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Chapter 779 A dead promise is the best promise

The leader of the Heying Sect noticed her and was about to step forward to ask, when suddenly the woman disappeared.

He Ying was startled and confused, and chased after her, but where could she see the trace of the woman?

This woman came out of the Taiyi Cave Abyss. Could she be someone from the other side? But why didn't anyone on the other side notify me that someone would be coming?

She was puzzled. If this woman was from Taiyi Daojun, Taiyi would have informed her before coming. If this woman was not from Taiyi, how could she take the Taiyi Dongyuan route?

The passage between the two universes and the two Taiyi Cave Abyss cannot be connected with other cave abyss passages.

This woman walked out of Taiyi Cave Abyss, indicating that she must have entered the passage from Taiyi Cave Abyss.

It's so weird...


Xu Ying came to an ancient mountain and was looking around. Suddenly his mind moved slightly and he felt that there was a rather thick causal line on his golden wheel of cause and effect.

The line of cause and effect cannot be seen by ordinary people, but for a being like him who has cultivated the path of cause and effect to the point of immortality, the roots are clear!

This cause and effect is quite heavy. It should be entangled by external factors. It seems that the immortal from the other side has chased here.

Xu Ying was not surprised at all. He had already expected that a powerful person from the other side would chase him here. He whispered, In that case, then I will follow the line of cause and effect to see who the coming person is!

He was about to use his consciousness to explore along the line of cause and effect. At this moment, another line of cause and effect appeared on the golden wheel of cause and effect!

This line of cause and effect suddenly appeared and entangled in the golden wheel of cause and effect, which actually made his cause and effect cultivation level greatly improved!

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart. His knowledge of cause and effect had reached immortality. At this stage of cultivation, any cause and effect would hardly make him feel that his cultivation level had improved.

Even though he helped Dao Master Tongtian restore the Dao of Killing, offended Dao Master Hua and caused a lot of karma, Xu Ying did not feel that his attainments in the Dao of Cause and Effect had improved much!

This sudden line of cause and effect must be no small matter!

He lightly touched the line of cause and effect with his palm, feeling a little hesitant.

If you follow this line of cause and effect and look at the past, I'm afraid the other party's background is something I can't afford to offend.

Xu Ying put down his palm again and whispered, In the face of this situation, it is better to be open-minded... Is there really no way to be open-minded in this world?

He shook his head, placed his palm on another causal line, and followed the causal line with his consciousness.

On the edge of Jingjie Universe, under the eucalyptus tree, Taoist Taihua stepped off the boat on the Cuiyan Tower and said: Then Xu Ying came here to hide, but those true kings and Taoist kings were so arrogant that they actually planned to sacrifice themselves. They have no idea that Xu Ying is lawless and will not give them a fair chance to fight.

He laughed so hard that his white hair shook: They deserve to be trapped in the gel substance, but they gave me an advantage!

Behind him, the two scouts guarded the Cuiyan Tower Ship and said, Master Taihua has gained something, so don't forget our benefits.

Taihua Taoist nodded and said with a smile: Of course, your benefits are indispensable...who are you?

His face changed slightly, and he immediately felt that a vast and profound spiritual consciousness suddenly descended from the depths of the Jingjie Universe. That divine consciousness was extremely powerful, solidifying the surrounding time and space, and even disturbing the Chaos Sea, causing sudden waves in the Chaos Sea!

The next moment, a huge face appeared on the surface of the Chaos Sea. It was bigger than the alder tree, and it actually came out of the Chaos Sea with billowing energy of chaos!

That face bent down and stared at Taoist Taihua below, as if looking at an ant!

The two scouts were also Daoking Yae, but they were so oppressed by this face that they couldn't breathe, their hearts stopped beating, and their minds went blank.

The face opened its mouth and let out a deafening voice: Old man, are you here to hunt me down? I wonder if you have this method?

Taoist Taihua sneered, raised his head and said, Xu Ying, I am Taoist Taihua of Daoji Tianwuliang Cave. I am here to capture you today. As long as you hand over the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, I will let you live. Once you get the scripture, turn around and leave!”

Xu Ying laughed heartily: Taihua, I can pass the Xuanhuang Taoist Realm Sutra to you, just come and find me.

The face suddenly exploded, and the energy of chaos scattered everywhere, returning to the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying's consciousness flew out of his broken face and headed straight for his true body. Taoist Taihua's eyes lit up and he quickly followed.

In that ancient mountain, Xu Ying invited Taihua Taoist to continue exploring the mountain.

It should be right here!

He searched for a long time, only to see that this ancient mountain range was deserted, with no birds and animals, and no life. So he raised his hand in vain, and suddenly the earth around the mountains shook and floated, like huge feathers rising into the sky. .

