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Chapter 946 It’s true

When Xu Ying came to the front, he also stood on tiptoes and looked into the jade coffin. He couldn't help but be stunned.

There was no corpse of Emperor Xuan in the jade coffin, only a little burning sky fire of extinction. Below the sky fire was a human-shaped ashes. The sky fire was in the pit of his heart, burning slowly.

This sky fire has been burning for countless millions of years, and it has no tendency to burn out.

Dixuan, after all, was still unable to withstand the destruction of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and died instead of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Only the spirit of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor was left in the coffin.

The vision Xu Ying saw on the road to the end just now was the attack launched by Di Xuan's spirit on Xu Ying.

So, in the coffins of other Hunyuan Immortal Emperors, there is no corpse of the Immortal Emperor, only the Nirvana Sky Fire and the immortal spirit are left.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought, The Imperial Clan came with the Emperor's coffin, intending to use the spirit of the emperors to suppress Di Chen? No, they intended to use the power of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi to suppress Di Chen! What a pity! What's wrong is that they don't know that the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi has been destroyed. But...

He frowned slightly. Judging from the ashes, Di Xuan should be lying in the emperor's coffin, burned to ashes. The Nirvana Tribulation is certainly extremely terrifying, but how can someone like Di Xuan not put up any resistance at the end of the avenue?

Di Chen's voice came: Did Fellow Daoist Xu notice the position above Di Xuan's head?

Xu Ying looked at the top of the human-shaped ashes and was slightly startled, only to see a blank area there that looked like an immortal seal.

Di Chen said quietly: Everyone in the world knows that Hunyuan Immortal Emperor Bo Yuntian was righteous. He saved the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty from disaster, saved the people, saved all living beings, and saved tens of thousands of infinite lives in the universe. However, how could the world know that any Since you are the greatest emperor of all time, no matter how unparalleled you are at the end of the avenue, you cannot withstand the power of the Heavenly Seal of Hunyuan Dao.

Xu Ying immediately understood what he meant.

Emperor Xuan was robbed by the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and took the tribulations of the Immortal Dynasty's countless universes into his own. This was sacrificing his own life for righteousness.

But the appearance of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi on Di Xuan's head indicates that this sacrifice of one's life for righteousness may not be the true sacrifice of one's life for righteousness.

It is very likely that Di Xuan did not want to sacrifice his life for righteousness at that time, but the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi suppressed Di Xuan, forcing him to sacrifice his life for righteousness!

By analogy, perhaps the death of every Immortal Emperor back then was not so pure.

The smile on Di Chen's face was wiped away, with a solemn expression, he bowed to the jade coffin and said: Although you and I are both Hunyuan Immortal Emperors, after all, you saved the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and extended the life of the Immortal Dynasty. . Without your righteous deeds, I would not have been born, let alone what I have achieved today.

He straightened up and closed the jade coffin.

Suddenly, Su Hongyu said loudly: Your Majesty Emperor Chen, since you remember the kindness of the past Immortal Emperors, you should continue to live for the Immortal Dynasty, just like the previous Hunyuan Immortal Emperors, you have suffered tribulation with your body!

Huai'an Jun, Yun Bohou and others were frightened and hurriedly blinked at her to indicate that she should stop talking.

Di Chen didn't take action. He just showed the end of his road and trapped all of them, turning them into lambs to be slaughtered. This kind of strength has surpassed all previous Immortal Emperors, it is really terrifying!

If Su Hongyu offended him, he would kill Su Hongyu with just one thought!

Su Hongyu turned a blind eye to their gestures and continued loudly: In that case, even if you die, you will always live in the hearts of the world, and everyone will remember your kindness! Everyone in the future generations will remember you! You You will be as famous as all the emperors, and the world will worship you forever!

Di Chen shook his head and said with a smile: Living in the hearts of the world? Will future generations remember me? What do the world and future generations mean? Are they my bloodline or my closest relatives? Are they worthy of letting me, the Great Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, die for them?

He fluttered his sleeves and said proudly: Which of them has achieved as much as me? Which one is as precious as my life? Which one is worth more than me? My achievements surpass those of the Immortal Emperors of all generations, and even the Emperor Zhao is far behind me! I Why should I be sacrificed to save their lives?

Su Hongyu got angry and shouted: The moment you became the Immortal Emperor, you already accepted the condition that the Immortal Emperor must suffer calamity for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Why are you going back on your word now? Di Chen, your moral conduct is lacking and your Taoism is guilty. , not worthy of being the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor!

When Di Chen heard this, his expression darkened.

With his current strength, he can destroy Su Hongyu and the princes and generals of Emperor Zhao's old dynasty without even raising his hand. Even, wipe out Emperor Zhao’s

But he didn't kill Su Hongyu because he did agree to this condition when he became the Immortal Emperor.

Yes, I feel guilty.

