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Chapter 830 There is a girl, Li Xiao, who is born rebellious

Dao Jitian, Hushan Pavilion.

There are bursts of fairy music in Ganquan Palace, tinkling to the ears.

Dao Master Lin's face was as dark as water, without any change in his expression, but his eyes were somewhat complicated. He twirled the beard on his chin and pondered undecidedly.

The master is still thinking about whether we should help save Dao Jun? asked Lu Yiren on the side.

Taoist Lin nodded lightly. He liked this disciple very much. Although he expelled Lu Yiren from Hushan Pavilion and let him go through the calamity, Lu Yiren often returned and served him diligently, which pleased him very much.

After all, Lord Dao of Life and Death is our orthodox saint on the other side, with noble blood, not those alien saints. He will definitely become a Tao master. If I save him now and form a good relationship, even if I compete with other Tao masters in the future , at least I have a helping hand.”

Dao Master Lin hesitated and expressed his thoughts, saying, However, the Dao Lord of Life and Death was too violent and killed countless people this time. Although most of them were new saints, they would be dead if they died, but after all, the calamity increases. If I save him, I'm afraid it will implicate me...

He sighed and said: Tao Master is not omnipotent. Disciple, what do you think?

Lu Yiren said: Disciples believe that the calamity is really elusive and difficult to understand, and the Immortal Killing Sword of Biyou Palace is really sharp. As for the calamity of annihilation, the disciples dare not even think about it.

Dao Master Lin glanced at him and said with a smile: Slippery. Anyway, it's not worth the trouble for me to save a life-and-death Dao Lord. Let him go. It's just a promise...

He frowned slightly, his eyes dark, watching the battles in the world and beyond.

If the genius of the Three Realms cannot be used by me, he must be destroyed as soon as possible. I cannot let him continue to act like this.

He didn't say anything, and said silently in his heart, However, he does still have uses. He has resurrected the Tao masters of the past everywhere, saving us a lot of trouble...

He did not give this multiple-choice question to Lu Yiren because he already knew Lu Yiren's attitude.

I wonder what the attitudes of Daoist Brother Hua and Fellow Daoist Luo are? he said silently in his heart.

Li Xiao drove the Lingxing Gate and struggled to escape outwards, avoiding the scope of the Avenue of Life and Death. When she paused and looked back, she saw that the Avenue of Life and Death had stopped expanding.

Li Xiao was stunned. The Lord of Life and Death would not hesitate to destroy all life on the other side, but he also wanted to break through the Lord of Life and Death and kill Xu Ying. Why did he suddenly stop?

Could it be that the Lord of Life and Death has been defeated?

She couldn't believe it in her heart. She was more willing to believe that Xu Ying had been brutally murdered than the Lord of Life and Death had been defeated.

She was about to go back to investigate when a voice came: Li Xiao, the Lord of Life and Death is dead. He was killed by Xu Ying.

Li Xiao was startled, and when he looked back, he saw endless starlight flowing in the Lingxing Gate, and a tall old man walked out of the light, it was Taoist Master Huasheng Shenghua!

Li Xiao hurriedly bowed and knelt down, saying: Disciple, see the great master!

Her heart was beating wildly, and what came out of the starlight was the incarnation of Master Hua. This Lingxing Gate is the treasure of Master Hua, and no one has ever refined it. Xu Ying is like this, and so is Taoist Master Xuanhong, but Taoist Master of Life and Death has no chance.

That is to say, when Master Dao of Life and Death killed Senior Sister Li Xue Lijie, Master saw it.

Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and she thought to herself, I am enamored of Xu Ying, I'm afraid he will see it too!

The starlight incarnation of Master Hua said calmly: Get up. Thank you for your hard work this time.

Li Xiao absorbed the cold sweat from his pores back into his body and stood up respectfully.

Master Hua said: I have seen everything you have done along the way, and you have done a great job. Your senior brothers and sisters were not lucky enough to be buried in misfortunes, but you are lucky and will achieve great things in the future. There is a limit. I want you to follow Xu Ying and continue to pretend that you are devoted to him.

Li Xiao's heart trembled and he said: This disciple is puzzled.

Master Hua smiled and said: Follow him, take the Lingxing Sect with you, and help him eliminate danger. A man and a woman alone, living with each other, will inevitably fall in love over time. If you stay with him, your safety will not be a problem. When you become a master general, After he has used it, he will sacrifice the Lingxing Sect and kill him.

