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Chapter 892 Nine innate ways, cause and effect come first

The interior of the First Holy Land on the other side is like a flattened universe on the other side, separated on both sides, which is extremely strange.

This holy land has long been refined by Xu Ying, and he has always brought it with him to facilitate his cultivation and understand the wonders of the other side.

The First Holy Land is the foothold left by Xu Ying and the Ancestor God when they opened up the flood source on the other side. It can be said that the other shore originated from here.

There are three thousand avenues hidden in the Holy Land, and Xu Ying cultivated the Hongmeng Dao Master here. It can be said that it is easy to make up for the nineteen missing avenues of heaven and earth.

Strange, how come the other side has destroyed more than a dozen avenues of heaven and earth?

Xu Ying was puzzled. He realized that he had been deceived by his misfortune, so he returned to the other side. Unexpectedly, he encountered the Nineteen Great Roads being broken as soon as he arrived.

Although he had completed nineteen avenues of heaven and earth at this moment, he realized that these nineteen avenues of heaven and earth were still unstable and not as stable as the original avenues of heaven and earth.

Over the years, he has been cultivating diligently in the Three Realms, and has reached the pinnacle of immortality in the Nine Paths of Evidence, but he is still a little short of the master of Dao Dao.

The reason I was blinded by calamity is because all my great ways were achieved on the other side. I am the Hongmeng Taoist who opened up the other side. Luck can blind me. I'm afraid that the calamity on the other side is more complicated than I expected. a lot of.

Xu Ying, as the Hongmeng Taoist who opened up the other side, can be said to be the source of the other side's avenue. Even he was deceived and could not sense whether the disaster would catch up with him or affect him. One can imagine the complexity and weirdness of this disaster.

If he hadn't asked Yuan Weiyang to observe him with the help of his omniscient eyes, he would not have noticed that the disaster was coming.

Suddenly, Xu Ying felt a faint feeling of palpitations in his heart. He knew that the fate was not over, so he thought to himself: It's better to go see Taiyi first and then talk about it.

He headed towards Dao Jitian, only to see that the green mountains on the other side no longer existed, but were submerged by Dao ashes.

He came over, grabbed a handful of ashes, and smelled a rotten smell. This is the ashes formed after the great avenue of heaven and earth is broken and the vitality of heaven and earth that contains the great avenue dies.

I completed the nineteen missing avenues of heaven and earth. Logically speaking, these ashes should also be restored to the vitality of heaven and earth. Why are they not restored?

Xu Ying frowned slightly.

This is not the first time this has happened on the other side.

In a complete universe, the Qi of Chaos cannot remain in a state of chaos for a long time, and will gradually turn into the avenue of heaven and earth. However, the energy of chaos on the other side cannot be transformed into the avenue of heaven and earth, and often gathers together.

This shows that the universe on the other side has lost the power to transform chaos, and has gone from prosperity to decline!

Now, there is a situation on the other side that Dao Hui cannot restore, and the disaster may be more severe than Xu Ying originally predicted!

When the calamity reaches the First Holy Land, I'm afraid the calamity on the other side will be irreversible. But fortunately, the First Holy Land is not in serious trouble yet.

At this time, Xu Ying suddenly sensed the violent fluctuations of Taiyi Avenue, his heart moved slightly, and he immediately followed the fluctuations.

Not long after, he came to Dao Ji Tianwai and saw Taoist Master Shi Lan and four people who looked like Taoist Lin, besieging Dong Xuanzi.

The Taoist body of Taoist Lin!

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and saw that behind these four Taoist Masters, there were visions of the universe. Each of them cultivated a great way and harnessed the power of the universe for their own use. The power of the Tao was so powerful that it was much more powerful than Dong Xuanzi!

Dong Xuanzi attained the Tao of Taiyi and had profound cultivation. Taiyi Dao is the body of Hunyuan and is the ancestor of all Taoisms. Whether it is Taoist master Shi Lan or the four Taoist masters Lin, the avenues they practice are all in Taiyi, and they are the avenues under Taiyi sect.

However, Dong Xuanzi was only in the middle stage of the Dao Master realm in terms of cultivation, and his Dao power was not as good as any of the four Lin Dao Masters.

