Otherwise, under the rules of the Fire Phoenix, why should the monks in the Fire Phoenix City be afraid of the three forces, even if they are doing their own business.

Therefore, although Lin Fei continued to comfort, the old man was still extremely worried, that Linghai Pavilion might not dare to directly destroy Zhu Jianfang, but he and his grandson, including Lin Fei, were always caught by Linghai Pavilion. At that time, the Linghai Pavilion would not care about the Fire Phoenix, and it would kill you if you said killing. What can you say in the face of this behemoth in the Linghai Pavilion?

This old man has lived enough to live until now. As long as he can coexist and die with Zhu Jianfang, he does n’t think it ’s okay, but Lin Fei is only an irrelevant person after all, if Lin Fei suffers because of his things Involved, then he may feel guilty to Lin Fei under Jiuquan.

He kept urging Lin Fei to leave the Forging Sword Workshop quickly, and quickly leave the Fire Phoenix City to escape.

Lin Fei cannot naturally leave. Since he chose to come to the Fire Phoenix City and also helped the old gentleman, no matter what the reason is, Lin Fei will not let things go here. Besides, if he leaves here, That is not in line with Lin Fei's style. She has been practicing monks for so many years and has never done such a thing without morals ...

"I can't leave now. If I leave, they will be able to **** your Forging Sword Workshop more easily. Even if you don't consider it for you, you should also consider it for your grandson. Fang, do you still take him to wander? Since we have offended the Linghai Pavilion now, it would be better to stay together. And, as long as it is something, there will be a solution, how can living people be suffocated by urine. " Lin Fei pointed at the grandson of the old gentleman.

His grandson was still young, and he didn't understand these human relationships. Now that the two wicked men have left, he thinks that there will be nothing wrong. He is safe, so he rests his mind and runs to the backyard.

"This ..." After Lin Fei took his grandson to talk about things, the old gentleman hesitated for a moment, and then seemed to figure it out. He stopped talking and just looked at Lin Fei with a guilty look: "Little Brother, I hurt you! If the Linghai Pavilion comes to the door, even if I fight my old bones, I will protect you. "

"Ha ha……"

"By the way, don't you know your name? My character is strict, people familiar with me call me Lao Yan, I think you might as well call me that." Said the old man.

Lin Fei shook his head: "Isn't calling Lao Yan too presumptuous? I think I will call you Yan Lao in the future. My name is Lin Fei. Lao Yan, do you know why the Linghai Pavilion had to take away your cast sword? Fang? Like other shops that do not pay rent, is it also so domineering? "

"That's not true." As a result, Yan Lao heard Lin Fei's words, and his face was filled with anger. "If they are the same for all shops, it is estimated that they have been intervened by Huohuang. It generally looks like For shops that cannot pay rent, Linghai Pavilion will give at least a half-year deadline. If the half-year deadline passes and the rent cannot be paid, then Linghai Pavilion will only take back the shop at that time. But this is also reasonable, after all This is the rules of the Fire Phoenix City, and no one will say anything. But I am the Jianjianfang, but only owe two months of rent. You also see that they will take back my shop anyway. "

Lin Fei listened to Yan Lao's words, and even had an epiphany in his heart. It seems that the forcible take away of the shop is not the consistent style of the Linghai Pavilion. It seems like such a domineering behavior. It makes him even more strange. What is it about Linghai Pavilion in this shop?

Lin Fei glanced in this shop, and found that there were no other special things besides some common Yin Rune implements. At least, he was able to get his eyes on them. It's just that since the Linghai Pavilion needs to get this Zhujianfang anyway, it shows that there must be some unknown secret here ...

"Yan Lao, I don't have much place to go now, otherwise I will live in your Forging Sword Square?" Lin Fei said to Yan Lao. To be honest, Lin Fei can go to too many places, but he also knows that after the two monks leave, they will definitely come back again. It should not be the two of them, but more monks. Come here.

If they leave now, these people will find Yan Lao and his grandson directly, and it is estimated that by the time they come here, this sword forging workshop will already be the Linghai Pavilion ...

So Lin Fei made an excuse to stay in Zhujianfang.

While Lin Fei wants to stay in the Jianjianfang, Yan Lao naturally has no reason not to do it. Lin Fei was able to actively take out five thousand spirit stones when he was trapped, which has moved Yan Lao very much. But what worried him was that the monks in the Linghai Pavilion would inevitably come back soon. He was really worried that Lin Fei would have any problems in Zhujianfang.

But Lin Fei has a careless attitude towards this. It seems that he is not afraid of the Jian Jianfang at all. When Yan Fei sees this kind of attitude, it is not good to say anything. Then, he took Lin Fei to the backyard Among the cabins, a cabin was prepared for Lin Fei for Lin Fei to rest.

Lin Fei looked around before entering the box. Not to mention that this happened to be a coincidence. In this small yard, there are only two rooms in total. Yan Lao and his little grandson naturally live together, and the rest That box room just happens to be available to yourself. Fortunately, I came to the Fire Phoenix City alone, or I am afraid that two people will be crowded together ...

Lin Fei suddenly gave birth to a boring thought, even he felt very boring, smiled, and then entered the box.

"Wait ..." But when closing the door, suddenly, Lin Fei's mind was suddenly swept by a current, and even the brain was blank. For a moment, Lin Fei's eyes suddenly flashed a little surprised, this What is it like? A monk like him usually doesn't show any abnormalities, but now that there are abnormalities, Lin Fei knows that there must be something around him ...

But what exactly is this?

Lin Fei first checked his body and found that there was nothing abnormal, and everything was normal. Lin Fei checked the box and found that the box was quite normal. There was nothing but a bed, a table and a few stools.

Since there was nothing strange to check here, Lin Fei opened the door and went to the courtyard again.

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