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Chapter 794 Be open-minded when you need to be open-minded and be tough when you should be tough

The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin and Luo stared at Xu Ying with gloomy expressions, their sleeves of clothes fluttering.

The channel through which they passed on their misfortune was now found by Xu Ying.

Although the other side rules the universe and has the strongest force, if this kind of thing is spread, it will definitely trigger a backlash in the universe!

The various troubles caused by this are countless!

What happened to Taiyi?

Dao Master Lin said angrily, Every time, it's his Taiyimen who jumps out to rebel! It doesn't matter once, it's him every time!

He was not worried at all that his words would be heard by Xu Ying. After all, Xu Ying was in the Zhaojie universe, and they were in the other universe, so the sound could not reach Xu Ying's ears at all.

Master Hua said: Tai Yi's position is indeed questionable! Xu Ying is his disciple, and Zhuo Daochun, the traitor to the Heaven Realm people last time, was also born under his disciple, right? And Hao Yi was also cultivated by him. Could it be that Taiyi wants to plot against us and get rid of us and ascend to the position of Tao Master?

Master Luo shook his head and said: I understand Taiyi's temperament. He has nothing to do with this matter, and he will not plot against us. This matter is mostly a coincidence.

Having said that, several people's faces were not very good-looking.

Xu Ying did not expect that when he raised the flag and tore up the void in front of him, a pagoda would actually appear in the void.

He tracked the killing energy all the way, and when he got here, he felt that the killing energy must be born from heaven and earth, and it followed the cause and effect. He didn't expect that the killing energy had a source, so he decided to find out.

The appearance of this pagoda also startled him. Without thinking, he wrapped himself in the flag to protect himself, whizzed away, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo and the Taoist Master Tongtian breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him fleeing far away.

Master Lin said: This kid runs so fast. Fellow Daoist Luo, you hide the Fengya Tower and we continue.

Master Luo was about to hide in the Tiandi Fengya Tower, but Xu Ying's figure appeared in their field of vision again.

Each of the four Taoist masters was a little dull.

Xu Ying was sneaky and cautious at the same time, as if he were in a swamp full of swamps, cautiously testing the place to stay.

He activated various magical powers and even went back in time to explore everywhere.

From time to time, his face blocked the vision of the four Taoist masters and became extremely huge. Sometimes, his face turned his back to them, muttering something unknown.

After a while, they saw what Xu Ying was doing: He was checking the surroundings to see if there was any danger!

Wait a minute! He will be measuring the direction of the passage!

The next moment, Xu Yingqu flicked his fingers, and balls of Chaos Qi flew out and hung on the sky. Then the Chaos Qi experienced the transformation of the Five Tails and turned into Yin and Yang and two Qi, forming a round sun.

The rays of many suns shine, and the light rays in different directions are refracted layer by layer, suddenly showing a distorted space-time structure.

The passage connecting the other side and Zhaojie appeared in front of him!

Xu Ying came closer, his face getting bigger and bigger, his eyes getting bigger and bigger, as if they were hiding in a cave, and he was looking in from the narrow opening.

Everyone's expressions became increasingly ugly.

Master Hua showed a fierce look in his eyes and said, Fellow Daoist Luo, do you have a way to kill him? It's better to get rid of him first to avoid long nights and nightmares.

Master Luo shook his head and said: My pagoda now needs to maintain the passage. If the power is mobilized, the passage will be unstable.

Everyone frowned.

The Lord of the Great Dao can control the great roads of the world. Not to mention Xu Ying, even a being like Taiyi Dao Lord can basically intercept and kill with one or two moves.

But now they have no choice but to take Xu Ying!

Xu Ying moved his eyes away from the passage again and came to the Fengya Tower of Heaven and Earth. Master Hua looked at Master Luo repeatedly. Master Luo shook his head and said: The Fengya Tower is the chaotic spiritual root I obtained, an innate spiritual treasure. This is The power of the object is only enough to maintain the channel between the two universes. If the slightest bit of power is removed, it may cause the channel to collapse.

At this moment, Xu Ying got into the Tiandi Fengya Tower.

Luo Daozhu's eyes twitched, and his right hand firmly grasped the armrest of the chariot.

In the Tiandi Fengya Tower, there are the bodies of the two great masters of Zhaojie!

He was afraid that the two Taoist masters would be resurrected, so he suppressed the corpses of the two Taoist masters in Fengya Tower, using the power of this treasure to suppress the resurgence of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!

But then he let go of his right hand and said with a smile: I have always forgotten one thing, that is, he is still at the eighth level of the Tao realm, not immortal, let alone the Tao master. He entered my pagoda. Although I can't mobilize the power of the pagoda, but It’s still easy to get rid of him by using the layers of bans inside.”

At this moment, Xu Ying retreated from the tower again.

Master Luo laughed angrily: Is this kid a rabbit? In and out, are you in or out?

