Take off the stockings?

Lin Fan, do you want original stockings?


Chapter 446: Writing in Silk Stockings (Third! Please order!)

Chapter 446: Writing in Silk Stockings

"Lin Fan!"

"What are you doing?"

Ye Mei was stunned for a while, seeing Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin's faces blushing, she stepped forward and said angrily.

In her opinion, Lin Fan is just doing things! !

Walked into the office unexpectedly.

People who are caught off guard will have to take off their stockings.

This...what kind of fairy operations are they?

This... is simply a suffocating operation.


Lin Fan didn't understand at first, why Ye Mei, Wu Yunqing, Shen Jiamin and others had such weird expressions. He didn't react until he heard Bob Ye Mei's words.




Lin Fan presented it to Ye Mei, Shen Jiamin, and Wu Yunqing in triplicate.

"What are you pretending to be in your mind?!"

"Can't you think of something good?!"

"I asked you to take off your stockings, not for anything, but for Gong Xuan to wear!"

While speaking, Lin Fan glanced at Wu Yunqing's figure, shook her head, and looked contemptuous.

Huh! !

Seeing his rather helpless expression like this, the faces of Wu Yunqing and Boba Ye Mei turned into monkey **** in an instant, and the red was thrilling.

823 Although Lin Fan didn't say anything, no matter whether it was a legal loli or a big boss, he actually knew what his expression meant.


It is straightforward contempt!

At this moment, Shen Jiamin was very grateful that he was not mentioned.


She doesn't know what to do!

At the same time, Shen Jiamin glanced at the legal loli and mourned for her for three seconds.

This girl is really a poor man!



Boba Yemei originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she abruptly held back what she said.


She'd better not talk about this kind of thing with Lin Fan.

Otherwise, apart from angering herself, she doesn't think there is any benefit!

"Why does Gong Xuan wear silk stockings?"

"Are there no stockings in the company's clothing room?"

With these two questions from Boba Ye Mei, Wu Yunqing, who was shy and not wanting to be dismissed, focused her attention again.

The legal loli said that if Lin Fan had just lied, she would turn into a violent loli in minutes, and would immediately (agag) give Lin Fan an old punch!

This guy actually dared to show that helpless expression after looking at himself, it was really enough.

You know, your body is called a perfect slim body, don’t you understand?

I am called slim!

I call this self-cultivation!

I save fabric for the country!


"Oh, Gong Xuan uses silk stockings in her script, but she said there are no silk stockings in the clothing room~"

"So... I just ran over here to see if there is any~"

Lin Fan held his hands and leaned on the door frame, said with a smirk on his face.

Yan value against the sky delusional to fool him with such a simple and rude reason, so as to skip the story of writing in silk stockings.

Lin Fan said that Gong Xuan's drawing was still broken in Tucson.

No stockings, so what?

Can't you borrow it without stockings?

Even if you can't borrow one, can't you still buy one?

Chapter 446: Writing in Silk Stockings

Even if you can't borrow one, can't you still buy one?

How much does it cost to buy just a pair of stockings?

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