Li Xiao lowered his head and said yes.

Master Hua walked back to Lingxing Gate and said, You can go and help him.

His figure disappeared into the starlight, slowly sinking, turning into light in the sea of ​​stars.

Li Xiao raised his head, not knowing what he was thinking. He suddenly turned around, put away the Lingxing Gate and broke through the air. It didn't take long to find Xu Ying.

I saw Lord Dao of Life and Death following Xu Ying, dumbfounded, following every step.

Li Xiao asked curiously: Is he still alive?


Xu Ying's face remained as usual and he said, He only has a skin left, and I have transformed the Taoist Way of Life and Death. I will keep his body, and I will also search for nearby restricted areas to awaken the Taoist master there.

Li Xiao was extremely shocked. He actually killed a Dao Lord?

Xu Ying finally let go of a big stone in his heart. Although the Lord of Life and Death is not very powerful, he is the natural enemy of the people of the Three Realms. His Avenue of Life and Death can directly destroy the new Dao Patterns of the Three Realms and destroy the Avenue of the Three Realms.

In the Three Realms, except for Xu Ying, Xu Huang, and Master Tongtian, I am afraid that no one can be his opponent!

If the Lord of the Great Dao of Life and Death is alive, then the new Dao pattern that the Three Realms are proud of will not make any waves on the other side!

I know there is a restricted area nearby called Panming Valley. It is extremely gloomy and full of broken avenue fragments!

Li Xiao smiled and said, If you want to rebel, you might as well go to Panming Valley, maybe you will gain something.

Xu Ying took out the geographical map and found the location of Panming Valley. As expected, it was not too far from here. He smiled and said, Okay! Let's go to Panming Valley.

Li Xiao remembered Taoist Master Hua's instructions and hesitated in his heart: Should I tell him that the more Taoist masters are resurrected, the closer he will be to death? But if I tell him, I will die...

The two walked together, Li Xiao was worried, and suddenly saw a darkness below, where was the destruction left by the Lord of Life and Death who mobilized the power of life and death between heaven and earth.

Xu Ying, you are from the Three Realms. If you become a Taoist master, how will you treat the other side in the future?

When Li Xiao said this, he suddenly laughed and said, Don't even think about lying to me. I know that your Taiyi family style has always meant rebellion.

Xu Ying looked at her deeply and said, I am loyal to the other side. All my achievements were achieved after I came to the other side. How can I rebel?

Li Xiao snorted and ignored him.

Xu Ying was surprised. He didn't know why she was angry. He smiled and said, It's my master Taiyi who rebelled and ran away with the old devil Tianchengzi. He will definitely cause trouble to everyone. I swore to Master Luo that if I meet him , we must eliminate relatives with justice. I feel that this day is coming soon.

Li Xiao didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but his curiosity was aroused after hearing this, and he said: Do you really want to kill Taiyi? But Taiyi Daojun is not as good as Life and Death Daojun, and Life and Death Daojun may not be able to survive in Taiyi's hands. trick!

Xu Ying said solemnly: Taiyi and I are against the traitor and we are inseparable! It is imperative that I fight with him!

He said silently in his heart: Taiyi has been waiting for me to become the next Hao Yi and help him break through to the Tao Master. I have been waiting for a long time. I didn't have this ability before, but now I have the confidence to compete with him!

Xu Ying has also been looking forward to the battle with Taiyi for a long time!

Taiyi hopes that when he learns Xu Ying's Taoism, he can help himself become enlightened and become a Taoist master. Xu Ying also hopes that Taiyi can bring him more enlightenment!

The two came to Panming Valley, and Xu Ying looked into the valley. It was indeed sinister, but he saw that the avenue was broken like black wind, roaring in the valley. There were always different combinations of the avenue fragments, turning into various demons and demons, which were ferocious, terrifying, and murderous. Adult!

Those demon gods and demon kings are also very weird. They often tear apart time and space with a wave of their sharp claws and lurk away without a trace.

In the cracks in time and space torn apart by them, a scene from another universe appeared. Many monks were fighting fiercely with the demon gods and kings. It was very tragic.

The Taoist being suppressed here is no small matter!

Seeing this, Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved, and said to Li Xiao, This person's avenue is broken, and the fragments of the avenue can be combined into different demons and monsters. They can enter other universes through his fragments of caves and abyss, plunder creatures for him, and sacrifice them to him! Even if I If we don’t resurrect him, I’m afraid he will be able to resurrect himself in tens of thousands of years!”

