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Chapter 934 Overseas Flying Coffin

Chaos Bell was slow because it had to drag the black coffin, and was soon overtaken by the powerful figure coming from the void.

However, they did not step forward. Instead, they surrounded the Chaos Clock and did not take action.

Under the bell, on the coffin board, Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun and others were extremely nervous. If these people took action and the big bell rang, I'm afraid they would also be wiped out!

Chaos Bell still moved forward unhurriedly, turning a blind eye to the powerful men surrounding it.

They are from the Chaos Empire. Taoist Cang Yu observed their clothes and said nervously.

Chaos Empire?

Only then did Xu Ying have time to look at these powerful men, and saw that these people were not dressed in Taoist uniforms like the people in the Taoist League. The clothes they wore were very much like official uniforms, divided into civil and military categories.

Civil servants are dressed in black robes, with swords and red ribbons tied around their waists, golden fairy crowns on their heads, book swords and jade pendants hanging on their waists, and black Qitou shoes.

The military attache wears a red robe, a long sword tied with a black ribbon on his waist, a large wuxian crown on his head, a sharpening knife hanging on his waist, and Qitou shoes on his feet.

Why the name Chaos Empire? Xu Ying asked.

Taoist Cang Yu said: The Chaos Empire is just what the strong men of the Chaos Sea call it. This empire has gathered many universes and called itself the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, forming an extremely large imperial capital called the Huangji Imperial Capital. The Huangji Imperial Capital is under its jurisdiction The number of universes is not inferior to that of the Dao Alliance. Their emperor is not inherited by blood, but selects the strongest person to ascend the throne, and is honored as the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, which means the supreme emperor of the Chaos Sea.

Wen Nanxun didn't know much about these things, so he listened quietly.

Xu Ying looked towards the white palm holding the treasure seal, and saw that the owner of that big hand was descending from the void.

As he came, his figure gradually shrank, gradually becoming the same as that of an ordinary person. However, whenever one laid eyes on him, it seemed as if one could see an incomparably majestic figure at the end of the road!

This generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, nicknamed Emperor Chen, is the supreme power of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. The Immortal Seal in his hand should be the Jade Seal of the Passage, the Hunyuan Dao Celestial Seal, which symbolizes the supreme imperial power.

Taoist Cang Yu said quickly, It is rumored that this treasure was made by generations of Hunyuan Immortal Emperors. It gathers all the great emperors of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty at the end of the road. It is one of the highest treasures in the Chaos Sea.

Xu Ying's eyes were attracted by the figure of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor Di Chen, and he looked at him intently. He felt that as Di Chen walked toward him, his figure became more and more majestic, and the light around him became more and more blazing!

Gradually, in his eyes, Di Chen's figure overlapped with the Dao Jin mark behind him. At this moment, the person and the mark were one, and the broken Hunyuan Dao Tian Seal at the end of the avenue also closed by itself, and merged with the Hunyuan Dao Tian Seal in his hand. Seals overlap!

Today's Emperor Chen is extremely powerful. Even on top of the giant black coffin and under the Chaos Bell, Xu Ying can feel a suffocating sense of oppression coming towards his face!

However, Chaos Bell still took his time, dragging the black giant coffin forward, as if he didn't notice Di Chen and the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi.

Xu Ying suddenly asked: Is there something wrong with the Chaos Empire? Emperor Chen is so powerful, and even if other emperors of the Immortal Dynasty are not as good as him, they are not far behind him. Why is there such a change of generations?

Taoist Cang Yu was also startled, shook his head and said, I don't know either.

Wen Nanxun also thought of the key and said: Also, how did the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty escape the catastrophe of annihilation? Logically speaking, the lifespan of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is the same as the lifespan of the universe that makes up the Imperial Capital. The lifespan of these universes consumes After the end, it fell into annihilation, and the Immortal Dynasty should also annihilate. How did it continue to the present?

