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Chapter 912 Reflection from the Other Side

When Da Zhong heard this, he couldn't help but be horrified and trembling, not daring to be presumptuous.

When Xu Ying saw this, he knew it would be wrong, and said with a smile: Master Zhong misunderstood. The person whose name was Nirvana just now was indeed me, but I was controlled by the Nirvana Dao. Now I have Those who have attained the master of the Way of Nirvana will no longer be controlled by the Great Way of Nirvana, but can instead control the Great Way of Nirvana.”

Da Zhong was still timid and muttered: Are you the one who swallowed me into the flood source of annihilation and digested it all over again?

Xu Ying nodded and said with a calm smile: You have a calamity on you. I am just removing the calamity on you so that from now on, you don't have to worry about being overtaken by the Nirvana Calamity.

Dazhong was doubtful, so he came to him and flew around Xu Ying for a few weeks. Seeing that he was no different from before, he entered the source of Xu Ying's body to check it out, and then went to the Consciousness Sea to observe Xu Ying's brain.

It didn't find any difference, so it was relieved.

Dazhong asked: Master Ying, what happened to you in the Flood of Nirvana?

Xu Ying pondered for a moment, but it was difficult to clarify what he had experienced, and said: I was affected by the tribulation that day, and suddenly I opened the sky, allowing the other shore to change from a flood source state to a universe, with the great road of heaven and earth, and the creation of all things in the world. This The whole world came into being because of me, and all living beings came out of me, but now it is dead, with no life left, and my Taoist heart seems to be dead.

The big clock asked: What then?

Then, I felt that I had transformed into the Great Way of Nirvana. I saw that my own Great Way had become Nirvana, the Great Way of Taiyi had become Nirvana, reincarnation, cause and effect, catastrophe, and killing had all become Nirvana. Finally, even the Great Avenue of Hongmeng had also become Nirvana. The Avenue of Nirvana. Only a ball of energy of chaos accompanies me.

Xu Ying talked about the strange experience during this period and said, I was traveling in silence. I could touch every life on the other side and watch them repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth. I could observe the process of falling from different avenues. This change made me intoxicated, and I could also detect other sources of annihilation. I realized that I had to devour them to become complete, and only then could I accumulate enough annihilation heavenly fire to leave a legacy for the next universe. Lower spiritual roots. The universe as a living entity originated from this. I also saw Tao Zun.

He looked strange and said: In my eyes, Dao Zun is another flood source of annihilation waiting to be swallowed by me, but his state is not that of the flood source. But in my eyes, he is the biggest temptation. , tempting me to chase him and wait for the moment when he turns into a flood source of annihilation.

Da Zhong also didn't understand Xu Ying's weird thoughts and said, A Ying, when you turned into silence, didn't you think about destroying everything and eating everyone?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: If I just fell from the avenue of killing and destruction, I would probably be affected by the avenue of annihilation. But I fell from Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, etc., and I understand the path of reincarnation. , the wonder of cause and effect, the method of calamity, the way of killing, knowing Taiyi, understanding Wuji, and understanding the endless life of Hongmeng. Therefore, I have no idea of ​​destroying everything.

Da Zhong was stunned. What Xu Ying was talking about now seemed to be different from the great path of annihilation mentioned by Dao Zun and Dao Ji Zhenjun.

The Tao Master's seven births and seven annihilations, and Tao Ji's rebirth from the extreme of death, are all viewed from the perspective of the Tao of Ji's annihilation.

But Xu Ying seemed to have jumped out of the avenue of annihilation, giving people a feeling of being within the Tao but outside of it.

Will Dao Zun die if he enters the Flood Source of Nirvana? Dazhong asked.

Xu Ying looked at this flood source of annihilation. The avenue of annihilation was still flowing, burning everything. If beings like Tao Zun entered it, even the nine evidences would be unable to withstand the burning of the sky fire of annihilation.

However, this is a necessary condition for understanding the ultimate goal of death and rebirth.