There is still a mountain underground, but the mountain is pitch black, and around the mountain is extremely thick dust.

Xu Ying's thoughts moved slightly, and countless ashes floated into the air. The mountain buried in the ashes became even larger. Only one percent of the mountain was exposed, while the mountain buried under the ashes was nearly a thousand miles deep!

This mountain was even bigger than Mount Sumeru. When Xu Ying cleared away the dust around him, the majesty of this mountain was revealed.

Xu Ying flew to the mountains and saw traces of the past. There were ancient cities on the mountains, full of exotic customs, a civilization completely different from the rough civilization on the other side.

The architectural style, decorative patterns on the walls, building layout, and street trends all present the charm of another mature civilization.

Xu Ying flew along these ancient mountain cities, inspecting them one by one. In the ancient times of the Jingjie Universe, people established an extremely glorious and powerful civilization here.

This civilization can no longer see the prosperity it once had, leaving only these cities submerged in ashes.

Here, the bones of the ancestors have been turned into stone, still maintaining the various forms they had during their lifetime.

The number of corpses is too numerous to count.

There are also many powerful practitioners among them. During their lifetime, they used their own great ways to open up a world in the ashes. Today, there are still traces of their great ways on the fossils.

Xu Ying looked at the traces of these avenues. They were different from the textures of the avenues in the Three Realms, Yuan Realm, Spirit Realm and Heaven Realm. It was a brand new avenue structure.

Although the people who knew this kind of avenue structure are no longer alive, some avenue textures can still be reproduced from these fossils.

Xu Ying took off again and flew around the mountain.

At this time, a figure passed through his field of vision.

Xu Ying was slightly startled and thought to himself: It seems to be the woman I met in the gel substance! Did she run out too?

When Xu Ying saw that the woman was trapped, he walked past without any intention of lending a helping hand.

However, according to Xu Ying's estimation, it should take her another hundred years to get out of the gel zone.

The woman disappeared in a flash, and Xu Ying did not go to search for her.

He searched for a long time and finally found what he was looking for. Just as he was about to step forward, Taoist Taihua's voice suddenly came: Xu Ying, I've already arrived here, why don't you show up yet?

Xu Ying raised his head, withdrew his consciousness, and said with a smile, Taihua, I'm here.

Taoist Taihua came roaring in front of him, looked around and said in surprise: Xu Ying, what did you do before? This place is so hidden, you can still find it, and you dug so deep!

He looked around and saw that Xu Ying had cleared thousands of miles of the ground, which made him marvel.

Xu Ying smiled and said: In the past, because of my low cultivation level, I was often cut off by others, so I engaged in a lowly job, digging graves and exploring ancient relics.

I see.

Taoist Taihua laughed loudly and said, Tomb robbing is tomb robbing, to put it so elegantly. Well, I have come here, why don't I pass on the Xuanhuang Dao World Sutra?

Xu Yingdao: Don't worry. I'm looking for the key to causing drastic changes here. I've found it. Let's go and have a look first. You can rest assured that the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra is not very precious to me. If you say it, you will not break your promise. .”

Taoist Taihua followed him and said with a smile: It doesn't matter if you break your promise. I have my own means and will make you say it.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and came to the magnificent sacred mountain. He saw that this sacred mountain actually had a sloping entrance. The cave showed a diagonal line, piercing the sacred mountain.

Xu Ying searched along the diagonal direction of the cave. After a while, he found a green rock submerged in ashes.

Is this what you're looking for?

Taihua Taoist laughed and said, Why did you spend so much time just to find this thing?

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: Back then, green rocks also fell from the sky and attacked our three realms. One piece fell on the Celestial Immortal Realm, causing the dragon clan in the Celestial Immortal Realm to be exterminated and the Dragon Court was destroyed. One piece fell on the Earth Immortal Realm, smashing the Earth Immortal Realm into pieces and splitting it apart. It became all the heavens and all the realms. There was also a piece that fell into the human world, which plunged into darkness and countless people turned into bones. I was thinking that maybe the scene world was the same, so I looked for it.

Taoist Taihua's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: The whereabouts of the Three Realms are still a mystery. Master Tongtian will definitely not explain the whereabouts of the Three Realms, and no one dares to force him to explain. Naturally, the rebels such as Emperor Xu will not take the initiative to explain. . Fortunately, you are also from the Three Realms and know the whereabouts of the Three Realms.

Xu Ying thought to himself: After I came to Jingjie, I have been thinking that the people of Jingjie suffered such a disaster. Jingjie's ancestors were killed and injured countless times. Jingjie's civilization was also destroyed and buried. They are still being enslaved and plundered. , but why, they dare not resist? Have they forgotten this massacre?

