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Chapter 876 Taoist Luo enters the disaster

Xu Ying, after cultivating Dao Master Hongmeng, will definitely take the opportunity to attack Luo Shizong. He once saw me blocking Dao Master Luo's Dao fluctuations, and thought he could go back in time and kill Dao Master Luo.

Master Tai Dao frowned slightly, if Xu Ying did this...

So, was it Taoist Luo who was killed? Or was Xu Ying alone in facing the craze of the great road in the infinite time, and was blown out of his mind and ceased to exist? Is Taoist Luo really destined to live through the catastrophe of annihilation? What if he survived? In the Calamity of Nirvana, why did you promise to paralyze him last time?

He hesitated and thought, No matter what, Xu Ying will definitely attack Dao Master Luo! As long as he does it, there will be danger!

He went to Tianjue City, which was also moved by him at this moment. However, after arriving at Tianjue City, no trace of Xu Ying was found.

Qingxuan, Shengzun and Jiuhen are not in the city either.

The face of the Taiyi Dao Master darkened, and he immediately adjusted the Taiyi Dao. In an instant, all the Taiyi Dao in heaven and earth were reflected in his Taoist heart!

He recognized these Taiyi Avenues and frowned slightly, but still could not find the promised Taiyi Avenues.

Master Tai Dao paused and hid Tianjue City in the cave abyss, disappearing into hiding.

Not long after he left, Taoist Lin descended from the sky. He searched with sharp eyes and found no trace of Taiyi before leaving.

As soon as Dao Master Lin walked away, Dao Master Luo walked out of the void, glanced at Dao Master Lin warily, and whispered: Fellow Daoist Lin, something is wrong with you. How did you come here before me?

The three masters of Hua, Lin, and Luo are connected with each other, and together they control the other side and rule the universe. The three of them seem to be as good as one person, but they are also players in the game.

None of the three people's secret cultivation methods were concealed from each other, but no one knew what other three people were cultivating behind their backs.

This time, Tai Dao Master mobilized the Tai Yi Dao between heaven and earth to find people, including the Dao practiced by Luo Dao Master, so he was alarmed. He rushed here as soon as possible, but he didn't expect Dao Master Bi Lin to be one step behind, so he had to be alert.

Tao Zun once said that among the three of us, Dao Master Hua has the best qualifications, I have the highest talent, and you have the best understanding. What have you realized over the years?

Taoist Master Luo secretly became wary and disappeared, continuing to look for other Taoist masters.

The Holy Lord hid in the Wanren Mountain in the human world, folded a period of time and space, and hid it on the leaves of an old tree in the mountain. He himself hid in this period of time and space, stepping up his efforts to sacrifice the innate spirit he snatched from the tiger's mouth. Treasure Chaos Shuttle.

After getting this treasure this time, Xu Daozu, I dare to touch it! He thought to himself.

At this moment, Master Tai walked straight from outside and said, Yuan Yu, do you know where your senior brother Xu Ying is?

The Holy Lord was stunned. He had placed many restrictions and was hidden so secretly. How could it be easily found by Tai Taoist Master?

Taiyi saw that he was absent-minded, so he asked again.

The Holy Lord shook his head quickly and said, I haven't seen Master Hua since his death.

Taiyi was a little disappointed, walked out, suddenly woke up, paused again, and said: These arrangements of yours are useless to Taoist Master. If Taoist Master Luo wants to kill you, he only needs to search for God, Soul, Soul, Spirit Wait for the road and we will be able to determine your location.

He walked out and said: The Soul Dao is also in Taiyi. You can use the Hunyuan method of Taiyi Dao to blind his senses. It can blind Dao Master Luo, and it can also blind others. All Dao except me The Lord cannot find you.”

The Holy Lord said quickly: Master, how can I deceive you?

Taiyi's voice came from afar, saying: Cultivation of evidence-based methods can blind my perception!

He went to find Qingxuan again. Qingxuan also snatched an innate spiritual treasure and was sleeping with the spiritual treasure on his pillow.

Taiyi broke into his dream, woke him up, and asked about Xu Ying's whereabouts. Qingxuan also didn't know where Xu Ying was.

Taiyi found Jiuhen again, but Jiuhen didn't know Xu Ying's whereabouts either.

Could it be that Xu Ying is dead? Taiyi's heart felt cold.

Que boundary.

Ancestral God, becoming the primordial spirit of heaven and earth in the Que Realm should be able to heal your Dao injuries, right?

Xu Ying's voice came, Hurry up! Let's hurry back to the other side!

The light of Dao filled the sky, rendering the entire sky like a glow. The huge face of the ancestor god lowered his head and said: This is the eighth universe, Aying. I feel that my Dao injury has not been healed yet.

Xu Ying snorted, realizing that he was lying.

After escaping from Dao Master Luo's full blow, Xu Ying and Ancestor God were seriously injured, so they had to stay to recuperate and treat their Dao injuries.

During the battle with Dao Master Luo, Xu Ying discovered that Hongmeng was unique and that the Hongmeng Avenue in all universes should be the same. Therefore, when he was penetrated by Dao Master Luo through the void of eight universes in succession, he borrowed these eight universes. The Hongmeng Dao power between heaven and earth finally split Dao Master Luo's palm.

