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Chapter 914 Sea of ​​Chaos, no fairness

Fellow Daoist Xu, please say goodbye.

True Lord Daoji bowed slightly to Xu Ying, and then said to the great bell, Friend Dao Zhong, the universe is just a shallow beach in the sea of ​​chaos, whether it is the three realms or the other shore. You have great achievements, but if you are trapped in the shallows, it will be difficult to grow into a A true dragon. And the Taoist Alliance is the place where you can grow into a true dragon. I hope fellow Taoists can make a decision soon.

Da Zhong said: Thank you, Brother Dao, for your advice.

True Lord Dao Ji smiled gently and said: I am just worried that the pearl of Daoist friend Zhong will be covered with dust. If you activate my Dao alliance order, people from the Dao alliance will come to greet you. In the clear sky, I am waiting for you to come.

After that, the Taoist temple moved away, carrying him into the sea of ​​chaos and disappearing.

He was obviously much kinder to Da Zhong than to Xu Ying. He only said one sentence to Xu Ying, but he gave sincere instructions to Da Zhong.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously. He and True Lord Daoji were not on the same road. They had different Taoist views and did not want to conspire with each other. It was reasonable for True Lord Daoji to favor one over the other.

Tao Zun still stood where he was, motionless.

After he was tapped by True Lord Daoji, he stayed there with his eyes empty and lifeless.

Xu Ying could see that his way was broken.

When Daoji Zhenjun faced danger, he showed a state that was almost at the end of the road in an instant. That is the end of the avenue of annihilation. Point it out and everything will be destroyed!

Dao Zun did not force him to use this move in the first place. It was precisely because of his competitive spirit that he planned to use the flaw of the Nine Paths of Evidence mentioned by Xu Ying to break the Nine Paths of Evidence of Daoji Zhenjun and force Daoji to do so. You have to use all your strength.

Tao Zun was pointed in his heart by this point, and the terrifying power that was close to the end of the avenue of annihilation cut off all his avenues in an instant, whether it was annihilation or Hongmeng, whether it was chaos or Taiyi, they were all shattered!

Tao Zun, responded to the human calamity.

Taoist Master slowly turned around, looked in the direction of Heaven, and said in a hoarse voice: Xu Ying, Taiyi, do you think I did something wrong?

Xu Ying came to him slowly and followed his gaze. He saw that the sky was floating in the sea of ​​chaos, emitting bright light, which was the light emitted by the peak of the great tide.

Dazhong invited Master Tai Dao out. Master Tai Dao was now gray-haired, haggard, and lifeless.

Dao Zun's voice reached his ears, and his eyes moved slightly, as if he had gained some energy, but he still didn't speak.

What's wrong with Dao Zun?

Xu Ying asked, Even if there is a mistake, how can Tao Zun admit it?

Taoist Master laughed loudly, his yellow shirt flowing back, and said with a smile: That's right! I have done nothing wrong in my life! I used the greed and cruelty of human nature on the other side to push them into misfortune, but this is It’s their own choice! If they have good intentions and are grateful, and don’t go to exterminate the people in the Heaven Realm, my plan will not be able to be carried out at all!”

Tai Dao Master seemed to be able to hear his words, and suddenly he was so excited that he wanted to pounce on him, but he fell down and was unable to struggle.

In order to maintain the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the First Holy Land, Tai Taoist Master almost destroyed his own Dao, and it has not recovered yet.

When he saw Taoist Xu Ying destroying the First Holy Land, he lost all hope and didn't bother to restore his cultivation or even treat his own Taoist injuries. It was only now that I heard Dao Zun talking so brazenly and saying that I was not wrong that I became really angry and wanted to pounce on Dao Zun and tear Dao Zun into pieces!

He lay prone on the ground, squirming forward like a maggot, and crawled a few steps. Suddenly he felt sad and began to cry.

Taoist Master glanced at him and sneered: Taiyi, why are you crying? You are also incompetent. You were also a member of the cruel Tianjing people back then! There was no Taoist power in Tianjing at that time. The same was true for me. We There is no left or right on the other side, it was you on the other side who chose to end up like this!

Master Taiyi howled loudly.

Taoist Master said proudly: If you are not so cruel and do not kill the people in the heaven, in just ten thousand years, the disaster of the heaven will break out, and the entire heaven will fall into silence and be completely destroyed, leaving you It’s just a warning against the catastrophe of annihilation! However, you are greedy, cruel, and kill all the people in the Heaven Realm, but instead you take this disaster on yourself! This gives me a glimmer of hope in the Heaven Realm.”

Master Taiyi cried even harder.

Tao Zun laughed loudly and wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. The blood had begun to burn and turned into an extinct sky fire.

This is the proudest thing I have ever done in my life. I didn't kill any of you. I just used your humanity to make the disaster in heaven disappear invisible! My hands are not stained with the blood of anyone on the other side. Except for Luo Taizong! After that, your luck on the other side will only last for more than 100 million years, which I did not expect.