Taoist Cang Yu was stunned and said with a wry smile: Even the Palace Master doesn't know about these things. How can I know? I only heard the Palace Master talk about some things about the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Xu Ying's strange eyes fell on Di Chen and said: I don't know how many great emperors in the Immortal Dynasty have created the most precious Hunyuan Dao Tianxi. In my opinion, the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi is the most powerful existence in the Immortal Dynasty, and It’s not Di Chen. Di Chen activated this treasure and fought with the Chaos Bell, but he was still beaten until the Hunyuan Dao Heavenly Seal was broken, which shows that his strength is no more than this.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression turned pale.

However, there were strange buzzing sounds coming from the Chaos Clock, which seemed to be quite appreciative of his words.

Xu Ying continued his analysis: Di Chen should have relied on the power of Hunyuan Dao Tianxi to appear so powerful. He seems to be the one who controls Dao Tianxi, but in fact, when he activated Dao Tianxi, Dao Tianxi Pull him to the realm of this treasure!”

The buzzing in the Chaos Clock became more cheerful.

Xu Ying looked up and was slightly startled. He saw that the inside of the clock was showing the process of innate changes from chaos to grand mist, then to Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, etc. Hundreds of millions of stars were circling in the reincarnation, extremely gorgeous!

I know why the Dao Alliance values ​​Master Zhong so much!

Xu Ying suddenly realized, They are not relying on magic weapons to cultivate themselves and instigate rebellion against the Chaos Clock, but they plan to cultivate Master Zhong into the second Chaos Clock! In this way, Master Zhong is indeed a big shot!

He was quite excited. How could he be able to hang out with such a big shot as Mr. Zhong for so long?

Recalling that I met Master Zhong at the Xiaoshishan Desert Temple, received guidance and support from him, and of course had his blood sucked by him, a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

Di Chen walked over with the Tianxi of Hunyuan Dao in his hand. He did not look at Xu Ying and others. His eyes fell on the Chaos Clock. The sound came, containing the fluctuations of the Dao, which caused Xu Ying and others to become confused and almost lose control of the Dao.

The Chaos Bell that spans the Chaos Sea truly deserves its reputation.

Di Chen's eyes fell on the huge black coffin and he said calmly, However, it's not that easy for you to just take this coffin away.

The Chaos Clock continued to spin slowly, paying no attention to Di Chen, dragging the huge black coffin and continuing to move forward.

Di Chen's voice was filled with supreme majesty, and he said loudly: Lord of Chaos, this black coffin is not something from the Sea of ​​Chaos. It comes from overseas and does not belong to you. You also want to get this thing, why don't you show up?

Xu Ying and others were startled: The Lord of Chaos is nearby? Is this divine dragon, which never sees its tail, really here? Also, did the black coffin come from the Great Void? What is in the coffin?

Di Chen waited for a moment, but there was no response from the Chaos Sea. He immediately smiled and said, Chaos Lord, I'm offended.

He raised the Heavenly Seal of Hunyuan Dao, and the treasure seal flew into the air, and suddenly the ends of the avenues emerged, and vast and profound power exploded!

The treasure seal is imprinted at the deepest point at the end of the avenue. The powerful and boundless figures in front of it are the heroic figures of generations of emperors from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

At the end of the great road, one by one, they jointly created the supreme treasure of the Hunyuan Dao Celestial Seal!

Now that Di Chen activated this treasure, Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun and others immediately felt that they were like ants in front of this unimaginable power!

This feeling is like all the great avenues of the universe in the sea of ​​chaos are crushing towards me. In the face of this almost tsunami of great avenues, the Taoist master has no way to resist!

This Emperor Chen can only compete with the existence of the Nine Paths of Reincarnation at the end of the Reincarnation Avenue!

Xu Ying was horrified in his heart. What frightened him even more was that the various avenues inside the Chaos Clock were activated. The terrifying power confused everything and blurred all the avenues in the clock!

Xu Ying only felt that the infinite unity, the reincarnation of cause and effect, the catastrophe and destruction, were all unable to be used. Even the avenue of chaos that he had cultivated was out of control at this moment!

