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Chapter 845 Chaos Creatures

This merit of opening the sky was divided into two and became a merit shared by Xu Ying and Taiyi.

The two of them fought in the cosmic flood source this time. They used their Taiyi Dao to straighten out the various Tao powers in the hunyuan state of the cosmic flood source, and pushed forward the evolution of this flood source for countless thousands of years.

The cosmic flood source was thus opened up and evolved into a new universe in the sea of ​​chaos. For the lives that will evolve in the future of this universe, this merit is incomparable.

Xu Ying had already cultivated into Hongmeng Immortal. The Qi of Hongmeng surged in, pushing his Hongmeng cultivation level up continuously. He soon passed the early stage of Immortal Realm and was promoted to the level of True King, and then to the level of Dao Lord!

It didn't take long for his Hongmeng cultivation to rise to the level of Dao Lord, with brilliant Dao power that was boundless!

If I alone get this pioneering merit, I'm afraid it will be Master Hongmeng. He thought to himself.

A thought came to his mind: If I get rid of Taiyi at this time, I can develop my own merits and become the master of Hongmeng Taoism!

His palm is still hanging on Taiyi's head. If he takes action at this time, he can destroy Taiyi and avoid future troubles forever.

But for some reason, he suddenly thought of how his master Dongxuan could kill him, but he just touched his head.

Xu Ying accidentally dispersed the power of this fatal palm and rubbed Taiyi Daojun's forehead.

Taiyi Daojun was stunned, looked up at him, and saw the gentle smile on his face.

At this moment, he did not sense the murderous aura in Xu Ying.

I can eradicate Taiyi for the Three Realms, but I can't eradicate Taiyi just to gain merit. Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

Taiyi Daojun suddenly relaxed. He had never practiced the Hongmeng Dao before, but his Hongmeng cultivation level instantly jumped from nothing to the eighth level of the Dao Realm!

Not long after, he successfully broke through, reached the ninth level of the Tao realm, surpassed the True King, and became the Tao Lord of the Hongmeng Avenue!

However, Taiyi Daojun didn't care at all.

His eyes fell on the ever-evolving Avenue of Heaven and Earth. The process of evolution from Hunyuan to the Avenue of Heaven and Earth gave him great insights.

He felt more relaxed than ever before, as if the Xu Ying around him was not an enemy, not from the Three Realms, but a disciple who sincerely protected him, allowing him to let go of all guarding.

What he had learned from his previous battle with Xu Ying suddenly came together at this moment. In his eyes, the process of opening up the source of the universe was in reverse, evolving from the avenue of heaven and earth to the source of the flood.

In his body, the three thousand avenues gradually transformed into Hunyuan Taiyi, and a transcendent aura spread out from his body unconsciously.

In the flood of the universe, the great avenue of heaven and earth became extremely lively, and people came in droves to resonate with him.

The rays of light shine across the starry sky, and the clear cosmic light forms a rainbow in the evening.

At this moment, he is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of the Great Dao.

After a long time, Tai Dao Master woke up from the Tao Master's realm, but he saw that Hong Yuan could no longer see the boundary, and the starry sky had not yet formed from the black and yellow. If there is light in the universe, it is everywhere, and if there is darkness, it is everywhere. hazy.

But he couldn't find any trace of Xu Ying.

Not long after, he came to the core of the universe, where the Seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum was located.

This spiritual root has become larger, and it is naturally an innate spiritual treasure, unparalleled in the world, and contains great power.

However, Xu Ying was not under the Ganoderma lucidum, he was on the roots of the tree stump where the Ganoderma lucidum was parasitic.

Xu Ying is not very interested in these two innate spiritual treasures, but is very interested in the remains of the Loujie Universe.

The roots under the tree stump extend in all directions and are extremely vast, but at the end of the roots are connected a piece of debris, which is quite vast, about tens of thousands of miles in length and breadth.

That is the remains of the Loujie universe.

Because the disaster he suffered was not his own, the destruction of the Loujie universe was not complete. From the wreckage of this universe, we can still find a little trace of the civilization of this universe.

This is the evidence left behind by civilization.

Master Tai Dao slowly came behind Xu Ying and looked at the ruins of the universe. All living beings in the building world, including all the monks, no longer existed. On the other side, there may be descendants of Loujie, but they no longer admit that they are from Loujie.

Everything in this universe is gone, only this wreckage remains.

Without Hua Dao Master's axe, I always feel like something is missing.

Master Tai Yi glanced at Xu Ying and said, Xu Ying, when we fought just now, did you want to kill me?

Xu Ying said in shock: Master, where do you start talking about this? This is absolutely not the case! If I wanted to kill you, I actually had a chance, but didn't I not do it?

Master Tai Dao snorted, thinking of Xu Ying touching his head. Xu Ying did have a chance to kill him at that time, but for some unknown reason, he actually rubbed his head!

And his expression is very kind.

