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Chapter 772 Master Tongtian

Changsun Shenghai did not return to Daoji Tianshe'an Palace immediately, but drove directly to the place where Taoist Tongtian fell.

Not many people knew about the death of Taoist Tongtian. Master Hua's sneak attack on Taoist Tongtian was not a glorious thing back then.

Taiyi Daodaojun led his crowd to besiege Emperor Haotian and kill him. No one said that Taiyi Daodaojun did something wrong. Because Emperor Haotian wanted to leave the other side and return to the Three Realms with the other side's skills, which violated the rules of the other side.

But Master Hua's sneak attack on Taoist Tongtian was a relatively bad thing for Bi'an. After all, although Taoist Tongtian is also a person from the Three Realms, he has not shown any intention of returning to the Three Realms. Master Hua took action directly, and he was suspected of being jealous of the virtuous and capable.

Two-thirds of the immortals on the other side come from other universes. If you know that Master Hua has dealt with Taoist Tongtian like this, you can't help but feel like a rabbit is dead and a fox is sad.

Therefore, Master Hua himself would take the initiative to suppress the news and prevent it from leaking out, so as not to damage his reputation.

It was a coincidence that Changsun Shenghai was able to obtain the inheritance from Taoist Tongtian. Becoming a disciple of Tongtian was a turning point in his life. He learned the way of killing from Taoist Tongtian, and learned that there were other avenues in the world that could parallel the way of killing.

Therefore, he searched everywhere for the cultivation methods of these avenues, worked hard on the nine avenues, and even became a disciple of Taiyi.

Master has always been in a bad state, how could he suddenly burst out with such fierce murderous intent? If he is so exposed, if Master Hua notices...

The Cuiyan Tower ship sailed towards the place of death with all its strength.

Changsun Shenghai could feel that the killing aura in the fallen place was getting stronger and stronger, and the way of killing was also reviving at an alarming speed. This situation exceeded his imagination!

At this moment, a strange wave came from Dao Jitian. Changsun Shenghai looked back and saw a huge divine ax spinning out of Dao Jitian, coming towards this direction at an extremely fast speed!

The light of the ax has the color of a cherry blossom, and it is the Taoist treasure of Master Hua!

Hua Dao wants to take action against Master!

Changsun Shenghai was very anxious and accelerated towards the place where he fell. However, the speed of the divine ax was much faster than that of Cuiyan Louchuan. However, he caught up with him and surpassed Cuiyan Louchuan in a short time.

At this time, the murderous spirit in the fallen land was fierce, the murderous intention was boiling, and the method of killing reached its peak at this time!

Suddenly, the energy of this stone mountain sword forest was exhausted, and it could no longer be sustained. The sword light in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation also stopped operating.

In the Stone Mountain Sword Forest, the blood of the immortals was flowing everywhere. Suddenly, a tall and burly figure stood up from the sea of ​​blood, staggered, and walked towards Xu Ying. It was Wu Chen Daojun.

He did not die even in the explosion of killing methods, and persisted until his energy was exhausted.

He staggered towards Xu Ying and said in a hoarse voice: Kid, you have harmed so many masters from the other side, you deserve to die...

Xu Ying frowned slightly. The killing method here has not been fully restored yet, and it still lacks some firepower.

After sacrificing so many immortals, true kings and Tao lords, the way of killing has become extremely active, but it is still a little short of true recovery.

Xu Ying's method of killing has also been promoted to the level of Tao Jing during this observation, but it is still a little short of the path to attaining the Supreme Tao.

At this moment, sword light flashed in the mountains and forests, and a broken sword flew from nowhere. It was the broken sword of Zhu Xian.

The killing intent of Zhu Xian Broken Sword is stronger than before. I don’t know what he has experienced during this time.

You use a single skill to kill so many masters on the other side and disrupt the other side. If you are allowed to live, I don't know how many powerful people on the other side will be harmed...

The wizard Taojun was panting, wounds all over his body exploded, and his stalwart body was hunched over. His injuries were too serious and he was already at the end of his strength, but his momentum was still astonishing.

He raised his hand and saw a tattered giant hammer flying towards him, flying crookedly and unsteadily.

His magic weapon of enlightenment was also heavily damaged in the fierce battle and the outbreak of killing methods just now.

But his murderous intent was still strong.

Xu Ying urged the Zhu Xian Broken Sword and walked toward him.

The wizard Taojun had a ferocious face, with blood steaming from thousands of wounds all over his body, making him look like an ancient god exuding red blood mist.

It is a mistake to select masters from the universe to enter the other side. These people have no loyalty to the other side.

Panting heavily, he strode towards Xu Ying, jumped up suddenly, leaned back, and with all his strength, he swung the giant hammer down at Xu Ying!