Only Hongmeng Avenue is left, and we can still see if it can work. But it was also severely suppressed!

Under this bell, the Five Supreme Beings will no longer exist, the Supreme One will no longer exist, time and space will be chaotic, cause and effect will be blurred, reincarnation will be destroyed, there will be no calamity, and the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana will also be extinguished!

Xu Ying gave a loud shout and shouted: How can there be eggs under the overturned nest? As soon as the bell rings, we will all be ashes! Everyone, let me open the coffin!

He mobilized all Taoist powers and started with the Hongmeng Dao as an evidence-based starting point. Hongmeng gave rise to Wuji Wutai, Wuji derived from Hunyuan Taiyi, Taiyi gave birth to ten thousand ways, and ten thousand ways created reincarnation!

In an instant, he pushed the nine evidence-based methods to the extreme, using internal and external evidence-based methods to break through the suppression of the Chaos Clock!

At the same time, the Chaos Lotus and the Universal Flood were also sacrificed by him, and the terrifying power of the universe blessed his body!

Xu Ying tried his best to open the black coffin.

He opened the giant black coffin and released the contents. He, Wen Nanxun and others hid in the black coffin and let the contents in the coffin fight with the Chaos Bell and Di Chen. Maybe they could still survive!

However, Xu Ying couldn't lift the coffin even if he tried his best.

Wen Nanxun, Taoist Cang Yu, and Taoist Min Yue woke up and immediately came to his side. Wen Nanxun only practiced the evidence-based methods of reincarnation and annihilation, and was suppressed by the Chaos Bell. He was unable to mobilize his Tao power and could only use his own power to lift the coffin.

Although Taoist Cang Yu and Taoist Min Yue are Taoist masters who have cultivated the Seven Ways of Evidence, one of them followed the evidence from Wuji and the other from Taiyi, and neither of them followed the evidence from Hongmeng.

The two of them were also suppressed. They were unable to mobilize the seven evidences and could only use their physical bodies to lift the coffin board.

The four people tried their best, but the coffin board still didn't move at all.


The mysterious and ethereal bell rang, lingering and impacting. Xu Ying looked up and saw that everything was destroyed and ceased to exist under the sound of the Chaos Bell!

He didn't have time to think too much, he activated Zhenjun Daoji's Wanji whisk, picked up Wen Nanxun, Cang Yu and Min Yue, and flew towards the coffin quickly!

Hiding under the coffin was the second solution he could think of.

However, the power of the Chaos Clock is too strong. Even if they hide under the coffin, they may not be able to withstand the impact of the aftermath and the crushing of the black giant coffin!


The bells bombarded the black coffin, and the black coffin crushed it down. At the same time, the chaotic bells acted on them. Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun, Cang Yu, and Min Yue felt an incomprehensible Taoist law impacting them!

Xu Ying desperately urged Wanji's whisk, trying his best to resist the impact of the bell. Although Wanji's whisk was a treasure refined by Zhenjun Daoji, it was still not enough to face the impact of the bell. As soon as it came into contact, the dust Silks have lost all their power!

Dead... Xu Ying's heart sank.

At this moment, the alien aura coming from the giant black coffin became stronger and stronger, blocking the chimes of the Chaos Clock.

The black coffin was also pressed downward by the sound of the bell, causing all four of them to spurt blood from their mouths!

The black coffin stabilized its form, immediately seized the opportunity, roared away, and escaped from the scope of the Chaos Clock.

Xu Ying was overjoyed and immediately flew to catch up, shouting: Use the coffin to escape!

Wen Nanxun and three others hurriedly followed, while the four of them hid under the coffin and followed the black coffin in an attempt to escape from the attack range of Chaos Bell and Di Chen.

From behind, Di Chen activated the Hunyuan Dao Heavenly Seal and collided with the Chaos Bell. The bright light that burst out in an instant was like the explosion of a flood source of annihilation!

