Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2104: Strong income

"Senior old, can I check, what is the iron lion?" Lin Fei asked tentatively.

Yan Lao froze for a while, then smiled bitterly: "Go see, anyway, I don't use the iron lion for now." Rescued by Lin Fei, Yan Lao never knew how to repay Lin Fei, since Lin Fei proposed Looking at the iron lion, Yan Lao saw that he was not a bad thing, and he agreed.

So refreshing, if the two monks of the Linghai Pavilion saw it, they wouldn't know if they were vomiting blood angrily. After all, when they came, Yan Lao was unwilling to let them see the iron lion even at a glance ...

Lin Fei returned to the backyard and continued to examine the iron lion.

It was only after a whole night that Lin Fei had nothing to do ... This iron lion is extremely strange, no matter what method Lin Fei uses and wants to inject the consciousness into it, it will be blocked by the iron lion. After several attempts, Lin Fei's consciousness didn't rush into it once.

Lin Fei couldn't even enter. Lin Fei couldn't inspect the iron lion in all aspects, so he could only touch the iron lion with his hands and feel the material. However, the material of this iron lion is very common. It is the most common iron piece. Lin Fei can't check the origin of the lion on the appearance of the lion.

In the end, Lin Fei had no choice but to return to the room, secretly thinking in his mind, thinking about whether he had any memory about the Iron Lion, but to his disappointment, he really could n’t think of anything about it. Here comes the clue of the iron lion.

After seeing the sky outside, Lin Fei sighed deeply, then stood up.

It seems that I want to investigate this iron lion, it is not the merit of the day and night, it seems that in the next days, I still have to analyze this iron lion. Lin Fei is not worried that it will not be investigated. After all, the Iron Lion is by his side. He can always check at any time, and he is not afraid that there will be no results in the end.

However, Lin Fei wanted to calm down and examine the iron lion, but over the Linghai Pavilion, he would not give Lin Fei a little time ...

Just yesterday, when Lin Fei drove the two monks back, they immediately reported the matter. The person responsible for handling this matter is a person in charge of the Linghai Pavilion. This person is called Zhang Xingwang, and others call him Zhang Guanshi. Since the owner of the Linghai Pavilion that day accidentally discovered the mystery of the iron lion, he told Zhang Xingwang to get the iron lion.

It was Zhang Xingwang ’s idea to take back the Jianjianfang. Although he did n’t want to waste time to deal with a bad old man, but here is after all the Fire Phoenix City, and there are Fire Phoenix supervising his head. If this is not the case, it will be known to Fire Phoenix, and then the trouble of the Linghai Pavilion will be found ...

Therefore, Zhang Xingwang was willing to wait for two months. Just yesterday, the old rent could not be paid again. Zhang Xingwang felt that the opportunity came, and used this as an excuse to send two monks to the past. , Want to take Zhu Jianfang back. At that time, the order of Linghai Pavilion Lord could be completed.

But what surprised Zhang Xingwang was that the two monks spent two or three hours in the Sword Sword Workshop with the elders, but they did not take back the Sword Sword Workshop, and they were beaten back ...

At the beginning, Zhang Xingwang didn't believe it. For the Jian Jianfang, he had investigated before. The whole Jian Jianfang had only an old man and a child who didn't know how to practice. The two people added together, it can be said There is no threat at all. How can I get the two monks they sent back?

As a result, Zhang Xingwang knew that the original sword-making workshop had an unknown monk ...

It was the unknown monk who supported them, and sent the two monks sent to Linghai Pavilion back.

This is even touching the tiger's **** ...

When Zhang Xingwang was furious, he asked the two monks if they let the monk know that they were from the Linghai Pavilion. As a result, the two monks naturally told Wu Xingwang that they had come up with the name of Linghai Pavilion. Too. It was just that Lin Fei did not enter the oil and salt, and knew that they were the winners of the Linghai Pavilion, or drove them out.

Is this okay?

Since the establishment of the Linghai Pavilion in the Fire Phoenix City, they are the first time they have met such a bold person, and actually did not give Linghai Pae face.

At the moment, Zhang Xingwang couldn't sit still.

It was the order of the patriarch himself to withdraw that sword-making workshop. If he could not handle even this trivial matter, then the news reached the ears of the patriarch of the Linghai pavilion, and he would blame himself for doing things badly. When you ca n’t tell, you have to take away your identity as a steward and become an ordinary monk in the Linghai Pavilion ...

Therefore, just after dawn, Zhang Guanshi hurriedly dispatched 13 or four monks and followed him to Zhu Jianfang.

Of the 13 or four monks, the weakest is also the Fa, and two of them are real. Zhang Guanshi feels that since someone dare not take Linghai Pavilion in his eyes, he has to let him know that Linghai Pavilion What does it mean in Fire Phoenix City? That is definitely not the existence of him who can provoke, as long as it provokes, he must pay the price!

After coming to the gate of Zhujianfang, Zhang Guanshi waved to a monk next to him. The monk nodded and followed, and a ray of light glanced at Zhujianfang. There was a loud noise at the gate of Jianfang.

However, although there was a loud noise, the gate of Zhujianfang was not cracked, and the true yuan rolled above. After the silence was restored, the gate of Zhujianfang was unscathed ...

"You waste, you can't even destroy a door?" Zhang Guanshi's face sank in the moment. He also knew that like this sword forging workshop, there is a magic circle in front of the gate. I was also worried that someone would break the gate and break in. But to such an ordinary sword-making workshop, how strong can the magic circle be?

The one who just shot the door, but it is a monk of the French phase! A dazzling phalanx can't even destroy a phalanx. No wonder Zhang Guanshi can't help but swear.

However, under the shock of seeing himself, the gate was still intact, and he felt very shameful, blushing, and did not wait for Zhang Guanshi to urge him. Then he raised his hand and burst into a stream.

This streamer is not as good as the previous one. This Fascist believes that as long as the streamer hits this gate, even if it has any magic circle, it must be broken!

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