Di Chen admitted this openly and said, Back then, I did promise to suffer the disaster for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and save the sentient beings in the universe from the Immortal Dynasty to prevent them from suffering the disaster. I swear to the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, if If I violate my oath, Dao Tianxi will suppress and kill me.

Suddenly, everyone was freed from the vision at the end of the road, and each seemed to have been forgiven.

Seeing that he admitted his fault, Su Hongyu softened her tone and said softly: Since you know you are wrong, why don't you change it? Now that the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is being robbed, you are still the Hunyuan Emperor whose light shines on the sea of ​​chaos... …”

Di Chen interrupted her and said proudly: I just broke my oath, but I was not wrong. The Immortal Emperors of the past generations were just stupid and incompetent people. How could they be so virtuous and capable that I should end up with the same fate as them? Even if it is The Hunyuan Dao Tianxi is no match for me. I can't solve the disaster of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but I can still solve the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi.

Su Hongyu felt cold in her heart.

The others didn't know that the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi had been destroyed, so they were shocked and angry. They shouted at Di Chen angrily, scolding him for his treason and arrogance.

Su Hongyu's face was pale. Although Xu Ying told them that Dao Tianxi had been destroyed, and they verified this, Di Chen personally said that Dao Tianxi had been destroyed, which broke all the illusions in her heart.

Sacrifice the emperor's coffin, force him into the palace, and fight him to the death. I don't know if it will work...

Su Hongyu thought of the terrible situation on the way to the end of Emperor Chen's road just now, and immediately rejected her idea. Even if the fish died and the net was broken, it was just them who died and their net was broken, and there was nothing that could be done to Di Chen.

How did Di Chen's cultivation strength improve so much? She felt desperate.

In the past, Emperor Chen was certainly invincible and a peerless master, but there were many masters in the world who were also at the end of the road, who could check and balance him.

But now, even if those Dao Jin who live in seclusion join forces, they won't be able to do anything to Di Chen.

The reason why Di Chen's strength has improved so quickly is probably because of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi. She thought to herself.

Di Chen stepped forward and walked towards Su Hongyu. Xu Ying followed suit and followed him. The two of them walked one behind the other, and within a moment they came to Su Hongyu and stopped.

Su Hongyu looked nervous, then calmed down, no longer worrying about gains and losses.

——In front of Di Chen, resistance is meaningless.

The descendants of Emperor Zhao are much better than the descendants of other Immortal Emperors. They are worthy of the First Emperor's family.

Emperor Chen looked at Su Hongyu, praised him again and again, changed the subject, and said, Fellow Daoist Xu, when I was refining the Dao Tianxi, I was thinking about what I would do if I were Emperor Zhao and faced the catastrophe of annihilation. ? Now let me ask you, if you were Emperor Zhao, what would you do?

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said: I will seek a way to save the Hunyuan Universe. I will leave the Hunyuan Universe and go to other places in the Chaos Sea to seek the truth of the great road and then save me.

Di Chen shook his head and said: Searching for the truth of the Great Dao? This goal is too ambitious. The Dao Alliance has been searching for the truth of the Great Dao for hundreds of millions of years, but has not found it? This method is not the way to save the Hunyuan universe. Moreover, you are not based on the Hunyuan universe. Think about the universe.”

Xu Ying brought himself into the perspective of Emperor Zhao and said: If I were Emperor Zhao, with great talents, great wisdom, and supreme power, I would, I would...

He looked strange and said in a strange way: Set up a harvesting game. In this game, all living beings, monks, and the universe are not my harvesting targets. My harvesting targets are those beings who are as powerful as me and have reached the end of the road. .”

His expression became more and more strange, thinking of the world of Yuanshou, and said: Only by harvesting such existences can I take my Taoism one step further and get closer to the truth of the Taoism. I will leave a piece of the Hunyuan Taoist Heavenly Seal, As a symbol of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor...

When he said this, Di Chen took over his words and continued: In the name of great righteousness, I can let the new generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor imprint his Taoism on the Hunyuan Dao Celestial Seal. In the name of great righteousness, let The new generation of Immortal Emperors took the initiative to take the place of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and suffer the tribulation. Even if the new Immortal Emperor is not robbed, the power of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi has far exceeded that of the emperors, so suppress them and let them suffer the tribulation.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath and said: And I, through the Hunyuan Dao Celestial Seal, harvested generations of Hunyuan Immortal Emperors, their wisdom, and their Taoism. My cultivation strength is getting stronger and stronger. The stronger you get, the closer you get to the truth of the great road.

Di Chen said: If I were Di Zhao, I would use this method.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I can't.

Di Chen glanced at him and said, You just explained this method very clearly, don't you know how?


Xu Ying shook his head and said decisively, I have seen many similar harvests, and I will never use this method to harvest others.

Di Chen's eyes were strange and he said with a smile: The big shot is indeed a big shot, and he speaks with toughness. But just because you can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it, and it doesn't mean that Di Zhao can't do it!

