Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2052: World power

The more monks behind them are naturally unbearable.

The monks were completely motionless at this time, and there was a panic on every face.

"Welcome to real people!"

At that time, among the cracks in the space, many monsters swarmed from there, and a loud shout broke out.

After the countless monsters came out of it, there were no teeth and claws, but they turned around immediately and bowed down towards the space crack.

Li Qingshang was surrounded by countless monsters, and his face was cold, faintly the respect of that monster.

At this time, along with the monsters, they bowed down to the crack in the space, but the eyes were directed at the monks who asked Jianzong, showing a very cold, creepy meaning.

In the countless loud voices, I only saw the turbulent space storm. At this moment, it suddenly fell into stillness without warning.

Then I saw only that a figure with red hair, like walking on the ground, stepped out of the cracks in that space.

Appeared in front of countless monsters ...

Chifa's real face calmly reveals a cold meaning, Chifa flutters like flames, there is no squalid and fierce gas like a half-point monster, but instead is alone, very simple and clean.

However, there was a long sword hanging in his waist, which made him reveal a strange temperament, which seemed to have some kind of breath, covering his whole person, and appeared with the outside world. Species isolation.

This also made his whole person look extra strange.

Chifa's eyes swept away slightly, and the shouting voice suddenly seemed to be discussed, and it was silent for a moment.

Then Chi Fa real person's gaze was swept toward the direction of Wen Jianzong, and seemed to say to himself: "Ask Jian Zong, meet again ..."

His voice didn't look loud, as if it was just a faint mutter, but when it fell, it seemed that the whole world should listen carefully.

Both the wind and the strange sounds between heaven and earth disappeared completely, and it seemed that only a faint voice could be heard between heaven and earth.

Yue Zuo was cold-faced, and didn't say much, but his awe-inspiring eyes stared at the red-haired real man ...

"You are good, if you are willing to vote for me, you can give you a life."

Chifa looked at Yuezuo slowly and said slowly.

"No need, I can't get used to that place in Blackpool."

Under the pressure of that dharma body, Yue Zuo gave a difficult smile and said: "Besides, I have waited a long time for preparation, and the winner may not be you ..."

Chifa lively heard it, but also looked at Wen Jianzong with a serious look and nodded. "In the past few years, you are indeed much stronger than before, but these are too small in front of the dharma."

In the moment of this speech, Chifa real man suddenly lifted his foot and stepped forward.

Suddenly, there was a terrible coercion of coercion that broke out from him.

The huge sword light as thick as a mountain suddenly rises into the sky. For a time, the sky and the sky are covered, and the light between the heaven and the earth is captured, as if there is only this sword light between the heaven and the earth.

This huge sword light occupies everyone's vision, and this sudden and huge impact makes everyone feel a terrible sense of fear ...

Just a moment of falling into this feeling, countless monks and gods encountered great pressure on them. Some gods and souls were not stable and almost collapsed in an instant ...


However, when the sword light was occupied between the sky and the earth, it suddenly had a huge full moon, rising slowly, and the soft moonlight flew across the world, shining on countless people, and suddenly dispelled that The sense of terror brought by Jianguang.

Yue Zuopi has long hair, and there is a soft moonlight on his body, and his face is cold.


Jianguang and Moonlight confronted each other, eroded, and invaded each other, as if they were engaged in an offensive and defensive battle with the sky above countless people as the battlefield.

Asked near Jianzong, countless monks looked at this amazing scene with terrified looks.

Under this kind of coercion, there is no fighting spirit at all. I can only hope that the moonlight will prevail.

"I have not humiliated your reputation as the Taiyin, but you cannot stop the dharma body."

Chifa real person just looked at this scene faintly, and then suddenly raised his hand and waved his big sleeves. Suddenly, the infinite darkness surged and permeated the past.

As the red hair real man exerted his strength, I only saw that the sword light was suddenly strong and encroaching on the area occupied by the moonlight ...

Seeing this, countless monks are chilling for a while.

Does this red-haired real person still have the upper hand?

However, when everyone was a little scared and desperate, between this heaven and earth, there was suddenly a voice coming, echoing between that moonlight and sword light ...

"How about my sword light?"

At the moment when the sound resounded, countless people looked at the rear suddenly, and then they found that there was a boundless aura coming between the heaven and earth there.

An extremely mysterious and vast world power suddenly came, and finally formed a huge sword light, which, together with the moonlight, actually forced the red hair of the real human sword light back quickly.

"Then, that's the power of the world ?!" Soon there were people with broad knowledge, who were a little excited to recognize it.

That is the power of the world that only the dharma body can drive, but now, it actually appears in Lin Fei's hands.

what does this mean? This means that the plan made a few years ago has become a reality. Today's Lin Fei has the ability to fight against the real red hair!

Then, Lin Fei's figure appeared between the world and looked at the Chifa real person and smiled and said: "Senior, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"This is how you have prepared to fight me for so long."

Chifa real man said lightly.

"However, these counterfeit spells are not necessarily useful. How long do you think you can hold on?" Saying, the red-haired real person suddenly showed a slightly ironic smile.

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Will it work? I'll know if I hit it."

"Oh, it makes sense."

Chifa real person nodded and smiled, and then the long sword in his waist burst out a trembling sound, and the movement overflowed, the whole world was filled with a killing breath, making people feel a cold Killing intent.

"If you fail, these heavenly spirits will also bury you. These specifications are also worthy of your painstaking preparation for so long."

Chifa real person's words were bland, but it was the first time that an incomparable killing intention was revealed. This statement suddenly made the face of countless creatures drastically change.

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