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Chapter 894 The decisive battle with Lin Chuanting

Taiyi is in good spirits today. It should be that he has repaired his Taoist heart in the past few days and no longer blames himself for the misfortune on the other side again.

This mental state is very beneficial for the decisive battle.

But that's only if the match is evenly matched.

If the difference in strength is too big, no matter how good your mental state is, it will not help.

What Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi were worried about was that the strength gap between Tai Yi and Lin Chuanting was too big.

There is still a way for Taiyi to win, and that is to jump out of the Taiyi Avenue, understand the mystery of my own self-sufficiency, and deduce Wuji, Hongmeng, and chaos in reverse, and deduce reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, killing, and annihilation in reverse.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, If he can follow the evidence of the Nine Paths, his deficiencies in Dao power and realm will be able to make up for it, and the power of his supernatural powers will surpass Lin Chuanting's, and he will have the possibility of winning this battle.

However, it would take 600,000 years for Tai Dao Master to realize that my nature is self-sufficient in the way of Taiyi, let alone my self-sufficiency?

Xu Ying sighed, this battle was a disaster.

How about the three generations of Taiyi fight against Lin Chuanting together?

Xu Ying thought of this, but still shook his head, No. I only harvested the Hongmeng Dao power of eight universes. Even if I include Master Dong Xuanzi, I will never be Lin Chuanting's opponent. Three generations of Taiyi came together, but they were all killed by Lin Chuanting , that would be a big loss. Since it’s not possible to enhance our strength, can we weaken the other side’s strength?”

His eyes flashed and he pulled the opponent to compete with him, which was also a way to defeat his opponent.

If the void is cut off and Lin Chuanting is unable to connect to the universe, then Lin Chuanting will be just an ordinary Taoist Master of Cause and Effect.

At that time, Taiyi was fully confident in the battle with Lin Chuanting!

At this moment, Lin Chuanting's voice was heard: It turns out that two fellow Taoists are here too. Lin is polite.

Xu Ying looked over and saw Lin Chuanting walking towards them and greeting them.

Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi also returned the favor.

Lin Chuanting greeted Taiyi Master and said in surprise: It's really admirable that fellow Taoist friends can maintain their Taoist heart.

Just as Master Taiyi was about to speak, Dong Xuanzi laughed and said: Lin Chuanting, you made a plan, but you didn't expect that we could repair the nineteen broken avenues of heaven and earth? Taiyi's new policy also made the avenues of heaven and earth on the other side more beautiful. Stable! You have fiddled with cause and effect, and you have achieved nothing except killing twenty Taoist masters!

Lin Chuanting said with a smile: I only fiddle with cause and effect, but the calamity is beyond my control. The two Taoist friends must realize this. Taiyi was blinded by the calamity, so he made the decision to kill nineteen Taoist masters and shatter the world. Dao’s stupid things have nothing to do with me.”

His eyes fell on Tai Dao Master, and he said leisurely: Tai Yi can kill nineteen Dao Masters and shatter the Great Way of Heaven and Earth they practice. Naturally, he can also kill me and shatter the Great Way of Cause and Effect that I practice. At that time , the other shore will fall into the calamity of annihilation!

He struck Taiyi's Taoist heart hard and said with a smile: It's very possible with the current state of Taoist Taoist Yitai.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Lin Chuanting, you are scaring Taiyi again. Since I can make up for those nineteen great ways of heaven and earth, I can naturally make up for other great ways of heaven and earth. Even if Taiyi kills you, I will destroy all the great ways of heaven and earth you practice. Damn it, I can also ensure that the other side is safe!

Lin Chuanting's eyes fell on him and said: Xu Ying, you are a foreigner. No wonder I have not calculated your causal role in my other shore. If you had not appeared, Dong Xuanzi would be dead at this moment, and Taiyi would also be a plaything in my palm. .Are you using the First Holy Land to repair the avenue of heaven and earth?

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat.

Lin Chuanting said: Although the First Holy Land is magical, it is still part of the other shore. The other shore is in catastrophe. Can the First Holy Land be independent from the world?

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart. After mending the sky, he did sense that the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the First Holy Land was also a little unstable!

Lin Chuanting noticed the change in his expression and said: It seems that the First Holy Land cannot save the other shore. After all, the First Holy Land is also in the other shore, and will also be affected by the fate of the other shore. Xu Ying, you just delayed the disaster of the other shore. An explosion of luck.”

Xu Ying shook his head and said: That's nonsense! Lin Chuanting, you are just trying to break Taiyi's Taoist heart!

Lin Chuanting shook his head and said: Whether it is all nonsense, you know better than anyone else. My battle with Taiyi can also confirm this.

He looked solemn and said: The strength of the two of us is too strong. The Tao power burst out in the confrontation will definitely bring great pressure to the Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side! And this will make the Heaven and Earth Avenue that you repaired with the First Holy Land also Then came the collapse.”

