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Chapter 902 Taoist Certification, Comprehension First

Two juniors?

Changsun Shenghai was shocked and looked around hurriedly, but he still could not find the other junior.

Who among the younger generation has the ability to follow me without being noticed by me?

He thought about it, but he still couldn't figure out who had the means and strength. ——As for Xu Ying, he does not belong to the junior generation in his heart. Xu Ying has long been classified by him as an old monster like a master uncle.

After all, apart from Xu Ying, he is the first among the younger generation.

Before Jiang Ningzi finished speaking, he heard a voice laughing: Teacher, it was I who brought you back to the present world from the time and space of death, so that you can see the magnificence of death. I use this method to repay my teacher's kindness, which can be regarded as a kind of kindness. Master’s teachings are not in vain.”

When Changsun Shenghai heard this voice, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately picked up the Nirvana Flame Spear. The big spear shook, and the tip of the spear rotated, shaking out a series of large circles, stabbing into the depths of time and space.

The fire-tip spear is filled with the sky fire of Nirvana, just like one rotating flood source of Nirvana, extremely gorgeous.

It's just that those time and space were ignited by the fire of annihilation, and then burned and collapsed.

Just as his big spear thrust out, the all-knowing eye behind Jiang Ningzi suddenly shined brightly, and countless causal lines in the huge pupils turned into Dao light and shot out. While drilling into time and space, countless causal lines separated from the Dao light and moved toward different Traveling through time and space!

Dao Master Lin just spoke, and they immediately sensed his location. The purpose of taking action at this moment was to force Dao Master Lin out.

In an era where cause and effect is broken, if you judge my location based on the source of the sound, aren't you still following the relationship of cause and effect?

Dao Master Lin's voice came from another time and space, and he said with a smile, Teacher, you are also a being who has mastered the path of cause and effect. How come you still can't understand the mystery of the path of cause and effect on the eve of Nirvana? After I kill you, , I have repaid the cause and effect on the other side. I have escaped from the misfortune and am no longer among the cause and effect!

Jiang Ningzi sneered: Since killing me can save you from your fate, why would I reappear in this world? Chuan Ting, the escape you think you have is not the real escape. You are still in your fate!

He missed a hit, and the next moment his magical power searched all the other time and space, no matter what was broken in his past or future but was not yet broken, everything was under search.

Master Lin's voice was erratic and he said: Only by practicing cause and effect and observing cause and effect can you achieve great freedom. Master, your method of searching for cause and effect was still useful in the past, but on the eve of Nirvana, it has become obsolete. You can't break it. cause and effect.

Jiang Ningzi couldn't help but feel a little discouraged when he heard this.

His path of cause and effect is upright and upright, and it is the most authentic path of cause and effect. It originates from Tao Zun, and Dao Zun comes from Dao Alliance.

Jiang Ningzi's understanding is not top-notch, but following the teachings of the Taoist Master, he still cultivated this great way to the level of the Taoist Master.

Not only that, each of the eight innate masters has some understanding of the great avenues of heaven and earth. In hundreds of millions of years, he has understood the three thousand great avenues.

At the peak of his previous life, his attainments on the Path of Cause and Effect had reached the perfect state of Tao Master Realm.

Although this life is only in the middle stage of the Tao Master Realm, his vision and knowledge are still there, and I don’t expect anyone to be able to compare with my Taoism in cause and effect.

However, Dao Master Lin's move made him lose his mind.

On the eve of the Nirvana, there were unexpectedly many more variables on the path of cause and effect that he had never realized before. Instead, these variables were understood by Lin Chuanting, who was his student.

Tao Zun said that he had the highest understanding back then, and he was indeed right. He thought to himself.

Just when he wanted to give up, a reincarnation ring suddenly appeared, extremely bright, like countless dots of spiritual light, penetrating through the body, and connected to his causal light with a roar!

In an instant, the circle of reincarnation merged with the light of cause and effect, forming a cause and effect reincarnation, incorporating all the unannihilated time and space fragments of the past and future on the other side into the cause and effect reincarnation!

Jiang Ningzi was shocked when she saw Xu Ying walking slowly out of the void with his hands behind his back, and reincarnation formed a strange scene of thousands of reincarnations around him.

Brother Lin Dao, even if you can escape the fate of karma, you can't escape the reincarnation of karma.

Xu Ying said with a smile, The causes you planted in the past will bear the fruit today. As the master of cause and effect, you can never escape from cause and effect and gain freedom. Brother Tao, you'd better come out and face the disaster!

He suddenly activated the reincarnation of cause and effect, searching for all the possible and impossible futures and pasts on the other side, and included all the time and space where Master Lin might be hidden into the reincarnation of cause and effect!

Countless broken and withered time and space were pulled out by the roar, like countless mirror fragments hidden in the past and future, one after another being submerged in the reincarnation of cause and effect!

