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Chapter 781 The power of reincarnation

This person's cultivation strength is not far from that of Tao Lord. It's a pity that he only practices Shinto. If he practices both gods and demons, I may not be his opponent. But if he practices both gods and demons, he may not be able to Current attainments.”

Xu Ying whispered, He is strong because he is dedicated enough to practice Shinto to the extreme.

Yu Shao's Shinto is different from his master, God and Demon Daojun. Although God and Demon Daojun's Shinto is far more powerful than Yu Shao's, in terms of subtlety, Xu Ying believes that Yu Shao is superior.

Because Yu Shao has conducted very precise research on the Shinto of each universe, each of his ancient Shinto bodies corresponds to the Shinto of a universe.

These ancient Shinto bodies are all different and very powerful.

But more importantly, Yu Shao has studied the divine ways of these universes and accumulated a large number of samples. He can pursue the deeper mysteries of the divine ways, and may go further than his master.

At this time, he had another feeling of being watched.

Xu Ying looked back, but saw nothing.

Xu Ying was suspicious, activated the golden wheel of cause and effect, and checked the cause and effect lines. There were many cause and effect lines connected to him, but most of the cause and effect lines were in a silent state. This is because he passed through the sea of ​​chaos and came to the scene. The previous cause and effect could not sense the people and things related to him, so he fell silent.

In the Jingjie, although there were a lot of causes and effects connected to Xu Ying, he could detect the various causes and effects clearly at a glance.

However, Xu Ying glanced over and still couldn't find who was spying on him.

Wait a minute! Where is the thick causal thread tied to the golden wheel? Why has it disappeared?

Xu Ying looked at the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect carefully. The line of cause and effect had greatly improved his attainments in cause and effect, but now it had disappeared inexplicably!

Could it be that someone can cut off this cause and effect without anyone noticing?

His face was cloudy and uncertain. He was cultivating the Great Path of Cause and Effect and had refined it to the point of immortality.

Anyone who touches his cause and effect is touching his cause and effect avenue and his golden wheel of cause and effect. It is impossible for him not to know!

But this person was able to cut off the cause and effect silently without disturbing him, which made Xu Ying feel horrified.

Could it be that the other end of that root of cause and effect is a Dao Lord? Which Dao Lord from the other side came here?

Xu Ying calmed down. There are four Taoist masters on the other side, Tongtian, Hua Taoist, and Chuanting Taoist. There is another Taoist who has never appeared. Could it be that that Taoist has also come here?

But, what is it about Jingjie that attracts Taoist Master?

He shook his head. Apart from himself, there should be nothing in the world that could attract the Taoist master.

It's better not to provoke such beings as much as possible. It's best if he can take the initiative to cut off the cause and effect.

Xu Ying pondered for a moment, then picked a few rocks, cut them into stone walls, and divided them into hundreds of pieces. Then I saw a Taoist body walking down from each cave abyss, each writing and drawing on the stone wall.

His Taiyi and Martial Arts Cave Abyss has successively integrated more than 300 kinds of avenues. At this moment, more than a hundred cave abyss are randomly separated, and a Taoist body walks out and writes pictures on the stone wall.

Xu Ying's body continued to be busy with his own affairs and whispered: After all, the Great Dao Master's skills are scarce. For this skill, there are people who are willing to cross the sea of ​​chaos and come to Jingjie to look for me. I will kill the pursuers one by one. It’s really too troublesome. The best solution is to let these trackers survive and send the Dao Master’s skills to the other side.”

His eyes flashed: If I kill these pursuers, I will only kill a few or a dozen people at most. If I kill a hundred or ten people, I might even be killed by the other party. But I will send the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra to the other side. If you go, this technique will bring dozens or even hundreds of times more death to the other side!

Suddenly, Xu Ying realized something, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly flew away.

In the distance, a pair of eyes stared dimly at those Xu Ying Taoists who were working hard. These Taoists were filled with the atmosphere of the avenue. Different avenues, different clothes, different temperaments, some wild, some sinister, some sunny, some The domineering.

Those eyes seemed a little strange about this. After observing for a moment, they disappeared and chased Xu Ying again.

Although Xu Ying was fast, the owner of those eyes was faster than him. He arrived last and watched Xu Ying faintly as he rushed toward a big crack in the Jingjie Universe.

That crack was a cosmic crack formed by the impact of a heavy object. It was filled with the energy of chaos, but it surged but did not fall.

The flood source supporting the scene is still there, so chaos cannot invade.

Those eyes observed Xu Ying and saw the young man flying around the crack, carefully measuring the shape of the crack and trying to figure out its direction.