He sarcastically said, I originally thought that it would take more than a billion or even billions of years for you to fall into annihilation. But I misjudged your cruelty and debauchery. You are so desperate that you search everywhere for other people in the sea of ​​chaos. The universe, if it finds one, it will exterminate the original civilization, support your sub-civilization, and enslave it. You enslave the entire universe and pass on the disaster, but you are not as clever as me, and finally have this catastrophe of annihilation! You deserve to die without mercy, and you do not deserve any sympathy!

He opened his arms and laughed: Xu Ying, Taiyi! Do you think I made any mistakes?

Master Tai climbed to his legs, hugged his legs, and bit his flesh.

Xu Ying summoned Mo Feiyin, the only remaining Hongmeng Taoist master on the other side, and said quietly: Taoist Master, are you really not stained with the blood of anyone on the other side? The future of the other side has already changed with the stranding of the heaven. Otherwise, Mo Feiyin Where does Fei Yin come from?”

When Taoist Master saw this Hongmeng Taoist in the future life on the other side, his face changed slightly, and then he laughed and said: Even so, I am not wrong! For the sake of heaven, even if I destroy a universe, I will not hesitate! Promise, I Let me tell you a principle!

He sternly said: There is no fairness in the Sea of ​​Chaos! This is the fundamental law of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Xu Ying asked: What about Wu Xizi? Where is Jiang Ningzi? Where is Jing Ningzi?

He paused and then said: Where is Emperor Xuan? Where is Gong Jiexuan? And where are the countless people from the Heaven Realm who died?

The corners of Dao Zun's mouth moved, and his face was as sharp as an axe: They are all the necessary price to survive this catastrophe of annihilation! I did nothing wrong!

His eyes suddenly became distracted, and he laughed and said: How could I be wrong? I am not wrong! There is nothing I cannot sacrifice... Xuan'er, Xuan'er is here to find me!

Xu Ying was surprised and looked along his gaze, but didn't see anyone.

Jie Xuan, my good daughter, you are here too!

With a smile on his face, Tao Zun broke away from Tai Dao Master and staggered forward, as if there were two invisible relatives standing in the void in front of him, waving to him.

The smile on his face was no longer stiff, and his heart was no longer stubborn. He opened his arms and ran towards the children in his eyes.

Jie Xuan, Xuan'er, I did it! Hahahaha——

Dao Zun ran there, hugged the empty void with his arms, and said with a smile, Heaven is safe now. You can rest assured. What I want to do most in this life is to allow you to live in peace. Go down, just to keep hope in your eyes... Xuan'er, Jiexuan?

Dao Zun held his hands empty and suddenly froze.

He stood there in despair and found that there was nothing in his arms. His children, his relatives and friends were all gone.

He woke up as if from a dream, turned back to look at Xu Ying and others, and the corners of his mouth moved.

It turns out that this is my fate...

His face showed something like a smile but not a smile, something like a cry but not a cry.

Promise, Taiyi, one day you will be like me...

Before he could finish speaking, his body suddenly collapsed, and the blazing Sky Fire of Nirvana burned, turning him into a flood source of Nirvana, which was then swallowed up by the flood source of Nirvana on the other side.

In the reflection of the other shore, countless years burned with it, like a yellowed scroll in the fire, gradually curling up and dissipating.

Master Tai Dao sat up, like a gaunt tree, staring blankly at this scene.

At this time, there is a little spiritual light in the Nirvana Sky Fire, which is emerging from the Nirvana Flood Source, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi is quietly growing.

The Avenue of Cause and Effect is really wonderful.

Xu Ying felt lost and murmured, Tao Zun pushed the other shore to the Nirvana, but he himself died in the Nirvana Tribulation and became the nutrient in the Nirvana flood source on the other bank, supporting the chaotic spiritual roots in the future life. Is it predetermined to drink a peck? The cycle of the avenue of cause and effect does not stop in the universe. It is effective even in the sea of ​​chaos.

The big clock floated beside him and said: So, among the nine innate paths, who is the first? Cause and effect, or annihilation, or killing, or chaos?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: There is no first among the nine innate paths. If there is a first, it depends on the cultivator. For example, on the other side of the most inconspicuous Dao of Reincarnation, if there is a universe in the sea of ​​chaos, the power of the Dao of Reincarnation is extremely strong. Then there may be a most powerful person who can prove the way through reincarnation. Maybe the birth and death of the universe are all within the path of reincarnation.

He thought: By analogy, there may be the most powerful person on the Wuji Dao, the most powerful person on the Hongmeng Dao, or even the Karma and Destiny Killing. There may be such powerful beings.

Da Zhong asked: What about the Sea of ​​Chaos? What if the Avenue of Chaos in the Sea of ​​Chaos is to give birth to a powerful person?

