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Chapter 899 Not for the common people

When Hai Ningzi and Cen Xizi saw Xu Ying was about to leave, they quickly jumped to block Xu Ying and shouted: Girl!

Gong Jiexuan's face was pale, and her thin body was trembling slightly, but she raised her hand and said firmly: Let him go!

Hai Ningzi and Cen Xizi hesitated, but still did not move away.

Gong Jiexuan said loudly: He is not in the catastrophe. Killing him will do no good. Let him go!

Hai Ningzi and Cen Xizi had no choice but to get out of the way.

Xu Ying walked past the two of them, suddenly stopped, thought for a moment, turned back to Gong Jiexuan and said, Miss Gong, I will show you a way out.

Gong Jiexuan's eyes brightened, and a glimmer of hope arose in her heart.

Xu Ying said: The future on the other side is not a normal future. Its normal course was forcibly interrupted by the Taoist Master, and it should not have died out so early. Now the past and future of the other side of the universe have all shrunk, and some Taoist masters from the future are also there. Looking for a chance of survival. If you bloom Hongmeng Avenue, you may attract a Hongmeng Dao Master from the future.

Gong Jiexuan was stunned and didn't understand what he meant.

Xu Ying left without explaining the whole story to her.

Cen Xi watched Xu Yingyuan go and suddenly said: The future Taoist master? Is the Nirvana Tribulation really so weird?


Hai Ningzi thought, The Nirvana Tribulation will destroy all the past, and it will also destroy all possible futures. Maybe in these possible futures, some powerful beings will be born and become Tao masters! Girl, you can give it a try !”

Gong Jiexuan nodded slightly and suddenly activated the Hongmeng Avenue to connect with the Hongmeng Avenue between heaven and earth.

The universe is in chaos, and the purple energy is rising.

Gong Jiexuan waited quietly. Just when she was almost desperate, suddenly there was also a purple qi penetrating through the sky on the other side, complementing her Hongmeng purple qi!

Gong Jiexuan's spirit was greatly boosted, and her own Hongmeng Avenue resonated with the other party's Hongmeng Avenue across time and space.

Haining, Cenxi, thank you two Taoist brothers for your help these days, and say goodbye.

Gong Jiexuan bowed, said goodbye to the two elders, and said, I will go to this battle alone, regardless of life or death, only about morality.

Hai Ningzi and Cen Xizi looked at each other and smiled. Cen Xizi said: Now we also have to look for our chance of survival. This is the end of silence, and we all need to do our best to survive. Fight with the dead in the past, and fight with the strong in the next life!

Fellow Taoist, see you after the disaster!

See you after the disaster!

The three of them said goodbye and went away.

Gong Jiexuan rushed towards the place where the Hongmeng Qi was reflected, and sensed that the Hongmeng Dao Master was also rushing towards this direction.

The other party must have the same idea as her, and they must fight for a slim chance of survival in this apocalyptic world!

At this time, she suddenly sensed the eruption of the Wuji Dao between heaven and earth, confirming that the five innate Tai Chi on the other side originated from Tai Yi and reflected Tai Chi.

Cen Xizi is also looking for another Taoist Wuji master.

Just when she thought of this, another path of luck rose into the sky. It was Hai Ningzi who was also looking for another master of the path of luck.

Gong Jiexuan noticed that she was getting closer to another Hongmeng Taoist master, and immediately slowed down. At this time, another Hongmeng Taoist paused. She followed the other person's breath and heard the sound of the piano in her ears.

Ahead is a stretch of mountains, the mountains are like jade, bathed in the sunset, and a young man from the other side is sitting on the top of the peak. He is tall, of demigod descent, with a wide robe and big sleeves, which is very different from the current clothing of the other side.

He was playing the piano, the sound was dull and low, and the purple energy flowed along the strings.

The Taoism he displayed was completely different from the Taoist master on the other side today, and was not affected by the heavenly realm.

This is the cause and effect between people on the other side and people in heaven.

Gong Jiexuan suddenly had a flash of enlightenment, walked towards the young man, and slowly offered the spiritual treasure Purple Qi Jade Ruyi.

And the Hongmeng Daoqin in the young man's hand suddenly started to kill and fight.

Xu Ying stopped and sensed that there were two terrifying Hongmeng Dao forces stirring and colliding between heaven and earth, which was extremely fierce.

As another Hongmeng Taoist, he can naturally clearly sense the fighting situation between the two sides.

This battle is only for myself, not for the common people. What's more, Tao Master can't save the common people.

Xu Ying continued to search for the whereabouts of Tai Dao Master. After the decisive battle between Tai Dao Master and Lin Dao Master, the scene was too chaotic. After that, Tai Dao Master lost all traces, and Lin Dao Master also disappeared.

One of these two people is the Taoist Master of Taiyi Avenue, and the other is the Taoist Master of Cause and Effect Avenue. Taiyi drags the Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side into calamity. Master Lin disrupts the cause and effect of the past and future, detonates calamity, and initiates the killing of the past, present, and future. .

