This is what really makes Jiang Hai angry.

Nowadays, Liu Weiqing is not enough to insult him. He still insults Jiang Tao in front of him, which makes Jiang Hai even more intolerable. At this moment, regardless of whether Lin Fei is still around Liu Weiqing, he burst out and said: "You leave me Come here, this is what we moved to Shanzong's own house. Why don't people need to be busy with outsiders? If you are still a man, you will fight against me! "

When Liu Weiqing heard this, she had to step forward.

But at this time, Lin Fei stopped Liu Weiqing.

With Liu Weiqing's strength, he is naturally not Jiang Hai's opponent. Even if he fights down, Liu Weiqing can only end in death. However, after just such a dialogue, Lin Fei is now even more uncomfortable with Jiang Hai. Jiang Hai's strength is indeed okay, but he didn't have a bit of a brain, and he didn't even understand the real situation, so he came to Liu Weiqing for trouble. Lin Fei didn't have any good feelings for him ...

"Senior, he is right. This is our own matter of moving Shanzong. You can rest assured that I will defeat him and give myself a fair way." Liu Weiqing said.

Lin Fei smiled. Since Liu Weiqing wanted to find his face, he naturally couldn't stop him. He simply patted Liu Weiqing's shoulder three times and then returned to the crowd. And Liu Weiqing didn't know why Lin Fei had to pat him on the shoulder, only Lin Fei encouraged him.

But there are still strange things ...

Just when Lin Fei patted his shoulder, Liu Weiqing suddenly felt that there seemed to be a warm real element, which poured into his body, and his original scarred body became refreshed at this moment, as if before All injuries suffered have been recovered at this moment.

It turns out that my predecessor is treating my injury ...

Liu Weiqing thought of this and looked back gratefully, but Lin Fei's face showed a smile, and he begged him to fight Jiang Hai.

Liu Weiqing nodded and walked towards Jiang Hai.

When he returned to Jiang Hai, Liu Weiqing couldn't help but take a deep breath. The strength Jiang Jiang just showed was also a cause of concern for Liu Weiqing, especially the five-element reincarnation tactics. Apart from despair, Wei Qing can't give birth to other ideas.

However, today's battle must be a battle of dignity, so Liu Weiqing will not escape. Although he was silent and unknown in moving the mountain sect on weekdays, at this time, he would not actively bow his head to Jiang Hai because of strength problems. This is also his consistent principle of being a man. Even if he survived, he wouldn't want to go further.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come over. Since that's the case, I won't be merciless now." Jiang Hai said sternly.

The murderous intentions he said ...

In fact, Jiang Hai did have a killing intention now.

Before, he was only irritated by Liu Weiqing. Although it seemed to kill the killer, he was actually worried. He didn't want to take Liu Weiqing's life completely. But after Liu Weiqing and Lin Fei finished speaking, Jiang Hai's intention to kill was completely aroused.

Today, if this can't be solved with iron-blooded wrists, what impression do you have to leave in the hearts of these monks? Maybe you have to say that you just shouted fiercely on the surface, in fact, even Liu Weiqing couldn't deal with it.

Now he can no longer worry about how angry the elders of moving Shanzong will be. Now he just wants to solve Liu Weiqing as soon as possible.

"Drink!" On the field, I only heard Jiang Hai shouting, and then everyone found out that Jiang Hai actually showed the power of five elements of chaos, that is, at the beginning of the fight with Liu Weiqing, Jiang Haibian directly displayed the five elements of the samsara ...

Such a tyrannical spell, even if there is no secret of any kind of secret, as soon as it came out, the power of the five elements of chaos that suddenly roared, completely surrounded the square, and even the monks onlookers were all chaotic by the five elements. Devoured.

In the power of the five elements of chaos, they only felt the full pressure. Some monks' faces changed drastically, and they just wanted to leave the square to watch the contest between Jiang Hai and Liu Weiqing from a distance. It was a thick wall, holding back their bodies, they couldn't even take a step back. These monks' eyes suddenly flashed with deep fear.

But most monks still have no fear.

Although the power of the five elements of chaos is fierce, they all know that Jiang Hai ’s goal is only Liu Weiqing, like these onlookers, although they are surrounded, they will never be in danger of life. After all, Jiang Hai ’s guts are so big. Nor dare to suffer so many monks at once.

They still looked at Jiang Hai and Liu Weiqing with great interest.

The power that Jiang Hai is now exerting can be said to be completely free of possession, which is the strongest power of the monks of the Fa-sect. Jiang Hai had been covering up his strength before, but after using real power at the moment, everyone was very shocked by Jiang Hai's strength.

In the field, as Jiang Hai condensed more and more five-element chaotic power, many five-element chaotic power actually condensed dozens of earth dragons, these earth dragons are also full of five-element chaotic power, in the void Whistling in the shuttle, every action is set off a gust of wind.

Everyone didn't expect that Jiang Hai actually practiced the five-element reincarnation formula to such an extent that he was able to manipulate the five-element reincarnation formula, and even condensed into shape, only looking at the roaring earth dragon, everyone thought There is a creepy feeling.

Many monks exchanged themselves for Liu Weiqing and secretly compared their strengths. Without exception, they found that if they become Jiang Hai ’s goals, they may only fall into hatred in the five-element samsara instead of doing it. Out any resistance.

Worthy of being a quasi-generation disciple ...

Although it has long been known that each of the generation of disciples in Qianshanzong has strong strength, it was not expected that Jiang Hai has already had such strong strength before becoming a generation of disciples.

Liu Weiqing, who was standing in the center of the power of the five elements of chaos, could not help flashing a trace of fear in his eyes at this moment. Although he said he was determined to fight Jiang Hai, but when Jiang Hai came up with the powerful power of the five elements of chaos, Liu Wei Qing was still trembling in his heart.

"Go to death!" After condensing the earth dragons, Jiang Hai's killing intentions were fleeting, and then those earth dragons that were originally entrenched in the void, roared and rushed to Liu Weiqing.

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