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Chapter 798 Does Taiyi know?

From the day Xu Ying stepped into Taiyi Gate, he was restrained by Changsun Shenghai. Even when he faced Taiyi Daodao Lord, the shock to him was not that big.

Changsun Shenghai explained to him the Nine Innate Paths, giving him a broader vision and making him realize that there are people outside the world.

Since then, Xu Ying has always wanted to cultivate the Nine Innate Paths, and catching up with and defeating Changsun Shenghai has been his goal.

Now, he has completed seven avenues, and is about to complete the eighth one. He has been recognized by Changsun Shenghai, and he is somewhat eager to try. His eyes when he looks at Changsun Shenghai are full of challenge.

Changsun Shenghai said sincerely: Junior brother, it took two hundred years to cultivate to this point. Regardless of perseverance, intelligence, or opportunities, it is admirable. Ever since I worshiped Tongtian as my teacher and received the teacher's teachings, I suddenly realized that A direct path to the Taoist master. From then on, when I looked at the talented people in the world, no one could come into my eyes.

He sighed and said: I was even thinking that there are infinite beings in the universe, from the three Tao masters Hualin and Luo who are jealous of their talents, to all the living beings who are mediocre. There is no one like me in this world. Until my junior brother came. It was only when I arrived at Taiyimen that my eyes lit up.

Xu Ying bowed and said, Without senior brother's guidance, I would never be where I am today.

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: If you and I collide, we will definitely be able to make further progress in the Taoist and magical powers that have been imprisoned by the old stubbornness on the other side. However, now that the murderous calamity in Zhaojie breaks out, it is the time for you and me to realize the calamity.

Xu Ying felt the same and said: That's right. If you and I communicate, if something goes wrong and we are unable to understand the fate, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Changsun Shenghai said: Junior brother is thinking about this. Things like calamity don't happen often. If you miss this one, you don't know what year or month it will take before the next calamity occurs. You and I have plenty of time to communicate, so there is no need to rush for a moment. .”

Xu Ying smiled and said: However, now that the calamity is divided into four, four people have received the calamity, which is still too many.

Changsun Shenghai said: The other two are Qingxuan and Yuan Yu, who are also from the Taiyi Sect.

Xu Ying was touched in his heart and said leisurely: Master's disciples are so talented, do you think Master knows that?

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: He probably doesn't know that his Taiyi Sect is so powerful.

Xu Ying laughed loudly: If he knew, he would be shocked! Senior brother, please come back.

Changsun Shenghai smiled slightly, stood up and left.

Xu Ying looked at his back and thought to himself: As long as he stops and asks if you don't want to know how big the strength gap between you and me is, I will answer yes!

The fighting spirit surged in his heart, and his reason could not be suppressed.

Changsun Shenghai kept walking and gradually moved away, but he could feel Xu Ying's burning eyes and said in his heart: As long as he calls out to Senior Brother, stay here, I will stop and compete with him!

The two men's hearts were full of fighting spirit, but Xu Ying did not speak, and Changsun Shenghai did not stop either. Changsun Shenghai was walking further and further away, and suddenly Xu Ying said loudly: Brother, stay!

Changsun Shenghai paused. After a moment, he slowly turned his head and said with a half-smile, Junior brother asked me to stay. Could it be that he wants to know how big the gap is between you and me?


When the two people's eyes met, thunder arose in the void, and thunder burst out from the void, making a crackling sound and swimming in the depths of time and space.

Xu Ying puffed up his breath, and the innate avenues such as Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, and Killing emerged one after another behind him. Various avenues circled around, forming extremely bright caves and abyss!

In the Zhao Realm where disaster broke out, these eight caves and abyss were the brightest stars in the sky!

Even the calamity cave where Xu Ying was still cultivating emerged. The calamity is vast and contains a power that cannot be escaped by all things in the world, the avenue, all living beings, and even the entire universe!

Xu Ying was full of fighting spirit and turned his back to Tiandi Fengya Tower.

At the other end of the Fengya Tower, the four masters of the other side of the river watched this scene, each with a smile on his face.

They could not hear the conversation between Changsun Shenghai and Xu Ying. They could only see the two talking, but they had no way of knowing what the content of the conversation was.

However, Xu Ying's exposure of the Eight Great Cave Abyss at this moment really shocked them. The eight great avenues represented by these eight great abyss were definitely not trivial, they were the eight supreme great avenues!

Master Luo almost stood up from the car and lost his voice: He has perfected all the nine innate paths except for the rumored avenue of annihilation! Does Taiyi himself know that Taiyi's disciples are so strong?

