"Good means ..."

Dragon Emperor looked at the black dragon, whose screams were slowly weakening, with a cold and incomparable gaze, and suddenly there was a fierce color in his gaze.

Randomly, he turned back fiercely. As soon as he raised his hand, he only saw the evil spirits and swept toward the infinite monster behind him.

This demon spirit seemed to be as heavy as it was and swept through it. The countless monsters were directly shattered into flesh and blood.

Then it was swept away by the tumultuous demon qi, and then the demon qi started to grow rapidly.

This sudden action suddenly surprised many monsters.

Countless screams of wailing at that time were resounding all over the world, but no matter how they wailed, the Dragon Emperor's means did not show any mercy.

Just continue to agitate demon spirits and devour countless flesh and blood.

In order to make up for his shortfall, the Dragon Emperor is already doing everything he can ...

When Li Qingshan met, he was also expressionless, let alone stop it.

Because he also knows that only now the Dragon Emperor can restore Lin Fei's strength to the peak state as soon as possible.

In any case, the last time he almost died in Lin Fei ’s memory, he still did not forget, he knew how powerful and difficult Lin Fei was.

He definitely didn't want to experience it a second time ...

For this, it is nothing to pay for some monsters plundered among the heavens and the world.


Immediately after that, when those monsters were reluctant to retreat under instinctive resistance, Li Qingshan suddenly raised his hand, and it seemed that he had issued an order, which suddenly made many monsters more afraid ...

This is to let them take the initiative to die.

However, in the face of Li Qingshang's cold gaze, they had no way. Under the blessing of Li Qingshang's demon sword tactic that day, the whole person was like a real demon, exuding natural coercion, Let countless monsters not dare to disobey.

In the end, the countless monsters were only a little disturbed, and they quickly recovered their calm. They even had to take the initiative to meet the boundless monster and send it to the dragon king ...

Upon seeing this, the Dragon Emperor was also satisfied, and followed the enchantment again, as if it were a stormy sea. With a light tap, the enchanted objects were smashed into the enchantment.

Among them, even include its own children ...

Those dragons did not die in the hands of the monks, but were sacrificed by their ancestors themselves.

"When the Black Abyss comes, my family of Jiaolong will be prosperous, and your current contribution is worth it!"

As the Dragon King's icy voice resounded through the sky, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a sharp breath.

Suddenly, I saw the sky full of evil spirits mixed with fine blood, just like a whale swallowed, he was absorbed into the belly ...


With such a magnificent swallowing, I only saw that the Dragon Emperor's already young body was full of incomparable vitality, and the whole person revealed a deep coercion at its peak.

There is even a strange coercion, which naturally diffuses, and there seems to be a sound of Long Xiao ...

This is actually a bit like the legendary Long Wei ...

In just a few moments of interest, this coercion is to make the sky go up and down all day, and it is shocked by it ...

On the other side, many monks at this time, the relaxed color of that face like salvation, but all disappeared, even Lin Fei frowned slightly.

This kind of coercion really has the taste of Longwei ...

This Dragon Emperor's heritage and blood are deep enough ...

And under the pressure of this mighty coercion, there was a faint trend like Lin Fei's resistance in court.

With the coercion coming out of the Dragon Emperor, Zhou Xiangfu and others were also shocked to find that the long horn on the Dragon Emperor's head was extended a bit again, and looked terrible. And sharp, seems to pierce the sky.

Everyone has a heart in their hearts for a while. Now the Dragon Emperor does not know how much it is stronger than before, which has exceeded the perception of everyone ...

And in these terrifying eyes, the Dragon Emperor slowly raised his hands, and an incomparable life force flew from the inside out. This sense of seemingly able to hold the heavenly peak power made him all I am somewhat satisfied ...

At this point, even the entire body seemed to swell, and the whole person looked much taller.

Followed, Long Huang bowed his head slightly, and looked at Lin Fei swaying across the void in the middle ...

And the voice with the meaning of infinite violence is also in this world, like thunder, rumbling.

"Can force the **** to open the five eyes, you wait, die without regret!"

As the words fell, an endless pressure came out of the sky.

Suddenly, all the monks' faces changed, and under this pressure, there were many people who could not support it.

"This Dragon Emperor ... is so hidden ..."

At this time, even Zhou Xiangfu was biting his teeth and looking at each other, his eyes were shocked. He also knew before that the Dragon Emperor must be weak, but he could not bear it.

But I really did not expect that the hidden strength of the Dragon Emperor was so huge!

He already has the fighting power to touch his real body, but under such pressure, he still feels a great pressure.

But this Dragon Emperor was able to face the continuous slaughter of his children and grandchildren, and he has never exposed anything.

"It's deep enough to hide ..."

Lin Fei just smiled, followed by a body shock. In an instant, the endless general spiritual power came from all directions and gathered.

Then, behind Lin Fei, it turned into a sea of ​​boundless spiritual power.

Bang ...

This sea of ​​aura, if it is real, is rumbling with the tumbling.

The moist intention spread out to the surroundings.

At this time, all the people who watched couldn't help but show awe of awe, it was unimaginable, what terrifying power Lin Fei was controlling ...

As Lin Fei waved his sleeves, he suddenly saw only that the sea of ​​boundless aura turned into countless light spots, and that he went toward the other party's boundless demon spirit.

In the end, as if every light spot is a kind of bizarre sword meaning, it contains a general power of destruction.

As soon as Lin Fei shot, he showed no mercy, and when such an offensive came out, he cultivated himself to the fullest extent.

Even the Dragon Emperor who has reached the peak state, facing the scene where all the forces of the heaven and earth came together, could not help but change slightly, and could not help but take a step back.

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