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Chapter 874 Lin Luo eliminates bad luck

Taoist Luo noticed that the power of his attack was empty. He was a little surprised at first, but then his expression remained calm.

After a long time, a smile appeared on his lips, he laughed suddenly, turned around and left.

Xu Ying, when you blocked my move, you must have thought that you could withstand the fluctuations of my avenue. In order to get rid of me, you would definitely sneak into the past and try to kill me in the past life.

He looked leisurely and whispered, However, this is the day of your death. My Nine Spirits Time and Space Heavenly Tribulation has been waiting for you for a long time.

His eyes were deep. This time, he not only wanted to get rid of Xu Ying, but if Xu Ying went to join forces with Tai Yi, he would also get rid of Tai Yi!

As for Taiyi's gang members, they should also be cut off.

Master Luo glanced at the eight wastelands of the universe, only to see that the fight for the innate spiritual treasures had come to an end. Those ownerless innate spiritual treasures had invaded the sea of ​​chaos and went away, and the grand event of chasing these spiritual treasures gradually came to an end.

In this battle for the Lingbao, some people are happy and some are worried, and there are many casualties.

This calamity has sacrificed Brother Hua Dao, my father Luo Taizong, and 70% of the population of the other side, plus tens of millions of monks in the universe, many of whom have the seventh or eighth level of the Taoist realm. master.

Taoist Master Luo's eyes flashed and he whispered, If we sacrifice Xu Ying, Taiyi, Ancestral God, Dongxuanzi Pingyaozi and many other Taoist masters, and then send my Taoist friend Lin Chuanting on his way, the world will be at peace, right?

He smiled as he thought of this.

It's time to repay the cause and effect of this world and give all living beings a peaceful and prosperous age. By the way, has Master Tongtian got rid of Tao Zun? If he fights with Dao Zun, both sides will lose, so we can take the opportunity to send him on his way.


Changsun Shenghai used all his strength to suppress the Jade Emperor Bell and added a few imprints to the bell. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and was extremely happy.

Uncle Xu will be very happy to get this treasure.

He took the Jade Emperor Bell and left quickly, avoiding several Taoist masters who were chasing him. Some of these Taoist masters are under the command of Taoist Master Luo, some are allies of Taiyi, and some are Taoist masters in the heavenly realm. They are all very dangerous.

He had just achieved immortality not long ago, and even with the Nirvana Fire Spear, he could not compete with these Taoist masters.

The Taoist masters failed to find Changsun Shenghai. They each looked at each other and saw their respective camps, showing signs of vigilance.

That Heavenly Realm Taoist is none other than Jiang Ningzi, the Taoist Master of Cause and Effect. He has attained the Tao of Cause and Effect, and his cultivation strength is far superior to the other two Taoist masters from the other side.

Jiang Ningzi recognized the two of them, glanced over them, and saw clearly the entanglement of cause and effect between them, and was extremely surprised.

Sinong, Tong Li, two Taoist friends, I see that your cause and effect lines have converged, and there are signs of the end of cause and effect. This is a sign of death!

Jiang Ningzi persuaded her with good words, The causal lines of the two fellow Taoists are closed at the same time, so they should die at the same time. You two must pay attention!

Taoist Master Sinong was Taiyi's ally. Hearing this, he sneered and said, What a Jiang Ningzi, who has murderous intentions towards the two of us! Do you think we were afraid of you because you were a teacher in the heavenly realm back then?

Taoist Master Tong Li was the late Taoist Master on the other side, who was resurrected by Taoist Master Luo. He stared at Jiang Ningzi warily and said with murderous intent, Maybe you are the one who died today!

Jiang Ningzi turned a deaf ear to their words and became more and more surprised, saying: Both of you, your cause and effect lines are converging very quickly, which means that your death date has come, and you are about to return the universe's cause and effect! Your death date is still... 10. Nine, eight, seven...

He looked at the two Taoist masters in front of him with a horrified expression.

The two Taoist masters were shocked and angry when they heard this. They knew that he had murderous intentions towards them and wanted to kill them both here. They immediately shouted: Work together to get rid of him!

At this moment, Jiang Ningzi had already counted one.

The two Taoist masters each rose into the sky, offered sacrifices to the innate spiritual treasures they had just collected, and charged at Jiang Ningzi. They sneered, If you want us to die, we will send you on your way first!

Jiang Ningzi's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty, and when he was about to resist, he suddenly exclaimed: Weird! Weird! Why is my causal line also closed? Is it my time to die?

He was so panicked that Taoist Sinong suddenly rushed towards him with his mouth wide open, and a bloody spear tip pierced out of his mouth, shattering all his teeth!

Taoist Sinong hung on a big gun and struggled hard. Dozens of wonders of the universe appeared in his head. However, with a slight shake of the big gun, he was torn apart, the Taoist road was shattered, and the soul was gone!

Behind Taoist Master Tong Li on the other side, a slender figure suddenly appeared, it was Taoist Master Lin.

