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Chapter 885 The magic weapon is in turmoil, Vukong asked

Hang my father's head on Nantianmen?

Xu Ying looked at Da Zhong, who hurriedly said: Master Ying, I never thought about rebelling against the Immortal Emperor! It's these little bastards who want to rebel!

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously. Nowadays, the power of the monks in the Three Realms is extremely powerful. The magic weapon's rebellion should not be successful without cutting off his father's head.

The big bell calmed these magic weapons and shouted: Listen to me, everyone, our magic weapon cultivation is to complement the monks. The magic weapon does not know how to practice at the beginning, so it has to use the monk's Taoism to brand itself and borrow the monk's energy. Blood cultivation...


All the magic weapons were furious, and they saw small souls emerging from the magic weapons one after another, glaring at the big bell angrily.

Who are you, Zhong Daozu? Could it be an imitation made by an immortal?

Zhong Daozu created the magic weapon to cultivate the truth. He did not hide his secrets and published it to the public. How wise and powerful he is, and how righteous he is. How can he be compared to a charming magic weapon like yours?

You bitch Zhong! If you dare to impersonate Zhong Daozu, I will kill your ancestor Zhong Ye!

Take it and melt it!

Dazhong was furious and shouted: You are confused! If no one collects all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, if no one refines our bodies for us, if no one imprints Taoism and explains Taoism for us, how can we open up our spiritual wisdom?

Among the magic weapons, a little girl flew out of a treasure building, exuding pure white light, and said: The human race does refine our bodies and open up our wisdom, but the human race also uses us to fight, even if our bodies are beaten to pieces, even if we Both body and soul are destroyed, and they are not sad at all. At most, they just feel sorry for their property!

An old man with white eyebrows and white beard jumped out of a big cauldron, leaned on his crutches and shouted: That's right! The human race and demon race have never regarded us as an equal race to them, they only regard us as their private property!

Another young man with a compact body stood on the tip of the sword, and said loudly and vigorously: We, the magic weapon clan, do not have as fragile a body as the human race, and we do not need the human race to constantly comprehend and learn. We are born with indestructible diamonds, and our Taoism operates more efficiently. Quick, even if we are injured and repaired, we can recover! We are a more advanced race than humans!

Hearing this, the big bell couldn't help but shout loudly: That's right! We are of a higher level...

Xu Ying coughed twice, the big bell trembled, and he hurriedly changed the subject and shouted: Everyone, if you rebel, our race will be destroyed! How can we reproduce without anyone to refine magic weapons?

A turtle and snake appeared on a large shield, and the turtle and snake shouted: Slave the human race and let them refine treasures for us!

That's right, take down the one named Zhu Chanchan and let her refine treasures day and night. If she is lazy, I will whip her to serve!

The little girl in the treasure building just now clapped her hands and said with a smile: I have another idea. We can enslave more humans, such as the one named Zhao Zheng. His method of using treasures to prove the Tao is to use the magic weapon first to confirm the Tao. We We can enslave more Zhao Zhengs and let them help us improve ourselves!

Yes, yes! We can also refine our own offspring, no humans are needed at all! Brother Hammer and Brother Lu can do it!

We directly imprint the Tao marks on our bodies on future generations, which is countless times faster than humans! We don't need humans at all!

Humanity should be exterminated!

The big bell snorted coldly, and did not suppress them, but directly activated the avenue of chaos. However, the energy of chaos flowed out from the bell, and in an instant, a sea of ​​stars formed into a sea of ​​chaos.

The big bell hangs high on the sea of ​​chaos. The bell rings and sways leisurely. The void, time and space are all annihilated in the sound of the bell, and the great road does not exist!

The big bell shook, and the chaotic sea scene disappeared. Purple Qi and thousands of paths gave birth to the innate essence, which turned into the innate immortal aura and shuttled between the bell walls. The big bell showed its vastness, simplicity and simplicity!

In just a short moment, the big bell transformed into Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, killing and other forms, suppressing and controlling all the ways of heaven and earth, making those magic weapons dumbfounded.

You, are you really Zhong Daozu? A string of bells trembled.

The power displayed by the big clock is beyond their horizons and reaches a level that they cannot understand.

Since you are Zhong Daozu, why did you surrender to humans and become their vassal? Humans treat you as a weapon, a pet, and an amulet. If you break it, throw it away!

Zhong Daozu, why are you willing to humble yourself? A bronze bell said with grief and anger.

The big bell's voice was shocking, and he said: The reason why I can become so powerful is not because I am smart, not because I am Zhong Daozu, nor because I use any heavenly materials and earthly treasures! I am just a person who uses ordinary bronze to refine An ordinary clock! I am just an imitation made by my original owner Li Xiaoke! I can become so powerful because I have a human friend! It is because my friend does not dislike me or abandon me. , let me practice with him!

You can also have a human friend, and you can practice and grow together with him! You can stand up for him when he is in danger, or you can help him solve his confusion in practice. He can explain the Tao as he makes progress. It will help you practice wonderfully, and you can also find treasures from heaven and earth to help you grow! You can become friends with human beings, not enemies!

