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Chapter 832 Ask Tongtian to sacrifice the sword

Xu Ying was a murderer to begin with, and always turned evil into a coward. However, after he came to the other side, where he was as strong as the forest, he became more docile.

Now Lingxuzi used his sword to show off his power twice, which made him look fierce.

The long sword is as bright as a sword. When Lingxuzi used the sword before, everything changed wherever the light of the sword shone. After not seeing each other for three months, he used his sword again. Without the light of the sword, everything changed crazily!

Wherever the power of creation is shrouded, it seems that even the earth has life, and the stones, plants and trees on the earth have come to life one after another, providing Lingxuzi with strength!

Even the sun and moon in the sky turned into giant living creatures, pouring the power of the lunar sun into the knife!

The power of his sword is far beyond what it was before!

In the past, when he slashed down with his sword, he was caught between Xu Ying's fingers. Xu Ying could knock him back with a flick of his fingers.

But now that his long sword was within reach, Xu Ying also sensed the danger.

The Taoist master has re-cultivated and his cultivation strength has improved so quickly!

The flood source in Xu Ying's body was circulating, the nine paths were unified, and the power of the path was poured into the palm of his hand, but he saw that the world was upside down, up, down, left, right, completely flipped!

Just now, Lingxuzi's sword struck at his head, but now it struck from the bottom up. Even Ling Xuzi has become a mess!

Xu Ying moved his palm downward to face the light of the knife. The moment his palm collided with the knife, a large gash was cut in his palm. However, the wound closed immediately and no blood flowed out!

The Divine Sword of Creation shattered, and Lingxuzi was so shocked that he stepped back repeatedly, praising: Xu Ying, you are indeed very capable, it is worth using all my strength!

Xu Ying looked gloomy: With all your strength?

He took a step forward, raised his hand, and it was like a sea of ​​chaos falling from the sky, crushing towards Lingxuzi!

Lingxuzi was startled. He summoned up all his power and raised his hand to catch it. The moment he made contact, his bones crackled under the pressure.

He roared angrily, and the Tao power blessed him, and his body suddenly became larger and larger, becoming more and more majestic. He did not practice strength, but his power was unparalleled in the world, and he could hold up Xu Ying's palm forcefully!

The muscles in his legs continued to swell, and they swelled again, and the muscles in his arms became coiled like dragons. He was a handsome man before, but now he looks like the most powerful god and demon in the world!

Even the Great Dao Lord of Gods and Demons is far worse than him!

This is the wonderful thing about the power of creation blessing itself. It integrates the power of creation into one body, which is comparable to the two paths of gods and demons.

Xu Ying bowed and bowed, his magical powers exploded in the sky, and thousands of magical powers arrived!

Lingxuzi opened his mouth and shouted loudly. From the creation hole behind his head, thousands of immortal treasures flew out. Most of them were magic weapons such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, as well as objects such as locust stones and arrow feathers. In an instant, it came to life, flying up and down, meeting the magical sky!

What he performed turned out to be the ultimate realm of the great avenue, called the ultimate realm of creation!

Xu Ying's magical power collided with his magic weapon formation, and time and space were annihilated. Lingxuzi coughed up blood and flew away.

Xu Ying punched out, and the space around Lingxuzi suddenly split open. In an instant, thousands of fists blasted towards him from different directions!

Light flashed in the creation hole behind Lingxuzi's head, and suddenly a statue of Lingxuzi jumped out, each of them blocked and received the blow.

Xu Ying, let you see the real way of creation, what is the great way of life!

The number of Lingxuzi flying out from the abyss of the Creation Cave was increasing, and they all flew up and rushed toward Xu Ying.

Suddenly, an extremely bright ring of reincarnation was seen cutting through time and space, and all the Lingxuzi were included in the reincarnation!

The reincarnation rotated, and the Lingxuzi fell into the reincarnation one after another. In an instant, the Lingxuzi were annihilated one after another!

The way of creation contains the way of luck. I have great luck and will not fall into reincarnation!