To eliminate the evil atmosphere on the other side, start by killing this beast!

The remaining Dao in his body roared, and the remaining Dao contained in the giant hammer also burst out with bright Dao light, almost burning like a burst of remaining energy!

At the same time, Xu Ying's murderous aura has been raised to the extreme. If the world is unfair, he will kill all the ways, destroy the universe, reopen the world, and then establish the posture of earth, water, fire, and wind!

Whatever is lacking in the way of killing, I will make up for it!

The Zhuxian Broken Sword and the giant hammer met in the air. At this moment, the killing method suddenly became extremely intense and active, as if all the murderous intent here was concentrated on this sword!

Wu Chen Daojun's attacks are still extremely powerful. With his holy body and his immortal Taoist power, he can still kill Xu Ying with one hammer!

However, the extremely bright sword light passed through the gap of the broken giant hammer, passed through the wound on his avenue, and cut open his physical structure!

He noticed that the avenue structure inside the giant hammer suddenly became fragmented and was broken down into the smallest particles!

Before his Tao power could take effect, the avenue began to disintegrate!

Xu Ying's sword was not to kill the immortal, but to kill the Tao!

Destroy the great road of heaven and earth!

It was too late, but it was too soon. The moment the hammer and sword collided, the giant hammer exploded and shattered into powder, scattering across the sky and earth!


The sword light cut off Wu Chen Daojun's hands holding the handle of the hammer, causing his fingers to fly up one by one and disintegrate in the air.

The skin of his arms cracked under the fierce murderous aura, and the flesh and blood seemed to evaporate and turned into red energy. Then the sword light penetrated the wizard Taojun's eyebrows and shot out from the back of his head!

Xu Ying paused, and the murderous aura in this fallen land reached its peak at this time. The body of the wizard Taojun fell down, as if it had become the last sacrifice for the murderous aura that permeated the world!

The Zhuxian Sword soared into the sky with its resolute murderous intent, forming an extremely brilliant sword energy light that penetrated the sky and disturbed the starry sky!

The great avenue where Taoist Tongtian fell revived, and Xu Ying suddenly felt that the great avenue of killing he had practiced was also beginning to attain enlightenment at this time!

It only took him less than a day from comprehending the Dao of Killing to cultivating it and realizing the Dao and imprinting it on the abyss of the cave!

In a short period of time, he has cultivated the Dao of Killing to the Supreme Realm. What a speed!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan is still meditating on the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra and has not woken up. No one can share Xu Ying's achievements in enlightening the Dao. But fortunately, the Dao of Killing here is fully awakening. Xu Ying's spirit and spirit are traveling with the Dao, making him even more happy. Enjoy!

The Zhuxian Broken Sword is also traveling in the path of recovery and killing. The incomplete sword body is constantly glowing, and it actually takes this opportunity to complete the sword body!

The way of killing was revived, and its missing avenues were made up for.

Not only that, the power of the Zhuxian Sword is also constantly increasing, and it can even be said to have skyrocketed!

When the Tongtian Sword Master refined it, it was only in the Great Luo Wonderland. The sword master left the Three Realms and left it in the Biyou Palace. The Zhuxian Sword was always a Wonderland treasure and could not be improved.

He was even interrupted by Qingxuan, Shengzun and others.

Although its power is unparalleled and it is the sharpest sword in the world, in terms of power, it is somewhat outdated, not even as good as Zhong Ye.

After Zhong Ye has the wrinkles formed by the bells of the Chaos Sea, his power is above it, his cultivation level is also above it, and it has a tendency to become stronger and stronger.

But now, with the revival of the Killing Avenue, the power of the Zhuxian Sword is also increasing crazily!

Its power quickly surpassed that of Master Zhong and was promoted to another level, as if it had been reborn!

At this moment, the sky suddenly became bright, the cherry blossom-colored light illuminated the starry sky, and an indescribable aura hit his face.

The various avenues in Xu Ying's body suddenly fell silent. Taiyi, chaos, Hongmeng, reincarnation, Wuji, and cause and effect seemed to have lost all their power and turned into wood, motionless!

His consciousness and magic power all became as gray as ashes.

Even the trash Qingxuan, who was still in the process of enlightenment just now, was pulled out of the state of enlightenment at this time, and was in shock and confusion.

The Great Way of Heaven and Earth no longer exists, so how can we attain enlightenment?

Xu Daozu, what's going on? Waste Qingxuan asked.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked at the light the color of cherry blossoms, and said: The Taoist Master has taken action.

Tao Master takes action?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan lost his voice and said, Why would the Taoist master take action against us? How have we ever fallen into the eyes of such big shots?