It is simply wishful thinking to understand the death and rebirth of the Nirvana Heavenly Fire without entering into the Calamity of Nirvana.

With Taoist Master's attainments, he should not encounter any dangers, and he will be able to understand the death of annihilation and live.

Xu Ying thought of True Lord Daoji and said softly, But his fate may not be the catastrophe of annihilation, but the catastrophe of human beings. It is people who come to bring catastrophe to him.

The sky fire of Nirvana is burning fiercely, and the universe on the other side has completely fallen into this flood source. If there are survivors, they are definitely not on the other side, but have fled to the heaven.

Nowadays, heaven can be said to be the only pure land.

However, even if you escape to the heaven, you must check whether your destiny is still there, otherwise, even if you escape, you will be burned clean by the Nirvana Sky Fire.

Xu Ying looked in the direction of True Lord Daoji. True Lord Daoji's Taoist temple was still floating in the chaos, not too far from the source of the Nirvana River on the other side, looming.

This strong man from the Dao League is very patient.

Although Xu Ying was previously assimilated by Jiji Hongyuan, he also transformed into Jiji Dao and became a part of Jiji Hongyuan, so his memory of True Lord Daoji is still there.

Xu Ying stepped forward and bowed to True Lord Daoji. True Lord Daoji returned the courtesy, but he didn't treat him as warmly as he treated a big bell.

Xu Yingxiao asked: Brother Tao, why do you prefer one to another?

The True Lord of Dao Ji said: Although you practice the Dao of Ji, and have perfected it to perfection, I noticed that your heart is not here. You are on the Dao of Ji, and your Dao heart is not pure. Innate Nine The Tao is also an impure heart. Since we are not fellow travelers, why should we be enthusiastic?

Xu Ying laughed loudly, clapped his hands and praised: Brother Taoist is a practical and wonderful man! I practice the Nine Paths of Evidence-Based Practice, and it is indeed just practice. I don't have the Taoist intention to delve into the Nine Paths of Evidence-Based Practice. My purpose is just To perfect my ways.”

Zhenjun Daoji looked solemn and said: I originally planned to let you go to the Dao Alliance with my Dao Alliance Order, and you will be under my protection in the future. I will not be alone on this road. However, Xu Daoyou has another way, so I It’s not convenient to force it. Where is my Dao Alliance Order?”

Xu Ying took out the Dao League Order.

True Lord Daoji took back the Dao Alliance Order and said, I'm sorry that I can't see the guests off.

Xu Ying originally planned to ask him about his chances of winning in a battle with the Taoist Master, but when he saw him chasing away guests, he had to get up and leave the Taoist temple in frustration.

I heard the voice of Zhenjun Daoji coming from behind: Friend Daoist Zhong, please accept this Taoist alliance from me first. When you come to the Taoist alliance in the future, even if you don't take shelter under my sect, I will at least introduce you to several palace masters.

Dazhong said hurriedly: How can this happen? Master Ying accepted this token earlier. If I accept it, wouldn't it embarrass him?

True Monarch Daoji said: There is no mutual conspiracy between different Taoists. I don't understand the Tao he practices, and I am not a fellow traveler with him. Taking back the token and giving it to you will not embarrass him.

Dazhong had no choice but to accept it and said: Yingzi is too withdrawn and does not fit in with the crowd. If he wants to do something unique, it will be acquired the day after tomorrow. Then, I will thank Brother Dao first.

Xu Ying waited for a moment outside the Taoist temple and saw the big bell flying towards him, so he stood cautiously and moved the corners of his mouth, saying: Master Zhong, I wonder if Master Zhong can help me ask Taoist Master whether he won or lost the battle with Taoist Master. geometry?

Dazhong sighed and said: Yingzi, is there a sadly thick barrier between you and me? However, I remember my old feelings and will help you ask.

Xu Ying was quite happy and looked at him expectantly. After a while, the big bell slowly flew into the Taoist temple.