After this incident, he realized the benefits of harvesting the power of other universes.

It's just that he doesn't know the location of these universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Only these eight universes are marked by Hongmeng Avenue and he knows their locations.

If you want to defeat Dao Master Luo and Dao Master Lin, you must join forces with them! Otherwise, if they borrow the power of the universe, I will have no way to resist them.

So Xu Ying took the Ancestral God to travel between the eight universes these days, deepening the connection with the Hongmeng Avenue of these eight universes.

As for the Ancestral God, he also noticed that there was no cosmic soul in these eight universes. He thought that when the other side invaded, he turned the cosmic soul here into ashes.

Whether he was able to survive in peace or not, he naturally became the cosmic soul of the eight universes. As a result, his Tao injuries were healed and his Tao power was greatly increased.

If you want to kill Taoist Luo, you have to go back to the other side. However, if you can determine the location of other universes and harvest the Hongmeng Tao power of the universe at the same time, why do you need to go back to the past to kill Taoist Luo? I can kill Taoist Master too!

An uncontrollable desire arose in Xu Ying's heart, If you kill Taoist Master, I will be the master of the universe. My one thought can control the life and death of hundreds of millions of people! I...

He suddenly felt horrified: I have just harvested the Hongmeng Dao power of eight universes, and I have been affected by the calamity! If I harvest the thousands of universes, the calamity will probably make me fall into calamity without even knowing it!

He secretly thought in his heart: This kind of harvesting method cannot be used all the time, otherwise it will be counterattacked by the calamity! However, the stronger the calamity, the stronger the cultivation of the calamity method, the heavier the cause and effect will be! If I achieve the calamity of causation, Beat Dao Zun to death...

When Xu Ying thought of this, he immediately cut off the connection with these eight universes, and then his own misfortune stopped.

How could I be so deeply affected? Yes, I am also the Taoist Master on the other side, and I am in tribulation!

At this time, the huge face of the ancestor god hung down from the sky, and the whole person slowly fell, separated from the great avenue of heaven and earth in the Que Realm.

Aying, you have just recovered from your injuries, why are you in such a hurry to go back?

The young ancestor god's eyes were bright and he said, You might as well become the Hongmeng Taoist Master of the universe, and it won't be too late for us to go back.

Xu Ying offered the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, and sneered: Becoming Hongmeng Dao Master of the universe, I'm afraid the Three Realms will be gone long ago! Dao Master Luo is so strong, Dao Master Lin must not be weak either. Now that Dao Master Hua is dead, Tongtian is no longer here , the two of them can easily kill all the Dao masters! When the Three Realms are stranded, everyone will become slaves and food rations!

He caught a monk, and after a quick look, he knew that the cave he summoned was the technique of Taishangdao Yuxantong.

We will return to the other shore from the cave of Yu Xuantong. When we get there, we will immediately go back to the past and kill Luo Shizong! Don't move!

Xu Ying shouted at the monk, then pulled the figure of the ancestor god into the Taishang Cave Abyss and disappeared without a trace!

The monk had a look of fear on his face and stood there, daring not to move. After three or five days, he suddenly shouted and ran away without a trace!

Xu Ying took the Ancestral God to shuttle through the amber material. The amber material was originally an extremely viscous void. Xu Ying had practiced the Great Void Path, and the resistance to traveling through it was no longer as terrifying as before.

Coupled with the Kaiyuan Divine Ax splitting the amber substance, the speed of the two of them was naturally much faster than before.

The void is truly amazing. It can actually pass through the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart, but at this moment, the passage suddenly collapsed rapidly, and the passage leading them to the other side collapsed, making it difficult to distinguish the direction.

Xu Ying's heart suddenly stopped and he paused.

The ancestor god asked in confusion: What's wrong?

The true king of Taishangdao, Yu Xuantong, is dead. Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead.

Yu Xuantong died and Taishang Cave Abyss collapsed, causing the void passage connecting Que Realm and the other side to collapse.

Although the void is still connected, there is no passage, and Xu Ying doesn't know which direction to go to the other side!

The void in the Sea of ​​Chaos is extremely viscous. If you lose your way here, you will probably be trapped here to death!

Xu Ying calmed down and said: Don't panic! I have already mastered Hongmeng Avenue. I can find the other shore by sensing its direction!

He sensed carefully, and sure enough he sensed the Hongmeng Avenue of nine universes.

Xu Ying was stunned, the Hongmeng Avenue was unique, the Hongmeng Avenue in all universes were the same, and there was no difference.

In other words, he doesn’t know which of these universes is the other side!

However, I am the Hongmeng Dao Master, and I can sense the people who practice the Hongmeng Dao in the nine universes! On the other side, Gong Jiexuan's Hongmeng Dao is already close to the Dao Master. If I sense her, I can determine which is the other side!

Xu Ying calmed down his mind, fearing that his cultivation level was not enough, he also raised a prayer pillar to offer sacrifices to the great avenue, and the Taoist power blessed him, doubling his cultivation level.