In the mirror, there is a complete mountain and river, with sunset over the long river, green mountains and green water, rippling blue waves, yellow sand desert, volcanic lava and other scenes.

At this moment, Jiang Ningzi couldn't help but be deeply shocked.

It was only then that he discovered that besides the normal time and space of the universe, there were countless possible time and spaces. There is also a causal relationship between these time and space and the present world!

For example, if I choose woman A as my wife in this world, and I choose woman B, there will be two different results. In this world, if I choose woman A as my wife, I will get result C. But if I choose woman B, I will get result C. Man.

In the present world, wife A and fruit C are causally related, but similarly wife B and fruit D are also causally related. It's just that the causal relationship between A and C has already occurred, but the causal relationship between E and D has not yet occurred. Although E and D have not occurred, it cannot be said If it doesn’t happen, there is no cause and effect.”

Jiang Ningzi felt a sense of being shocked in her soul, and silently asked in her heart, Why can I realize this only after death?

His eyes fell on Xu Ying beside him, and looking at Xu Ying's face, a trace of jealousy arose in his heart: Why didn't I have such understanding when I was alive?

Xu Ying's cultivation of cause and effect is only at the peak of the immortal realm and has not yet been perfected. Dao Master Lin is only at the pinnacle of the Dao Master Realm, and has not yet reached the level of Dao Master.

Dao Master Lin's Dao of Heaven and Earth has not even been fully cultivated, and he has only cultivated 300 Dao of Heaven and Earth to become a Dao Master.

But these two people have made new discoveries in the way of cause and effect, which are beyond his reach.

At this time, Xu Ying found out the impossible time and space hidden by Dao Master Lin, and dragged him into the reincarnation of cause and effect!

Dao Master Lin was startled. He looked up and saw that he was in a vast expanse of light, entangled with the power of cause and effect and reincarnation, binding him.

Outside this piece of light, Xu Ying and Jiang Ningzi were seen standing side by side, with incomparably vast faces.

His heart sank: I fell into the magical power of two people! The nine innate ways, reincarnation and cause and effect are connected. Reincarnation is the sect of all ways, and cause and effect is the order of all ways. Reincarnation and cause and effect work together, and the effect is more wonderful than alone. Avenue.”

Jiang Ningzi couldn't help but praise: This is the reincarnation of cause and effect, mutual evidence? I didn't expect that your way of reincarnation and my way of cause and effect can cooperate so well!

The big clock hung above Xu Ying's head and he said with a smile: Brother Jiang Dao, this is not that you and Master Ying are cooperating with each other, but that Master Ying is trying to be compatible with you.

Xu Ying's face darkened: Master Zhong, be humble.

Da Zhong hurriedly stopped and praised in his heart: A Ying has indeed become a master, neither arrogant nor impetuous, calm and elegant.

Xu Ying said apologetically: Brother Jiang Dao, Mr. Zhong is outspoken, please forgive me. Brother Dao's path of cause and effect is extremely brilliant, and I am far behind.

Jiang Ningzi looked a little unhappy, but seeing that he was well-educated, humble and easy-going, he put aside his grudges and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, you're welcome. Daoist Xu's way of reincarnation is indeed brilliant, and it cooperates with me in cause and effect and complements each other.

Xu Ying was not without pride, but he tried his best to be humble and said with a smile: Back then I met Taoist Master in the sky, discussed Taoism with him, and had a great conversation. I thought he was my close friend. Later I found out that it was him who was compatible with me. I, Brother Dao, am just like me back then.

Jiang Ningzi's face turned livid, and he thought to himself: He is the disciple of Dong Xuanzi and my descendant. He still calls me uncle, but I won't get angry with him. If I beat him to death, others will definitely say that I am a coward.

But he wanted to beat Xu Ying to death.

Just looking at the evidence-based mystery of this boy's cause and effect and reincarnation, it would be difficult for me to kill him, and he might even send him to his death as a filial piety.

I was probably affected by the disaster, otherwise why would I always want to kill him? He thought to himself.

Dao Master Lin rushed out, trying to escape from the cycle of causal reincarnation. With a spear in his hand, he single-handedly provoked reincarnation, even causing Xu Ying's mana to tremble.

Xu Ying was taken aback and praised: This guy's cultivation is deeper than that of Master Luo!

Jiang Ningzi activated the cause and effect, boosting the power of the cycle of reincarnation, and sneered: Evil disciple, I will send you to death today!

He flew into the circle of reincarnation alone and went towards Dao Master Lin.

Under the pouring of his mana, the power of the reincarnation circle increased crazily. He also knew that he was not as good as Xu Ying in the evidence of cause and effect reincarnation, so he simply provided mana, without grasping the cause and effect of reincarnation, and allowed Xu Ying to use it.