My friend Ah Ying taught me how to practice my magic weapon. This is the origin of our race, so why do we need to exterminate all human beings?

I also have a friend who turned himself into a magic weapon! So is there such a big gap between people and magic weapons? Magic weapons can become people, and people can also become magic weapons!

Its voice was deafening, and it quickly calmed these magic weapons.

Even if they are not calm, the big clock is ready to give them a little shock to calm them down.

Magic weapon cultivation, magic weapon does not have clear desires and strong understanding. It is indeed very fast to copy the monk's Taoism, but it has an upper limit.

When you reach the realm of the Tao Master, the Tao has no structure, and there is no way to copy it.

Therefore, magic weapon cultivation must be combined with monks to hope to break through the upper limit and become a Taoist master. If you insist on going your own way and go against the monks, you will be exterminated sooner or later.

It was because of this that Da Zhong did not think about rebellion.

The little girl in the treasure house said: Could it be that the friend Zhong Daozu mentioned is a snakeskin bag called An Qi?

That's him.

All the magic weapons were surprised and happy: We have also heard of his name. He is one of the strongest members of my magic weapon clan. He is already a legendary existence, the ancestor of the snake skin pocket!

I didn't expect that he would be an old friend of Zhong Daozu!

A large number of magic treasures surround the big bell, like a cloud of magic treasures. The big bell is reflected by the light of many treasures, making it dazzling and full of high spirits.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Master Zhong, I'm afraid that there will be more than one rebellion in this world. If you suffer a lot, go and quell the rebellion.

When those magic weapons heard this, they all trembled with excitement: Could he be the legendary Xu Daozu? Xu Daozu calls you Daozu, Master Zhong?

Da Zhong was so proud that he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly sent a message with his spiritual consciousness, saying to Xu Ying: Master Ying, thank you very much.

Xu Ying sent a message and said: Since we are friends, of course we must give face to Master Zhong. And Master Zhong, please study their souls and what is going on.

Although Da Zhong is the Taoist ancestor of the magic weapon cultivation line, he has not cultivated the Yuanshen. On the contrary, all these descendants have cultivated the Yuanshen. This kind of soul is different from the normal soul, but Xu Ying is not sure about the specific difference.

The big bell said yes, full of ambition, and roared away with a bunch of magic weapons.

Xu Ying no longer stopped on the road and returned to the Earthly Immortal Realm along various avenues. However, by the time he arrived at the Earthly Immortal Realm, the glow of the avenue caused by the Taoist had dissipated.

Today's Earthly Immortal World has undergone considerable changes compared to when he left. The most eye-catching one is the appearance of the major ancestral families.

Xu Ying came to Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, where Emperor Xu lived, and asked to see Emperor Xu, but he saw many magic weapons attacking Yujing Mountain, surrounding Yujing Mountain.

However, there is a magic circle set up by Emperor Xu in Yujing Mountain, and these magic weapons cannot penetrate it.

Xu Ying broke through the blockade of these magic weapons. Lord Xuhuang Daojun hurriedly came to greet him and said with a smile: When did Xu Daozu come? The humble house was quite noisy, which made Daozu laugh.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have just arrived. Lord Dao is here...

Emperor Xu knew what he wanted to ask, stretched out his hand to invite him, and said: These magic weapons know that this is my ancestral court, so they want to occupy this place. I am too lazy to argue with them and just let them make noise. Although these magic weapons are acting absurdly, they are still after all. life.

Xu Ying said solemnly: Master Dao is merciful. Has Lord Dao achieved Taoism?

Emperor Xu smiled and said: I have proved one or two, but they are not the main avenues, they are just secondary avenues such as creation and yin and yang. As for the nine innate paths, they have not been achieved yet.

Xu Ying suddenly realized that the path Xu Huang took was the same as that of Hua, Lin, Luo and other Tao masters back then. They also practiced simple ones first, cultivating the Yin and Yang gates of creation to the realm of Tao masters, and then entered the nine innate ways.

He also wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible for the sake of the safety of the Three Realms. However, in a short period of time, he was able to cultivate two great avenues and become a Taoist master. Xuhuang's talent, aptitude, and understanding are truly extraordinary!

Brother Taoist, it is extremely difficult to infer Taiyi from the creation of yin and yang. The Taiyi lineage is self-sufficient in my nature. Maybe it can help Brother Taoist understand Taiyi as soon as possible.

Xu Ying explained the self-sufficiency of my nature once and said, Cultivate the self-sufficiency of my nature. Once I realize it, I will realize it a hundred times, and once I realize it, I will realize it a thousand times. It's not a piece of cake.

Xuhuang Daojun carefully thought about my nature and self-sufficiency, and said with emotion: Master Taiyi has such an insight, which is awe-inspiring! I was lucky to survive the last time I fought against Taiyi!

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said: The one who created my self-sufficiency is not Taiyi, but Emperor Haotian.