At the same time, each of the civil and military immortal officials of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty set up their own formations. In groups of nine, they formed a nine-way evidence-based formation!

These immortal officials have obviously been trained for a long time. The nine people in each group of nine evidence-based formations all have the same cultivation level and practice different innate avenues. There is no difference between high and low, strong and weak, and they can just maintain the nine ways. certificate!

The bell of the Chaos Bell rang again. Di Chen stood in front of him and held up the Dao Tianxi to block the impact of the bell. He was shaken and slid for hundreds of millions of miles.

Before he could stand still, he saw the big clock spinning and hitting him!


The bells vibrated, and the mighty bells suddenly formed a scene of the universe opening up in the sea of ​​chaos, impacting.

Di Chen urged Dao Tianxi to resist, and immeasurable power passed by him. Then the bell body hit Dao Tianxi hard, and Dao Tianxi almost cracked open again!

Emperor Chen's aura floated, his steps staggered, and he continued to unload his strength. With every step he took, he could see the green lotus growing out of the chaos. Purple Qi emerged from the soles of his feet, and the green lotus rose from the Purple Qi, returning the power of the Chaos Bell to the Chaos Sea!

The Chaos Bell was about to attack again, but suddenly there was an extremely powerful aura coming from behind, but it was the strong men of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty who set up their formation in a nine-way evidence-based way and blasted towards it!

Di Chen calmed his breath and said calmly: Chaos Lord, if you don't show up, I'm afraid your bell will change hands!

Groups of nine evidence-based formations are moving towards the Chaos Clock!

At the same time, the void split open, and buildings and ships sailed out of the void, chasing in the direction where the black giant coffin left.

On the flagship of the building ship, a strong man from the Immortal Dynasty raised a chain. The chain went deep into the sea of ​​chaos, getting longer and longer, like a swimming dragon, heading straight for the black giant coffin!

In front, Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun and others were hiding under the giant black coffin. Without the suppression of the Chaos Bell, their cultivation levels recovered.

I saw this black coffin like a giant ship in the sea of ​​chaos, cutting through the waves and knocking away the energy of chaos in front of it!

Without the suppression of the Chaos Bell, the mysterious aura coming from this giant black coffin has become stronger and stronger, and the sense of otherworldliness has come back again!

Wen Nanxun sacrificed Wanji's fly whisk to protect them from being invaded by heretics, but at this moment, a chain flew from the sea of ​​chaos, and swish, swish, and rolled towards the giant black coffin!

Wen Nanxun was at a loss when suddenly Wanji's fly whisk was snatched away by Xu Ying. Under the stimulation of Jiji's Taoist power, he saw the fly whisk skyrocketing, and the dust strands were like swords, slashing towards the chain.

The Wanji Whisk was extremely powerful. Although it had been hit hard by the Chaos Clock before and suffered heavy damage, the remaining power was still not comparable to other magic weapons. The chain was broken into several pieces by Xu Ying.

However, the broken chain danced like a big snake and rushed towards Xu Ying and others.

Xu Ying shook Wanji's whisk and drew large and small circles. However, when he saw that these large and small circles were drawn, they did not disappear. Instead, they turned into floods of annihilation, swallowing up those chains.

On the flagship, the strong man who held up the chain snorted coldly: There is a master on the coffin!

His body flew out from the bow of the ship, and actually flew wildly in the chaotic sea. He went straight towards the black giant coffin at extremely fast speed!

At the same time, Xu Ying shook the whisk and put it on the crook of his elbow. He was quite happy in his heart: Brother Daoji's whisk is very powerful. It is suitable for me...

Just as he thought of this, chains suddenly came one after another, swishing to tie Xu Ying up!

Xu Ying was shocked and was about to struggle when he saw that these chains came from the huge black coffin, as if they were growing out of the coffin.

The next moment, the black coffin became smaller and smaller, and the chains gradually tightened. The black coffin gradually stood up and turned into a long and narrow wooden box, which was tied behind Xu Ying.

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