Li Xiao asked: Can you tell what path this person practiced during his life?

Xu Ying observed for a moment and said: It's the devil's way. This Taoist master is powerful. To resurrect him, there is no need to sacrifice the entire life and death of the Taoist Lord.

Li Xiao pondered and said: If it is the master of the Demonic Way, then this person should be King Ling Yanming. I heard from Master that this person is the master of the Demonic Way.

Xu Ying checked it out, and with a thought in his mind, the broken avenue within the Lord of Life and Death roared out and surged towards the valley.

King Ling Yanming can already combine the fragments of his own avenue to turn into a demon god and demon king, travel through the void, and sneak into other universes to hunt monks and sacrifice themselves for blood, so Xu Ying does not need to arrange a blood sacrifice formation to resurrect him.

He can do it himself.

What Xu Ying had to do was to provide him with enough avenue fragments.

The principle of blood sacrifice and resurrection is to take the avenue of recovery as the first priority. The structure of the avenue on the other side is the Liwen structure, and Liwen is composed of branch-like textures. If you continue to subdivide it into the most minute details, no matter what avenue it is, it will be composed of the most basic theoretical and cultural structure.

Although the Tao Master has no structure, his avenue has been broken into pieces and cannot be restored directly, so he must use the fragments of the immortal's avenue to awaken his avenue and reconnect the broken avenues.

When the avenue revives, the Taoist master naturally has the possibility of resurrection. In addition, the Taoist body of the immortal turns into blood to nourish the fatal wounds of the Taoist master, and uses the immortal as nourishment to repair these wounds.

After the blood sacrifice is completed, you can be resurrected.

Xu Ying sacrificed a small part of the Lord of Life and Death, and immediately said: Miss Li, let's go——

The two of them flew away quickly. Not long after, the demonic energy in Panming Valley suddenly expanded outwards, getting thicker and thicker, covering an ever wider area. The demonic energy between heaven and earth resonated with it, turning into black light, and poured in one after another. In the valley!

In the Panming Valley, a sinewy demon god stepped on the fire of karma, his eyes were like lightning, scanning around, searching for someone to save him.

After searching to no avail, he roared to the sky and flew away.

A few days later, Xu Ying and Li Xiao walked out of the void, and the two of them headed towards the Yuyue Abyss together.

Yuyueyuan is also a restricted area, which may have suppressed the Taoist master. It is a sea area that is shrouded in fog all year round and is dark and unclear.

Li Xiao said, Some people once heard a woman composing a song inside. The singing was quite sad, but the lyrics could not be heard clearly. It did not sound like the Taoist language of the other side. Some people suspected that it was a language written before the Dao Hui era.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he said: The language before the Daohui era? Then it must be a Taoist master. The Taoist language of the other side is actually the language of the heaven. Before the Daohui era, the other side should be an era where gods ruled.

Li Xiao smiled and said: I heard that the monks at that time were ancient gods. They were born powerful and powerful. They just didn't master the profound Taoism. We people on the other side are actually descendants of the ancient gods.

She was quite proud in her words.

The two came to Yuan Feihai and searched for Yu Yueyuan according to the map. Half a year passed before they knew it.

Master Hua said that love grows over time, which is true. After spending these days together, Xu Ying unconsciously developed some affection for this woman. At the same time, he was secretly alert, reminding himself that she was a saint from the other side and had ulterior motives for staying by his side.

Although Li Xiao was cruel and ruthless, he was very kind to him, catered to him, and was good at dressing up. He put on different clothes, which was pleasing to the eye. The two of them had been together for so long, and it was difficult for Xu Ying to dislike her.

We can't let Li Xiao follow me.

Xu Ying made up his mind, I don't need any friendship from the saints on the other side!

In front of you is the edge of Yuanfei Sea. The sea water flows here, forming an unfathomable abyss. There are fish swimming in the abyss, rushing upward, trying to break out of the abyss, so it is called fish leaping into the abyss.

There was a mist in the abyss. When the two came into the mist, they heard the woman's singing, which was very sad and sad.

The mist was cool and cool, and as soon as the two of them came into contact, they felt as if their own paths were being frozen.

Xu Ying broke into the fog, set up a blood sacrifice formation, and sacrificed the remaining Lords of Life and Death to the master of this restricted area.

Li Xiao was waiting anxiously outside, and Xu Ying rushed out, taking her roaring up and rushing out of the Yuyue Abyss.

