Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2036: Alternate character

After Zhou Xiangfu came out, without thinking about it, he immediately smashed the jade pendant in his hand and reported the news!

"Replacement of Death Symbol? It's a good baby, but a Fa-phase wants to spy on it by this means? Self-effort!"

In the hall, when the Dragon Emperor's sneer sounded, only to see that the demon dragon did not stop, but accelerated suddenly, along the space crack that Zhou Xiangfu had just rushed past.

In Wanlong Realm, Yue Zuo, who protects Lin Fei, suddenly opened his eyes, and in his mind, a magic instrument that held his own consciousness was just broken, and this was him. To Zhou Xiangfu and others.

At that time, I didn't think much about it. I immediately tore the space along the coordinates provided by the magic weapon before it broke.

As soon as he landed, I saw only that a terrifying monster dragon suddenly came and whistled out, as if to destroy the world.

Under such offensives, many monks were immediately stunned, their faces changed greatly, and they all felt the power of terror contained in them.

On the left side of the moon, his face became cold, and when he raised his hand, a distant sword was sent out, and suddenly the sword light passed by, leaving a long black mark in the space.

In the end, the sword landed on the demon dragon, and it turned it into a powder.

"Oh, yes, there has been some progress in the past few years, but in the end it is still a dead word."

As the demon dragon was crushed, the slowly bridging space crack still echoed the dragon emperor's fierce voice ...

In the void, many monks heard this voice, all with a look of horror ...

And Zhou Xiangfu was even more ugly. The short collision just made him feel a tremendous amount of pressure. Compared with before, the Dragon Emperor made progress and put more pressure on himself.

If before, he could temporarily step on the threshold of the real body to resist one or two, then now, he is afraid that there is not much chance of even escaping ...

But then, Yue Zuo appeared in front of him: "How are you sure of their hiding place?"

Zhou Xiangfu nodded solemnly and said, "Just accidentally bumped into it just now, but now they are afraid that they have to change places again. They don't seem to want to fight us now, but are waiting for something ..."

Yue nodded on the left: "Those guys are waiting for Chih Fa's orders, so don't dare to act rashly ..."

"What should I do? Continue to find them?"

Zhou Xiangfu asked.

Yue Zuo shook his head and said: "No need, come back, so find what you can't catch, since they have to wait and wait, when they feel the time is ripe, we should be ready on our side ..."

"Besides, if you rush to find it, even if you encounter it, you will be in danger ..."

Hearing this, everyone was a little silent. Indeed, during this time they won a lot of black pawns, but the pawns were only pawns after all. From the perspective of the real core of the black prairie, they just met them. The plucked pieces are just.

"Don't worry, Lin Fei has already become the peak of his true body, and he is still refining Wanlong Realm. As long as it succeeds, I don't have to worry too much. I can still resist it. As long as Lin Fei resists for a while, That red-haired real man dared not fight ... "

Seeing everyone upset, Yue Zuo said so.

Hearing this, all the talents were happy, and now Lin Fei is their greatest hope. Now, good news is coming from Lin Fei, but it is quite exciting.

"Okay, most of the power arranged by Heiyuan is almost removed, just go back with me."

Everyone responded one after the other, and then they all picked up one after the other and turned into flying out of the way.

Soon, the monks distributed all over the world were informed that Lin Fei had succeeded and returned to each other with great excitement.

Yuezuo is one step ahead, and the monks are led by Zhou Xiangfu, returning one after another.

Three years later, a group of monks returned to Luofu.

The news of the return was also quickly spread to all corners of the world, and the news that the Dragon Emperor appeared again was also spread.

Everyone knows that behind this Dragon Emperor, there is a real dharma body. Under idle circumstances, they will not easily appear.

But now the traces are revealed, but it is unbelievable that what kind of signal is this appearance ...

Perhaps, it is the confrontation between Tianmen City and Heiyuan, what substantive changes are really going to happen?

At the time of this news, some people among many monks were panic-stricken. After all, if a war really broke out, people like them would definitely not be able to spend it easily.

I ’m afraid it ’s even like the Dhamma, it ’s like duckweed in the wind ...

Since this time, the monks have also been arranged and stationed in several worlds including the Luofu Realm, the Death Bell Realm, the Fo Lili Realm, the Wanlong Realm, and the Jianmu Realm, which are occupied by the monks and occupy a large force.

After all, these circles can be said to have been laid by Lin Fei. Over the years, the monks have also managed to operate it as a core place, transporting a lot of resources to the Luofujie and Tianmen City. In just three years, In between, it has nurtured countless monks.

In these places, they are connected together by a large number of spatial law arrays, forming a series of fronts to guard against any accidents.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

To a Capricorn man standing above a continuous mountain range, standing seven figures, they are all releasing their own thoughts, responsible for observing one direction.

Over the past six months, the monks have been sent to the frontiers of various places to observe the changes, so as not to be unprepared.

And they are responsible for guarding this area ...

"Uncle Shi, we have been guarding here for half a year. Do you want to be so nervous ..."

A monk with six turns of Jindan said, after the monitoring was over as usual, and after taking back the idea, he said something boring.

Since this time, it seems to have been monitoring here, and the above is always a legend, it is possible that there will be a war about to break out.

But the news was transmitted to them, but they didn't feel much. For the past six months, they have been guarding here every day.

"Oh, even if Mao didn't grow up, would you dare to say such a thing?" The Uncle Shi of the Fa state's initial stage sneered and glanced at him: "I think I was waiting for Zhou Xiangfu When the adults go to war, they should bring you to let you know how rare the peace is now! "

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