Xu Ying looked solemn, took out a stick of incense thicker than his arm, lit it, bowed to Tiandi Fengya Pagoda, and then placed it in front of the tower.

Taoist Master Luo was extremely surprised. He turned to the three Taoist Masters Lin, Hua and Tongtian and said with a smile: I can't believe that this boy actually knows etiquette. He is not useless.

Dao Master Lin sneered and said: He saw that the ban in your tower was so severe. He must be a big shot and he couldn't afford to offend him, so he apologized to you. Fellow Daoist Luo, please don't fall for this guy's flattery!

Master Luo said: Although he is flattering, it also shows that he is a young man who knows how to advance and retreat.

Dao Master Lin and Dao Master Hua each frowned.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said a few more words to Feng Yata. Although he couldn't hear what he was saying, it was obviously good words.

Taoist Master Luo was like a spring breeze, and said to the other three Taoist Masters: I don't think he is that annoying. Taiyi is very discerning and has accepted a good disciple.

Master Hua sneered: I'm afraid he's a traitor.

After Xu Ying paid obeisance to Fengya Pagoda, he said some good words, sat down in front of Fengya Pagoda, and thought to himself: The seventh master said, don't hit anyone with a smiling face. I apologized, said good things, and arranged this place. That senior will not hold me accountable for my faults. Then, if I practice the art of killing here, this senior will not chase me away, right?

He actually pulled the killing energy that wandered between heaven and earth right here, and practiced the way of killing.

The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo saw what he did, and each showed surprise.

Master Luo said: No wonder Fellow Taoist Tongtian must protect this person. His attainments in the way of killing have actually reached such a high level. If he goes one step further, he will become immortal in killing. Such a genius, if it were me, , and will do our best to protect him.

Master Tongtian shook his head and said: I protect him from this, just because he saved me, that's all.

Master Lin looked at Xu Ying's cultivation as he entered the country, and said: This time the catastrophe was passed on, the murderous aura on the other side also transferred with it. He should have been alerted by the murderous aura, so he was able to find it here. Here. When the calamity of the Second Zhao Realm breaks out and he falls into a murderous calamity, his killing methods will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and he will become immortal!

The four Taoist masters almost stood beside Xu Ying, observing Xu Ying's every move, and gained a new understanding of Xu Ying.

Even Master Hua couldn't help but nod when he saw Xu Ying's killing skills: This son is amazing, he will achieve great success this time! Although Taiyi is suspected of being treacherous, his vision is indeed extremely high!

Master Luo smiled and said: If he practices killing, he will not be aware of the calamity. The ones who control the calamity come from our disciples.

At this moment, Xu Ying suddenly woke up from his trance, with a look of surprise on his face. With a thought in his mind, a golden wheel with golden light suddenly appeared behind his head, which was the golden wheel of cause and effect!

Causation and enlightenment!

The four Dao Masters were each shocked, and Dao Master Luo almost jumped up from the chariot, staring at the golden wheel of karma that was promised.

Infinite rays of light gathered in the golden wheel of cause and effect, turning into an eye of cause and effect. It rotated and stood in the Zhongji sky of Zhaojie. Looking to all parts of the Zhaojie universe, one could immediately see all the billions of cause and effect!

Xu Ying saw something extraordinary, and immediately realized that the cause and effect trends in Zhaojie suddenly became chaotic. The cause and effect relationships between father and son, wife and children, enemies, masters and servants, monarchs and ministers, etc. became messy!

What is the reason for such confusion of cause and effect?

He followed the complicated causal lines one after another and suddenly found that many causal lines were coming towards him. Xu Ying looked back and saw that the causal lines passed through Fengya Tower and disappeared at the other end of the passage!

At this moment, the four avenue masters felt awe-inspiring, and each of them noticed that Xu Ying's eyes seemed to be falling on them.

This feeling is unprecedented.

Hong Daojun, who has attained the enlightenment of cause and effect, may not have the same attainments as him! Daoist Master Lin murmured.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he glanced left and right, as if he could really see the four people on the other side.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze and paced back and forth.

Master Tongtian said: He is calculating the relationship between the cause and effect chaos and the murderous aura.

Taoist Master Luo exhaled a breath and praised: Clever!

Dao Master Lin nodded lightly and praised: The nine innate paths, between cause and effect and killing, are separated by disasters. He actually understood this level so quickly. This boy's future is limitless!

Dao Master Hua said calmly: However, the talents of the Master of Tribulation are selected from the disciples of our four Dao Masters, and he is not among them.

Master Tongtian said: Can't we just open up the net?

Master Hua sneered: We have made an internal decision to be more liberal? Who will compensate for our losses? Tongtian, will you compensate us?

Taoist Master Tongtian's eyes turned cold, and Taoist Lin hurriedly said: We are just guessing, thinking that he can understand the secret of disaster. But most likely he can't understand it. After all, everyone knows that Taiyi is a hands-off shopkeeper, and we have not taught him at all. .”

