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Chapter 770 Killing and Sacrifice

Changsun Shenghai preached in the spiritual world for decades, passing on the secret knowledge taught to him by Master Zuolian to the monks in the spiritual world. He did not leave the spiritual world until many immortals emerged in the spiritual world and the inheritance was stable.

His Taoist companion Yin Rao did not leave with him, but stayed in the spiritual world to be the Taoist ancestor. Although the resources in the spiritual world are not as abundant as those on the other side, these resources are still ownerless in the spiritual world. Staying in the spiritual world is more likely than staying on the other side.

Yin Rao therefore persuaded Changsun Shenghai to stay, but Changsun Shenghai had his own ambitions, so he decided to leave.

Xu Ying left a green rock boat for him, but the brand on the boat had turned into ashes. Others might not be able to do anything about it, but he had already thoroughly studied the brand on the boat. He repainted the brand so that he could sail out of the Sea of ​​Chaos and return to the other side.

Others had never sensed the so-called murderous aura, but Changsun Shenghai practiced the way of killing and was very keenly aware of the murderous aura.

Is Master about to wake up? He was extremely surprised.

Xu Ying and the waste Qingxuan ran all the way, chasing the broken sword of Zhu Xian, and came to a strange place. The mountains here were dense, like swords and swords, and the mountains became extremely thin for some unknown reason.

Huge boulders and peaks stand in various directions, like random swords, thrust into the ground.

A gloomy and chilling air permeated the world. The avenues of heaven and earth here showed a strange broken state. The power of various avenues seemed to have been shattered by something and became scattered.

When they came here, Xu Ying and the good-for-nothing Qingxuan only felt a tingling sensation on their skin, and the various Taoist powers in their bodies became a little fragile.

The waste Qingxuan raised his hand, and his magical power manifested into a fire phoenix, which flapped its wings and soared. But the next moment, the power that formed the fire phoenix disintegrated in this strange place and gradually dissipated.

Life is just an accident, and death is the eternity of the universe.

The waste Qingxuan said, Xu Daozu, the murderous aura here can destroy all avenues! I have never seen anyone with such a strong murderous aura before!

Xu Ying shook his head and said, You may have seen it.

The useless Qingxuan was slightly startled, and suddenly realized who he was referring to: You mean, the one who made these is the Master of Tongtian Sword?

The Master of Tongtian Sword has always been a figure that few people are willing to mention in the history of the Earthly Immortal World. The murderous aura emanating from his Immortal Killing Sword has formed a restricted area that no one wants to set foot in. Some of his Biyou Palace remain there. A person who practices swordsmanship, but not his descendant.

His footprints even extended to the borders of the universe, where he visited the ruins of the Yuan Realm and paid a visit to the master of the ruins there. But his deeds are unknown.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan hesitated. Back then, in order to remove all obstacles to the new way, Qingxuan and Shengzun went to Biyou Palace and disabled the Immortal Killing Sword, which could be regarded as a connection.

But this origin is not a good one.

The murderous aura in the world ahead is getting thicker and more terrifying, and even affects the operation of their own avenues.

Xu Ying suddenly realized that this method of killing had even affected his martial arts and had the tendency to cut off his martial arts!

Is this really the habitat of Lord Tongtian Sword?

He was also confused in his heart. The Master of Tongtian Sword was on the other side, and he was called Taoist Tongtian. It was one of the taboos on the other side. Most of the immortals and true kings that Xu Ying encountered were not even willing to mention his name.

Everyone was very secretive about this Taoist, but Xu Ying still learned from a few words that Taoist Tongtian had caused several extremely bloody killings on the other side!

The mention of his name is enough to make a child stop crying!

It's just that there are so many powerful people on the other side, and there is a Taoist master sitting in charge, how can they tolerate the Tongtian Sword Master so far? With the strength of the Taoist Master, it shouldn't be difficult to kill the Tongtian Sword Master.

Just when he thought of this, there was suddenly a loud thunder in the sky, and an immortal who practiced the Thunder Avenue fell from the sky. Suddenly, billions of thunders erupted in all directions, sweeping everything around, turning this chilling place into a pool of thunder!

The immortal came with a roar, blocking the way of Xu Ying and the useless Qingxuan.

He immediately felt that his thunder pool seemed to be suppressed in some way, shrinking continuously, and the Thunder Avenue continued to fragment.

However, his cultivation strength was so powerful that he didn't care about this loss. He reached out to grab it and said: Xu Ying, hand over the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra!

The thunder pool surrounding them suddenly turned into a great hand, grabbing at Xu Ying and the waste Qingxuan.

Although this immortal is not a true king, but just an ordinary immortal, the cave behind his head is extremely bright, and there are tens of thousands of large and small thunder pools and caves, hidden in the darkness, making his magic power far more powerful than that of waste. Qingxuan is so immortal!

Harvesting the universe can bring him more than ten times improvement in cultivation!

Without thinking, Xu Ying urged Wu Ji to prove the way, and instantly transformed into a chaotic hand to meet the thunder palm transformed by the immortal Thunder Dao!