Both of them were affected by the disaster, which caused them to jointly induce the other side to enter silence.

Suddenly, Xu Ying sensed the fluctuation of Taiyi Avenue, and immediately flew away, reversing time and space, turning into reincarnation, and whizzed away!

However, just as his speed increased to the extreme, his reincarnation suddenly broke and Xu Ying's body was thrown away!

He steadied himself, surprised and uncertain.

Because there is no underworld on the other side, the Avenue of Reincarnation is originally much weaker than the Avenue of Reincarnation in the Three Realms. Now because of the instability of time and space, the Avenue of Reincarnation is also showing signs of disintegration!

The Avenue of Reincarnation is one of the nine innate paths. If this avenue disintegrates, I'm afraid the speed of the other side's death will be greatly accelerated!

Xu Ying's body turned into a streak of purple energy and flew away through the air. Hongmeng Avenue is still extremely stable, and it is really overkill for traveling, but now, he has to do it.

When he arrived at the fluctuating place of Taiyi Avenue, suddenly hundreds of innate spiritual treasures suddenly crushed time and space and appeared in front of him!

The many innate spirit treasures carried the blazing heavenly fire of death, and the flames gradually extinguished. Where the spirit treasures were surrounded, the Tai Dao Master was covered in blood, staggering, barely standing still, and not falling down.

The Tai Dao Master was no longer as calm and calm as before. The old man was covered in blood, his face was fierce, and he was breathing heavily.

He suddenly stood up and once again summoned his Taoist power to activate the hundreds of spiritual treasures to protect his whole body.

Xu Ying walked over and said softly: Master, what are you doing?

Master Tai Dao turned around, his face full of ferocity. When he saw that it was Xu Ying, his face slowly returned to peace.

Xu Ying raised his hand, pushed aside pieces of innate spiritual treasures, and came to him.

My battle with Dao Master Lin triggered the disaster on the other side. I want to search all the future to find a glimmer of hope for the other side.

Master Tai Dao regained his composure, his eyes softened, and said, I'm not exhausted yet, I can still continue searching.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked at these innate spiritual treasures, and saw that the annihilating heavenly fire on some innate spiritual treasures had not been completely extinguished.

How many futures have you searched for? Xu Ying asked.

Nine thousand four hundred and fifty-two species.

Tai Taoist Master's eyes dimmed, then became bright again, and said, There must be other possibilities for the future on the other side! Promise!

He grabbed Xu Ying's hand as if grasping the last life-saving straw, his eyes flashed, and his tone was trembling: Xu Ying! There is still hope on the other side! The hope of saving the other side lies with you! You Follow me to 120 million years ago, follow me to Qionghua Island, and kill everyone on Qionghua Island!

Xu Ying's wrists hurt from his pinching, but his expression did not change at all, and he asked: Master, are the futures you have found in the Nirvana of Heavenly Fire?

Tai Dao Master did not answer, but said anxiously: These are not important! What is important is the Qionghua Island event back then! As long as this event is stopped, as long as everyone who lands on the island is killed, there will be no catastrophe of annihilation today!

He suddenly activated the avenue of time and space, whizzed away with his promise, and cut through the various time and space in the past.

The past time and space has begun to collapse due to the tearing of cause and effect, and traveling through time and space has become extremely unstable.

Tai Taoist Master was knocked out of the past time and space again and again, but he regained his strength again and again, taking Xu Ying all the way back to the past.

He tried every possible means and finally returned to Qionghua Island, which was 120 million years old.

As soon as he landed, he saw another Tai Dao Master coming here from the future with another promise.

The Tai Dao Master was stunned, and then saw the third Tai Dao Master suddenly appear in this space and time with the third promise.

Then, more Taiyi and Xu Ying came out of time and space, four, five, hundred, two hundred, three thousand, two thousand, three thousand...

In time and space, Tai Dao Masters are everywhere, traveling up and down with promises, looking for possibilities to change the future.

They fought towards Qionghua Island. Tens of thousands of Tai Dao Masters surrounded Qionghua Island, saying in unison: Xu Ying, kill everyone quickly!

Tens of thousands of Xu Ying urged the fingers of the Zhuxian Sword, and for a while, all the future powerful beings on the island fell into a pool of blood!

Ha ha ha ha!

The Tai Dao Master was like a crazy demon, laughing loudly and returning to the future with his promise. However, nothing has changed on the other side.

Unwilling to be reconciled, he returned to the past with Xu Ying and became the second Taiyi and Xu Ying to return to the past. He returned to Qionghua Island and became one of the tens of thousands of Taiyi and Xu Ying.

When everyone on Qionghua Island was massacred and he and Xu Ying returned to the future, nothing changed.

Tai Yi and Xu Ying once again returned to Qionghua Island, becoming the third Tai Yi and Xu Ying to return to the past.

Master, there is no need to waste your efforts.