Taihua Taoist said: So you want to dig out the evidence of this massacre and put it in front of them so that they can rebel against the other side?

Xu Ying nodded seriously.

Taihua Taoist sneered and said: The rumors outside are correct. Taiyi Daojun is full of rebels! Do they dare to resist? If they dare to resist, their race will be exterminated in the next moment!

Xu Ying looked at him and said: But, I will teach them to practice Dongyuan's skills, so they don't need to summon Dongyuan, and they don't need to practice the other shore skills with backdoors. I can also help them eradicate the ones they summoned. In the cave abyss, you can also destroy the eucalyptus trees and cut off the connection between the other shore and the scenery. In this way, the scenery will not be found on the other side.

Taoist Taihua was filled with murderous intent and shouted: You are indeed a rebel!

Xu Ying asked puzzledly: But why do they still dare not resist, or even dare to learn Dongyuan's skills? They seem to have forgotten the hatred of the annihilation of their race, the hatred of the annihilation of civilization, and the hatred they are facing. They are enslaved and have forgotten that their own universe is dying. They practice the other side's skills with a back door, speak the language of the other side, and are willing to be harvested. Why is this?

Taihua Taoist said impatiently: This is because the civilization on the other side is more advanced, the skills on the other side are more powerful, and the bloodline on the other side is more noble! Xu Ying, are you finished? Hurry up and pass the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra to me!

Xu Ying asked: Taihua, are you a pure saint from the other side, or do you come from another universe?

Taoist Taihua warned: What are you talking about? Let me tell you, no matter which universe you come from, no matter how low and humble your race was in the past, when you reach the other side, you will be a holy race with pure blood!

Xu Ying said: I'm not doubting your bloodline. I want to ask you. The other side destroyed the civilization of your universe and killed countless people of your ancestors. Don't you have any hatred for the other side?

Taoist Taihua sneered: I am a saint from the other side.

Xu Ying thought for a while and finally figured it out, but at the same time he was even more confused. However, he no longer wanted to continue asking.

Since I promised you, I will not break my promise.

He took out a piece of stone wall. On the stone wall was the Xuan Huang Dao Jie Jing he had already carved.

Taoist Taihua was surprised and delighted. He hurried to the stone wall and read the scriptures on the stone wall. He could not help but be attracted by this mysterious scripture.

Although this sutra was created by Xuanhuang, the Taoist master of the Heaven Realm, the civilization on the other side is the civilization of the Heaven Realm and is in the same line, so there is no obstacle to him reading it.

As Taoist Taihua read it, he felt murderous intent and said with emotion: The Xuanhuang Taoist Realm Sutra is worthy of being a Tao master-level skill, so unpredictable and profound. I have acquired this skill, and I will definitely improve my cultivation level. But it's a pity. What is important is that this skill cannot be obtained just for me.

Xu Ying knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string, and said with a smile: I know this technique, and Taiyi also knows it.

Taoist Taihua showed a fierce look in his eyes and said, Yes. But it is impossible for Taiyi to spread this skill, but it is possible for you to spread this skill.

Xu Ying said: So?

Taihua Taoist smiled and said: So, a dead promise is the best promise!

At this point, he has activated Taihua Avenue to the extreme. There is darkness behind him, and the holes in the darkness are spinning, providing him with unparalleled mana in an instant!

Taihua Taoist took a step forward and shouted: Xu Ying, don't resist me, you may die faster!

The Tao is the same as the body, and the movements of hands and feet are the Tao and the magical power.

The moment Taihua Taoist raised his hand, the sky tilted, the stars fell to one side, and immortal Tao power exploded!

Xu Ying flipped his hand and it was the Hand of Chaos. Time and space were immediately chaotic, and the avenue was blurred. Taihua Avenue was suppressed in an instant, and its power was greatly reduced!

The two of them collided, Taoist Taihua groaned and floated backwards. Xu Ying bowed and bowed. Immediately, the magical sky was formed, and all the magical powers merged into one and blasted forward!

Taoist Taihua took the blow forcefully, and the various caves and abyss behind him moved to the extreme, but he was still hit by Emperor Haotian's unique skill until his body exploded!

not good!

Seeing that the situation was not good, his soul had already left his body and flew out, falling into a hole in the darkness behind him, preparing to escape to other universes.

As long as he escapes to other universes and seizes his disciples there, he can still make a comeback!

However, just as he flew into one of the caves, Xu Ying turned around, held up a big bell, and slapped the bell wall with his palm. The speed of the big bell increased greatly, and it headed straight for his exploded body. Pass through!


The bell rang, and the chaotic sound vibrated, bombarding his soul.

Taoist Taihua's soul fell rapidly. When it passed through the gel zone and fell into another universe, it exploded with a bang and turned into a ball of chaotic energy!

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