Dao Master Lin couldn't hide the shock on his face and said: Although he has practiced it, not all of the Dao has been cultivated to the point of attaining enlightenment. Wuji and Jie Yun have not attained enlightenment. But even so, this is amazing.

As the earliest Tao masters on the other side, they know how difficult it is to practice the nine innate ways. The time it takes to refine one of these is unimaginable.

Since the explosion of Taoist magic power on the other side, there are only a handful of people who have cultivated the Nine Innate Paths to immortality!

As for refining multiple avenues and elevating these avenues to the realm of immortality, this is even unheard of!

Master Hua said: Perhaps it is not my blessing from the other side. After all, he comes from the three realms.

As soon as he said this, Taoist masters Luo and Lin each looked awe-inspiring, glanced at Taoist Master Tongtian, and said nothing.

Taoist Master Tongtian comes from the Three Realms, and he has attained the Tao by practicing the way of killing, which is also one of the nine innate ways!

At this time, they saw Changsun Shenghai also adjusting his skills, and then one after another extremely bright caves rose up from behind him.

The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo were each stunned. This scene was even more shocking than the outbreak of Zhaojie's calamity!

The cave behind Changsun Shenghai is also the cave of the nine innate paths, and from a distance, it is more perfect than the eight promised caves, and the brightness seems to be higher!

Both of them were Taiyi's disciples.

Master Hua suddenly said, Tai Yi hides very deeply. Hao Yi, who caused a lot of trouble back then, was also his disciple.

The hearts of the two Taoist masters Luo and Lin tightened. They thought of Taiyi Daojun who was always in seclusion, and their evaluation of Taiyi Daojun was a little higher.

At this time, I saw countless roots flying in the void behind Xu Ying, taking root in the caves and abyss. Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, and killing, each of the nine kinds of abyss. They all rotated and cut into Xu Ying's body!

Xu Ying's aura surged, rising high and far away. There was a feeling that the Great Way was equal to the body, and that the body and the Way were the same!

He is not immortal, but the moment Dongyuan enters his body, he gives people a feeling of immortality in the six realms!

However, at the next moment, a feeling that transcends immortality arises spontaneously. It is a feeling that the great road is one and the same. It is no longer divided into chaos and chaos, and there is no infinite unity. It is extremely lofty to jump out of reincarnation and cause and effect, and get rid of the catastrophe and killings!

However, he is also the Primordial Chaos Wuji Taiyi, which is indescribably weird!

Tao Master!

This time, even Taoist Master Tongtian was suppressed on Jiuqiu Mountain!

The transcendent aura coming from Xu Ying's body at this moment was indeed very much like the aura of a Taoist master!

Xu Ying's situation of revealing the Eight Great Cave Abyss is certainly powerful, but what is truly terrifying is the fact that he has taken the Eight Great Cave Abyss into his body!

The shock in the hearts of the three Taoist masters Hua, Lin and Luo can be imagined.

What shocked them was yet to come. Behind Changsun Shenghai, a ninth kind of great cave abyss appeared. As soon as this kind of great cave abyss appeared, they made them restless. There was a kind of great cave abyss that would destroy everything. a feeling of!

The Avenue of Nirvana!

No, there is no enlightenment yet!

Where did Changsun Shenghai comprehend the Great Way of Nirvana?

A pair of eyes fell on Master Tongtian. Master Tongtian's expression was as calm as an ancient well. He shook his head and said: He was originally a disciple of Taiyi. When he became my disciple, he had already practiced Nirvana.

The three Taoist masters didn't believe it at all.

If we talk about other avenues, Taiyi Daojun can still dabble in them, but there is absolutely no possibility for Taiyi to delve into this avenue of annihilation.

Because the Avenue of Annihilation is a way that destroys everything, a way that allows the universe, the flood source, and the innate spiritual treasures to all return to the form of chaos!

Even if Taiyi Daojun becomes the master of Taiyi Dao, it is impossible to master this kind of Dao!

Looking at Changsun Shenghai's Avenue of Nirvana, although it is not as profound as other avenues, it is already quite accomplished!

Master Hua sneered: Taiyi's two disciples are so powerful, does Taiyi himself know?

No one answered him.

At this moment, Xu Ying suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he had arrived at the star field where Changsun Shenghai was. He did not use the Eight Immortal Techniques or Hao Yi's magical power, but the simplest fists and kicks. effort.

But every move he makes, every punch and every kick, is filled with the power of the innate avenue of Chaos Hongmeng Wuji Taiyi!

His moves may seem simple, but they follow destiny and cause and effect, making it impossible for people to avoid or catch them!

Seeing this, the three Tao masters on the other side were all moved. Although they were Tao masters, the Tao they practiced was not as promised.