Xu Ying also knew that his power of karma was stronger than his own, so it was okay to use his karma path to trap Dao Master Lin. If he used his karma path to kill Dao Master Lin, he was afraid that he would have to suffer the backlash of his lack of evidence.

Jiang Ningzi's cultivation level surpassed him by far. When the reincarnation of cause and effect was proved, the backlash would be equivalent to Jiang Ningzi's full blow against him.

This blow cannot be avoided, and coupled with Dao Master Lin's counterattack before his death, it will definitely be uncomfortable!

Therefore, Xu Ying just maintained the reincarnation of cause and effect, trapped Dao Master Lin, did not take any action, and allowed Jiang Ningzi to do whatever he wanted.

Lin Dao used his spear to challenge the reincarnation, but failed to pierce the reincarnation. Then he saw Jiang Ningzi coming to kill him, and said with a smile: Teacher came to kill me personally. Could it be that he is not willing to die in my hands?

Jiang Ningzi shook his head and said: I don't want revenge, I just want to repay the cause and effect!


Dao Master Lin stabbed with a spear, and suddenly large and small reincarnation rings were placed on the spear, and then reincarnation rings appeared on Dao Master Lin's neck, wrists, ankles, and waist, binding him to death!

Master Lin, who has cultivated the Dao of Cause and Effect to the peak of the Tao Master, was caught in the reincarnation of cause and effect, but he can still move freely, brandishing a big gun, and fight with Jiang Ningzi as fast as possible!

At this time, he could not use the avenue of cause and effect to disrupt the cause and effect between the two, because Xu Ying was unifying the cycle of cause and effect at the moment, and any of his magical powers of cause and effect would be bound by reincarnation.

Now he can only fight Jiang Ningzi head-on, with real swords and guns!

Jiang Ningzi faced his spear with his bare hands, fists and feet clashing with the spear, making a clanging sound.

Dao Master Lin danced his spear with deadly moves, repeatedly passing through his defense and stabbing him in the body.

Jiang Ningzi secretly felt ashamed. If Xu Ying hadn't been controlling the reincarnation and weakening the power of Lin Dao Master's moves, he would have been stabbed into pieces by Lin Dao Master at this moment.

The more Dao Master Lin fought, the angrier he became. At this moment, not only were his hands and feet bound by reincarnation, but a reincarnation ring also appeared on the back of his head. Xu Ying began to restrain his Tao power!

Not only that, his Dao Yuanshen also has a cause and effect reincarnation on his neck at this moment, and his wrists, ankles and waist are also bound by reincarnation rings!

Xu Ying, are you planning to drag my Dao Dao into reincarnation?

Daoist Lin laughed loudly and said sarcastically, You and the teacher are playing with fire and burning yourself! Your realm of reincarnation is not as high as my cause and effect. Teacher's cause and effect is also slightly inferior, and your understanding is not as deep as mine. You dragged me into this Reincarnation will only allow me to understand the secrets of reincarnation!

Just as he said this, sudden changes occurred in his body. The three hundred kinds of heaven and earth avenues that make up the avenue of cause and effect began to change!

Water turns into fire, thunder turns into electricity, wind turns into clouds, the way of heaven turns into the way of earth, the magnetism turns into divine light, and the clear sky turns into cosmic light. The three hundred ways of heaven and earth practiced by Master Lin have completely turned into three hundred strange ways of heaven and earth. , Tao power and changes accordingly!

This is the great road of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is the sect of all the ways. All the ways of heaven and earth are running in reincarnation. Changes in the ways immediately destroy Dao Master Lin's control of his own way of cause and effect, causing his cause and effect to lose its power!

Jiang Ningzi took the opportunity to rush forward, flicked the spear with his fingers, and stamped his palm on Dao Master Lin's chest.

Dao Master Lin's body had twelve broken ribs, blood spurted from his mouth, and he flew away upside down.

Jiang Ningzi chased after him, punching and sealing each other, and landed dozens of heavy blows on Dao Master Lin.

Lin Dao Master's bones were broken and his tendons were broken, and his breath was scattered. Jiang Ningzi was about to deliver a fatal blow. Suddenly Lin Dao Master's breath surged, and the spear seemed to come alive. The power reached the tip of the spear and penetrated Jiang Ningzi with a hiss!

Jiang Ningzi was shocked and angry when he pointed his spear at the tip of the spear. Fortunately, Xu Ying activated the reincarnation and restrained Dao Master Lin again, preventing the follow-up power of this shot from exploding.

Otherwise, if Lin Dao Master flicks the tip of his spear, Jiang Ningzi will probably fall apart!

Xu Ying was also horrified.

He used reincarnation to change the composition of the cause and effect avenues in Lin Dao's main body. All three hundred avenues were changed, and the power of the Tao was also changed.

