After all, on his site, Lin Fei can't fight for a long time. If he can't make a quick decision, Lin Fei will definitely choose to retreat in time instead of exposing his whereabouts to give the enemy a chance ...

After getting such a nether bead, Lin Fei's mood after falling into the Ten Dead Realms was slightly relieved. Before he felt that he had passed through the cracks of space but came to this world of monsters and ghosts, he was very sullen. Now he has discovered that although it is not a good place, it has hidden countless opportunities.

The four Ghost Kings of the Ten Dead Realms have closed the world for many years, and most of them have found something in this Ten Dead Realm that is enough to make the outside world jealous, so they are here to shut the country and make a fortune.

If it is placed outside, it is enough for many monks to furiously fight for it.

Although the ghost will have good strength, most of them are not qualified to have such a level of baby. I am afraid that even if Lin Fei's strength is used as a deterrent, it will not necessarily ensure that he will not encounter murderous behavior.

However, in this ten-dead world, the ghosts will easily occupy such a level of treasure, and according to Lin Fei, most of the ten-party ghosts will have a treasure of this level in their hands. Because of the existence of treasures such as the Nether Pearl, the ten-party ghosts will be able to crack the earth and become king in these ten dead realms.

For the ten-square ghost generals, this nether bead is not only a symbol of cracking the earth, but also a shortcut to rapid improvement. As long as you have such a nether bead in your hand, they are in The speed of cultivation in China is several times or even tens of times faster than that of ordinary people. With their strength, their position will naturally be consolidated ...

Lin Fei was anxious to go out as soon as possible. Now that he has figured out some things, Lin Fei is not in a hurry to leave. Since everyone here wants to stay with me, it would be better for me to stay for a while and get a slice of the soup.

Having said that, the real ruler of the Ten Dead Realms is the four ghost kings. If Lin Fei wants to get some benefits from them, I am afraid it will not be as easy as imagined.

However, this kind of opportunity has always been for those who have the fate, and Lin Fei has always been the one who would rather kill the wrong one. If you want to blame people, the owner of the Ten Dead Realm can only blame the red-haired old ghost that the poor man sent Lin Fei as a disaster star.

Lin Fei's mood is quite good when playing with the Nether Pearl in his hand. When the baby fell into his own hands, he was not afraid of the so-called Nether Fog. Then the next step in this ten-death world can be regarded as a matter of course, and then go to one of the four so-called ghost kings in the East Club ...

Lin Fei continued to travel eastward along the Ten Dead Realms. However, because of the existence of Nether Fog and the Night Watch Yin Lin, Lin Fei had to walk carefully along the way. There are now Nether Pearls without worrying about the factors of poison fog.

Lin Fei walked carefully along the way for several days, and was not found by the night watchers in the Ten Dead Realms, but despite this, Lin Fei almost lost his way in the mist several times.

Because of the dense fog, Lin Fei did not dare to walk too fast for a while, and because Lin Fei wanted to know more about the situation of the Ten Dead Realms, Lin Fei did not choose the means to escape from the sky. , But choose to look at the scenery like a horse and flowers ...

However, as Lin Fei traveled through the jungle, he suddenly noticed that there was a small disturbance in front of him. Some night ghost ghosts seemed to be looking for something. Judging from the hustle and bustle of the bustling noise, the number of ghosts and the movement Quite a lot.

Lin Fei did not dare to carelessly, and directly improved his alertness. At the same time, he spread his consciousness to the fullest, directly covering the range of tens of miles.

Lin Fei was quite confused. At first, he thought that the reason why the ghost was panicked was because the ghost ghost would be caused by the meteorite vision caused by his killing, but it was very unreasonable to think carefully.

Because Lin Fei walked all the way, he had encountered ghost pawns more than once on the road, but they did not show any signs of confusion. If it is because the ghost will be killed, it should be more reasonable to be near than far away. It ’s right to get news soon and start acting sooner.

But now there are no trends in the nearby ghost pawns. On the contrary, the distant ghost pawns took the lead in action. It seems that the intruders are catching any intruders. Such a strange situation has caused Lin Fei's fog ...

However, one thing is certain, that is, regardless of whether Lin Fei's goal is Lin Fei, Lin Fei cannot reveal his whereabouts. And if it is Lin Fei who does not want to expose himself, these low-level ghost pawns cannot find Lin Fei's whereabouts ...

Lin Fei quietly hid in the dark, constantly scanning the information exchanged by the ghosts and pawns with his consciousness, and soon Lin Fei found some clues.

From the communication of ghost pawns, Lin Fei heard that there seemed to be other intruders in these ten dead realms besides himself. Several intruders had previously dealt with a group of ghost pawns. Escaped, and then the commanders issued strict orders to arrest.

In addition to himself, Lin Fei was the first time to become the old red-haired ghost who had fought with himself and then fell into the vortex of space. After he was equivalent to this person, the air of murder in Lin Fei immediately soared. It got up, but soon Lin Fei ruled out this possibility again.

First of all, he and the red-haired old ghost had been dispersed by the space storm when they entered the vortex of space, and then he entered the space-time crack of random teleportation. The probability of random overlap in thousands and thousands is almost zero.

10,000 steps back, even if that one-tenth of a thousand chances happened, the old red-haired ghost also came into this ten-death world, and what is happening at present is not in line with common sense, because of the strength of the old red-haired ghost It is absolutely impossible to escape after a group of ghost pawns are chasing the whereabouts.

According to Lin Fei's guess, the other intruders were most likely to have been entered by mistakenly entering a forbidden land or touching a forbidden area, and the strength of the intruder should belong to the weaker existence, otherwise they would not The world was chased by a group of inferior ghost pawns and ran away.

Just after Lin Fei continued to expand the scope of his consciousness, Lin Fei suddenly noticed the existence of a hidden magic circle. This hidden magic circle is really inferior, compared to the hidden magic circle that Lin Fei had previously arranged. It was a lot worse, but according to Lin Fei's speculation, this formation could barely do it if it wanted to hide itself in front of the ghost pawn.

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