Master Luo said with a smile: After Taiyi accepted him as his disciple, apart from asking him to teach him the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, he went into seclusion again and again. How could he teach him for half a day? What's more, a Tao like Jie Yun, Taiyi himself doesn’t even understand.”

After a long time, Xu Ying's eyes lit up. He obviously thought of the relationship between cause and effect, disaster and killing. He immediately sat down and activated the avenue of cause and effect, while urging the avenue of killing. From the relationship between cause and effect and killing, Xu Ying's eyes lit up. Capture the misfortunes between heaven and earth.

When the four avenue masters saw this, they each felt pity for the talent.

Master Luo sighed: Fortunately Taiyi never taught him.

Taoist Master Lin nodded and said, Otherwise, a piece of rough jade would be carved into a mess by Taiyi's carvers.

Master Hua said: It's a pity that he is from the Three Realms. People from the Three Realms are naturally rebellious. I'm worried that he may not be willing to be a person from the other side in the future.

As soon as these words came out, both Taoist Luo and Taoist Lin fell silent.

Zhaojie Heavenly Court.

Shengzun, waste Qingxuan, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang waited until night, but Xu Ying still didn't come back.

The four people felt cold in their hearts.

Shi Tianyang was worried and said: Will the Emperor Zhaojie come? Could you have guessed wrong?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan shook his head: He will definitely come. The innate spiritual treasure is too precious, and he may never see it in his lifetime. With this treasure, his strength will be greatly increased, and he will have an extra guarantee. Even if the other side asks for guilt in the future, he will We are also capable enough to protect ourselves.”

The Holy Lord sighed: And he must be a Taoist master. In a universe of this scale, there must be monster-like existences. If he uses the incomplete skills on the other side to cultivate to the immortal realm, he must be able to come into contact with all kinds of incomplete things. Kung Fu, you have the ability to sort out your own set of supreme mystical skills.

He seemed to be talking about himself, saying: He is ambitious and good at forbearance. He will definitely seize every opportunity!

As soon as he said this, a faint sigh suddenly came from outside: You guys have said it so well, which shows that they are all very wise. But haven't you heard of the principle that wealth should not be revealed?

The energy of billowing chaos filled the air all around, completely blocking time and space, making it difficult for them to escape!

The time and space they were in seemed to have been completely moved out of the Zhaojie Heavenly Court and was no longer in the Heavenly Court.

The useless Qingxuan, Shengzun, and Taoist Wukong each raised a big flag and stood ready. Shi Tianyang had no innate spiritual treasures in his hands, so he had to hold out various magic weapons and stared at the door with a fierce look on his face.

The door creaked open.

Emperor Zhaojie, dressed in imperial robes, an imperial crown on his head, and an imperial sword on his waist, stepped forward and said with a smile: If you have complete innate spiritual treasures, you can still resist me. But it is a pity that your innate spiritual treasures Bao is missing a big flag.

His aura exploded, it was the aura of the Lord of the Great Dao, dominating all the great avenues of heaven and earth!

Facing this powerful aura, the four of them would have a hard time not just fighting, but even preserving their own cultivation!

Especially Shi Tianyang, who had not yet achieved immortality, was directly suppressed by the aura of Emperor Zhaojie, and could not use even the slightest bit of cultivation!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan, Shengzun and Taoist Wukong each fought hard and tried their best to activate the three banners!

These three banners were worthy of being innate spiritual treasures. Their power exploded and instantly withstood the oppression of the Zhaojie Heavenly Emperor. The four people's avenues and cultivation levels can work again.

Emperor Zhaojie smiled and said: It is indeed a spiritual root born in the sea of ​​chaos, a magic weapon that protects the universe! It's a pity that if it falls into your hands, it will be a waste of nature!

He took action without any explanation. This time, the three flags raised by the three people were scattered in one glance!

Seeing that the flag gate formation was broken, at this moment, a big flag made a hunting sound, fell from the sky, and landed on the missing part of the flag gate formation. It just flew into Shi Tianyang's hand!

Shi Tian held up this banner and immediately completed the Four Flags Gate Formation. The terrifying power of the Flag Gate Formation exploded, impacting the Zhaojie Heavenly Emperor until he lost his footing and retreated!

The four of them couldn't help being surprised and happy: Xu Daozu is helping us in the dark!

At this time, Xu Yingyuan was in Zhongji Heaven in Zhaojie. Because he noticed various causal changes and noticed that Qingxuan and Shengzun were in danger, he pulled out the apricot-yellow flag of the Hun Dao and threw it with all his strength!

Although he was still sitting in front of the Fengya Pagoda, understanding the ways of calamity and killing, he was holding the sword finger in his right hand, controlling the apricot-yellow flag from a distance, and competing with the Emperor of Zhaojie!

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