Xu Ying was stunned and suddenly said: That is the Chaos Lord. But is there really a supreme Chaos Lord in the Chaos Sea?

As soon as they said this, they saw Tai Daodao Master crawling towards the flood source of annihilation on the other shore, and actually wanted to annihilate with the other shore.

The Hongmeng Taoist Master Mo Feiyin hurriedly stepped forward, intending to stop him. Xu Ying called Mo Feiyin, shook his head and said: Let him crawl. If a person wants to die, then let him die. Why go? Save? He’s dead, and I happen to be the leader of the Taiyi Sect.”

Tai Dao Master's body trembled, but he still crawled forward stubbornly.

Mo Feiyin planned to save him, but Xu Ying glared at him and did not dare to step forward.

Tai Taoist Master fell into the flood source of annihilation. After a while, he was sprayed out by the flood source of annihilation, like a hard bone that could not be chewed.

The Tai Dao Master was still determined to climb into the source of the flood, but after a short while, he was sprayed out again, but was actually unscathed.

He tried again and again, but was still unable to die in the flood source of annihilation.

Mo Feiyin couldn't help but said: Senior, the other shore has been completely destroyed, and the catastrophe of annihilation on the other shore has also ended. Not to mention a Taoist like you, even if a mortal enters, he will not be burned to death.

Tai Taoist Master burst into tears, crying until he could not help but feel his heart was broken.

Xu Ying sneered and said, Just cry. Crying shows that your heart is not dead yet.

Master Tai Dao rushed over, hugged his right leg and opened his mouth to bite him. Xu Ying let him bite him, and pretended that he had a pendant on his leg, and explained to Mo Feiyin: He is complaining that I deceived him and locked him up in In the First Holy Land, he was unable to coexist and die with the other shore.

Mo Feiyin said cautiously: Did Xu Daozu not deceive him?

Of course I lied!

Xu Ying was confident and said with a smile, If I hadn't lied to him, the old guy would have been burned into a handful of ashes in the disaster! Taiyi, I won't be polite if you bite me again! Relax, old guy...

Mo Feiyin was horrified and did not dare to speak. He thought to himself: This Xu Daozu seems to be a little different from the bright and majestic image in the rumors. Isn't he the same person?

In his non-existent future, Xu Daozu was a great hero who was invited to the Dao League and finally died in the battle against the Dao League.

But the temperament of the Xu Daozu in front of him was obviously inconsistent with that of Xu Daozu.

Xu Ying said: Mo Feiyin, you guard the extinct sky fire on the other side. The things that cannot be burned in the sky fire are the remains of the other side. There should be new chaotic spiritual roots growing there, and a new universe will be born here in the future. . Let me arrange this old thing properly first.

Mo Feiyin said yes, Xu Ying raised a jade rock tower boat and limped onto the boat. Tai Dao Master naturally hugged his legs and followed him to the boat.

The big bell quickly followed, and Xu Ying urged the Cuiyan Tower boat to sail towards the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The ship took them through an unfathomable abyss of the sea of ​​chaos, and after flying for a long time, they finally found the New World.

This universe is a universe born from the spiritual roots of chaos that grew out of the remains of the Loujie. It was opened up during the decisive battle between Xu Ying and Taiyi. Now the New Loujie has experienced a period of violent expansion of Taiyi Avenue and is in a period of gentle expansion. .

The building ship sailed into the new building world. Suddenly, the heaven and earth avenue of this new universe burst out with rays of light, lingering around them, resonating around them, and full of vitality.

Taiyi, how lucky you are.

Xu Ying sensed that Hongmeng Avenue was also activated by the Heaven and Earth Avenue in the New Building Realm, and sighed, You have the best disciple in the world, and that is me. You and I joined forces to open up the New Building Realm, and I also helped you become a Tai Taoist master, you have established the merits of opening up the world in the new building world, and you will not be buried in the catastrophe of annihilation on the other side. You are much luckier than all the Taoist masters on the other side.

Tai Dao Master relaxed, let go of his legs, and looked at this new universe.

Don't you have many ambitions?

Xu Ying said with a smile, Don't you want to create the ideal other shore? Don't you think there are many constraints on the other shore? Don't you think time will not wait for us? Old man, I was too good to you, and now I'm giving you a do-over. Opportunity.

He grabbed Tai Dao Master's collar, picked up the old man, held it in the air, and said with a smile: Here, you have no constraints, you have a lot of time, and you can build the ideal other shore as you like! Here, only A group of idiotic innate ancient gods, you can educate them so that they will no longer be as cruel as the ancient gods on the other side!

He threw Master Tai Dao out of the building.

Tai Dao Master rolled over and over in the starry sky, and finally stabilized his figure. At this time, there was a little sparkle in his eyes, and he murmured: This is the universe I created. I can make this place the other shore in my mind. It is Yes, I can do this! Ah Ying...

He cheered up and looked back, only to see that Xu Ying had already set sail, leaving him here and escaping.

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