Master, how will you deal with the Three Realms and the Heaven Realm after the other side survives the disaster in the future? Xu Ying asked.

Tai Dao Master looked at the wreckage of the universe in front of him and said: If you help me achieve Taoism today, I will definitely give you a wide berth. As for the Heaven Realm, I can only make a decision based on what Taoist Master wants to do.

Xu Ying asked: What about the universe?

Tai Dao Dao Master looked solemn and said: The Great Thousand Universe is the private property of the other side. As the other side becomes more powerful, it depends on the Great Thousand Universe. So what happened in the past, will happen in the future.

Xu Ying looked at him deeply: So, letting go of the Three Realms is indeed an open policy.

Master Tai Dao nodded slightly and said: Xu Ying, I know your attitude. Although you are open-minded, your heart is hard and unyielding. You have your own scale to measure right and wrong. The reason why you are open-minded is just because you have not been strong. If you become strong, you will no longer be open-minded. People like you can go further in a dangerous society.

Xu Ying first entered the other side and pretended to be a saint from the other side. Later, in the heaven realm, he recognized Taiyi as his master. When he arrived at the Taiyi Sect, he took the initiative to become a senior brother and became one with the brothers from the Taiyi Sect.

Although he had already possessed spiritual patterns and new Dao patterns that transcended Riwen on the other side, he still used Riwen on the other side.

When he meets the late Taoist Master, he will immediately change his camp. When he meets the late Taoist Master Luo, he will immediately angrily accuse Taiyi of being a traitor. Enemies who cannot be beaten will take the initiative to get close to them and call them foster fathers. Those who can be beaten will immediately become old thieves who are still alive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that one should be duplicitous and speak sweetly with a sword.

However, for the people of the Three Realms, the promise in their eyes is to bear the humiliation, endure hardships, and worship the enemy as a foster father. They are willing to be humiliated, and they must do everything possible to mess up the other side and buy more time for the development of the Three Realms.

Xu Ying, you are not a hero.

Master Tai Dao shook his head and said, Heroes and heroes cannot survive now. To the other side, you are a poisonous snake with a smiling face. It is dangerous to be an enemy of you. I don't want to be an enemy of you. My The enemy is not the Three Realms, but the three Tao Masters Hua, Lin, and Luo, as well as the Taoist Master of the Heaven Realm.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I don't want to be an enemy of the other side either.

Master Tai Dao said: After returning this time, I will unite with other Tao masters to deal with the three Tao masters Hua, Lin, and Luo first, and unify the power on the other side to fight against the calamity and killing.

He turned around and was about to leave, when Xu Ying's voice came: Master, the wreckage of the Loujie universe is still there, and the cause and effect is still there. The disaster on the other side is so violent, and it may not be due to the enslavement of the Loujie that destroyed the Loujie. The calamity caused by the world. If the new building world on the ruins of the building world develops in the future, I am afraid that the other side will repay this cause and effect.

Tai Dao Master was slightly startled, shook his head and said: In the sea of ​​chaos, cause and effect do not exist.

Cause and effect just don't exist in chaos, but they definitely exist in time and space.

Xu Ying's eyes were dark and he said, I am the enlightened person of cause and effect, and I can see more accurately than you. If Bian'an wants to survive the disaster successfully, the cause and effect with the universe needs to be repaid. Otherwise Bian'an is still doomed.

Master Tai Dao was silent for a long time and said: I will consider it. Do you want to go back to the other side together? I have a boat.

Xu Ying nodded.

Taiyi officiated and launched the boat, sailing toward the sky.

The two passed by the tree stump and the seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum. Tai Dao Dao Master glanced at Xu Ying and asked doubtfully: You don't want to collect this spiritual root? This thing is extraordinary. It is an innate spiritual treasure formed by the combination of two chaotic spiritual roots. , which is much more powerful than ordinary innate spiritual treasures.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Things from other realms cannot be taken by force. What's more, I already have the root of chaos. Master, why don't you take it?

Tai Taoist Master said calmly: I also have Chaos Spiritual Roots. What's more, if I don't have enough, I will steal the spiritual roots of other Taoist Masters.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The avenue of heaven and earth here is not yet stable, and stars have not yet formed. It is estimated that it will take a long time to evolve before life can be born.

The building ship sailed out of the new building world and entered the sea of ​​chaos.

When they arrived at the Chaos Sea Abyss, Tai Dao Master slowed down and steered the ship carefully, guarding against anything.

Is this great abyss natural or man-made?

Xu Ying couldn't help but ask, Master, since you can find this Chaos Sea Abyss, you must know something about it, right?

Master Tai Dao shook his head: I only know that there is such a place, but I have no idea how the Chaos Sea Abyss came from. There are several similar places in the Chaos Sea. But their origins are mysterious and unpredictable.

The two of them did not stay at the abyss of the Chaos Sea, and urged the building boat to go away.

