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Chapter 796 Repaying Heaven and Earth

Dao Master Ji Cang couldn't help but feel waves of fear in his heart. He didn't have murderous intentions, but he had been suppressed for too long and wanted to stretch his strength.

But the moment he pinched the emperor Zhao He, violent anger suddenly surged into his heart, and he couldn't help but kill him!

He didn't wake up until he crushed the emperor Zhao He.

If he were an ordinary person, he would just kill him. To him, it was just a human life. But the emperor Zhao He is a Taoist master after all, and if he is cultivated, it is still possible to compete with the old people on the other side.

At the very least, he can be a scapegoat.

But now that he was killed unconsciously, Ji Cang immediately sensed that something was wrong.

He has never practiced the avenues of calamity, killing, and cause and effect. In the early days of the other side, when they had just come into contact with the heavenly realm, everyone chose the avenues that were easier to practice. As for the nine innate paths, very few people practiced them.

Because this kind of avenue is really difficult to cultivate, it is extremely difficult to achieve anything. For example, Taiyi Daojun is still a Daojun to this day. The famous figures of his generation were already Dao masters and were beaten to death by Hua, Lin, and Luo. He was still a Dao master and had not made much progress.

In that era, the easier it was to practice the Tao, the more great achievements could be achieved. After achieving great achievements, one could occupy a high position on the other side, control resources and power, and suppress dissidents.

There is an extremely high path in this universe, which invisibly affects my judgment.

Thoughts flashed through Ji Cang's mind like lightning, and he went through the nine innate paths, and then he realized, Among the nine paths, the only ones that can affect me are cause and effect, disaster, and killing. Other avenues, even Reincarnation cannot interfere with me at all. Cause and effect, calamity and killing, of these three avenues, the most mysterious is calamity! Calamity, calamity...

His face became more and more ugly.

He had never come into contact with the calamity. To be precise, he was killed before he could come into contact with the calamity on the other side. He was suppressed and killed by Master Hua.

After that, he was in a state of death, knowing nothing about the changes in the outside world. He didn't know that the other side had experienced more than one disaster in the process.

In this universe, the calamity has grown stronger, prompting the outbreak of killing, so that the way of killing has affected me! Ji Cang's face was uncertain.

Luck can be said to be the most mysterious avenue in the world. Even the master of the avenue knows very little about this avenue. He only knows that it is everywhere and usually has no abnormality, but as long as it accumulates to a certain level, it will Will explode.

The impact of the outbreak of calamity is extremely terrifying. It can trigger another great way of heaven and earth, the way of killing, and make the world fall into killing and fighting.

More importantly, the universe is in a state of death, all things are annihilated, and it enters the state of annihilation, triggering a catastrophe caused by the path of annihilation!

Ji Cang's forehead was covered with cold sweat: If Zhaojie falls into silence, even I will suffer! We must leave this place as soon as possible!

At this moment, gray snowflakes fell.

Ji Cang raised his palm and took the piece of ashes in his hand, unable to hide the fear in his eyes.

A cry of killing came from the Zhaojie Heavenly Court. It was the Immortal from Zhaojie who came to kill him and wanted to avenge the emperor Zhao He.

Didn't you see Dao Hui?

Ji Cang loudly shouted to these immortals, This is the ashes of the Dao, the ashes of the Zhaojie universe! Your destiny in the Zhaojie has exploded, and you are falling towards the catastrophe of annihilation!

Those immortals came to him, ignored him, and killed him.

Ji Cang stood there motionless, and their magical powers could not fall on him and directly disintegrated in the air.

Even if he is immortal, his magical power has a structure, and he is completely vulnerable to the unstructured Taoist master.

Ji Cang saw that they were still swarming like flies. He couldn't help but became furious and killed several people in a row. He shouted: In the catastrophe of annihilation, all the ways will be destroyed. The universe will return to chaos, the flood source will be shattered, and everything will return to zero. !Zero! Do you understand?

Like a god of death, he killed those immortals until they were terrified, leaving more than a dozen corpses behind, not daring to attack him again.

The gray snow between heaven and earth gradually grew bigger, and snowflakes fell one by one from the starry sky, as if the great road was withering.

The misfortunes have begun.

At this time, the Zhaojie immortals who besieged Ji Cang noticed that the great avenue of heaven and earth in Zhaojie suddenly turned from prosperity to decline and began to decline!

This discovery is remarkable.

The tide of the great road has ebbed! shouted an immortal who had seen a lot.

The other immortals were shocked. They had also heard about the Great Tide. Rumor has it that the Great Tide can cause the heaven and earth avenues of a universe to suddenly lose all their power. Any magical power will have no power, including the master of the avenue, and he will become a mortal. .

However, the Great Dao Tide is just a legend, and no one in Zhaojie has ever seen it.

If the tide of the great road comes, won't we be thrown to death from the sky? an immortal exclaimed.