The mist behind the two people suddenly turned into streamers, rolling towards them!

Xu Ying pulled Li Xiao and fled into the void, and saw the streamers going into the void. However, Xu Ying's way of the void was really good, and he quickly threw away those streamers and escaped.

The ribbon was retracted, and after a while, the fog disappeared and turned into fluttering clothes, as white as mist, wrapped around a girl with pure white skin.

The girl stepped on the water and turned into ice, and when she came to the sea, the entire Yuan Fei Sea froze.

Strange, that boy saved my life, why did he run away?

The woman in white was quite surprised and whispered, That's it. I'll repay his kindness in the future.

Xu Ying took Li Xiao out of the void and said repeatedly: What a risk, what a risk! I almost got caught.

Li Xiao looked around and saw them escaping to the Chaos Sea Ferry. There was no more than a thousand miles ahead of them, and there was the ferry, and there were ships coming and going.

Xu Ying, how will you, the Three Realms, treat the other side in the future? She suddenly asked out of nowhere.

Xu Ying said: Of course I worship Bian'an as my adoptive father and surrender to Bian'an.

Li Xiao said angrily: I'm serious! How do you plan to deal with the other side?

Xu Ying looked at her deeply, and after a moment, he said: It depends on how the other side treats the three realms. The other shore's release of boats was a disaster, and the three green rocks almost made my three realms extinct, and I don't know how many people died. The earthly immortal world where I live , was also beaten to pieces.”

He looked calm and continued: To the Three Realms, the evil done by the other side is too numerous to describe. But the other side is strong. If the other side does not invade us, we will never invade the other side. If the other side invades, then we will have to use all means to The war is burning to the other side.”

Li Xiao walked beside him, hesitating again and again, but suddenly made up his mind and said with a smile: Xu Ying, if you owe me a favor, can you remember my kindness in the future and not kill everyone on the other side?

Xu Ying was slightly startled.

Suddenly, Li Xiao raised a green rock boat, jumped onto the boat, raised his index finger to his lips, and made a silent gesture towards him with a smile.

Xu Ying still didn't understand its meaning.

The woman on the other side drew the word well in the air with her finger, then activated the Cuiyan Tower Boat and headed straight for the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying quickly caught up with him and saw the large ship passing through the Chaos Sea Ferry and sailing towards the sea. The guards at the ferry were alerted by her, and they all jumped into the air, waved their chains and rolled towards the ship, shouting incessantly!

Lingxingmen! The tic-tac-toe she drew is Lingxingmen!

Xu Ying suddenly realized, Hua Dao wants to kill me! But, Li Xiao is...

He activated the Cause and Effect Avenue, and the ferry guards each lost their minds for a moment, forgetting why they wanted to pursue, and each took back their chains.

Xu Ying stood on the ferry and watched the ship arrive at the edge of the Sea of ​​Chaos.


Li Xiao waved to him in the distance, his consciousness turned into a voice, and he smiled, Fellow Daoist Xu, goodbye! I saved your life, you must remember to repay me!

Xu Ying was about to speak when he saw the woman sailing into the sea of ​​chaos. The ship was submerged by the energy of chaos and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying was stunned and stood at the ferry for a long time.

In the sea of ​​chaos, Li Xiao drove the boat to fight against the wind and waves. When he came to the slow current, he took out the Lingxing Gate and said with a smile: With this treasure, where can't you go in the sea of ​​chaos? Why stay on the other side and serve Master Hua? That old monster? What a pity...

She thought of Xu Ying and her face turned gloomy.

After giving up a relationship, even if she gets the Lingxing Sect, it won't make her happy.

At this moment, the voice of Master Hua came from the Lingxing Sect, and said solemnly: Li Xiao, you are so bold! Do you really think that I can't find you when you enter the Sea of ​​Chaos? You are wrong...

Li Xiao's expression suddenly changed. He grabbed the Lingxing Gate with one hand and sank the Lingxing Gate into the sea of ​​chaos. He quickly raised the divine ax with the other hand and stared at the sea.

As soon as the starlight incarnation of Master Hua showed his head, he was hit on the head with an ax by her, and his star power immediately collapsed.

Li Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and continued to let the sea of ​​chaos wash away at the Lingxing Gate. He smiled and said, It's not bad to give up your feelings and get the Lingxing Gate! The sea of ​​chaos is extremely vast. Where can I not find a place for me?

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