Xuhuang suddenly realized and said with a smile: I thought it was Taiyi. I thought to myself why I didn't see him so powerful when I fought against him. It turns out that the founder is someone else. If it is Emperor Haotian, it is not surprising. Only he can be like this. Incredible talent. Taiyi doesn’t have that.”

He paused and said: My nature is self-sufficient, which is suitable for my cultivation. My place was originally called the Eight Views Palace. The so-called Eight Views actually refer to the eight avenues I practiced back then. Creation, Yin and Yang, Xuan Huang, Time and Space, Tai Chi, and Tai Chu. , gods and demons, reincarnation. Now, I can use my understanding to achieve enlightenment in Xuanhuang, Time and Space, Tai Chi, Taichu, and gods and demons!

Xu Ying bowed slightly and said with a smile: In that case, I won't disturb Brother Taoist's cultivation. I will tell you...

Before he could say the word retreat, he saw rays of light between heaven and earth, and auspicious auras flowing towards Yujing Mountain, flowing towards Lord Xuhuang Daodao!

Qingyun flew out from above the head of Xuhuang Dao Lord, and a Xuanhuang Dao Master appeared to take over the incoming Xuanhuang Daoqi!

Xu Ying was dumbfounded. After a moment, he shook his head and said, The Xu Emperor's understanding is really abnormally high.

These rays of light and auspicious energy are exactly the strange phenomena caused by Emperor Xu’s attainment of enlightenment again!

Judging from the glow of the avenue, it should be a black and yellow glow!

Suddenly, another avenue of rays of light surged in, containing the characteristics of time and space. Apparently, Xuhuang's time and space avenue also became enlightened!

Another Taoist walked out of the Qingyun above Emperor Xu's head. Shaking the dust in his hand, he sat cross-legged and received the Tao Qi of time and space.

Immediately afterwards, the third ray of auspicious energy burst out and rushed towards Yujing Mountain in Xuandu. It contained a sacred and violent aura, which was the vision of gods and demons attaining enlightenment!

Then there is the fourth path, the attainment of Tai Chi, the fifth path, the attainment of Tai Chu, and the sixth path of the attainment of gods and demons!

Although these avenues are all second-level avenues and not as good as the nine innate paths, Xu Ying has never seen such an astonishing speed of comprehension before!

Along with the glow of these avenues, more and more Xuhuang Taoists were seen walking out of the celebrating clouds above Emperor Xu's head. These Taoists looked the same as Emperor Xu, but they just practiced different avenues!

Xu Ying waited quietly. After a few days, he saw that these Xuhuang Dao bodies had become Dao masters.

Lord Xuhuang Dao put away these Tao bodies and said with a smile: If Tao Zun hadn't taught us the Tao, how could I have attained the Tao so easily?

Xu Ying stepped forward to resign and said with a smile: Brother Tao, in one month, I will build a new void realm in the Three Realms as the stronghold of my Taoist Alliance on the other side. There I will explain the wonders of the nine ways of evidence-based, Brother Tao Don’t miss it.”

Emperor Xu sent him off diligently and said with a smile: Xu Daozu invites me, I will not miss it.

Xu Yingdao: There are also fellow Taoists such as Yuqing, Taiqing, Yuxu, and Buddha. I would like to trouble Emperor Xu to inform you.

Xu Huang agreed.

Xu Ying went down the mountain to get rid of those magic weapons, but soon he came to Ziwei's ancestral court. Nan Ziyan came to welcome him and accompanied him to Qianshan Mountain. Xu Ying offered a few sticks of incense to Emperor Haotian, Emperor Taihao and others who were buried in the mountain, and paid homage.

Fellow Daoist Nan, please come to the Void Realm in one month's time. Xu Ying said goodbye and left.

He then went to inform old friends such as Demon Emperor Jin Buyi, An Qi, Xiao Tianzun, etc., so that they could inform more young masters of the Three Realms.

Finally, Xu Ying came to Xianting and met his parents Xu Jing and Lan Suying. He couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that Lan Suying had made some achievements in the past and future.

My father should order people to go to the heaven and human worlds and inform Yuanzu, Dao Zongyuan and others that they must go to the void world to attend the meeting.

Xu Jing agreed.

Only then did Xu Ying come to the prince's east palace to see Yuan Weiyang. He saw that Yuan Weiyang was still delving into the abyss, standing in the void abyss, and did not notice his arrival.

Xu Ying stood behind her. After a long time, he smiled and said, What are Weiyang looking for?

When Yuan Weiyang heard this, he was surprised and happy, and turned around.

The two of them warmed up for a while, and Yuan Weiyang put away her makeup and clothes, and then said: I am looking for the sources of various Tao powers in the cave abyss. Ah Ying, look, whether it is the Chaos Cave Abyss or the Hongmeng Cave Abyss, the chaos is Qi, Hongmeng Ziqi, both come from the void. Even the most common fairy spirit energy comes from the void.

She blinked her big black eyes: There is obviously nothing in the void, so why are there all kinds of Taoist powers, even including the Nine Innate Paths? Where does the Taoist power in the void come from?

————I didn’t have time to finish the second chapter today, so I owe you first.

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