Lingxuzi's real body activated the way of luck, turned into a long sword, defeated the strong with the weak, and even split open the ring of reincarnation and escaped!

Kill your luck!

Xu Ying flicked his finger, and the power of luck shot out and penetrated Lingxuzi's body. Lingxuzi was panicked, feeling that his hard-earned luck method was gone!

Although I was a Taoist master in my last life and had the experience of a Taoist master, in this life I am still immortal after all and cannot compete with him. It's better to leave first!

Lingxuzi jumped up and fled far away.

Want to leave?

Xu Ying bowed his body, and his body had grown to the point where he could stand tall on the sky and the earth. With his fingers spread apart, he could see thousands of miles of time and space collapsing into his hands!

Ling Xuzi looked back, shocked in his heart, but saw that Xu Ying's hand was like a flood that destroyed everything, and the power of Nirvana was spinning crazily in it, crushing everything!

The time and space he was in was also torn apart and fell into Xu Ying's hands!

The Avenue of Nirvana! He refined it into the Avenue of Nirvana! I will be refined!

He flew hard, but he was getting closer and closer to Xu Ying. He was about to fall into the source of annihilation and die. Suddenly, a palm print flew quickly and hit Xu Ying's palm hard!

Xu Ying's body shook slightly, and the flood in his palm was annihilated, showing a look of surprise: The Hongmeng Avenue among the nine innate paths!

That palm seal contains Hongmeng Dao power. Hongmeng evades chaos, performs Wuji, and is extremely powerful. The promised source of annihilation was also annihilated by the other party with Hongmeng Dao power. The strength of the person who came was much stronger than Lingxuzi. .

A light pink figure flew over, grabbed Lingxuzi, stepped back, and distanced himself from Xu Ying.

Fellow Daoist Xu, Lingxuzi has offended many people. I hope that Friend Xu will ignore the past grudges!

The person is a woman, with a long skirt hanging down like a lotus. When she walks, her footsteps cannot be seen, and her shape is like a lotus in full bloom, which is extremely gorgeous.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: He is another heavenly person, and presumably he is also a heavenly Taoist.

He didn't want to fall out with Taoist Master Tianjing, so he immediately suppressed the murderous aura in his chest and said: Lingxuzi attacked me twice for no reason. His tactics were vicious and he wanted to take my life. If I didn't have some ability, I would die in his hands. . Regardless of past grudges, I am not so generous. But for the sake of the girl, let him be spared this time.

Lingxuzi was about to speak when he vomited blood.

Seeing this, the woman in the lotus skirt quickly checked his injuries and couldn't help but frown slightly. Ling Xuzi's Dao injury was very troublesome. Although he was not swallowed by the flood source of annihilation, he was invaded by the great avenue of annihilation, leaving a lot of hidden dangers.

His Dao damage was not limited to this, and there were also injuries caused by the Dao of Tribulation, which weakened Lingxuzi's cultivation of Qi Luck and caused considerable damage to the Dao of Creation.

In addition, the energy of chaos still remains in his body.

What do you do to provoke Xu Ying when you have nothing to do?

The woman in the lotus skirt didn't know how to resolve these injuries. Based on Xu Ying's attitude, she would definitely not help Lingxuzi heal his injuries, but fortunately, Lingxuzi's life was not in danger for the time being.

Lingxuzi, please leave first. The woman in the lotus skirt whispered.

Ling Xuzi suppressed his injuries, glared at Xu Ying fiercely, and walked away.

The woman in the lotus skirt stepped forward and said apologetically: Lingxuzi acted recklessly, I will apologize to fellow Taoist Xu on his behalf.

Xu Ying did not stop him, he directly accepted her salute and said, What do you call me, Brother Dao? And how do you know Xu?

The woman in the lotus skirt smiled and said: I am in the palace of Jiexuan, and my Taoist name is Lianshu. I have heard about the name of Taoist friend Xu from Taoist Master as early as the beginning of the revival of Tianjing Dao. Later, Taoist Master taught me the Dharma. I went to listen to the lecture and heard that fellow Taoist Xu went to heaven to debate the Dharma and Tao with the Taoist Master, so I was deeply impressed by fellow Taoist Xu.