The magic power of the two people exploded in an instant, and the magical power expanded in all directions, and was immediately cut open by the surrounding stone mountains!

How overbearing are the magical powers of the two of them. One is immortal with a body as great as the Great Dao, and the other is a being who has almost cultivated the Dao of Chaos to the immortal state. Their magical powers are unparalleled!

However, the two magical powers were easily cut through these stone mountains without causing any damage to the surrounding areas.

Xu Ying and the immortal were each shaken back by the other's strength, and then rushed forward, each using their magical powers to fight faster.

That Immortal Dao Master has magical powers with every thought, and his power explodes with every movement of his hands. Xu Ying has practiced martial arts to the extreme, and can send and receive all kinds of magical powers with one heart, quickly and domineeringly.

In an instant, the two of them were passed by thousands of Taoist gods. The immortal did not have any advantage, and he was anxious: Is this the beauty of Tao Master-level skills?

Suddenly, the two of them noticed that the surrounding sword-like mountains were emitting light one by one, as if they had absorbed the power of their magical powers.

not good!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan also saw something was wrong and quickly shouted, Hide quickly!

Before he finished speaking, he saw the mountains suddenly releasing energy. In an instant, thousands of sword energies crisscrossed and criss-crossed among the mountains and forests, like a mighty sword formation!

Xu Ying flashed and rushed towards the waste Qingxuan before the sword formation was formed, shouting: Follow me!

He led the waste Qingxuan through the ocean-like sword formation, and soon came to the eye of the sword formation. The power of the sword formation exploded, and the brilliant sword light overwhelmed everything!

Xu Ying and the waste Qingxuan's scalps were numb. These mountains absorbed Xu Ying and his immortal power. Their power was so terrifying, a hundred times more powerful than the Immortal Killing Sword Array arranged by Xu Ying!

It's not the way of kendo, this is indeed not the way of kendo!

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful. He originally thought that Taoist Tongtian practiced swordsmanship. Especially after receiving the approval of Zhuxian Canjian, he became more convinced of this guess.

But after meeting Changsun Shenghai, he knew the way to kill.

Now, seeing the power of the sword array erupting from these stone mountains, he clearly realized that the way of swordsmanship is only a superficial appearance, and the way of killing is the true path practiced by Taoist Tongtian!

That kind of supreme chilling aura, with a terrifying will that destroys the way, is definitely not comparable to the way of swordsmanship.

Xu Ying observed for a moment, and suddenly his heart moved: The movement of this sword array seems to contain the secret of the way to kill!

He was originally very close to Zhu Xian Broken Sword. His talent in swordsmanship was extremely high. When he saw Zhu Xian Broken Sword in his early years, he understood the peerless sword intention. Later, after being recognized by Broken Sword and seeing Taoist Tongtian's Zhu Xian Sword Formation, he directly understood it. The changes in the sword formation are wonderful.

At this moment, he saw the secret of the killing method from the sword formation, and it was a matter of course.

The roar of the thundering immortal came from the sword array. The immortal tried his best to fight against the sword array. The thundering sound was deafening. He actually had a posture of creating all things and life in a desperate situation!

This person's Thunder Avenue is so clever!

Xu Ying looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but feel moved, but then he was attracted by the mystery of the way to kill. The murderous aura in his body was full of excitement, and he wanted to kill a few people immediately to practice his skills.

At this moment, the power of the sword array was exhausted and subsided.

The surrounding mountains stood tall and dense, just like before, and the murderous spirit wandering between the heaven and the earth gradually calmed down.

The murderous aura raging in Xu Ying's body gradually calmed down, and he stood in the center of the formation with trash Qingxuan, looking out.

I saw the immortal who had attained enlightenment and thunder standing there, with four heads and eight arms, holding an umbrella, an axe, a chisel, a mirror and other magic weapons, looking majestic.

He glanced at Xu Ying, and his voice boomed and shook: Can the killing method left by Taoist Tongtian really kill immortals and destroy the great road? I don't believe it.

The body of the immortal suddenly trembled, and then the various magic weapons in his hands shattered. Then the whole figure was cut into countless pieces, extremely tiny, then exploded and scattered across the sky and the earth.

He did not believe that the way of killing could destroy his Thunder Avenue, but he himself was turned into dust in the sword formation!

Xu Ying and useless Qingxuan were extremely shocked. They gently raised their hands and touched the fragments of Thunder Avenue floating in the air.

Thunder Avenue still exists, it's just dead.

The Tao is equal to the body, and the immortality of the body and the Tao is not true immortality.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan shuddered and murmured, We will still die...

Xu Ying suddenly noticed the fluctuations emanating from the confrontation between other immortals, and immediately rushed forward, saying quickly: This place is extremely dangerous. If someone fights, I'm afraid it will trigger a greater killing power! Let's go quickly -

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan quickly followed him, and the two of them rushed in the direction where the Zhu Xian Broken Sword left.