In this situation, Dao Master Lin was bound to die. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment when Dao Master Lin was about to be killed, he could actually control his own Tao power again, and he could master all three hundred avenues!

Xu Ying had no choice but to let his avenue enter reincarnation again and transform into three hundred other avenues.

Xiao Ying, you are helping me practice!

Dao Master Lin laughed loudly and said with high spirits, You and the teacher will only teach me the Three Thousand Great Dao and help me understand reincarnation!

Xu Ying couldn't help but admire in his heart: Brother Lin Dao's understanding is indeed terrifyingly high. It's just that such a talented man has wasted his understanding by becoming a monster that harvests other universes!

He pushed the avenue of reincarnation to the extreme, making the various avenues within the main body of Lin Dao rotate endlessly and never ending, making it impossible for him to steal his lessons and master the different avenues of heaven and earth.

Jiang Ningzi also took the opportunity to attack crazily, trying to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Dao Master Lin.

Dao Master Lin's body was suffering from more and more Dao injuries, and his injuries were getting more and more serious. He was about to die in the hands of the two of them. Suddenly, Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he noticed the various Dao Dao that were constantly rotating in Dao Master Lin's body, and his Dao power gradually got out of control!

At the same time, the number of avenues in Master Lin's avenue of cause and effect is gradually increasing!

Three hundred and one, three hundred and two, three hundred and three...

He has not realized that my nature is self-sufficient, but his understanding is too high. He uses cause and effect to unify other different avenues. His understanding of the avenue of cause and effect is far better than Jiang Ningzi! Jiang Ningzi can't kill him!

Xu made an immediate decision, mobilized the evidence of cause and effect, and crossed his hands in front of him. The circle of cause and effect was suddenly twisted under his power, forming two intersecting circles (∞).

In the two circles, the three thousand avenues are unified, and the evidence of cause and effect and reincarnation is endless!

Xu Ying endured the backlash from Dao Li's evidence, supported it forcefully, and pushed forward with both palms!

Dao Master Lin's expression suddenly changed. He raised the big gun in his hand and pierced one of the big circles. The big gun crackled and exploded!

He summoned all his strength, activated the power of cause and effect, squatted with his knees bent, and slowly pushed forward with his palms, his palm force met Xu Ying's palm force!

At the critical moment of life and death, the various avenues of heaven and earth in his body grew crazily, approaching the complete three thousand avenues of heaven and earth. The avenue of cause and effect became more and more perfect, and the power of the Tao became stronger and stronger!

However, at the moment when Xu Ying's palms collided, all the bones in Dao Master Lin's body were shattered in an instant, and all the Dao power in his body was turned into powder!

Dao Master Lin twisted his body and roared loudly. The Tao power in his body was gradually transforming into reincarnation. Under the influence of reincarnation, the various shattered Tao powers began to unify!

He actually wanted to fight against death at this critical juncture based on evidence of reincarnation!

Xu Ying coughed up blood, and it was already difficult to give him a second blow.

Jiang Ningzi came and attacked Lin Dao in a frantic manner. One fatal blow after another fell on him, beating his flesh and blood until his flesh and blood peeled off. However, the broken flesh and blood formed a bloody reincarnation behind him!

Dao Master Lin's whole body had broken bones, bloody flesh, and twisted body. He tried his best to avoid Jiang Ningzi's attack. Although his injuries were serious, he was still full of vitality.

Teacher, Xu Ying, you can't kill me, but you will only make me stronger!

The bloody man laughed loudly, suddenly jumped out of the cycle of cause and effect, and shouted, Today's revenge will be repaid to you two when I succeed!

Xu Ying was unable to stop him from leaving because of the evidence-based counterattack. Jiang Ningzi escaped from reincarnation, but his Taoist methods could no longer kill Taoist Lin.

At this time, neither of them could leave Dao Master Lin behind.

The big bell flew up at this time, clanging, vibrating continuously, and blasted towards Dao Master Lin. It only shattered time and space around Dao Master Lin and turned it into the energy of chaos, but it could not kill him.

Even its strength cannot keep Dao Master Lin behind.

But the moment Dao Master Lin escaped, a cold light suddenly flew in front of him. The sky was blazing with fire in the cold light, and it pierced into his eyebrows with a hiss!

Changsun Shenghai held the Nirvana Fire Spear and pierced Dao Master Lin's head with one shot, and the spear tip came out from the back of his head!

Changsun Shenghai grabbed the gun body and pushed Lin Daozhu forward, running for tens of thousands of miles, and the entire gun body was completely submerged.

Changsun Shenghai passed by Lin Daozhu, reached out and grabbed the gun behind his head, and pulled it forward.

Dao Master Lin's body shook, and he pulled out the tail of the gun with force.

——It’s been a long time since I’ve had a 5,000-word chapter, but today I have one.

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