Xu Ying hesitated: I see. Miss Gong, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's talk while walking. Miss Gong was the Taoist master back then?

Gong Jiexuan shook her head and said: It's not the Taoist master. I practiced the Hongmeng Dao, but before I could attain the Taoist master's level, all my cultivation was gone, and I had no time to practice the Taoism.

The two walked hand in hand and left this place. Xu Ying asked: Can the immortal realm be resurrected when the great road of heaven and earth revives?

Gong Jiexuan smiled and said: Of course you can. The body of an immortal is the same as the Tao, and the Tao is the same as the body. When the Tao ebbs, the Tao of heaven and earth will turn into nothing, and the immortal is no exception. When the tide of the Tao rises, the Tao of heaven and earth will be restored, and the immortal will He will also be resurrected accordingly.”

Xu Ying nodded slightly, asked his doubts, and said: With the revival of the Heavenly Realm Avenue, your cultivation will be restored, so why do you come to the other side to practice? After all, the other side is much more dangerous than the Heavenly Realm.

Gong Jixuan said: Tao Zun said that eggs cannot be put in one basket. If the four masters of the avenue go to the heaven together, everyone in the heaven will die. Therefore, Tao Zun allows us to enter the other side to practice. Besides, knowing ourselves and the enemy, we will be victorious in every battle. We enter On the other side, you can also understand the progress of Taoism on the other side.”

Xu Ying was stunned and nodded repeatedly.

Gong Jiexuan said: My Taoist friend Xu has made rapid progress in Taoism. When I heard that Taoist Master was discussing Taoism with you, your Taoism achievements were not very high. I didn't expect that in such a short time, your cultivation strength has reached such a high level. It’s admirable.”

Xu Ying said humbly: If it hadn't been for Tao Zun's guidance, I wouldn't have made such rapid progress. Tao Zun's teachings, Xu Ying, will never be forgotten.

Gong Jiexuan smiled and said: Tao Zun is as compassionate as his destiny, and he is thirsty for talents. Seeing that your talent is extremely high, he will naturally give you careful guidance.

She paused and said, My identity is quite sensitive, so I won't talk to my fellow Taoist any more. I'll take my leave.

Farewell. Xu Ying bowed.

The two said goodbye and went away.

Gong Jiexuan turned around and looked far away in the direction Xu Ying left. She frowned slightly and said in a low voice: Xu Ying's advancement is so fast and Taoism is taking off. It is inevitable that the Taoism he knows will be spread to the three realms. Go in. Will the Three Realms become the other side of the Heaven Realm?

After Xu Ying said goodbye to Gong Jiexuan, his expression was uncertain. He hesitated for a moment and then suddenly changed direction. Instead of going to the next restricted area to look for Taiyi Daojun, he came towards Biyou Palace.

Biyou Palace is not in Dao Jitian, but in the outer world of the other side of the world. It is located in a remote and bitter cold place.

Xu Ying came to the outside of Biyou Palace and saw that the Biyou Palace was shrouded in the energy of killing and was extremely heavy. Apparently, affected by the calamity on the other side in recent years, the way of killing has also increased.

Xu Ying bowed and said: Brother Tongtian Dao, Xu Ying would like to see you.

When the palace door opened, a tall, thin and slender Taoist in green clothes walked out and said with a serious smile: It's rare for Taoist friend Xu to come to see my old friend, please.

Xu Ying followed him into the palace, and saw that the palace was cool and cool, with no smell of fireworks. It was obvious that this old Taoist was the only one who settled here.

Xu Ying asked: Has Brother Dao been out recently?

Never been out.

Tongtian Taoist said, I don't need to go out. The killings in the world cannot be hidden from my eyes and ears. The disasters on the other side are serious, and killings are everywhere. The Taoist Master will inevitably be involved in the disasters. The disasters will never disappear. Sooner or later, there will be killings. . As the Dao Master of Killing, I should sit here and prepare for the future.

