Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2030: Three flesh

Saying that, Zhou Xiangfu also looked at Lin Fei, with some complicated sighs: "We are still coveted by the opportunity, maybe, the seniors stayed there, really waiting for you ..."

When everyone heard this, when they looked at Lin Fei, they all expressed their envy ...

However, no one touched those thoughts, not to mention that Lin Fei's magical soldiers had just fallen down and turned the tide. Even in that short period of time, the pressure of promotion to the real background was not something ordinary people could bear ...

After saying this, Zhou Xiangfu also looked at Lin Fei and said abruptly: "Next, it's up to you!"

Lin Fei nodded and said, "Just try your best."

After talking, Zhou Xiangfu looked at the people again and took a deep breath: "After this battle, I want to come to the real man of Chifa for the time being and don't dare to act rashly. At the same time, we can't sit idle and continue to pull out any signs of abyss Forces to provide Lin Fei with various training resources! "


The voice fell, and everyone should be aware that it is time to desperately, if now does not weaken the power of the Black Abyss in time, and help Lin Fei to accomplish his cultivation, then the unlucky ones in the next war are undoubtedly themselves.

At that time, the atmosphere suddenly became abrupt after all the hardships.

Next, among the heavens and the worlds, there must be a period of time that will kill and not let go.

In the meantime, there will definitely be grievances, but more will weaken the power of the Black Abyss to the greatest extent.

In that kind of world-destroying battle, there is no benevolence and reason to say that both sides are doing their utmost to expand their own power to the maximum, and to weaken the power of the other side.

Zhou Xiangfu's eyes looked at Lin Fei and smiled and said: "It's always you who lead us. Now, it's time for us to help you once. Next, you should practice hard. You don't have to manage other things. We won't Disappoint you ... "

Lin Fei nodded his head. These reasons do not need to be said. In the last life, he experienced it, even more cruel than these ...

Numerous brothers and sisters went to the Black Abyss to die, and all he could do was to try his best to refine the magic weapon and repair the magic circle for them.

Lin Fei looked at the crowd and said, "You guys, please."


"Must live up to expectations!"

On the field, many monks unanimously agreed that at the next moment, under the leadership of Zhou Xiangfu, they broke through the sky and disappeared into the Wanlong Realm.


The war that took place in Wanlong Realm, within a few days, just like a storm, quickly swept the forces of the worlds.

The battle for the destruction of the Black Abyss may seem a little distant to the ordinary creatures of the heavens and the worlds, but when this kind of war manifests nakedly in front of you, destroying several worlds in succession, this kind of distant Quickly draw closer ...

In particular, before Lin Fei's power, it is already known to everyone, but even Lin Fei can't leave the other party. The kind of horror can be imagined ...

Some unfamiliar words of annihilation are so real for the first time ...

Suddenly, after the lapse of countless years, the entire world of the heavens clearly felt that kind of critical fear.

The monks of the Tianmen City, calling on many monks of the Fa phase, all gathered together, some of them were stationed around Luofujie Wenjianzong, guarding Lin Fei, and the other part were sent to attack the outside world ...

During this period of time, the forces that Lin Fei kneaded together also achieved initial results.

In this short period of time, countless monks gathered around Luofu Realm. Under the dispatch of Zhou Xiangfu, they formed an extremely terrifying force.

At this time, Lin Fei was in front of a high altar ...

This altar, which can be hundreds of feet high and countless steps, was directly moved by the dharma bodies from the ruins of the ruins with great power.

Lin Fei looked at the altar silently for a while, and then lifted his feet and stepped up ...

Every step was traversed by Lin Fei Shi, and he never used any mana.

When Lin Fei walked up to the top of the altar, there was already a cloud of mist.

In front of him, only three figures were seen sitting cross-legged.

One of them is an old man in white. His beard and hair are almost transparent, sitting quietly with his eyes closed. His face is ruddy, and he has a sense of immortality. I don't know, I thought I was asleep here.

This old man also had a looming coercion, slowly emanating out, but all around him was still, there were no birds flying in the sky ...

Around the old man, there is a majestic middle-aged man with a heavy jujube-shaped mark between his eyebrows.

The remaining one is a thin young man with a white and handsome face, a sense of tranquility, which is hopeful and refined, and he can't help but give birth to a sense of closeness.

But Lin Fei knows that these three people who seem to be ordinary people, in fact, are all long-dead seniors ...

The old man and the middle-aged man were both real people in Tianmen City. During their lifetime in battle with the Black Abyss, they made outstanding achievements and gained great prestige. Today, their legends remain in Tianmen City ... …

Even among the many monks who followed Lin Fei to the heavens and the world, there were quite a few who were their descendants.

The young man with a calm face was born in the Taiyin tribe. It was the body of an ancestor sent by the Taiyin tribe after learning of Lin Fei's plan.

He was a genius of the Taiyin tribe. Later, he failed to attack the dharma body and sat on the altar of the Taiyin tribe. He was originally left for future generations, but now, he is also sent to Lin Fei.

Before their three lives, they were also absolute strong in their real bodies, at least they would never lose to the Dragon Emperor and Li Qingshan, or even pass it ...

Lin Fei stood here and could clearly feel that a strong and turbulent force came from them, but now he was sealed in the body by Enron, and he has not overflowed for countless years ...

"excuse me."

Lin Fei faced the three people, clenched their fists and saluted. After saying this softly, they were all in shape and sat in front of the three people.

Followed by raising one's hand, a powerful suction suddenly came out violently, and then I saw only that the three bodies were slightly trembling ...

At this time, Lin Fei's complexion became a little dignified.

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