They were unable to display the power of the high road that Xu Ying exerted!

What's even more frightening is that Xu Ying does not practice one high-level path, but eight!

No, it should be nine types!

Dao Master Lin suddenly said, There is also a great avenue hidden in his body, and this great avenue governs these eight innate avenues!

Even the Master of Tongtian Sword couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. The Nine Innate Paths are already the highest in the world. Is there really another avenue that is superior to the Nine Paths and can unify the power of the Nine Paths?

What also surprised them was Changsun Shenghai's response. Xu Ying used that inexplicable avenue to unify the eight innate avenues, while Changsun Shenghai practiced nine kinds of avenues to form a story about the birth, destruction, and death of the avenues. The cycle of formation, residence, destruction and emptiness!

He did not unify, but he was unified at the same time. However, the one who unified these nine avenues was not the avenue hidden in the body like Xu Ying, but himself!

He uses himself as a medium to change the movement of various avenues. From his method, you can see the evolution from chaos to destruction and destruction, and then from destruction to chaos to reopen!

This cycle goes on and on, and all the nine innate paths are used by him!

The moment their palms collided, the time and space in Zhaojie fluctuated violently, causing the vision of the four people fighting outside the passage to blur for a while.

The two of them impacted the passage with their boundless power, even making the passage unstable and in danger of collapse!

Master Luo hurriedly activated the Tiandi Fengya Tower to stabilize the passage.

The four of them looked around and saw that a large-scale flood source was vaguely formed around Changsun Shenghai. With him as the core, the flood source transformed from birth to development, turning into a dazzling universe and deriving various avenues.

This flood source then goes from formation, residence, destruction and emptiness to destruction, and then from destruction to birth, and so on, constantly evolving and evolving!

And Xu Ying seemed to have a huge flood hidden in his body, and all the avenues were integrated into one!

Suddenly, the two men burst out of the sight of Master Luo and others, making it impossible for them to see the two young men fighting.

But the violently fluctuating starry sky shows that this battle must be getting more and more intense!

Suddenly, the stars were disturbed, broke away from their original orbits, and rushed towards this side. The huge stars were whistling and migrating. They must have been disturbed by the two of them's magical powers.

At this time, a big hand stretched out and held the stars into sand. When the hand held the hand, thousands of bright stars turned into star sand, and then the Changsun Holy Sea came into their eyes.

Thousands of stars and sand moved with Changsun Shenghai's palm prints, hitting the other side!

They did not use magic weapons, but at this moment Changsun Shenghai was refining stars into magic weapons. It was not considered a violation of the rules, but only a trick.

Xu Ying faced this blow and was shaken back by its powerful force. Changsun Shenghai saw that this method worked, and then his aura bloomed, and the stars entered the flood source, and the stars entered into the flood source around him for his use. , adding a bit more power!

Xu Ying frowned slightly. His martial arts cave was compatible with his physical body, and he could not rely on external force like Changsun Shenghai.

As one goes down and the other goes up, you will definitely fall into a disadvantage!

The eldest grandson Shenghai is still the senior brother!

He was about to admit defeat when he thought to himself, I'd better continue to be his Uncle Xu and be open-minded for a few years!

Suddenly, the Tiandi Fengya Pagoda in the distance rotated, and the door of the topmost pagoda opened. Only a clicking sound was heard, and a coffin that was locked by a chain slowly slid out from the door.

Then the door on the second floor opened by itself, the chains still rattled, and another coffin wrapped with chains slowly slid out.

Bang! Bang!

The chains around the two coffins exploded, and the coffin boards flew out, revealing the bodies of an old man and a young man.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai each stopped and looked at each other in shock and uncertainty.

On Jiuqiu Mountain, Master Tongtian's face darkened: Brother Luo Dao, what does this mean?

Taoist Master Luo said quickly: Fellow Taoist Tongtian, it was not my fault!

Taoist Master Tongtian's eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly the sword flashed and he slashed down, but it was in the air. He does not want to kill Dao Master Luo, but to cut off the connection between the people here and the Tiandi Fengya Tower.

However, this sword did not touch any magic power or spiritual consciousness.

Taoist Master Lin coughed and said: Taoist Tongtian loves his disciples very much, but we did not do anything just now. Most likely, the corpses of these two Taoist masters sensed that they had returned to their hometown, so they took this opportunity to resurrect.

The old man and the young man in the coffin were the two Zhaojie Taoist masters who counterattacked and killed the other side when Zhaojie and the other side encountered each other!

The bodies of these two Taoist masters were shriveled up and there was no Taoist power inside them. However, they suddenly opened their eyes and their eyes fell on Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai.

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