After a while, Xu Ying flew away like a stream of light.

Not long after, Xu Ying came to a continent in Jingjie and saw a huge pit.

The second piece of green rock that year fell here.

He searched around, but failed to find the second piece of green rock in the pit. Xu Ying floated in the air, glanced around, and suddenly his eyes fell on a series of mountains outside the pit.

There are extremely ancient palaces there, as well as large and small fairy mountains hanging upside down in the sky. However, these fairy mountains have aged and have no fairy spirit. It seems that the fairy mountains also have a life span and have entered their twilight years.

Xu Ying came to one of the fairy mountains and looked around. He saw that there was an altar in front of every palace, and there were a lot of them.

This should be an extremely sacred place. It must have been very popular back then, with many people coming to worship.

It’s just that I don’t know why this place has declined and is inaccessible. All the great sects in Jingjie Universe have abandoned this place.

Xu Ying sensed it carefully, and suddenly he flashed and came to an extremely old palace.

He looked at the altar in front of the palace. The base of this altar was square, and the items being worshiped should also be square.

Xu Ying turned around, faced the palace, gently waved his sleeves, and the palace door suddenly opened, and all the restrictions disappeared.

I saw a green rock quietly placed there in the middle of the palace.

Xu Ying stepped forward, took out the green rock, came to the altar, and placed the green rock on the base. Sure enough, it fit perfectly!

After all the monks in Jingjie were wiped out, the Avenue of Heaven and Earth in Jingjie was also changed to the Avenue of Heaven and Earth on the other side. The survivors must have found the green rock that brought them disaster. From the principles and texts on the green rock, they understood Seeing the Taoism and magical power of the other side, the green rock was regarded as a sacred object and enshrined, and the incense continued.

Xu Ying looked around and exhaled a breath of turbid air. The incense here must have been extremely prosperous back then. People visited the green rock and thanked it for bringing them strong strength to fight against the harsh environment.

They are so devout, Cuiyan is like their faith.

Xu Ying felt an absurd feeling in his heart.

After a while, he came to other fairy mountains and palaces to check other altars. He wanted to find the third green rock.

This should be the place where the ancestors of Jingjie worshiped the immortals on the other side. It should be that a group of powerful immortals came here on green rock boats to preach in person and accept the worship of the world.

Hahahaha, so ridiculous, so ridiculous!

He laughed loudly and shook his head.

Laughter also came from the mountains, as if someone was echoing him and laughing with him.

why are you laughing?

At this time, a woman's voice sounded, her tone was very unpleasant, and she asked in Bian Dao dialect, What's so funny? What are you laughing at?

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the girl who spoke to him was a round-cheeked girl with a baby face. Her clothes were not the clothes of the gelatin era, but the traditional clothes of the Jingjie people. She wore a round crown of thorns and various hangings. He grows silver jewelry and beads, and has many similar jewelry on his body.

She huffed and looked at Xu Ying with wide eyes.

Why are you laughing? Echoes came from the mountains.

The girl was angry, but she didn't look angry.

Xu Ying came to her side and said with a smile: Nothing. It's just that in Xiaojing Realm, enemies will be repaid with kindness, and thieves will be recognized as fathers. I'm Xu Ying, what do you call the girl?

The baby-faced girl was a little angry and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and continued to search, and sure enough he found another piece of green rock in another dusty hall.

At that time, these two pieces of green rock became the objects of worship for Jingjie people after the disaster, and they are still safely stored here today.

Xu Ying laughed, and the mountains laughed again.


The baby-faced girl said angrily, Can you stop laughing?

Xu Ying turned back to look at her and said with a smile: Why can't I laugh when I see such a ridiculous situation?

The baby-faced girl said angrily: You laugh at other people's suffering!

Xu Ying was too lazy to pay attention to her and left alone.

What happened here, there must be a few living scouts, capture them, let them take me to other universes to have a look. Then kill them and silence them. Xu Ying whispered.

Evil! the baby-faced girl shouted.

Xu Ying glanced at her and whispered: Master Zhong, this woman is not bad. She can even hear my whispers.

Da Zhong said: Ah Ying, if this woman can fight her way out of Taiyi Dao Lord's cave and come to Jingjie, will she be the Lord of Dao on the other side?

Xu Ying burst into laughter: Thinking too much. How could the Taoist borrow Taiyi's abyss? The Taoist must have his own abyss. Moreover, how could the Taoist be trapped in the gel material?

He glanced at the baby-faced girl and said, Look at her, she doesn't look like a strong person at all.

Dazhong thought for a while and said: That's right. When I saw her face, I wanted to pinch it. The fourth Taoist master on the other side would not have come to Jingjie from Taiyi's Cave Abyss and be trapped halfway. Makes people laugh out loud...