He sensed carefully, and suddenly sensed an existence that was close to the enlightenment of Hongmeng, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This must be Gong Jiexuan...wait a minute, there is another person with Hongmeng attainments...higher than me!

Xu Ying's heart suddenly suddenly sensed another extremely majestic existence.

The being noticed his reaction and immediately cut off the connection between the two of them on Hongmeng Avenue.

Tao Zun! It's Tao Zun!

Xu Ying's heart was beating wildly. He knew that he couldn't sense it casually, so he immediately set off again and rushed to the other side with the ancestor god.

Gong Jiexuan was searching for the whereabouts of other Taoist masters on the other side, but her whereabouts were uncertain. Suddenly she noticed a strange force that caused the Hongmeng Taoism in her body to rise and fall slightly, just like the rising and falling of the tide.

Why does this situation look like the coming of a great tidal wave?

Her cultivation also fluctuated up and down, but fortunately, she did not fall directly to the bottom like the tide of the avenue.

This should be Taoist Hongmeng sensing my location!

She suddenly realized that Master Hongmeng was the master of Hongmeng Avenue. Although she was enlightened by Hongmeng, she was also controlled by Master Hongmeng.

This situation is so similar to the Great Tide. Could it be that the Great Tide is the Chaos Sea sensing the heavens? She unconsciously had a daydream.

Xu Ying frowned slightly in the amber substance and said to the Ancestor God: This woman is like a rabbit that doesn't sit in its nest. It runs around without a fixed place. It's very difficult to chase her.

Gong Jiexuan's whereabouts were uncertain, which led him to follow Gong Jiexuan in many different directions. However, he could generally know the direction of the other shore, but he had already deviated from the established direction.

Ancestor God said: If we can return to the other side, we will burn high incense and thank this girl.

The two continued to move forward, but they saw that there were other things besides them in the void. They met several monks solidified in amber, and saw several coffins, cross-bound with chains, and attached to them. Yellow runes.

They also encountered hollow areas that looked like ancient post roads.

The two were amazed: Could it be that there was once a civilization in the Sea of ​​Chaos that was even more glorious than the other side, using void passages to shuttle between universes?

The scope of the amber substance is too large, and the void that is compressed and solidified by the Sea of ​​Chaos hides many unknown secrets that no one has discovered yet.

If not for the sudden death of Yu Xuantong, Xu Ying and the Ancestral God would have only moved forward in the established passage, and they would not have discovered that there were so many interesting things hidden in the amber material.

After an unknown amount of time, they suddenly passed through the amber substance, as if popping out of aspic, and quickly fell into the void at the bottom!

Xu Ying immediately stabilized his body and looked out into the void. He saw that this was indeed the other shore, but it was just Dao Jitian, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ancestral God, Dao Master Luo's Jiuqiu Mountain is not far away. Let's go to Jiuqiu Mountain and fight back to ancient times from there to find Dao Master Luo and kill him!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, Erasing Dao Master Luo, I wonder what changes will happen to the history on the other side?

The Ancestral God thought and said: The implications are huge. I'm afraid that cause and effect will be reshaped, reincarnation will be different, and the fate of the disaster will also change greatly! There are countless events that will be implicated by this!

Xu Ying also fell into thinking, shook his head and said: The power of reincarnation on the other side is extremely weak, and this innate avenue is not very strong on the other side. As for the calamity of cause and effect, all cause and effect will be interrupted in the calamity. Even if history does not matter, No matter how you modify it, when the disaster breaks out now, you can only cut it off!

He was in high spirits and walked towards the Anyou Palace of Luo Dao Master.

The ancestor god followed him in.

Xu Ying stood outside Anyou Palace, turned around, looked at Jiuqiu Mountain in front of the palace, his eyes flashed, and said: This time, we will go back to the three Taoist masters to kill the other Taoist masters and store them as food. At that time. Killing Dao Master Luo at that time will have the least impact.

Behind him, cause and effect were bundled together and turned into an all-knowing eye, scanning the universe on the other side, seeing all the great causes and effects in his mind, and he was startled in his heart.

So many Taoists have died? Taoist Master Luo's fate is so heavy! My fate is not as heavy as his. Even if it affects his mind, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape from it!

As soon as he thought, time and space were like a wheel, whizzing into the past time and space, and endless years passed by in a hurry.

At the same time, Taiyi Dao Master noticed the promised Taiyi Dao and immediately came to Jiuqiu Mountain.

Taoist Luo also noticed Xu Ying's aura, roared over, and returned to Jiuqiu Mountain one step at a time.

As expected, I took the bait! Xu Ying, let me show you how terrifying the Nine Spirits of Time and Space Heavenly Tribulation taught by my father is!

He ducked away.

The master of Taiyi Dao came to Jiuqiu Mountain, frowned slightly, and then stepped on his feet, activating Taiyi Dao, which contained time and space, and also cut through the layers of time and space, and chased in the past!

Just when he cut into the past, Master Luo followed him like a shadow, and followed him into the past time and space!

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