When the spirit demon saw Lin Wudao rushing, honestly, he was a little flustered in his heart. Over the years, he has always wanted to surpass Lin Wudao, but maybe there is some gap in talent with Lin Wudao. Lin Wudao, therefore, for many years, although he always wanted to merge and move the Shanzong, but he still had no suitable way.

This time, the attack on Mount Shanzong was also due to news that Lin Wudao's cultivation practice was constantly regressing, and the spirit demon recovered his confidence in attacking Mount Shanzong. But honestly, the pressure that Lin Wudao gave him still exists, otherwise the spirit demon would not pay such a big price to go to Qingyunmen for foreign aid.

Now that I saw Lin Wudao rushing towards me, and his cultivation practice was restored to the peak, there was not much confidence in the spirit of the spirit, and I wanted to call Ming Fan around me to deal with Lin Wudao, but now what is Ming Fan? At that time, as early as the moment Lin Wudao moved, Lin Fei's breath locked Ming Fan.

Although Ming Fan is standing still today, his mental strength has already been locked by Lin Fei. If Ming Fan does not deal with Lin Fei, he will always be under enormous pressure. At that time, it is estimated that even half of the strength can not be exerted ...

Therefore, when the spirit demon called him, Ming Fan didn't have the power to reply at all. His eyes locked Lin Fei over there. Following, Ming Fan's figure turned into a black light and flew towards Lin Fei.

"Rely!" When the spirit demon saw Ming Fan directly changed his eyes to Lin Fei, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart. Can't Ming Fan see that, he has been entangled by Lin Wudao? At this time, shouldn't we join forces to get rid of Lin Wudao first?

Now that I see Ming Fan has swept towards Lin Fei, the spirit demon wants to follow in desperation, but at this time, many spiritual barriers have appeared around his body, sealing his path tightly, Spirit The demon could not break out, only to watch Ming Fan go away. And for himself, he had no choice but to greet Lin Wudao's arrival ...

Soon, he and Lin Wudao joined hands ...

After the restoration of Lin Wudao ’s recovery, the power shown in every move was definitely not comparable before. Lin Wudao spent hundreds of years in the real body realm. The terrible background is definitely not comparable to that of the real real body. Between raising his hands, he gathers the spiritual power between the world and the world, and then merges with his true unit. , Above the sky, a dark cloud suddenly pressed down, and in that dark cloud, there were also amazing wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and infinite elements, completely drowning the spirits.

Lin Fei, there is naturally nothing to worry about Lin Wudao's strength.

Looking at the overall situation, he has almost understood that it is absolutely difficult to deal with Lin Wudao with the power of spirit demon. Lin Wudao's realm is far beyond that of spirit demon. He didn't need to worry about the situation there. He glanced down at the heated battle below, and the sound of countless monks fighting came from his ears. Lin Fei's eyes gradually fell on Ming Fan.

At this moment, because of being locked in by Lin Fei's breath, Ming Fan had been forced to flee towards Lin Fei. Only in the moment near Lin Fei, Ming Fan's body, already appeared seven-color runes, the seven-color runes intertwined, like a black light network, enveloped Lin Fei.

In the light net formed by this rune, Lin Fei instantly felt that his breath had been cut off from the outside world. In order to weaken his strength, Ming Fan would not let him draw any spirit from between heaven and earth. force.

It ’s just this trick, which is really useless for Lin Fei ...

Lin Fei did not look at the seven-color runes, followed by the four major sword qi of Yanyu Sword Qi, Five Decay Sword Qi, and so on, and was evolved by Lin Fei. As soon as the streamer flashed, Lin Fei broke the light net in an instant!

When the light network was broken, there was an infinite sword of energy flying towards Lin Fei between heaven and earth.

Facing Ming Fan's real body, Lin Fei knew that he could never start a tug of war with him. The two real bodies were fighting. For the monks underneath, it was undoubtedly a huge disaster. A breath that easily leaked out, maybe It will be able to kill hundreds of monks. Moreover, this person who is not the Spirit Stone Sect is not the one who moved the Mountain Sect.

The lives of the monks underneath have nothing to do with him. He will not be like the spirit or Lin Wudao. He will also have to take care of the monks underneath when he fights. Therefore, the battle between Lin Fei and Ming Fan must be The direct solution must not delay the time, or even if it is defeated, it will also pay the lives of many monks ...


After the aura of heaven and earth converged into Lin Fei's body, the true elements in Lin Fei's body, like the impact of the eruption of the volcano, were boiling like crazy. Lin Fei's hand was also stretched out. In his hand, a prototype of sword gas slowly condensed out.

This sword energy is different from any sword energy Lin Fei currently masters, but it is a sword energy completely formed by the spirit of heaven and earth.

After the cultivation was promoted to the real body, Lin Fei also had a deeper fit with the world and could fully mobilize the power of the world. At the moment, Lin Fei will transform the spiritual power from the heaven and earth into sword energy in his hand. Under the shower of spiritual power, the sword in Lin Fei's hand became clearer, and in a few moments, he formed a divine sword!

This Excalibur exudes brilliant brilliance, and the Excalibur itself is as long as tens of feet, almost coming from the sky and covering the sky. Looking from a distance, it can give people great pressure.

Even because this sword is too conspicuous, it also attracted the attention of many monks below. After seeing this sword, the monks were all shocked and looked at the sword with wide eyes. The destructive power contained in that Excalibur made these monks' blood boil, and their hearts could not stop beating wildly.

"Is it possible to condense the spiritual power of heaven and earth to such a degree?" It is the same as the real body and can also mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth. How can Ming Fan not know the difficulty of Lin Fei to condense this sword.

Monks generally condense the spiritual power of heaven and earth from heaven and earth, and it takes a lot of time, but it is not just to attract them, but also to condense those complicated spiritual forces together, so as to be yourself the power of. At the same time, if the monks have enough power, it is impossible to condense too much spiritual power of heaven and earth. After all, these are the most fundamental forces between heaven and earth, and how easy is it to manipulate.

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