To the Lord of the Dao, anyone else, even the Dao Lord, is just an ant and will not even look at it.

And Xu Ying and others are just ants among ants, too lazy to pay attention.

Such beings rarely take the initiative to attack ants like them. At most, they only affect the ants when they attack, killing a few or dozens of them casually.

The cherry blossom-colored light came very quickly, and its destination was obviously this strange place where Xu Ying and others were.

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying couldn't help but feel worried: Could it be that I wrote down the Xuanhuang Taoist Realm Sutra here and set up a situation to sacrifice dozens of immortals, true kings and Taoist kings, and the Taoist master on the other side noticed it and came to kill me to vent his anger?

Under the threat of the cherry blossom-colored light, the Killing Avenue became more and more intense, almost boiling.

In the sky, a divine ax appeared, spinning towards the fallen place.

Wherever the light of the ax touches, everything is silent and has no power at all. Even the killing avenue fell silent under the light of the axe, unable to fight against it.

When Xu Ying saw this, he knew that this ax was definitely not meant to deal with him, because killing him would not involve using such a powerful magic weapon.

Of course, killing him could be just a matter of course.

Facing this axe, people can only feel despair in their hearts, because they can't understand it, they don't understand what magic is contained in the light of the axe, and they don't know how to hide or how to break through the opponent's suppression.

Facing this axe, one can only obediently kill him and wait for death.

The stone mountain sword forests began to crack under the pressure of the divine ax, and the rocks collapsed. These stone mountain sword forests were not broken at all in the confrontation between Wu Chen Daojun and others. However, the divine ax just flew from afar and destroyed these stone mountain sword forests before it arrived!

However, the Zhuxian Sword was still angry and was still trying to vibrate. The blade of the sword was buzzing, as if it was about to break through the suppression of the divine axe, and fly up to attack the divine ax in the sky!

It is unwilling, murderous, and determined to fight against the injustice of power!

But the gap was too big, and it couldn't fly at all, let alone compete with the divine ax falling from the sky.

Xu Ying's only thing that was not suppressed was his martial arts. He immediately shouted angrily and tried to sacrifice the big bell. Even if he was unable to do anything, he still had to give it a try!

He held up the big bell, rose into the air, and faced the light of the ax falling in the sky.

His martial arts has been integrated into more than 200 avenues, and he is not weak!

However, the figure he jumped up to meet the divine ax actually looked so weak.

The moment he jumped up, he saw a slender figure walking out of the collapsing stone mountain sword forest. It was described as ancient and different from the strong and powerful body of the saints on the other side.

He looks like an ancient man who came out of calligraphy and painting. He is wearing a long green robe, is thin and lanky, and has a long beard that reaches to his chest.

In comparison, the saints on the other side are too majestic. The branch-like texture of Liwen makes their bodies resemble ancient gods, and they often grow many strange things such as heads, arms, wings, and joints.

But this old man in green robe is more in line with Xu Ying's aesthetics.

He gently held the Zhuxian Sword with his palm. The light of the sword was like a clear water, reflecting the Taoist heart without any ripples.

His figure soared into the sky and quickly passed by Xu Ying. Xu Ying looked stunned as he watched him rush into the sky with the Zhuxian Sword.

What follows is a boiling killing spree!

This kind of avenue was suppressed by the aura emitted by the divine ax just now, but now it is roaring, cheering, and even stimulating the murderous intention in Xu Ying's heart, activating the killing method that Xu Ying has practiced!

The Promised Killing Cave Abyss is reviving, moving, and becoming extremely active!

Master Tongtian Sword... No, it's Taoist Tongtian!

Xu Ying held the big clock in his hand and looked up, only to see the thin Taoist man's clothes and sleeves flying, and the Zhuxian Sword in his hand seemed to be the brightest light in the world, meeting the cherry blossom-colored divine axe!

The moment the ax light collided with the sword light, the dazzling light made Xu Ying burst into tears and hurriedly closed his eyes.

The big bell clanged, blocking the shattering ax light and sword light, and was sent flying downwards by the blow.

Xu Ying opened his eyes again and saw that Taoist Tongtian seemed to be fighting against an invisible enemy in the void. The enemy was holding a divine axe, moving his weight like wind, but the sword light was dull and could always block the attack of the divine axe.

Master Hua, you can't do anything to me without your true body!

Master Tongtian thrust out his sword, and the next moment, the cherry blossom-colored divine ax was pierced by the light of the sword.

The divine ax was injured and suddenly slashed backwards, splitting the space and falling into the cracks of time and space.

Now, I am also a Taoist master, and I will give you three swords back!

Tongtian Dao holds the sword, swish, swish, three swords in a row, piercing into the closing time and space.

The cracks are closing.

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