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Chapter 932 Sea of ​​Chaos, Battle of the Bell Seal

Next to Xu Ying, the girl in red has fallen into silence, her Taoist heart has completely collapsed, and she is shouting that she wants to destroy the universe and return everything to chaos.

This is the first stage of Nirvana. The Taoist Heart is affected by the Avenue of Nirvana. Xu Ying carefully observed the degree of Nirvana of Wen Nanxun and whispered.

In the distance, there were some Taoist masters of the Taoist Alliance who could not resist the silence of the avenue. They were each controlled by the silence, fell into madness, and killed their own Taoist protectors.

Wen Nanxun was about to devour Xu Ying and turn Xu Ying into ashes. Xu Ying's mind moved slightly, and a huge source of death appeared behind him, so Wen Nanxun gave up the idea of ​​​​devouring him.

Brother Dao, you are Nie Mie, and I am Nie Mie. Together, you and I are invincible, why not turn this world into ashes?

The young girl yelled fiercely, Hurry up and merge with me!

Xu Ying ignored her.

Wen Nanxun was about to forcefully merge with him, but suddenly his body exploded with a bang and turned into a torrent of death, roaring and turning.

Xu Ying still stood aside, neither saving her nor preventing her from becoming annihilated, saying: The second stage of annihilation. In this stage, the physical body, soul, avenue, all annihilated, but still retains a trace of self-consciousness. .”

The flood source of death transformed by Wen Nanxun is still dishonest, making the sound of eating and drinking. Hong Yuan uttered a human voice and shouted: Destroy this world now!

After saying that, he rolled around and ran to the universe that was dying, swallowing other sources of death everywhere.

Xu Ying followed her and looked back, only to see that many Taoist masters in the Tao Alliance who practiced the Way of Nirvana had also entered the first and second stages. Some of them turned into groups of floods of Nirvana, or Big or small.

The cultivation level of their guardians is much higher than that of Xu Ying. Most of them are beings who have cultivated several avenues to the perfection of the Tao Master Realm. Some of them even have cultivation levels comparable to Luo Taizong and Tao Zun, and are extremely powerful.

They suppressed the Taoist masters' path of annihilation and awakened their Taoist hearts. However, after entering the second stage of annihilation, they had no choice but to give up.

give up.

Not far away, a protector said to another person, After turning into a flood source, people cannot come back. They can only be annihilated and assimilate with this universe.

Many Dao League strong men have given up, but Xu Ying is still standing next to Wen Nanxun Hongyuan who is wandering around to eat.

Unknowingly, decades passed, and the universe was covered by large and small flood sources of annihilation and fell into annihilation. All Taoists are extinguished, and all living beings die. To repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth, there were originally five Taoist masters left in this universe, but two Taoist masters refused to give up, and ended up being buried in the flood source of annihilation.

The remaining three left in tears to avoid their fate.

We are the universe that the Dao Alliance is subordinate to, why don't we save it? Are we just tools used by the Dao Alliance to observe annihilation?

One of the Taoist masters was heartbroken and shouted at the top of his lungs to the Taoist League protectors, Why should we convert to the Taoist League if the Taoist League can't protect us?

However, these Tao protectors ignored him, and in the end the Taoist master left bitterly.

Xu Ying watched him go away and thought to himself: The Taoist Alliance governs tens of thousands of universes in the Chaos Sea. Since it rules them, it cannot just seek benefits without giving these universes a way to survive. If it cannot be done, someone will rebel. Back then, It is not without reason that Shen Tu Lun and Qu Hong rebelled against the Tao Alliance. For example, if these people leave, I am afraid they will feel resentment towards the Tao Alliance and eventually embark on the path of resisting the Tao Alliance.

This time, there were hundreds of disciples of the Dao Alliance who came to this universe to comprehend annihilation, but now there are less than twenty of them left.

These twenty people's Taoist hearts are pure and extremely stable. They have resisted the assimilation of Nirvana. They persist to this day and have an extraordinary understanding of the evidence of Nirvana!