They are currently outside the Zhaojie Heavenly Court, tens of millions of miles away from the Heavenly Court.

Ji Cang shook his head and said: This is not the Great Tide. Although the Great Tide is weird and unpredictable, it has ebbs and highs. When the tide rises, you will resume your cultivation. The Nirvana Tribulation is different. It is when the universe begins to repay the cause and effect.

Zhaojie Immortal's eyes fell on him, while Ji Cang looked at Dao Hui Zhixue in his hands, his eyes full of fear.

The universe repays the cause and effect, and returns the cause and effect of the heaven and earth. The various heaven and earth avenues originating from the universe begin to turn into ashes. From the ten thousand ways, they begin to repay, then to the five elements, to yin and yang, to the five Tais, Wuji, and return to Hongmeng. , finally chaos.”

His eyes were hollow, telling these immortals the horror of the great catastrophe of annihilation, When we repay the cause and effect of the great road of heaven and earth, we also begin to repay the cause and effect of all things. All things in the heaven and earth are born from the flood source, stars, galaxies, and nebulae. All Taoist phenomena must return to the source of the flood.

All life will also return to the source of the flood. All things will be destroyed and all species will be extinct. No matter humans or animals, they will all be extinct. Only the Lord of the Great Way can survive. The Lord of the Great Way can only cross by himself, not people.

When all living things are extinct and the stars are destroyed, the flood source will collapse itself, destroyed together with the innate spiritual treasures, and return to chaos. Such a reincarnation is the great catastrophe of annihilation.

No one can survive this catastrophe. No one!

Taoist Master Ji Cang laughed loudly, shook his head and said, The only one who can survive, the Nirvana Tribulation has used my hands to get rid of him! Luck, this is luck!

He laughed and walked away. I don't know whether he is laughing at these immortals in Zhaojie, or laughing at himself for being controlled by fate.

The gray snow between heaven and earth is getting bigger and bigger, fluttering.

The power of Tao between heaven and earth has become much weaker, and this is true for all avenues. The chance of a monk entering the Tao and realizing Taoism has also been greatly reduced. It used to be one in a thousand to ten thousand, but now it is one in a hundred million!

Moreover, in the process of enlightening and entering the Tao, it is easy for inner demons to breed and become possessed, which often burns oneself completely.

What frightened the monks in Zhaojie even more was that the fairy spirit energy produced in the cave abyss they summoned gradually became less and less, and the spiritual energy produced by the fairy mountain gradually became meager.

On this day, caves and abyss suddenly rotated and disappeared one after another, as if even the immortals on the other side did not want to harvest them, lest they be infected by the disaster.

Prince Zhaojie and his group of immortals found the waste Qingxuan, Shengzun and others, and kowtowed: The four of you are saints from the other side, well-informed, and disciples of the Taoist master. Please save me, Zhaojie, in the face of silence. Destroy the great calamity!”

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan and others were also helpless against the changes in Zhaojie, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Changsun Shenghai came over and said: Facing this catastrophe, there is only one way to delay it. That is to kill.

When Qingxuan and others saw him, they were all shocked, looked at each other, and shook their heads, saying that they didn't recognize him either.

Changsun Shenghai bowed slightly and said: I am Changsun Shenghai, a disciple of Master Tongtian, and I was once the senior brother of Taiyi Sect.

Shi Tianyang said excitedly: Senior Brother, we are also from the Taiyi Sect!

The prince of Zhaojie asked for advice: How can we survive the calamity by killing?

Changsun Shenghai said: Killing is not enough to overcome the catastrophe, but it can delay the catastrophe. My master, Taoist Master Tongtian, gained the Tao through killing. Before he came, he told me that if Zhaojie fell into annihilation, killing would be the solution. .”

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan asked for advice: Senior brother, what are you talking about?

Changsun Shenghai said: Probably because we monks are the biggest cause and effect in the world. Especially those who have achieved enlightenment. The more times they have achieved enlightenment, the stronger they are and the greater their debt to heaven and earth. Use killing as a method to get rid of them. These are the biggest causes and effects in the world, which can repay the cause and effect to the maximum extent and weaken the calamity. In this way, the calamity will be suspended, and the great calamity of annihilation will naturally recede.

Prince Zhaojie knelt down after hearing this, and his eldest son, Shenghai, helped him up and said, Without further delay, you should try your best to eradicate those who have attained enlightenment and repay the cause and effect. Otherwise, the sinking will become deeper and deeper, and there will be no way to cure him.

Prince Zhaojie said yes and led a group of immortals to leave.

Changsun Shenghai looked at Qingxuan, Shengzun and others several times, wondering in his heart: After I betrayed the master, the disciples that the master accepted became more and more casual. This one is obviously Zun Tianmo, the other is ambitious, and One has a thousand arms. As for this one, it’s a monkey.”

He secretly shook his head for Taiyi Daojun.