Xu Ying consoled him, The calamity of Nirvana is approaching, and cause and effect have been messed up. Even if I use my magical power to kill those people back then, it will not be able to form a cause and effect relationship on the other side today.

Tai Taoist Master turned a deaf ear and led him to try again and again until he finally failed.

He became the last Tai Dao Master to return to the past. His face showed exhaustion. He joined forces with other Tai Dao Dao Masters to suppress the shattered past on the other side as much as possible. He shouted: Xu Ying! Kill everyone quickly!

Xu Ying's magical power exploded, and Qionghua Island became bloody, with the corpses of Hua, Lin, Luo and others scattered everywhere.

Countless Tai Dao Masters laughed and returned to the future with their promises. Only the last Tai Dao Dao Master stood there blankly, his white hair trembling slightly in the cold wind.

At this moment, the time and space where Qionghua Island was located began to collapse, everything was extinguished, and nothing existed. The broken time and space swept towards the two of them, but the Tai Dao Master remained motionless.

Xu Ying took advantage of his unpreparedness, raised his hand and knocked him out, took him back to the future, and whizzed away before time and space were shattered.

After a long time, Tai Dao Master woke up in a daze and saw that he was in a fairy palace.

He stood up unsteadily and walked outside, only to see snow falling in the sky outside. Xu Ying sat on the ground and admired the snow scene.

This time, Tai Dao Master did not ask Xu Ying to accompany him back to the past to change the past. Instead, he put one hand on the ground and sat down with difficulty next to Xu Ying.

When all the great avenues of heaven and earth on the other side are shattered, the ring of chaos will turn into the first flood source of annihilation on the other side, swallowing everything. Other large and small flood sources of annihilation will also be born as the Tao is broken. Eventually it will completely swallow up all life.

Xu Ying looked at the mountains covered with Tao snow, with a calm expression, and said, The other shore has fallen into silence, and it is impossible to escape from it. Master, Master Hua Dao has died on your behalf, and Taiyi Dao has repaid the cause and effect of heaven and earth. You can survive.

Tai Taoist Master shook his head and said: If the other shore does not exist, what's the point of my survival? Xu Ying, you don't understand the position of the other shore in my heart. I have a dream. In the dream, the other shore becomes the real other shore of countless universes in the Chaos Sea. It is a supreme holy place, a place that all monks dream of entering.

“Here, you can learn the most advanced skills, you can realize your ideals in life and fulfill your ambitions.

Here, you can find like-minded Taoist friends, and you can find Taoist friends who are in tune with the Tao. You can go to seek for the end of the Tao, and you can find the ultimate mystery of the Tao. There is no corruption, no disputes, and the Tao and the heaven and earth will last forever. .”

His face darkened and he said, Now, none of this is possible.

Xu Ying glanced at him and said: There is still a glimmer of hope. I still have the First Holy Land here. You are the Master of the Tai Dao. You can mobilize the First Holy Land to repair the damaged Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side and prolong the life of the other side.

Tai Dao Master's eyes lit up, then he became sad and shook his head: The First Holy Land can't hold on for long.

Xu Ying smiled and said: You have forgotten that I am also proficient in the Void Avenue. I can open up a void realm in the void, and the void is spread all over the Chaos Sea.

Tai Dao Master looked at him puzzled.

Xu Ying continued: If I can open up a void realm before the death of the other shore, and let the people on the other shore abandon their physical bodies and enter the void realm with their souls, I might be able to escape this catastrophe.

Master Tai Dao's eyes gradually brightened.

Xu Ying took out the First Holy Land and said with a smile: But before I create the void realm on the other side, you need to stay in the First Holy Land and do everything possible to maintain the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side.

Tai Dao Master was in high spirits, took out all his innate spiritual treasures, and said with a smile: You will definitely need many, many spiritual treasures to open up the void world. Use these spiritual treasures.

Xu Ying said seriously: Master, just wait for my good news.

Master Tai Dao nodded solemnly and entered the first holy land on the other side.

Xu Ying noticed that the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side had become much more stable, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up and silently looked into the void. At this time, the void on the other side also began to decay and disintegrate.

Xu Ying walked out of the Immortal Palace, and saw Master Luo's tattered cloak fluttering behind him, blocking the sky, and walking towards him with a fierce look in his eyes.

Promise! Yes!

Master Luo stopped and said with a smile, You didn't expect that I can actually avenge myself personally. Kill you, kill Taiyi, and I will survive the catastrophe of Nirvana easily!

Xu Ying sneered, shook his head and said: My dear nephew, you are just a puppet of the tribulation, a tool to push the other side into the tribulation of annihilation. You are part of the tribulation of annihilation and are dead yourself. How can you survive the tribulation of annihilation? Destruction?

Master Luo shook his head and said with a smile: Death is imminent, but you still want to attack my Taoist heart. Even if you fight with lotus flowers, you can't dispel my murderous intention. Today, I will send you on your way!

With a wave of his hand, Xu Ying took away all the innate spiritual treasures and said calmly: My dear nephew, you will die extremely thoroughly.

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