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Chapter 767 Yelang is arrogant

Xu Ying prepared the Cuiyan Tower Boat and said goodbye to everyone again.

The Holy Lord said calmly: Xu Daozu, when I have successfully cultivated my new Dao pattern, I will go to the other side. I hope that you will have achieved immortality by then.

The useless Qingxuan said: I also want to go on a pilgrimage to the other shore to see what the other shore that the sages of all generations have longed for is like.

And me! Yuanzu said excitedly.

The Ancestral God hesitated for a moment and said: I won't go. It will have no effect if I go...

His voice grew quieter and quieter.

With the establishment of the new Dao Pattern, everyone's cultivation strength will definitely be greatly improved, but he is the only god who was born and raised on earth and cannot cultivate the Dao and improve himself like everyone else.

Back then, Xu Ying found the core of Hongyuan and after the Three Realms mended the sky, the Three Realms universe continued to expand, the avenue was complete, and the Ancestral God's cultivation level became higher and higher, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

It's just that the expansion of the Three Realms did not happen overnight. Although his strength was constantly improving, gradually, the Holy Lord, Ming Dao Emperor, waste Qingxuan and others caught up with him and surpassed him, and the gap was getting wider and wider.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he said: The Ancestral God can go to the other side. As for the Holy Lord and the distant ancestors, your strength is still a little bit behind. You can barely compete with the ordinary immortals on the other side, and there is still a gap between you and the true king.

Everyone was startled, and the Holy Lord asked doubtfully: You mean, the ancestor gods can survive on the other side, but we can't survive?

Xu Ying said apologetically: After the Ancestral God reaches the other side, he will surely become famous and his strength will be far greater than it is now. As for you, you will only be killed.

He did not explain to everyone, but smiled and said: Ancestral God, this time you will go with me to the other side. As for the Ancestral Court of Heaven, I will leave it to Senior Brother Tian to take care of it.

The ancestor god was also extremely surprised. Hearing this, he felt very happy and said with a smile: I will go to the other side to have a look and explore the way for you first.

Everyone was very dissatisfied.

The Ancestral God's current strength is already much inferior to theirs. Now that they have sorted out the new Dao patterns, and coupled with the many other side techniques brought by Xu Ying, their cultivation strength will only advance by leaps and bounds, becoming better than before.

The gap between the Ancestral God and them will also become wider and wider.

However, Xu Ying would rather take the ancestral gods with him than them.

The Ancestral God returned to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao first and gave various instructions to Senior Brother Tian. Xu Ying also asked Dao Zongyuan to resign, and Dao Zongyuan sent him off and said, Did Xu Daozu meet the Taoist master on the other side?

I've seen his magical power, but I haven't seen his person.

Xu Ying explained the story of Taoist Master Bian'an's murder of Taoist Master Xuanhuang, saying, The cultivation of this Taoist Master Bian'an is extremely astonishing, and his Taoist and magical powers are far beyond what I can fathom.

Dao Zongyuan pondered for a moment and said: The Taoist who took action is not the Taoist from the other side that I fought with back then. The Taoist that I fought with back then has a Taoist name passed down to the court.

Master Chuanting?

Xu Ying wrote down this name and said, How many Tao masters are there on the other side?

Dao Zong Yuandao: I don't know. When the other side invaded Yuanjie, I fought with Chuanting Taoist Master. I was defeated by one move, knowing that I was not as good as him. But Chuanting Taoist Master saw that I had my back to Yuanjie, and my power was endless. , knowing that he was going to capture me, he was afraid that he would be harmed, so he retreated. After he left, I cut off all connections between the other side and the Yuanjie, cutting off the cause and effect, so that the other side could not find the Yuanjie. There should be others on the other side. There are several Taoist masters, but I can’t tell how strong they are.”

When Yuan Jie fought against the other side, for the other side, it just happened to encounter a universe, so the master of the other side's court came to play with some immortals.

But for Yuanjie, it was a devastating disaster. Yuanjie suffered heavy casualties, which forced the other side to retreat.

Dao Zongyuan sent him outside the ruins of the Yuan Realm and said, Xu Daozu is still at the Supreme Realm. Why has he not yet broken through and achieved the Immortal Realm?

Xu Ying said: Although my Supreme Realm has been completed, the Great Dao has not been completed.

Dao Zongyuan became interested and said: Xu Daozu might as well explain it. I may not be able to clear up the mystery for you.

Xu Ying showed the several avenues he had practiced, including Taiyi, Chaos, Hongmeng, Samsara, Wuji, Cause and Effect, and Martial Arts, and said: I, Taiyi, Chaos, Hongmeng, and Cause and Effect, have cultivated all four avenues to the point of near immortality. But There are still reincarnations and infinites, which have not yet been broken through.”

Dao Zongyuan frowned slightly.