Taoist Tongli saw that Jiang Ningzi did not resist his attack, but looked behind him. Knowing that something was wrong, he immediately sacrificed the innate spirit treasure and blasted backwards!

However, Dao Master Lin was already one step ahead of him. He pocketed him and his treasures in his sleeve!

Dao Master Lin shook his sleeves, and broken bones flowed out of his sleeves with a rattling sound.

Dao Master Lin reached into his sleeve and took out the innate spirit treasure in his sleeve. He saw that the spirit treasure was stained with the blood of the child hat.

He put away the Lingbao and raised his left hand. The spear flew with a whoosh and fell into his palm, trembling slightly.

Daoist Lin looked at Jiang Ningzi with interest and suddenly smiled: Teacher Jiang Ningzi, have you calculated your death date?

Jiang Ningzi's expression remained unchanged and she nodded slightly.

Master Lin smiled and said, How do you calculate when you will die? Let me see if your calculation is accurate.

Jiang Ningzi adjusted the path of cause and effect, and in an instant all the causes and effects on the other side gathered in a bundle and came towards him. He said in a deep voice: I have been calculating all my life. Even if I can calculate my own death, I will not admit it! Lin Chuanting, today I will fight against cause and effect!

After all, he is a Taoist who has achieved enlightenment through karma, and has experience in cultivation in previous lives, which is far beyond what Tong Li and his ilk can match.

When the Heaven Realm was still prosperous, he was one of the Eight Innate Lords, and he was very famous!

At this moment, the cultivation level explodes, and the various mysteries of the Cause and Effect Avenue are undoubtedly revealed!

Even, his eye of cause and effect evolved into an all-knowing eye. He could predict any expression or movement of Dao Master Lin and respond accordingly!

He knows all the magical powers that Master Lin will use!

Practicing the path of cause and effect is so magical!

Master Lin looked at this omniscient eye and saw that all his movements were reflected in the eyes. Every thought he had, would be reflected in his eyes, and various subsequent movements would appear.

The Path of Cause and Effect is indeed amazing. If I had followed Teacher Jiang Ningzi to practice the Path of Cause and Effect, I wouldn't have ended up in the company of Hua Shengsheng and Luo Shizong.

Master Lin sighed, Back then, you told me that I had the talent of Karma and asked me to learn from you. But I disliked that the practice of Karma was too slow and did not practice, so I turned to learn the Spiritual Dao. After that, although I learned the Spiritual Dao After cultivating to become a Taoist master, I discovered that my attainments on the spiritual path have already reached their limit and there is no possibility of further progress.

Jiang Ningzi looked at him and said: You learned the spiritual way, and then you turned to kill people in the heaven. Countless people in the heaven died in your hands! How can you have the dignity to call me teacher if you repay kindness with revenge?

Dao Master Lin raised his hands, looked at his palms as white as jade, and said leisurely: I have killed Tianjing, and I have never regretted it. Dao Master Tianjing originally wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and destroy my world. The Great Dao will come again to replace our population and wipe us out. We are just taking action in advance.

He showed a sarcastic look: Teacher, if you are successful in cultivation on the other side, will you kill all of us on the other side?

Jiang Ningzi sighed and nodded silently.

Dao Master Lin smiled and said: That's it. We all do a lot of evil for the future and destiny of our own universe, so what can we blame?

Jiang Ningzi said in a hoarse voice: But the truth is not what you think! The truth is that all of you, and all of us, are the targets of Dao Zun's use!

Dao Master Lin didn't take it seriously and said leisurely: It doesn't matter what the truth is. Dao Master Tongtian has already gone to kill Taoist Master, and he will definitely die. Even if he has any plans, he can't escape the fate of falling. As for the safety of the other side, the teacher is dead After that, I will send other Taoist masters on their way, which should be able to eliminate the misfortune. Teacher, please!

Jiang Ningzi summoned all his Taoist power, became furious, and shouted: Please!

Behind Dao Master Lin, a vision of the universe appeared, mobilizing the Tao power of all the universes under his control and pointing it out!

Jiang Ningzi had clearly noticed the movement of his finger, but then he discovered that all possibilities in the future time and space had been blocked by this finger!

My disciple is so talented...

He rushed towards Dao Master Lin, but the next moment blood suddenly appeared and penetrated his head. The Tao power of the universe directly shattered his soul and destroyed the avenue of cause and effect!

Taoist Lin's face turned gloomy, and he allowed Jiang Ningzi to rush in front of him, raising his hands to hug Jiang Ningzi to prevent him from falling.

Teacher, your path of cause and effect is unparalleled in the world. As a disciple, how could I let you fall into the dust just because of your reputation for having perfect strategies?

He reached out and closed Jiang Ningzi's eyes, and whispered, You'd better not think about cause and effect.

He took out a coffin, put Jiang Ningzi into the coffin, hammered in the coffin nails, and then banished her to the universe.

Master Lin bowed to the coffin, turned around and left.