Soon after, the big bell flew back. Xu Ying hurriedly stepped forward and stood by the side, serving him carefully. Dazhong said casually: Yingzi, I went to ask you about your matter, but I also sacrificed my face. Brother Daoji said that Gong Daochuan has no chance of winning. He has been locked by fate and has no chance of survival.

Xu Ying was surprised: Is the gap so big?

In his opinion, the Tao Master is still unfathomable. Although Xu Ying has already cultivated two Tao Masters, using this as a foundation and constantly based on evidence, it will only be a matter of time for him to cultivate the other seven Tao Masters.

But the Tao Master is in the Great Perfection of the Tao Master Realm and is close to the end of the avenue. He can even see the incredible existence standing at the end of the avenue of practice!

Xu Ying can only reach the level of Taoist Master if he can see those existences through cultivation.

“Could it be that the silence of the Tao has become the end of the road of annihilation?”

Xu Ying was suspicious and looked at True Lord Daoji in the Taoist temple, thinking, What kind of realm is there at the end of the road?

After an unknown amount of time, the matter in the Nirvana Flood Source seemed to be burned out. The Nirvana Sky Fire continued to merge with each other, and the Nirvana Flood Source was also shrinking crazily.

Xu Ying's heart was awe-inspiring, and he suddenly knew that this source of annihilation was about to explode!

He has encountered the explosion of the Imperial Realm's Nirvana Flood, and is no stranger to this. However, he was still weak at that time, but now he is thousands of times stronger than then!

Even so, Xu Ying still didn't dare to be careless and called up the big bell and chaos lotus to encourage his cultivation.

The next moment, the flood source of annihilation exploded, and boundless Dao light sputtered in all directions. The Dao light was like substance, penetrating the bodies of Xu Ying, Big Bell and Chaos Lotus!

Xu Ying activated the nine evidences, and the power of the Tao enveloped the big bell and the Chaos Lotus. The explosion of the flood source of annihilation set off waves of the Chaos Sea, rushing in all directions.

Xu Ying rose and fell with the waves of the Chaos Sea, and then he saw another version of himself.

In the Dao light, another Xu Ying and the ancestral god are holding the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, opening up the source of the flood on the other side. When that ray of light that opens up the world breaks out, the great avenue of heaven and earth is born. Hundreds of millions of stars, countless galaxies, and the world on the other side, follow. And emerge.

The waves of the Chaos Sea surged, and Xu Ying, Big Bell and Chaos Lotus fell into the bottom of the waves. They saw the ancient gods on the other side being born in the starry sky. Luo Taizong, the God of the Universe, was the first to wake up and started his journey. rule.

The waves are like the long river of time, pushing Xu Yao and them to the top of the waves, and they enter the era of Luo Taizong's rule, where powerful and majestic ancient gods control the world and play with people's hearts.

Countries and tribes fought, killed enemy invaders, and used them as sacrifices to the gods. The fields were often filled with bones and corpses piled up like mountains.

The incense is rich, forming pillars of air and clouds, reaching directly to the sky.

The waves of time surged, and more than four billion years passed. Xu Ying saw Tao Zun sneaking into the other shore again, like an observer, observing everything on the other shore.

This was only a moment in the reflection of the other side, and then the Taoist Master left.

History changed accordingly, with the Heaven Realm on the other side being stranded, the Heaven Realm seeking the truth, the grand gathering on Qionghua Island, and the Tian Realm massacre. In the last hundred million years, many familiar faces have emerged, Taiyi, Hao Yi, Hua Shengsheng, Luo Shizong, Luo Taizong, Lin Chuanting, Tianchengzi...

Xu Ying stabilized his body, stood in the chaos, and looked at the reflections around him. The reflections around him were still extending forward, and all the time in the future that had never happened was also reflected, turning into impurities and projected in the sea of ​​chaos.