He looked at Xu Ying, frowned slightly, and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, you have become a Taoist through killing, but you have not made any progress in recent years. Now that my killing method is flourishing, you must understand the chilling power of this universe before you can take another step forward.

Xu Ying thanked him and said, Thank you very much for your advice. I have a heartfelt invitation for you.

Taoist Master Tongtian looked at him and said nothing.

Xu Ying continued: I would like to ask Taoist brothers Xuhuang, Yuxu, Yuqing and others to leave the Heaven Realm and return to the Three Realms. I am afraid that they will be hunted down on their way back. Therefore, I would like to ask Taoist brothers to help me.

Master Tongtian said: Master Hua and others want to know the location of the Three Realms. If they know that they plan to return to the Three Realms, they will definitely not stop them and will only follow them.

When he said this, he did not continue.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and said, I suspect that it is not Dao Master Hua and others who are chasing them.

He paused, bowed and said: This matter is related to the lives of Emperor Xu and others, as well as the inheritance they brought back to the Three Realms. It is a serious matter and does not allow me to act carelessly. I am not sure whether there will be pursuers. Therefore, I can only trouble fellow Taoists.

Taoist Tongtian's eyes flashed coldly, and he said: I know. That person is a bit difficult. But I will take action.

Promise to worship again.

Master Tongtian ignored him, took the Immortal Killing Sword, and refined the sword wholeheartedly.

Dazhong originally wanted to have a chat with his disciple, but he had to give up after seeing this.

Xu Ying was not in a hurry to leave Biyou Palace, but sat down in the palace. His soul left his body and escaped into the void. He activated the Void Pendant and arrived in the void realm within a moment.

In the Void Realm, there are still some disciples from the Three Realms studying and studying Taoism. Taoist Yuxu and others occasionally come here to give lectures.

Xu Ying waited for a few days. Taiyi Tianzun entered the void world and prepared to teach. When he saw Xu Ying, he couldn't help being surprised and happy. He smiled and said, Fellow Daoist Xu, I haven't seen you for a while.

Xu Ying ignored the pleasantries and said, Brother Dao, can you please invite Emperor Xu to come over? We have something important to discuss.

Taiyi Tianzun saw his solemn expression, and even if he wanted to go back to find Emperor Xu, Xu agreed: Brother Dao, don't panic when you go to see Emperor Xu, try to be calm.

Taiyi Tianzun was puzzled, but he went as he was told.

Not long after, Xuhuang Yuanshen came to the void world.

Xu Yingdao: I would like to ask Emperor Xu to take all the Taoist ancestors and Buddhas back to the Three Realms today!

Emperor Xu was puzzled and said: Why are you in such a hurry? We have always wanted to go back and have a look, but Tao Zun always tried to stop us, saying that the heaven realm was not stable and we needed our help to defend against the other side. Our Taoism was obtained from the heaven realm. If we rashly If you leave, wouldn’t you be negating what you have learned?”

Xu Ying said: The other side has made a chaos oath with the Heaven Realm, so there is no need to worry about the invasion from the other side. On the other hand, the Three Realms are about to be stranded on the other side. I am afraid that there is no strong person in the Three Realms to take charge, so I would like to ask you to go back and take charge.

Hearing this, Emperor Xu said: In that case, then I will resign to Dao Zun.

Xu Ying held his hand and said, It's best not to alarm Dao Zun about this matter. If it alarms him, it will be unsightly if he continues to try to stay. After you go back, leave immediately!

Emperor Xu looked directly into his eyes and said, What is going on?

Xu Ying smiled and said, It's not a big deal. But after you enter the Sea of ​​Chaos, if you encounter a strange light appearing behind you, don't stop and just go to the three realms. Someone will help you block it.

Emperor Xu frowned, but still went down to prepare as he was told.

Xu Ying Yuan Shen returned to the physical body, stood up, put down a green rock boat, and said: Thank you, Taoist brother.

Master Tongtian stood up and said calmly: You can go ahead.

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