His eyes fell on Tai Dao Master, and he said leisurely: This scene will completely break the Taoist heart of Tai Taoist friends.

Tai Dao Master trembled and looked at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Even if it is broken, I can mend the sky. The great road of heaven and earth will still be intact.

Lin Chuanting chuckled: Xu Ying, you still don't realize it? Today is different from the past. In the past, the Taoist was the source of disaster in the world, because there were too many causes and effects entangled in the Taoist. Get rid of the Taoist, and then You can get rid of those confusing causal lines, make other causes and effects clear, and naturally disasters will not appear. In the past, it was the confusion of cause and effect that turned into disasters.

He glanced across the faces of the three people and said: But now, the disaster is concentrated on the Taoist, causing the Taoist to make mistakes in his judgment. It even affects the Taoist's psychology and actions, causing the Taoist to make wrong moves! Taiyi’s massacre of nineteen Tao masters is proof of this! It was fate that chose Taiyi!”

He said solemnly: If the Taiyi is not eliminated, the other shore will definitely fall into silence!

Tai Dao Master's body trembled, thinking of how he had killed nineteen Dao Masters and destroyed the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth they practiced.

It was this move that caused the decline of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth on the other side!

Lin Chuanting was filled with murderous intent: Although I am an enemy of Taoist Fellow Tai, I am by no means the person who drives the calamity that entangles him. I don't understand the path of calamity, I only know cause and effect. I can see that it was the calamity on the other side that chose him. .In order to protect the other side, I can only do my best to kill him! Taiyi!

He looked at the Tai Dao Master and pressed forward: If you are really a great hero who thinks about the other side, if you really want the people on the other side to survive, you should sacrifice your life for righteousness and take the initiative to die!

Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi were immediately very nervous. Lin Chuanting's words were heartbreaking. They were also worried that Tai Taoist Master would be troubled by this!

Suddenly, Taiyi Master said: Lin Chuanting, logically speaking, with your strength, you don't need to try every means to destroy my Taoist heart. Your Taoist power is far beyond mine, and it is impossible for me to compete with you.

Lin Chuanting's momentum suddenly stagnated, and he was not as aggressive as before.

Tai Dao Master continued: But you tried every means to destroy my Taoist heart. This shows that there must be something in me that makes you extremely jealous, and you are not sure of defeating me.

Lin Chuanting's expression changed slightly.

Tai Dao Master said thoughtfully: It is this thing that scares you and makes you think that you may be defeated and die. Therefore, you must destroy my Taoist heart and let me think about it during the decisive battle. Don't use this method. Now, I already know what you are afraid of.

Lin Chuanting looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice resounding through the sky: Am I afraid? What a joke, what a big joke!

Master Taiyi smiled and said: You may not believe it, but you will die.

The two people's eyes met, and the space around Dao Jitian suddenly felt a little unstable.

The Tao power around Lin Chuanting was surging, and his realm was higher, forming an overwhelming advantage over Tai Dao Master in realm.

The Great Dao of the Master of Tai Dao is more perfect. The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth are integrated into one, building Tai Yi. The quality of the Dao is far superior to Lin Chuanting's cause and effect.

The two of them surprisingly did not activate any heaven and earth spiritual treasures, both were empty-handed.

Suddenly, Lin Chuanting took the lead. In an instant, cause and effect were confused, reversed from front to back, up and down, and the past and future became blurred. Causes may not have consequences, and results may not have causes!

Every move Tai Dao Master made was wrong. He avoided Lin Chuanting's magical power, but he met it with a bang and was blown away.

He had just stabilized his body and raised his hand to resist Lin Chuanting's attack. Unexpectedly, he missed the target and was hit in the chest by Lin Chuanting's extremely powerful Tao force!

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, he fell and flew out. With a slight movement of his mind, dozens of magical powers burst out, blasting towards Lin Chuanting who was coming!

However, before those magical powers could get close to Lin Chuanting, they suddenly turned around, became even more powerful, and hit him instead!

He dodged sideways, only to hear a series of bang-bang-bang bangs. Every time the Tai Dao Master dodged, he was bombarded by his own magical power.

He dodged dozens of times in a row, and all the forty magical powers he unleashed fell on him, and none of them could escape!

Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi were dumbfounded. In this flash of lightning, Tai Dao Master had been severely injured and was covered in wounds!

Why didn't Taiyi use that thing? Dong Xuanzi asked nervously.

Xu Ying woke up and said: Maybe Taiyi didn't understand what he said at all. He was just deceiving Taoist Lin!

As soon as the two of them said this, the Tai Dao Master was like a headless fly, attacking in all directions, but none of his moves could land on Lin Chuanting.

However, whether it is his attack or Lin Dao Master's attack, they will all fall on him!