The four Taoist bodies of Dao Master Lin are at the pinnacle of the Tao Master Realm. They do not compete with him in Taoist and magical powers. They will definitely not be able to compete with him in Taoist and magical powers. They simply sacrifice their spiritual treasures and blast them with one force, defeating all kinds of magic. Use the power of Lingbao to suppress Dong Xuanzi!

As for Taoist Master Shi Lan, although he was also attacking, he was just attacking Qiu Feng and taking advantage of Dong Xuanzi's unpreparedness, he made a sneak attack with one or two moves.

Dongxuanzi was covered in blood. Facing the attack of the four Taoist bodies of Taoist Lin, he had already mobilized the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and the Taiyi Dharma was operating. He saw that all the heavens and ten thousand ways formed a great Luo, and all kinds of Taoist powers were mixed into one. It was really exquisite. Unparalleled!

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't help but admire: The old man is indeed the source of Taiyi Avenue on the other side and the three realms. His magical powers are indeed very powerful!

Dongxuanzi's magical power has a simple beauty, but beneath the simple appearance, it hides the entanglement and interaction of various avenues such as yin and yang, time and space, gods and demons, life and death, and the structure is extremely complex.

With a light palm, different arrangements and combinations of the avenues of heaven and earth have different powers and functions. Sometimes Yin and Yang are the main ones, and thousands of avenues turn into Tai Chi. Sometimes, time and space are the main ones, and magical powers come from the past and the future, which makes people unable to withstand.

He controls life and death with one hand, and with the other hand he can plunge the universe into darkness or make it bright forever, which makes Xu Ying amazed.

However, facing the suppression of innate spiritual treasures and Tao power several times his own, such wonderful magical powers are of little use.

Xu Ying saw thousands of time and space suddenly appear behind Dong Xuanzi, and all kinds of palm prints in time and space were overwhelmingly blasting towards the four Lin Dao Masters. He couldn't help but praise loudly: Master, you fought well!

The four Dao Masters Lin on the opposite side each activated their innate spiritual treasures to suppress them. Dong Xuanzi bleeded and flew away upside down.

The blood-stained man flew thousands of miles in the air, but still couldn't stop his decline.

Xu Ying flew after him, and in an instant he came to Dong Xuanzi, who was flying backwards. He praised Dong Xuanzi, who was vomiting blood in his mouth and still flying upside down: The master's magical power has reached the ultimate level of magical power, and the disciples don't have it. Such skill. Master fought so well!

Dong Xuanzi glanced at him, and blood began to spurt from his nostrils.

He tried his best to steady himself, glared at Xu Ying fiercely, and was about to speak, when suddenly another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Smelly boy...

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly lost his balance and almost fell.

Xu Ying reached out to hold his clothes at the waist to prevent him from falling, and praised: Master's magical power, I have only seen it in Daojun Hao Yi, not even Master Tai Dao is so superb. Master, When you were chasing me in the Sea of ​​Chaos, you never used such exquisite magical powers.

Dong Xuanzi tried his best to stand still, but his injuries broke out again and he almost fainted.

But at this moment, he only felt a trickle of Tao power coming from Xu Ying's palm on his lower back. It was actually the Tao power of various avenues belonging to Taiyi Dao. It was continuous, extremely pure, and even better than his. The various avenues that have been tempered thousands of times must be pure!

This brat, when you flatter me, it's like you're mocking me, but you actually respect your teacher. Dong Xuanzi thought to himself.

Four Lin Dao masters flew over and sacrificed Daluo Hongtiangu, Daohuang Sanjie Sword, Xuanyin Huntian Dou and Hongmeng Dao Seal, trapping Xu Ying and Dong Xuanzi in the middle, filled with murderous intent.

Taoist Master Shi Lan flew over, his eyes fell on Xu Ying, he was surprised and happy, and said with a smile: So it's you! Xu Ying, if you don't take the road to heaven...

Xu Ying interrupted her directly: Shi Lan, I said if you mess with me again, your eighteen generations of ancestors will be erased from history. You still dare to mess with me!

Taoist Master Shi Lan was about to speak, when suddenly he saw time and space suddenly reverse, and immeasurable time poured from the present to the past.

The universe on the other side seems to be entering the reincarnation of time. They are outside the reincarnation, and time is in the reincarnation!