As for the others, they have already entered the third form of Nirvana from the second form of Nirvana. The flood of Nirvana they transformed into has become silent and swallowed each other up.

Among them, the Hong Yuan transformed by Wen Nanxun was the most huge, having eaten up the Hong Yuan transformed by countless Dao League disciples.

Fellow Daoist Xu, it's time for us to leave!

In the distance, many Dao Alliance disciples packed up and prepared to return home. One of the Dao Alliance protectors stepped forward and said to Xu Ying, Wen Nanxun has been completely assimilated by Jiji and will not come back again! This is also a test and cannot be passed. After the test, even the Tao Master will be destroyed in spirit and form, and his body and Tao will disappear after death.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: She just entered the third form of Nirvana and is with Nirvana. The third state can still come back. Only the fourth form cannot be saved. The Taoist Master will not die so easily.

The protector shook his head and said: The Dao Master's Taoist heart is infected by Nirvana. If the Taoist heart still has its own self, there is still hope. If it turns into the Nirvana Dao, there is no way to save it. Junior Sister Wen turns into Nirvana. Part of the avenue is completely dead.”

Xu Ying glanced at him and said, Are you the Taoist Master of Nirvana?

The protector shook his head.

I am. After Xu Ying said this, he shut his mouth.

The protector hesitated for a moment, then hurried towards the other protectors and whispered a few words. The defenders were so surprised that they stopped and postponed their return plan.

There is only one source of annihilation left in this universe, which swallows all the cause and effect of the universe. The fire in the sky is blazing in the source of annihilation, and no matter can be seen anymore.

Xu Ying waited for a few more years before he stood up, walked directly to the source of the flood, reached out and grabbed into the source of the flood.

Wen Nanxun, wake up!

He shouted softly, and the Nirvana Flood shook violently, and its operation seemed to be a little sluggish. Then he saw Xu Ying's palm actually holding a girl's hand, and bit by bit he pulled a girl in red from there. Pulled out of a huge flood source of death!

The body of the girl in red seemed to not exist. He was pulling her out of Hongyuan bit by bit, and then it gradually took shape.

After a moment, there was a sudden light in Xu Ying's hand, and the girl in red was completely pulled out of the Flood Source of Nirvana.

Wen Nanxun stood blankly outside the flood source of death, his eyes confused, and it took a long time before he gradually came back to his senses.

Am I still alive? she murmured to herself.

Nirvana is just a state, just like chaos and mist. After you enter Nirvana, you turn into the avenue of Nirvana and become the state of Nirvana. I just restore you from the state of Nirvana to the state of reincarnation.

Xu Ying came up behind her and patted her back gently. Wen Nanxun suddenly coughed violently, opened his mouth and spit out a Taoist master from the Taoist Alliance.

The Taoist Master stood up slowly, looked around confusedly, and murmured: What's wrong with me?

I remembered!

Wen Nanxun exclaimed in shock, Fellow Daoist Xue, I'll eat you!

Upon seeing this, the Dao Alliance protectors in the distance came forward one after another and looked at this scene in surprise.

He didn't brag, but he could actually save people from the state of silence. Someone said in surprise.

Xu Ying patted the girl in red on the back again. Wen Nanxun couldn't help but opened his mouth and spit out another Taoist League disciple.

Xu Ying couldn't help but pat Wen Nanxun on the back. Wen Nanxun coughed continuously and vomited out Dao Alliance disciples one after another.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock. Not long after, Wen Nanxun vomited out most of the Dao Alliance disciples who had died.

This female Taoist master of the Temple of Nirvana actually ate hundreds of Taoist Alliance disciples!

Everyone looked at Wen Nanxun with respect and fear, and did not dare to come near.

Xu Ying counted the numbers, frowned and said, There are still three people missing.

He reached out again and fished for the source of Nirvana. After a moment, he pulled out another person from the source of Nirvana.