Xu Ying looked back and suddenly saw a big bell rising from the abyss. The bell was chaotic and colorless, but it suddenly became brighter as it flew, evolving from chaos to grand mist, and then from grand mist to infinity. , Taiyi evolved and gave birth to billions of stars and galaxies.

It's as if there is a complete universe of billions of years hidden inside the clock, which is fascinating.

Xu Ying was stunned, but the next moment he saw that the big bell had disappeared into the sea of ​​chaos, without a trace!

Could this bell be the one that imprinted Mr. Zhong's wrinkles?

His heart was beating wildly, and he wanted to chase after him, but he was worried that something unexpected would happen if he chased after him. After all, the power of the bell was incredible.

Xu Ying now sees the Taoist Master no longer so mysterious, but looking at the clock, he still feels mysterious.

Yes, I should be able to study the folds on Mr. Zhong's body!

Xu Ying simply sat down and let Master Tai Dao drive the boat, while he held up the big bell and carefully studied the wrinkles on the bell wall.

These folds contain unfathomable and profound insights into the Avenue of Chaos. It was once promised that Ying Ying would turn into the Qi of Chaos at a glance, but now his understanding of the Avenue of Chaos is getting deeper and deeper, and his cultivation is getting stronger and stronger. If he looks at the big clock at this moment, he will not die. danger.

Aying, you have done thorough research, you must tell me.

Dazhong warned, Otherwise I won't be able to look in the mirror and appreciate my heroic appearance.

Xu Ying agreed and studied it carefully. Suddenly, the folds became alive, like lines constantly swimming, as agile as fish swimming in a chaotic sea.

In his eyes, these fish-like lines shuttled through the sea of ​​chaos, showing the mystery of chaos, all-encompassing and all-inclusive.

He compared what he had learned and understood with the Dao of Chaos, and suddenly felt that what he had learned and understood was so simple.

Unknowingly, he was immersed in understanding the mysteries of chaos.

At this time, Tai Dao Master noticed that the building boat was getting heavier and heavier, and was shocked. Looking back, he saw the energy of chaos coming from the sea of ​​chaos around Xu Ying's body and connecting with his body.

In the chaos surrounding the building ship, there were vaguely huge creatures swimming around their ship.

What? Could it be that they want to eat Xu Ying?

Without thinking, Taiyi activated the Dao sword and pierced the chaos with one sword. The Dao light in the sword instantly illuminated the surrounding area.

But I saw those chaotic creatures that looked like turtles but not turtles, and looked like tortoises but not turtles. They were huge, breathing in the energy of chaos, and it seemed like they were hiding universes when their eyes opened and closed.

His Dao sword penetrated the body of one of the chaotic creatures, and he saw that the monster's body was like a bottomless pit, absorbing his sword light and leaving nothing behind.

Tai Tao Master was horrified. Even though he had just become a Tao Master, facing such an unbelievable situation, he only felt terrified.

The Taoist master is already the most powerful being in the world, and the Taoist master who practices Taiyi Avenue is even more powerful among the strong!

But at this moment, he felt that this chaotic creature was truly unfathomable!

Fortunately, those chaotic creatures disappeared and appeared, and did not hit the building ship, nor did they kill them, so Tai Dao Master felt a little relieved.

The Tai Dao Master's eyes flashed, and he suddenly spoke to the chaos in a Taoist voice: Fellow Taoists, what do you want to do with the boat you are dragging down?

The melodious Taoist sound came from the sea of ​​chaos, and it was extremely majestic. However, when it reached the ears of Tai Dao Master, it made him dizzy, and he could not understand a word.

At the end of the road, are they the creatures at the end of the road? He was horrified.

Those chaotic creatures were like a group of observers. They observed the ship surrounding them with great interest for more than two years and stayed away for a long time.

If they don't leave, Master Tai Dao can't urge the boat to return to the other shore. He can only sit on the bow of the building boat, hold his sword still, and observe the surroundings.

His caution is not unreasonable.

During this period, a chaotic creature actually bit the stern of the ship and tried to drag the ship back into the abyss of the Chaos Sea!

The Tai Dao Master discovered it in time, raised his Dao sword and slashed it down, and then the chaotic creature let go. Of course, his sword still failed to harm the chaotic creature at all.

Three more years later, suddenly those chaotic creatures dispersed, and the energy of chaos in Xu Ying's body that was connected to the sea of ​​chaos also slowly retracted.

Xu Ying finally woke up.

Taiyi said hurriedly: Xu Ying, what exactly have you comprehended?

Xu Ying opened his eyes and said with a smile: I just gained some insights on the Avenue of Chaos. What's wrong?

Taiyi asked eagerly: Have you seen the end of the Avenue of Chaos this time when you have achieved enlightenment?

Xu Ying shook his head and said with a smile: Master, where did you think you were? I only entered the Dao of Chaos for a short time, and I don't know how far away from the end of the Dao.

Tai Dao Master's face was uncertain, and he thought to himself: If it is not the end of the road, then what state are those chaotic creatures in?

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