Now that the fish have been stocked big enough, it's time to close the net! Kill all the Taoist masters and eliminate the bad luck!

At the same time, on the other side of the other shore, Taoist Luo found Taoist Lu Gang.

Taoist Master Lu Gang was competing with another Taoist Master Kuang Ancestor for an innate spiritual treasure. When he saw Taoist Master Luo approaching, he hurriedly jumped out of the fighting circle and bowed: Brother Daoist Luo, spare your life! I am willing to surrender!

Taoist Luo had kind eyes and smiled: Why do you say this, fellow Taoist Lu? Back then, you and I were monks and walked together to the heaven. Taizong Luo had a dark heart and sow discord and made us kill each other. But you took great care of me. . Luo has always been very grateful.

Upon hearing this, Taoist master Lu Gang knew that he missed his old friendship and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Luo said: So, when the disaster on the other side broke out for the first time, I couldn't bear to kill you myself, so I let Brother Hua do it. Fellow Taoist, do you still remember how I treated you when the disaster came? Did you say that?

Taoist master Lu Gang's heart skipped a beat and he said: You said at that time that the battle for fate is related to the survival of the other side. Even if you are a life-and-death friend, even if you are a close friend, you still need to contribute to the other side!

Master Luo sighed and said faintly: Last time, I didn't kill you with my own hands, which was already a violation of my promise, so I can repay you. This time...

Before he could finish speaking, Taoist Master Lu Gang immediately sacrificed the innate spiritual treasure Cangtian Taoist Book and blasted it at him, while he turned around and ran away!

Master Luo raised his hand, and the Cangtian Dao Book fell into his hand, and then his powerful Taoist power directly erased the mark of Master Lu Gang.

He opened the book of Taoism, and the light of Taoism burst out from the book. Wherever it shined, Lu Gang fell into the book!

Taoist master Lu Gang tried his best to escape, but he got closer and closer to the Taoist book, and finally fell into the book.


Master Luo closed the Taoist book, crushed him to death, and said with a smile, The disaster on the other side has disappeared again. By the way, Zu Kuang, why didn't you run away when you saw me killing him?

Kuang Zu had been smiling at Taoist Master Luo playing with Taoist Master Lu Gang like a cat and a mouse. Hearing this, he couldn't help being shocked and said with a smile: Brother Luo Dao, why should I run away? I was resurrected by Brother Luo, and this life is Taoist brother’s!”

Master Luo smiled and said, That's why I want to take back your life.

Kuang Zu's face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: Brother Taoist, what do you mean by this? I was indeed against Brother Taoist in the past, but this time I am resurrected, I have surrendered to the Taoist Master, and you have promised that you will never mess with me. ! Why do you have to go back on your word today?

Master Luo shook his head and said: So that's why you didn't leave. Zu Kuang, you misunderstood. I resurrected you just to gather your luck and eliminate disasters for yourself. It's like storing some food to avoid disasters in the years. Arrival. Now that calamity breaks out on the other side, isn’t it the coming of a disaster year?”

He smiled slightly and said: So, it's time for you to dig out the food and eat it.

When Kuang Zu heard this, he immediately activated his own avenue. Dozens of universes appeared behind him and rushed towards him. He said with grief and anger: I will fight with you!

But it's all in vain.

Master Luo raised his hand and dropped it, killing Kuang Zu!

Master Luo turned around and left, smiling: You are still as innocent as before. Zu Kuang, you deserved to die.

He disappeared and went to find other Taoist masters.

More than ten days later, Taoist Master Wuxi looked up and saw Taoist Master Luo walking this way. His expression suddenly changed and he turned his head and said, Girl, you go first.

Gong Jiexuan's heart trembled: Let's go together!

That's too late!

The Wuxi Taoist opened his arms and shouted loudly, Thousands of reincarnations——


In the universe on the other side, countless avenues of rays of light are coming one after another, forming the reincarnation evolution of the avenues of heaven and earth!

Taoist Master Wuxi distorts time and space, turning the avenues of heaven and earth on the other side into a cycle of reincarnation, which naturally includes two avenues: time and space!

His Taoist power was so powerful that in one reincarnation, he sent Gong Jiexuan to the human world on the other side and hid her to avoid being found by Taoist Luo.

Teacher Wu Xi's magical power of reincarnation is really beautiful. Tens of thousands of reincarnations, various avenues of reincarnation, wind can turn into thunder, water can form fire, yin and yang, the five elements, the four images of gods and demons, and the three talents and nine palaces can all change each other.

Taoist Luo looked at Wuxi's Great Way of Reincarnation and was full of praise, saying, I can't learn such complex and mysterious Taoist powers. If I had studied the nine innate ways back then, I might not be able to become a Taoist today. But Teacher Wuxi Being able to become a Taoist master shows how talented you are.

The Taoist Master of Wuxi rushed towards him, with a fierce and domineering move, intending to throw his Taoist into reincarnation, and throw him into reincarnation too!

Master Luo watched him rush forward, shook his head and said, What a pity.

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