He fished it out again, and fished out the other two people from the flood source of annihilation. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: There are more of them this time. Everyone, we can go back.

These disciples of the Dao Alliance were surprised and happy. They thought that they were already with Nirvana and became a part of Nirvana, but they didn't expect that they would still have a chance to survive!

What surprised them even more was that during the period when they were assimilated into the Great Way of Nirvana, they had a profound understanding of the Great Way of Nirvana, far more than those disciples of the Dao Alliance who had never transformed into the Flood Source of Nirvana!

A Taoist League protector murmured: In the past, the Taoist League tested the Nirvana Evidence, when the most people died. Those who could pass the test would have a good result if there were only one or twenty people. This time, everyone actually All passed the test...

They looked at Xu Ying with strange eyes. They changed from fear of Xu Ying to admiration.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously. His first attempt at practicing the Great Way of Nirvana also went wrong. Fortunately, he was protected by Dao Zongyuan and escaped the disaster. Since then, his attainments on the Path of Nirvana have been getting higher and higher, and finally he experienced the Nirvana Tribulation on the Other Side, and his Tao Heart was Nirvana. Only then did he cultivate the Dao of Nirvana to perfection.

To him, saving these people is just a matter of adjusting the path of Nirvana.

Everyone sacrificed their magic weapons and prepared to return to the Great Sky Bright Realm. They were suddenly stunned, but saw that the leaves of the fire jujube tree when they came had disappeared.

Wen Nanxun turned back to look at the source of the universe behind him, and suddenly realized, A leaf of the jujube tree holds up a void in the universe. Now that the universe has died, the jujube tree will take back its leaves and find another universe! We can't Went right back!”

The Dao Alliance protector on the side said: We just return to the Dao Alliance from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Although Xu Ying became a Taoist Master of the Void and could travel through the void of the Chaos Sea at extremely high speeds, he did not know the location of the Dao Alliance, so he had to let these Dao Alliance disciples lead the way.

Compared with the seriousness when they came, they were much more relaxed when they returned, talking and laughing.

One of the guardians, named Daoist Cang Yu, said to Xu: Fellow Daoist Xu, if the monk dies and transforms into the avenue of annihilation, does it still count as death?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: It doesn't count. Only when the Nirvana Sky Fire burns out and turns into the Qi of Hongmeng to produce the immortal aura, can it be considered a complete death.

Taoist Cang Yu was stunned: Doesn't this mean that those Taoist Alliance disciples died in vain?

In the past, when the disciples of the Dao League understood the Great Way of Nirvana, none of them survived, and most of them were abandoned in the second form of Nirvana.

Taoist Cang Yu had also been a protector many times. Thinking of how he had abandoned so many junior brothers and sisters, he suddenly felt sad and burst into tears.

Everyone activated various magic weapons and sailed into the sea of ​​chaos, heading towards the Taoist Alliance. Taoist Cangyu was always depressed.

It is easy to come back but difficult to go back. This universe is far away from the Taoist Alliance. Without the traction of the fire jujube tree, even if they are Taoist masters, they have been traveling in the sea of ​​chaos for decades. Calculating the distance, we are still halfway to the Great Sky Ming Realm.

Suddenly, there was a faint bell ringing in the chaotic sea, and everyone became nervous. They hurriedly stopped their magic weapons and looked around vigilantly.

The bells of the Chaos Lord!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. The bell of the Chaos Lord came from nowhere. It seemed grand and urgent, full of sonorous murderous intent!

The Chaos Clock is fighting something!

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, and the other Dao Alliance masters also heard the mystery and became excited.

This bell has killed countless people in our Dao Alliance. It is our Dao Alliance's biggest enemy. Could it be that the palace master of our Dao Alliance is attacking it?

A Taoist protector was quite excited and suggested, Since Zhong Daozu came to our Dao Alliance, the Dao Alliance has a chance of winning against this bell. It must be that all the palace masters and Zhong Daozu join forces to refine this bell!