It vibrated suddenly, and he couldn't help being frightened and said: Yes, yes! Someone just knocked me!

Xu Ying was surprised. The big bell was clearly in his martial arts cave. How could anyone knock it?

Master Zhong, are you not used to this kind of folds, so you twitched a little? Xu Ying asked.

It's possible. I've been trying to see the texture on my surface clearly lately, and I've been blinded several times.

At this time, Xu Ying sensed that someone was coming to the scene again, so he asked his Taoist body to send the carved stone wall over.

The people who come here to chase him are often those in the immortal realm, and the strongest ones are only true kings. Some leave happily after getting the stone wall, and some like to challenge the difficulty, so they fight against Xu Ying's Dao body. , snatched away the stone wall, and left happily.

Others like to kill people and silence them. The worst ones are difficult to serve, and they often want to kill Xu Ying's Taoist body.

Although he was a Taoist body, if he was killed, it would be troublesome to refine him back, so Xu Ying had no choice but to throw down the stone wall and run away.

After sending away twelve stone walls in this way, Xu Ying felt that it was too slow.

It would be great if we could send them all together and let them fight on the other side, fight for it, and kill until the sky is dark. He whispered.

In the distance, the baby-faced girl held her chin in her hands and looked at him intently, as if she was very curious about his actions.

In the days after she appeared, Xu Ying no longer felt like he was being spied on, but instead felt like he was being watched openly.

However, Xu Ying was used to the baby-faced girl sitting far away. This woman seemed to have no ill intentions towards him, but was just curious about what he was doing.

How much massacre can twelve stone walls cause on the other side?

Xu Ying had just thought of this when he immediately noticed another Cuiyan Tower ship sailing out of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The green rock boat had just sailed into the scenery, and Xu Ying suddenly saw that all the causal lines in his sight suddenly turned and connected to the same place!

This is……

He couldn't help but feel moved, stood up, and looked around with his eye of karma.

He had a panoramic view of the cause and effect of the entire Jingjie Universe, and all these lines of cause and effect had changed directions at this moment!

Countless causal lines flow in the same direction at the same time, connecting with an unknown existence!

Even the causal line on Xu Ying's body was deflected!

He activates the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect to Save Disasters, but it is difficult for him to control the flow of his own cause and effect!

Who is coming? Why is he so powerful?

His eye of cause and effect suddenly glanced at the baby-faced girl, and he couldn't help but be stunned. He saw that there was no line of cause and effect on the baby-faced girl!

There are all kinds of causes and effects, and it’s hard to miss even one!

How did she do it?


At the edge of the scenery, under the eucalyptus tree, Dao Shengzi did not leave the ship, but stood on the bow, letting his reincarnation avenue expand outward.

At this time, Dao Shengzi raised his eyebrows and saw Xu Ying in black walking towards this side, his black hair flying like a god or a demon.

It turns out to be Dao Sheng Daojun.

Xu Ying put down a stone wall and said, Master Dao, here is the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra you want. You can leave now that you have obtained this Dao Master technique.

Dao Shengzi smiled slightly, shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you are wrong. If it was just for the Dao Master's cultivation, I wouldn't have let me go on such a killing spree.

Xu Ying was startled and looked at him in confusion.

Behind Dao Shengzi, one after another large ships sailed out of the Sea of ​​Chaos and came under the eucalyptus tree. There was no one on these ships, only pools of blood.

The blood stains on the boat are the scouts and immortals who came to find you.

Dao Shengzi smiled and said, On the way to Jingjie this time, I personally mobilized the boat to chase the people. When I caught up with a boat, I killed the people on the boat. In this way, I killed all the way to Jingjie!

Xu Ying, dressed in black, frowned slightly.

Many of these fourteen ships are returning to the other shore. The immortals on board all carry a stone wall with the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra engraved on it.

Dao Shengzi took out the seven stone walls and said with a smile, The contents on these stone walls are the same, they are the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra. But what I want is not just the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra. I also want Hongyuan and Chaos Spiritual Roots!

His avenue of reincarnation has invaded the depths of Jingjie's time and space and is connected to this universe. It seems to be pulling the Jingjie universe into his own reincarnation!

Xu Ying, let me tell you how powerful the power of reincarnation from the universe is!

At this moment, everyone in Jingjie, all living creatures, and even Jingjie itself are falling into his reincarnation!

Xu Ying, who was dressed in black, was about to escape when he suddenly couldn't hold his feet and fell into reincarnation. He turned into a god and a demon and was instantly wiped out!

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