He flicked his sleeves, and suddenly the first layer of Emperor Zhao's coffin opened, and the copper coffin flew out. Then the copper coffin opened, and the silver coffin flew out!

What are you doing? Su Hongyu woke up, shocked and angry, and shouted to Di Chen.

Lord Huai'an, Marquis Yunbo and others were loyal to Emperor Zhao. Seeing this situation, they couldn't bear it and immediately attacked Emperor Chen!

However, the moment they took action, they realized that the distance between any of their magical powers and Di Chen was getting farther and farther. Their magical powers could not touch Di Chen at all!

Their cultivation is extremely powerful, and they are infinitely close to the existence at the end of the road. However, no matter how powerful their magic power is, it is not as powerful as Di Chen's magic power, and no matter how exquisite their magical powers are, they are not as sophisticated as Di Chen's magical powers.

They practice many kinds of avenues, and their comprehensive strength is close to the end of the avenues, but Di Chen is standing at the end of all the avenues they practice!

In just a short moment, Emperor Zhao's last jade coffin appeared in front of everyone.

Although the last coffin has not yet been opened, there is already an extremely heavy power of Dao in the coffin, permeating the scene and filling the void.

Su Hongyu said coldly: Di Chen, you have sensed the aura of your ancestor, do you still have to open the coffin and disturb his body? Do you have to do it so cruelly?

Xu Ying also sensed the endless power of Dao Jin. This power was the power of Hongmeng Dao Jin. There was absolutely no difference!

Although he also suspected that there might be something fishy about Emperor Zhao's death, the inheritance of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was orderly. The immortal emperors of the past generations took the initiative to suffer hardships and died in order to continue the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. What a great spirit.

He would rather believe that Emperor Zhao was dead and that what was in the coffin was just the ashes of Emperor Zhao's burning.


The coffin boards of the jade coffin suddenly flew up, and the coffin was opened.

Di Chen did not immediately look at the situation in the coffin and said: I was inspired by the deeds of the Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties, and I was willing to give everything I have in exchange for the continuation of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. After defeating all the heroes in the world, I won the After gaining the throne, I solemnly swore to the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi that I would imprint the Taoist teachings I have practiced throughout my life on the Dao Tianxi. I would take the initiative to accept the catastrophe of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty before the disaster broke out, and risk my own death. Change the continuation of the immortal dynasty in thousands of universes. Until one day, a voice told me...

His eyes were strange, and after a moment, he said: This voice tells me, why don't you open the coffin and take a look?

Xu Ying was surprised, turned to look at him, and asked tentatively: I didn't expect that Your Majesty and Xu are fellow Taoists. Are Taoists moving mountains or unloading ridges?

Di Chen didn't understand what he meant and thought to himself: I went to look for the source of this sound, but I couldn't find it. I was already at the end of the road at that time, and my cultivation level was as good as any Hunyuan Immortal Emperor in the world. . I asked myself even more than most of them. But I didn’t find out who the source of this sound was. This thing made me alert, and at the same time it made me think about checking those Immortal Emperors.”

Xu Ying was a little excited.

The contemporary Immortal Emperor steals the tombs of past Immortal Emperors?

Di Chen clapped his hands gently, and a group of soldiers from the Immortal Courtyard rushed out and carried out the ancient emperor coffins.

These imperial clans have disappeared into history. In order to avoid getting into trouble, I chose the coffins of these immortal emperors. Di Chen said.

Digging out every family's grave!

Xu Ying said excitedly, Sure enough, he is from our line of work!

Di Chen continued: Five of the immortal emperors in the emperor's coffin were willingly robbed and burned to ashes by the Nirvana Heavenly Fire. Seven of them were suppressed by the Heavenly Seal of Hunyuan Dao and died in the Nirvana Heavenly Fire.

His eyes fell on the opened Jade Coffin of Emperor Zhao and said: When I saw this scene, I finally became suspicious of the past Immortal Emperors being robbed for the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Since then, I have been thinking , if the owner of the Dao Tianxi has never died, and he seeks the truth of the Dao through the ways of the emperors, how should I deal with it?

Xu Ying looked at Emperor Zhao's jade coffin, his eyes flashed, and said: So you came up with a way to use the Chaos Bell to deal with Dao Tianxi.

Di Chen nodded, exhaled a breath, and said: Dealing with Dao Tianxi is only the first step. I still need to do the second thing, which is to open the coffin of Emperor Zhao to verify my guess.

Xu Yingxiao asked: You stood in front of the jade coffin for a long time and did not look to see if there was an emperor in the coffin. Is it because you were afraid that your faith would collapse?

Di Chen nodded lightly and said: I grew up listening to the myths of the emperors since I was a child. To me, Emperor Zhao is a beacon and a beacon on the road to guide me.

Let me look at it for you!

Xu Ying walked to the jade coffin, stepped on his feet and looked into the coffin. After a moment, he looked back and said, It is indeed so.

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