Lin Fan walked to the security guard at the door and asked.

The peerless face of the other party was just a look back, making himself stunned. The security guards and doormen guarding the door would definitely be very impressed by the other party.

After all...everyone has the love of beauty!

"Mr. Lin... that lady seems to have stayed in a hotel before, as for what she is doing today, I don't know!"

The security guard shook his head and told Lin Fan what he knew.


"I see!"

Lin Fan turned and walked towards the front desk.

If the other party has stayed in a hotel, they will definitely leave information!


Chapter 195 Peerless Beauty-Mu Yanran! ! (Fourth! Seeking subscription!)


After some tedious description and searching, the lady at the front desk of W Hotel still helped Lin Fan find the name of this peerless beauty.

"Mu Yanran, a nice name!"

After Lin Fan said her name, he looked at the front desk and asked, "What is she doing in the hotel?"

"Ms. Lin, according to the registration information, Miss Mu is here to find the lost property. She suspected that she left a bag in our hotel!"

Faced with the inquiries from the boss, the lady at the front desk answered honestly.

For others to ask, of course she has to take the secrecy regulations as an example.

However...this is my own boss! !

"Looking for the lost thing?" (bhfa)

"You look for it carefully and find the bag that Miss Mu has left. Let me know as soon as possible, and I will return it to her personally!"

Lin Fan looked at Mu Yanran's mobile phone number on the registration form, knocked on the table, and instructed the front desk.

He only knows Mu Yanran's appearance, name, and contact information now. If you need to attack the other party, you still need to get in touch and learn more.

"okay, I get it!"

"If we find Miss Mu's bag, we will report it to President Lin as soon as possible!"

The lady at the front desk gave her boss a weird look and promised, patted her chest.

At this time, all the fools could see that his boss was very interested in that Miss Mu.


"Mu Yanran!"

"Mu Yanran~"

"Looking back and smiling, Bai Meisheng is truly a beauty of the peerless beauty level~"

Walking on the way back to the viewing restaurant, Lin Fan was still reminiscing about the look back just now, which stared at each other.

Against the backdrop of the sun, Mu Yanran at that time was like an angel falling from the sky, her delicate and perfect face exuding the golden light that belonged to her alone.

"Speaking of the system, why would you tell me that I met a peerless beauty?"

Thinking of the system prompt just now, Lin Fan couldn't help but curiously asked about the system.

Before he met the beauties of natural beauty, Xiaojiabiyu, and the allure of the country, the system did not respond. at the level of Peerless Beauty is too special, right?

【Ding! The beauty of the Peerless Beauty level is not only the beauty with the highest system rating. 】

[They are still the host who can really earn the harem, so the system will take the initiative to remind the host to prevent the host from missing each other! 】

"However... we almost missed it!"

Lin Fan twitched the corners of his mouth silently. If Mu Yanran just turned her head like a ghost, it would really be a perfect miss!

【Ding! All the information of the Peerless Beauty level beauty that appears within 500 meters of the host can be obtained by the host at the expense of goodwill points, and you will never miss it! 】

"And this function?"

Hearing the explanation of the system, Lin Fan opened his mouth wide.

He has acquired the system for so long, and this is the first time he knows about this function!

Just thinking about that he met Mu Yanran, who is a peerless beauty class, just now. Just knowing this feature, it seems to be justified...

"How many favorability points?"

"Hurry up, provide me with Mu Yanran's information!"

It was the first time I met a beauty of the Peerless Beauty level, Lin Fan's heart was very hot, and he wished to take her down right away.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for spending 500 favor points to obtain Mu Yanran's information! 】

Lin Fan: "I..."

He almost couldn't resist the urge to explode!

One piece of information requires five hundred favorability points, which is clearly a robbery! .

Chapter 196 Planting Strawberries~ (Fifth more! Subscription!)

It was just that soon, Mu Yanran's news appeared in front of Lin Fan's eyes and attracted his attention. (Book^House*Small)Speaking+Net)

[Mu Yanran, 19 years old, the Mu family of the Imperial Capital, a freshman majoring in finance at Yenching University! 】

[Mu Jia is an imperial wealthy family, and has a huge influence in both military and political circles. Mu Yanran's father is also the director ~ chief of a Fortune 500 company! 】

[Mu Yanran came to the magic city this time to visit relatives-! 】

After reading Mu Yanran's poor information, Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth.


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