Taoist Master Shi Lan was startled and was about to speak when she saw that the backward flow of time and space suddenly stopped and she saw her parents.

Her father is an ancient god and her mother is a demigod. Both parents died in the ancient times.

But at this time, her parents were not pregnant with her.

She saw that Xu Ying pointed out as a sword, and the Zhuxian sword pointed at reversing reincarnation, merging karma, disaster, and killing, and stabbed at her parents!

Xu Ying, what you said was to provoke the Three Realms again, not to provoke you...

Just as Taoist Master Shi Lan said this, she suddenly disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the Tao of Stone she practiced to attack Xu Ying.

The power of this great avenue of heaven and earth was really powerful, but it only caused Xu Ying's clothes to sway slightly, and then there was no movement.

Sorry, I forgot about this.

Xu Ying apologized, but he didn't feel guilty at all. His move was somewhat meant to show off his skills, because with his current strength, it was actually easier to kill Taoist Master Shi Lan head-on than to go back in time and kill Shi Lan's ancestors. There was no need to do anything extra.

Xu Ying dissipated his magical power, and the twisted circle of reincarnation suddenly disappeared and returned to the present.

However, although Taoist Master Shi Lan disappeared, what appeared in front of him was another Taoist Master, King Ling Yanming, holding Yun Tianzhu and full of murderous intent. He and the four Taoist Masters Lin surrounded him and Dong Xuanzi.

Xu Ying was stunned. At this time, the laughter of a Lin Taoist came: Xu Ying, you still haven't reached the point of understanding everything in terms of cause and effect. Although you have obliterated Shi Lan, she has been forgotten in the entire history of the other side. It never happened, but you can’t change the cause and effect.”

Another Taoist master in white clothes said with a smile: Because I want to keep a Taoist master as my slave, so no matter who you kill, I will still keep one person.

When King Ling Yanming heard this, he wondered: Shi Lan? What Shi Lan?

He attained enlightenment more than 100 million years ago and had never heard of the name Taoist Master Shi Lan!

Xu Ying looked over in surprise and said, Did Taoist Master Lin attain the Tao through karma?

The four Dao Masters Lin nodded together and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu has already guessed this, so why should I pretend to be surprised? I became a Taoist Master of the Spiritual Dao in my early years, but I immediately discovered that the Spiritual Dao is not suitable for me.

Xu Ying guessed: You must be extremely smart.

Dao Master Lin sighed and said: What's the use of being smart? It's too difficult to cultivate the Nine Innate Paths. I don't have the talent of Dao Master Luo, who can deduce from the soul path to the void, and I don't have the qualifications of Dao Master Hua. I actually cultivated Taiyi from scratch. I just have a little cleverness, but I can only practice step by step and figure it out on my own like the master of Taiyi.

The other three Dao Masters Lin smiled and said: But fortunately, I am a little smarter than Tai Yi. When Tai Yi cultivated all the Dao to the immortal realm and integrated them into Tai Yi Dao, I had already cultivated these Dao to the Dao Master realm. I refined these avenues one by one into a Taoist master. I know that the avenues of heaven and earth are the foundation of the nine innate avenues. No matter which of the nine innate avenues you practice, you need to master enough innate avenues first.

Taoist Master Lin said: So, I raised the three hundred heaven and earth avenues to the level of Taoist Master.

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel moved, this was a comprehension not weaker than that of Emperor Xu!

Before Xu Huang gains the self-sufficiency of my nature, he is probably not as good as Master Lin!

Seeing the expression on his face, Taoist Master Lin was very satisfied and said with a smile: I have three hundred Taoist-level avenues of heaven and earth, so I need to choose one of the nine innate ways to comprehend. But it will take me a long time to cultivate this avenue. , I am afraid that it will surpass the three hundred avenues of heaven and earth. Therefore, Hong Tiangang’s avenue of cause and effect came into my eyes.

Xu Ying immediately understood why he chose the Path of Cause and Effect, and said: When you three Tao masters face major decisions, you always ask Hong Tiangang to calculate the cause and effect, so you are extremely jealous of the Path of Cause and Effect.