In just a short moment, Tai Dao Master was hit by hundreds of moves, his skin and flesh were torn to pieces, he fell from the sky, and smashed through one holy place after another in Dao Jitian!

Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi hurriedly followed the two of them, shocked and confused.

Just now, Taiyi Master said it so seriously. Both of them thought that Taiyi Master must have understood the thing that made Lin Daozhu afraid. But now, it is obvious that Taiyi himself does not know what that thing is!

Dao Master Lin was still extremely cautious. He did not mobilize the causal power of the universe, and still used his own power to kill Taiyi.

The combat power displayed by the two of them was only equivalent to the combat power of a mid-level Taoist like Dong Xuanzi, and there was nothing extraordinary about it!

Although the Taiyi Dao Master is not as good as Lin Dao Master, he is very resistant to fighting. He understands that the Taiyi Dao is self-sufficient, allowing the various heaven and earth avenues in his Taiyi Dao to break and gather together. Even if he is severely injured, he will be healed in the next moment.

Suddenly, Master Taiyi lifted up the Luo Tiandao tree and brushed it towards Master Lin.

However, the Luo Tiandao Tree's light shined brightly, and thousands of branches suddenly thrust out backwards. A muffled sound came, and the Tai Dao Master was pierced by thousands of branches.

He put away the Luotian Dao Tree and offered sacrifices to the Wuji Yingtian Mirror. When the mirror was raised, it was affected by the magical power of cause and effect, and shone brightly on his own body!

The flesh and blood of Tai Dao Master is blurred, the skin bursts, the blood mist transpires, the soul is about to split and decompose, and the avenue is about to evaporate!

He quickly put away the Wuji Yingtian Mirror, raised the Yin and Yang Heavenly Seal, and smashed the seal at Dao Master Lin!

The next moment, the Tai Dao Master was knocked to the ground by the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal that crushed time and space, and his bones and tendons were broken.

Master Tai Taoist put away the Yin-Yang Heavenly Seal, and his body returned to its original state. Taoist Master Lian Zhonglin bombarded him with several great magical powers, but he still survived and was still alive and well.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Tai Dao Master immediately raised the Hongmeng Golden Arrow, bent his bow and shot at Lin Dao Master, and the next moment he was pierced by thousands of golden arrows.

Dao Master Tai endured the pain and rolled with arrow feathers. He just fell under the big palm print of Dao Master Lin Gai Luo and was beaten until he vomited blood.

Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi were dumbfounded and didn't know why, but they saw Tai Daoyao Master's injury healed again, and he sacrificed the Tianyin guzheng again. The sound of the zheng was sonorous, and in an instant, he was riddled with holes!

Xu Ying was shocked and angry: What on earth is this old guy Taiyi doing? Knowing that he can't sacrifice the spiritual treasures in front of the other party, he still sacrifices them one by one!

Dong Xuanzi saw a clue and said: I think he wanted to test out what kind of innate spiritual treasure Dao Master Lin would be injured by. He might have thought that the thing that Dao Master Lin was afraid of was hidden in the innate spiritual treasure!

Xu Ying suddenly woke up and said worriedly: The old man has obtained more than 300 innate spiritual treasures from Master Luo. Doesn't he have to test them more than 300 times?

More than three hundred times, the person who was beaten with steel was also beaten into mud.

Dong Xuanzi said: More than 300 pieces. After you left, Taiyi negotiated peace with Daoist Lin, and Daoist Lin gave Taiyi all the more than 300 innate spiritual treasures in his hands.


Xu Ying looked at Taoist Master Tai, and saw that the old man was still stubbornly offering sacrifices to the innate spiritual treasures one after another, testing which innate spiritual treasure could break Taoist Master Lin's magical power of cause and effect.

Each of the innate spiritual treasures severely injured him, but fortunately they did not kill him directly.

Master, do you think it's possible that Master Lin had already anticipated this day, so he gave all his more than 300 innate spiritual treasures to Taiyi? Xu Ying asked.

Dong Xuanzi hesitated and said, It's possible.

Xu Ying continued: Then do you think it is possible that the thing that Master Lin is afraid of is not an innate spiritual treasure?

Dong Xuanzi was stunned and said: If that thing is not an innate spiritual treasure, why did Master Lin hand over his own innate spiritual treasure? If he handed over the innate spiritual treasure, wouldn't he be endorsing the enemy?

Xu Ying looked at Tai Dao Master who was hit hard again and again, shook his head and said: The effect of these innate spiritual treasures in Tai Yi's hands is even better than in the hands of Lin Dao Master. Tai Yi himself will sacrifice these spiritual treasures and severely injure himself. !”

While he was talking, Tai Daodao Master had successively sacrificed more than a hundred innate spiritual treasures, and every time he was beaten half to death by his own innate spiritual treasures!

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