Suddenly, Dao Zun's face came into his eyes. Dao Zun walked towards this side and was also observing the history on the other side.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he walked forward, but suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on a beautiful woman.

That is Gong Jiexuan, the daughter of the Taoist Master.

Gong Jixuan? I haven't seen her during this catastrophe of Nirvana on the other side. Xu Ying was stunned.

At this moment, he heard the strange sound of the piano, which came from the sea of ​​chaos. Wherever the sound came from, there was purple Qi flowing, which contained the wonderful Hongmeng Dao sound.

A Hongmeng Taoist?

Xu Ying immediately left Taoist Master behind and followed the sound of the piano. He saw purple light in the chaos, and a saint from the other side with demigod bloodline sitting in the layers of reflections, caressing the strings of the piano.

The sound of the piano is deep and deep, as if it is telling the tragic song of the past on the other side.

Xu Ying stepped forward. When the man from the other side playing the guqin saw him approaching, he stopped playing and stood up to greet him.

Xu Ying returned the gift and said, Fellow Taoist, are you Taoist Master Hongmeng?

The man on the other side nodded and said: I am the Taoist master of the future life on the other side. The past life on the other side suddenly collapsed. I practice Hongmeng Avenue. When time and space are destroyed, my Tao is immortal, and I am involved in this moment.

Xu Ying was about to continue asking, when Tao Zun's voice came from behind: What's your name?

Xu Ying's heart tightened, and he immediately turned sideways, only to see Tao Zun walking towards him, his face neither sad nor happy.

The Taoist Master Hongmeng on the other side said: I am Mo Feiyin.

Taoist Master nodded lightly, looked at Gong Jiexuan who was looking back, and murmured: Mo Feiyin, Mo Feiyin, hehe, hehe, that's how it is... I will destroy your future, and you will destroy my descendants...

A rage suddenly arose in his heart.

Xu Ying asked Mo Feiyin: Fellow Taoist Mo, what are you doing here?

In memory of a girl.

Mo Fei told the truth sincerely, She also practices Hongmeng Dao. When the Nirvana Tribulation came, I fought with her to the death, and I won by luck. But I have no enmity with her, and I don't know why I met her. I don’t know why she also practiced Hongmeng. Now that the other shore has been shattered, that’s why I came to pay her respects.”

In the vast apocalypse, two Tao masters who have never met each other fight to the death for a chance of survival. In the end, one person dies and Taoism disappears, leaving the other person with a chance of survival.

Xu Ying glanced at the Taoist Master, but the Taoist Master did not kill Mo Feiyin, but turned around and left, heading towards the Taoist temple of Zhenjun Daoji.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Brother Mo, you escaped a disaster.

Mo Feiyin didn't know what he meant and said, Brother, may I ask who you are?

My name is Xu Ying.

Mo Feiyin was stunned and suddenly woke up: Are you Xu Ying, the founder of Kaitian Dao on the other side? When you and the ancestor gods were stranded on the other side of the Three Realms, you overthrew the rule of the ancient gods, expelled Luo Taizong, obtained the Kaiyuan Shen Axe, and traveled through time and space back to prehistory. Create the world, create Hongmeng, and bring forth all living beings. Xu Daozu, are you still alive?

Xu Ying couldn't help but be stunned.

Could it be that on another correct track on the other side, the other side did not encounter the heavenly realm, but encountered the three realms in the near future?

In this way, the future of the Three Realms has also been changed because of the stranding of the Heaven Realm. Not only the Three Realms, but also the future of the vast universe ruled by the other side has also been changed.

Xu Ying fell into thinking and glanced at Tao Zun who was walking away, Who can bear such a huge cause and effect? ​​And Tao Zun has never realized this. His fate is more powerful than he imagined!

Xu Daozu, what was the name of the girl who died in my hands? Mo Feiyin asked.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and looked at Gong Jiexuan, who was reflecting back the light on the other side.

Her name is Gong Jiexuan, the daughter of Taoist Master.

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