On the other side, Taoist Master Wu Chen and two Taoist Masters Gu Daochan and Xiu Huixian came to the sword mountains.

The sorcerer Taoist Lord has a majestic body, but the two Taoist Lords are just two women with elegant figures, each standing on the top of a sword mountain.

here it is……

Wu Chen Daojun looked around, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly knew where this place was.

Back then, Taoist Tongtian attacked the Taoist realm here, and was plotted by Taoist Hua. He died here. His killing method was shattered here, forming a restricted area.

The Taoist Master Wu Chen said in a deep voice, If we take action here, even you and I will not be able to protect ourselves. Are the two Taoists determined to compete for the Xuanhuang Tao Realm Sutra?

He faced off against many Dao Lords and suffered multiple Dao injuries. The injuries were quite serious, but he was still superior to Gu Daochan and Xiu Huixian in terms of momentum.

But he knew that in addition to these two people, there were other Dao Lords who were also staring at Xu Ying, trying to seize the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra!

If the time delay is too long, I am afraid that the news that Xu Ying is nearby will reach the ears of the other three Dao Lords.

At that time, the sorcerer Taoist Lord could only end up in despair.

It is crucial to seize the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra before alerting the Dao Lord!

Gu Daochan smiled and said: Master Wu, the Xuanhuang Zhengdao Sutra is not your private property. Everyone can get it. If you hand over the promise, everyone will share it equally.

Wu Chen Daojun showed a fierce look in his eyes and laughed loudly: Everyone has a copy of the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, so are the Tao Master-level exercises still the Tao Master-level exercises? How do we divide the resources to create so many Tao masters? I The three Dao Masters on the other side are supported by the universe. If there is one more Dao Master, the three Dao Masters will allocate a share of the resources they have. If you spread the Dao Master level skills, how many shares will the three Dao Masters give out? resource?

The two women came together to fight, and Gu Daochan sneered: Then there is no need to say anything! You can see the truth in your hands!

Xiu Huixian smiled and said, I want to see if the Saint Clan is really as powerful as the rumors say!

The three of them were fighting among the sword mountains, and all kinds of Taoist methods were surging. However, they saw that the mountains were gradually lighting up, even brighter than Xu Ying's battle just now. Even Xu Ying in the distance was aware of the way of killing. Become extremely lively!

The way to kill is to sacrifice!

Xu Ying and useless Qingxuan suddenly woke up. They looked at each other and useless Qingxuan said: Xu Daozu, the way of killing here may require some enlightened people to sacrifice and awaken the way of killing!

Xu Ying nodded and said: It does seem like some kind of evil sacrifice!

At this moment, the killing method broke out again, and countless sword lights surged, flooding the place!

Xu Ying stopped and looked from a distance. He was attracted by the way of killing again, and the killing energy in his body was ready to move.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan had no choice but to stop.

Wherever the sword light erupted, it was like the end of the world was coming, a terrifying scene of all avenues being annihilated!

And in that battlefield, the figure of Wuchen Daojun was like an unparalleled giant, fighting hard in the vast expanse, but was dragged into the doomsday again and again!

And in the apocalypse, there are two figures who are also struggling and trying to escape.

The two of them looked at this scene with horror in their hearts and said in unison: This is definitely an evil sacrifice!

Xu Ying observed the operation of the killing formation. Gradually, his own killing aura connected with the heaven and earth. His murderous aura became more and more abundant, and his understanding of the way of killing became deeper and deeper.

His attainments in the way of the sword are also changing to the way of killing, just like a blunt sword, it is gradually sharpening its edge!

Suddenly, the abnormal movement of the killing path stopped, and all the sword light disappeared. The energy erupted from the confrontation between Wu Chen and the three great masters Gu Daochan and Xiu Huixian was completely consumed by the killing array.

The two slim figures, covered in blood, staggered up and struggled to escape, but the wizard was nowhere to be seen.

Xu Ying and useless Qingxuan looked around, and suddenly they saw the burly body of the wizard Taojun standing up slowly from the broken avenue, walking towards this side with a gloomy face.

He almost died under the power of the sword array, and his temper gradually became violent.

Suddenly, Xu Ying said loudly: I am Xu Ying, and the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, the main technique of the Dao, is in my hands. I will carve this technique on the nearby cliff! If I want to know this technique, Then come and get it!”

The wizard Taojun was furious, dragged his seriously injured body, rushed over with all his strength, and shouted like thunder: Xu Ying, you are seeking death!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan came to his senses: Xu Daozu, do you want to sacrifice?

Xu Ying looked at the running Taoist witch minister, his eyes flashed, and he shook his head and said: The sacrifice is just incidental. I have reached a critical stage in understanding the way of killing. Maybe I can take this opportunity to understand the way of killing.

He turned around and really carved the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra on the stone wall!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was horrified in his heart. For this Dao master-level technique, he was afraid that this place would become a river of blood!

This sacrifice uses immortality as a humble dog to awaken the avenue of killing!

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