Someone suggested: Why don't we go and take a look?

Everyone hesitated. Although they were Taoist masters, the power of the Chaos Bell was too great. Even they could hardly survive the attack of the Chaos Bell.

Taoist Cang Yu stopped sobbing and listened carefully, saying: The existence that fights against the Chaos Bell is no weaker than it. This bell has encountered a strong enemy. The only one in the Dao Alliance who can deal with this bell is the Dao Alliance Leader, but the Dao Alliance Leader is following him. The whereabouts of the Chaos Lord is definitely not him.”

He hesitated and said: The ones who deal with this bell may be the Lord of the Nine Halls and Zhong Daozu. Only if they join forces can they have this power. We can go and watch the battle, but we must not interfere.

Everyone nodded.

They used their own methods to determine the location of the battle, and everyone immediately followed the fluctuations.

Xu Ying was worried. The Zhong Daozu they were referring to was Master Zhong. But can Master Zhong really join forces with the Lord of the Nine Halls to deal with the Chaos Clock?

The reason Lord Zhong is important is because he is the founder of magic weapon cultivation. Unless it can enlighten the Chaos Bell, allowing the Chaos Bell to open up its spiritual wisdom and get rid of the control of the Chaos Lord. However, the Lord of the Nine Halls must suppress the Chaos Bell. Attack and create opportunities for it. But...

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, could the masters of the Nine Halls, the nine innate nine paths at the end of the avenue, really be able to suppress the Chaos Clock?

After a few days, they were getting closer and closer to the battle site, but they saw the roaring sea of ​​chaos and rapid undercurrents around them. Sometimes there was a great rift valley hundreds of millions of miles away, or an endless endless zone, which was extremely terrifying!

Even Tao masters like them have to take a detour from these terrible places.

The energy of chaos around him gradually became thinner, and the energy of chaos was filled with strange light, hazy and mysterious.

The bells have disappeared, and the Chaos Sea is surprisingly calm and thin.

Everyone couldn't help but become nervous. They continued to move forward with various magic weapons. Suddenly, the outer wall of a fairy temple began to peel off. The Taoist master's hard-working magic weapon began to disintegrate and peel off in this calm and thin sea of ​​chaos!

Although their magic weapon was not an innate spiritual treasure, the magic weapon that the Tao Master personally refined was not much inferior to the innate spiritual treasure, but it began to disintegrate inexplicably.

It seems that there is an unknown force in this peaceful area, making the Taoist masters' avenues ineffective.

Everyone stop!

Taoist Cang Yu said in a hoarse voice, Have you noticed any strange fluctuations?

After everyone heard the words, they all paused and felt the magic weapon carefully. However, most people didn't sense anything and shook their heads.

Taoist Cang Yu and the other guardians had the highest cultivation level. They were masters from the Nine Halls and had already reached the Great Perfection state of the Tao Master. They immediately noticed the strangeness in this sea area and their expressions suddenly changed.

At this time, Xu Ying also noticed an inexplicable fluctuation permeating the sea area.

He sensed it with his heart, and suddenly countless lights exploded in front of him, and then one road after another opened up before his eyes, the light was extremely brilliant!

All roads lead straight into the endless void. Where the roads end, one after another powerful and unpredictable figures stand with all kinds of strange postures!

And behind these Dao Extinction beings, in the boundless Dao light, a jade-like treasure seal floats, emitting waves of the Dao that are even more astonishing than those Dao Extinction beings!

The avenues are like bird seal and insect inscriptions, imprinted on the treasure seal. The figure at the end of the avenue appears extremely small, as if the imprint is projected on the side wall of the treasure seal.

What kind of magic weapon is this treasure seal? How can it go further than these existences? How can it be at the end of so many avenues?

Xu Ying was in astonishment when suddenly a large ancient bell flew over and broke into the end. The bell hit the treasure seal and shattered it into pieces!

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