonist whose favorability rating for Gu Junqing reaches 90, and she is deeply in love.

Gu Junqing's eyes were complicated, and he lowered his head in thought. In fact, he also looked at his body.

But it's just that Murong Wan is just right, while Luo Ningyu and Li Xixue are a bit ahead.

The three women were fighting endlessly, and watching Gu Junqing was a little frightened, but also a little fun.

Gu Junqing felt that if there was a strong woman here, such as senior sister Chen Lingyue, these three women might be threatened and cooperate to besiege Chen Lingyue.

After all, Chen Lingyue's temperament and charm are incomparable to the three girls who are still young.

The scene at that time is estimated to be three women fighting Lingyue.

The surrounding classmates didn't even dare to look here.

If Gu Junqing is a god, then so are his women.

That scene is equivalent to the battle of the gods, and it is better for mortals to retreat.

There are only some self-proclaimed beautiful women who bite their silver teeth with hand towels, and they really want to have the qualification to compete for Gu Junqing.

"I am now the female president under Gu Junqing, what is your status now?"

Seeing that they could not fight for a long time, Li Xixue resorted to the killer.

After all, she started to work hard for Gu Junqing's career, although Su Chen did all the dirty and tiring work in the company.

Especially recently, Su Chen acted like a chicken blood as if he was going to take revenge on someone, doing things like crazy, vowing to make the company bigger and stronger.

In addition, there is always a hint of desire in Su Chen's eyes when he looks at her, but now it's gone, just like a pure-hearted eunuch.

However, it also made her feel much better. Every time she was seen by Su Chen, she would be disgusted and unable to eat for a day.

Recently, she has been eating something and smelling delicious, so today she has the mood and time to come to school to fight Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu.

Now that there is no need for her to spur him, Su Chen will move forward on his own.

In the past, Su Chen wanted all of them, but now Su Chen has no choice.

"Really? It's not that you are not good at studying. There is no difference between going to school and not going to school? You will know this too!"

Murong Wan sneered and looked at Li Xixue with contempt.

No matter what, she is the second perennial result. If it hadn't been squeezed out by someone named Ming Ren recently, she would have been even closer to Gu Junqing.

This sentence did not hurt Murong Wan so much, but it did a lot of damage to Luo Ningyu.

Because although she is much better at reading than Li Xixue, her academic performance is still worse than Gu Junqing and the others.

The ability is not enough, can not manage a company.

This time, it was Luo Ningyu's turn to cry, looking at Gu Junqing with pitiful eyes.

Gu Junqing was helpless and could only speak to comfort Luo Ningyu.

After Luo Ningyu got blood back from Gu Junqing, she stepped forward to challenge Li Xixue after repeated defeats.

Gu Junqing was secretly shocked, as expected of the harem master who could suppress Su Chen's many harems in the original book.

Li Xixue's strength can be seen in general, and Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu can't beat her together.

The ability of this palace fight, I would like to call it the strongest right now.

Now even the heroine has begun to introvert, Gu Junqing thought complicatedly.

Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu looked at Li Xixue's triumphant face and were very annoyed, but they really couldn't do anything about her.

"What? You can't tell me, but you still have to ask Jun Qing to comfort him?"

"Two beat one and two were killed, will you play?"

This time, Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu finally had to use their trump card.

But they didn't dare to say it in public.

He could only get close to Li Xixue and say quietly that Li Xixue had been on guard at first if they would make any tricks.

Seeing that they just wanted to talk to herself and looked at them disdainfully, she wanted to see what these two people who were not half as capable of fighting as her father, wives and concubines wanted to say.

To be honest, she is now a little lonely and begging for defeat.

"We have a billion-dollar project with Gu Junqing."

Murong Wan's sly smile made Li Xixue feel that things were not easy.

"Yeah, let's give Junqing some kind of service together."

With a smile, Luo Ningyu explained to Li Xixue what happened on the day they were sleeping with Gu Junqing.

Gu Junqing was speechless for a while, and Li Xixue was aggrieved.

For Gu Junqing's order, she looked at Su Chen carefully.

Unexpectedly, these two little girls really took advantage of her absence and Gu Jun to save Chen Cang!

This grievance made Li Xixue want to cry. She has only kissed Gu Junqing before. What happened between these two little girls and Gu Junqing is obviously deeper than her, she is not reconciled!

Murong Wan and Luo Ningyu were very proud when they saw Li Xixue's face at first.

But looking at her about to cry, I felt that Li Xixue was a little bit more articulate.

But it does not exclude them, and it is obvious that this palace fighting drama is actually a way for three people to communicate.

He quickly stepped forward to comfort him, "Don't cry, the big deal is that the three of us will be together next time."

"Yeah, or if there is an event next time, let's play together."

Gu Junqing, who saw that Li Xixue had really dropped two drops of golden beans, wanted to come forward to comfort him.

But when he heard Murong Wan's words, he stopped instantly.

Obviously, the comfort between little girls is more effective.

He wouldn't be looking forward to the next time the three of them could be co-sleeped together.

So under the comfort of the two women, Li Xixue slowed down.

Agreed to the request of the two girls to play together.

He even took out his cell phone and exchanged contact information.

In a chat software, a chat group of three sisters was even established, but Gu Junqing was not allowed to join.

This also aroused Gu Junqing's curiosity.

So in the future, when Gu Junqing saw that the three of them had established four groups, he was a little silent.

Is this a girl?

Gu Junqing was full of question marks.

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