The four Dao Master Lin each nodded, clapped their hands and laughed: Dao Shengzi, who practices reincarnation, is only mediocre in strength. Taiyi Dao Lord, who practices Taiyi, is also average in strength. There are also Hunyuan Dao Lord, who practices chaos, and the spirit who practices Hongmeng. Du Yu, Guangzheng who practices Wuji, none of them can enter my Taoist eyes.

Only the avenue of cause and effect mastered by Hong Tiangang made my eyes shine. Only then did I know that among the nine innate paths, cause and effect are the first!

If I master this way, I can know the past and the future, master everything, seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, and eradicate all opponents, it will be no problem!

So I worked hard on the Cause and Effect Path. Long before Taiyi Dao Lord became the Tao Master, I had already achieved the Cause and Effect and became the first innate Tao Master!

When Xu Ying heard this, he sincerely admired him and praised: Dao Master Lin's understanding is really incredible. It's a pity that your understanding is so amazing, but you still can't match Taiyi to get a good disciple.

When the four Lin Dao Masters heard this, they each showed jealous looks and nodded: Yes. What level is Taiyi? He can actually accept a genius like Hao Yi as a disciple! If it weren't for Hao Yi, Taiyi would only be a second-rate Dao Master at the moment. , far from being my opponent! My opponents should only be Dao Master Hua, Dao Master Luo and Dao Zun! Who does Taiyi count?

They were quite unhappy.

Hao Yi realized that the Tao of Taiyi is self-sufficient. After Taiyi Taoist understood this, he made a leap to master all the avenues of heaven and earth, and promoted these avenues to the level of Taoist masters, thus gaining the opportunity to compete on the same stage with the three Taoist masters. capital.

Another Ziyilin Taoist sighed: Taiyi's good luck doesn't stop there. He accepted you as his disciple. With his qualifications, talent and understanding, Taoist master was originally destined to be hopeless, but under your pressure, he was able to He attained the Tao and became the master of the Tao.

The other Dao Master Lin shook his head together.

Tai Dao Master's life was so good that he was jealous.

But no matter how good your life is, it ends here.

Taoist master Lin in white showed murderous intent and said with a smile, I want Taiyi to know that his teacher Dongxuan and his disciple Xu Ying both died because of him. He can't mend the sky, and he can't save his master and disciples either. ! He is a complete failure...


Xu Ying turned his hand, and suddenly purple energy filled the sky. In an instant, the First Holy Land pulled the three thousand avenues of heaven and earth on the other side, penetrating the universe and starry sky, and blessing him.

When Xu Ying's palm fell, the Hongmeng Dao power of the eight universes including Que Realm was all mobilized by him to bless his body!

Before the white-robed Lin Taoist finished speaking, Xu Ying's big handprint had arrived. He hurriedly raised the big Luo Hongtian drum. The drum sounded. The next moment, Xu Ying's palm print crushed the drum sound and slapped it on the drum surface!

The banging drum and Xu Ying's palm force were crushed together. Taoist master Lin in white pushed his hands forward, but his body exploded and shattered into pieces!

The other three Dao Master Lin attacked. The Dao Emperor's Three Tribulation Sword in the hand of Ziyi Lin Dao Master changed hands and was snatched by Xu Ying. He turned his hand and inserted it into his chest, breaking him into three pieces!

The master Lin Dao in black sacrificed the Xuanyin Huntian Dou and tried to put Xu Ying into the dou to refine it into a puddle of pus. Before he could put it in, Xu Ying split it in half with an axe.

Taoist master Huang Yilin urged the Hongmeng Dao Seal to smash down, but the Dao Seal fell into Xu Ying's hands. Instead, he was sacrificed by Xu Ying and smashed into mud!

In the flash of lightning and flint, Xu Ying got rid of the bodies of the four Lin Dao Masters. Seeing that something was not going well, King Lingyan Ming was about to escape, but was put into the Xuanyin Hundian Dou by Xu Ying and turned into a puddle of pus!

My nature is self-sufficient, coupled with the power of harvesting the universe, it has really improved greatly!

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel a surge of rage in his heart, and with a fierce look in his eyes, he shouted, I have only harvested eight universes. If I harvest all the universes, I will be able to blow them up with the Hongmeng Avenue alone. Dao Zun, dominate the Chaos Sea!

My three realms are the other side of the universe!

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