Has Senior Brother seen Senior Brother Xu? Taoist Wukong asked, concerned about Xu Ying's safety.

Changsun Shenghai shook his head and said in surprise: Uncle Xu... Junior Brother Xu is here too?

Everyone nodded.

Changsun Shenghai thought for a moment and said with a smile: Junior brother Xu is probably attracted by the murderous spirit here, and wants to kill and prove the Tao here. And I also have this intention. Everyone, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If Prince Zhaojie cannot Eradicating immortality will most likely cause the universe to collapse and return to the flood source state, and eventually the flood source will collapse and cease to exist!

Taoist Wukong looked at the other three people, and the useless Qingxuan said: We will go after finding Xu Daozu.

Changsun Shenghai said: You don't need to worry about him. If the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth completely collapses, all kinds of Tao power in this universe disappear, and the space becomes rotten like rags, and it may break if you move it, you may not be able to fly for the rest of your life. To the Sea of ​​Chaos. Even there, the Sala tree will probably wither. And his killing and enlightenment are the only three avenues left in the universe on the eve of the great catastrophe of annihilation. He can leave calmly.

Everyone thanked him and immediately set off to the eucalyptus tree.

There was only snow falling along the road, and there was a chilling feeling of impending doom.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan looked at the vast expanse of heavy snow, feeling something in his heart, and said: Killing is eternity.

He had used this sentence to remind him of his promise. Now that he saw the universe's solemnity, he felt even deeper.

He unconsciously slowed down, sensing the murder and misfortune between heaven and earth, and gradually gained some understanding.

When Shengzun, Wukong and Shi Tianyang saw this situation, they were all envious.

If we understand the two ways of calamity and killing, maybe we don't have to leave in a hurry. The Holy Lord suddenly said.

Everyone nodded and understood carefully.

This is a rare opportunity. All the avenues between heaven and earth are in ruins. Only luck and killings are increasing. If you can seize this opportunity, you can understand these two avenues.

Although this crisis is full of dangers, there are also great opportunities!

The greater the risk, the greater the chance, the faster you will die!

Everyone stopped and turned back again. Unknowingly, the waste Qingxuan had captured the traces of the avenue of killing and calamity. His understanding became deeper and deeper, and he gradually formed his own abyss of killing and calamity. However, Shengzun, Wukong and Shi Tianyang didn't realize it.

When they returned to Zhaojie, they saw that Zhaojie had become chaotic at some point. The worlds under the Zhaojie Heavenly Court were destroyed one after another and fell into the turmoil of earth, water, fire and wind!

Immediately, the boundary between Yin and Yang was opened, and countless ghosts and monsters from the underworld poured into the Yang world, killing and eating people everywhere!

In the two realms of Yin and Yang, order has completely collapsed!

This is……

The waste Qingxuan was sluggish, and suddenly he saw an immortal from the Zhaojie Heavenly Court rushing into a world in the lower world. His magical power exploded, and the sky collapsed and the earth burst into pieces. Sea water poured in, thunder and fire surged, and black wind swept across, sweeping away the monks and mortals in that world. , all involved in their own magical powers!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan and others were shocked and angry, but they saw another immortal coming, killing into another world, activating the way of creation, destroying everything in the world, and turning countless people into ashes!

There is also an immortal from the Zunzhao Realm who came to other worlds and started massacres one after another!

The four of them were shocked and angry, staring blankly at the chaos-ridden Zhaojie, unable to recover for a while.

Didn't Brother Shenghai tell Prince Zhaojie that eradicating the immortals and restoring the cause and effect of heaven and earth can prevent the catastrophe of annihilation!

Shi Tianyang was furious and shouted, Why don't they kill the immortals, but instead attack other people?

The Holy Lord was very sober and said: If it were me, I would do the same thing. Instead of killing all the immortals, it is better to kill all the mortals and immortals in the world, and let these useless guys return the cause and effect of heaven and earth, which can also prevent the catastrophe. Come.

He was a little ruthless and said: I am immortal, why should I eradicate immortality and eradicate myself? Instead of eradicating my life, it is better to eradicate the lives of those mortals! Get rid of mortals and delay the catastrophe. We can give birth to countless descendants and continue to be high up!

The waste Qingxuan killed those immortals and said solemnly: Since the immortals in Zhaojie are unwilling to repay, then we outsiders will help them repay!

The Holy Lord sneered and said loudly: Qingxuan, no wonder Emperor Qingxuan will kill you. Your compassion is too overwhelming! What does a mortal in another universe have to do with you?

As soon as he said this, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang roared and rushed over with the waste Qingxuan.

For a moment, their aura resonated with the way of killing between heaven and earth, and the aura of killing was connected with their bodies. In a short period of time, these two people actually achieved enlightenment through killing!

The Holy Lord was stunned: Killing, isn't it a cruel and cruel heart? How can you help others and arouse the feeling of killing?

----Happy Children's Day! June 1st, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket! ! !

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