Although Yuanjie is an extremely mature universe, there is no way of reincarnation in the world. As for the Great Way, although it exists, it is really difficult to practice. Even if he is the master of the avenue, there are still areas beyond his power on the infinite avenue.

If he was proficient in Wuji Tao, he would not have been defeated in the battle with the Taoist Master from the other side.

If you want to cultivate Wuji, you must first cultivate the Five Great Paths.

The five Taiyi Dao, Taichu Dao, Taishi Dao, Taisu Dao and Taiji Dao are respectively.

When the Five Supreme Beings have reached the ultimate level of cultivation, they can unite the Five Supreme Beings into one and cultivate the Infinite Way.

However, this is almost impossible.

Xu Ying continued: In addition, I also have the Avenue of Nirvana, the Avenue of Luck, and the Avenue of Killing, which I have not yet explored.

Dao Zongyuan was silent for a moment and said: The realm of the Tao Master is not the end of the road. There must be realms above the Tao Master.

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Brother Dao, what did you say?

Because I don't understand the avenues you mentioned.

Dao Zongyuan sighed and said goodbye, Xu Daozu, have a nice journey.

Stay. Xu Ying bowed and left by boat.

When he returned to the Ancestral Court of Heaven, the Ancestral God had already packed up, carrying a small baggage, and transformed into a young man, with his hair slicked back and shiny, ready to go with him. However, Xu Ying left Cuiyan Louchuan behind and went to fool around with Yuan Weiyang somewhere.

The ancestors waited by the boat for many days, but they never came back.

Mostly making children. Senior Brother Tian said.

Ancestor God smiled and said: Xu Daozu is not a person obsessed with women.

Half a year later, Xu Ying returned and said to the ancestor god: It's time to set off.

The Ancestral God looked Xu Ying up and down and said, Dao Ancestor seems to be much haggard.

Xu Ying said: I have been tempering other green rock tower ships with Weiyang these days. As these tower ships are treasures that deter the other side, I have to be cautious. Therefore, I am a little haggard.

The ancestor god reminded him with good intentions: Xu Daozu doesn't need to explain to me, an old man.

The two of them came to the Cuiyanlou boat, and the Cuiyanlou boat set sail after a gentle pause.

At this time, there was a bright light in the starry sky, as if there was a radiant divine light, shining through half of the starry sky, blocking the path that the building ship must pass.

Xu Ying drove the boat over and saw that the source of the divine light was the Holy Lord Yuan Yu.

Xu Daozu is on a long voyage, and I'm here to see you off. The Holy Lord smiled.

Xu Ying slowed down the speed of the boat and sailed slowly to his side. He saw the Holy Lord sitting in the starry sky with a case in front of him, as well as fine wine and delicacies.

The Holy Lord stretched out his hand to invite him, and Xu Ying and the ancestor god got off the boat and sat down in front of the case.

The Holy Lord entertained him diligently, and when the wine was in full swing, the Holy Lord pressed down the wine glass and said with a smile: Xu Daozu has been cultivating on the other side for more than a hundred years. I think that in these more than a hundred years, his cultivation strength must have greatly improved. I don't know how much better he was than back then. how?

When Xu Ying heard this, he knew the purpose of his coming here and said with a smile: Although I have made some progress, I am definitely far inferior to the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord was very strong all his life, and what he wanted was his words. He laughed loudly when he heard this, and said: Xu Daozu is humble. Xu Daozu thinks that if I replace this ability with Dao patterns, will I be able to rival the True King when I go to the other side in the future? ?”

Xu Ying shook his head and said, We should be invincible.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: You have never fought against the True King, so your words cannot be counted. You will be punished by drinking three glasses of wine!

Xu Ying said yes and drank three glasses of wine.

When the guests and hosts had enjoyed themselves, Xu Ying and the Ancestor God boarded the Cuiyan Tower Boat. The Holy Lord still sent them off eagerly, saying: When I achieve something, I will go to the other side to find you.

Hearing this, Xu Ying sighed and said, Holy Lord, don't you want to know how big the gap is between you and me? Before I go to the other side, why don't you take action against me and test my progress these days?

Hearing this, the Holy Lord smiled and said, You finally can't bear it any longer! That's exactly what I meant!

He stood up, thousands of Dao flying, and in an instant, a sea of ​​different Dao powers formed in the starry sky. Countless Dao trees rose from the ground, and Dao fruits hung high!

Countless Taoist scenes emerged, and they were even more massive!

The body of the Holy Lord Dao is the same as the Dao. Once he takes action, he uses his supreme magical power to integrate thousands of Dao Dharma into one, turning it into a blow that shatters the starry sky!

This blow made the ancestor gods marvel and feel sad, and felt that their time had passed.

However, the next moment, suddenly all the ways were destroyed. Before the extremely powerful magical power of the Holy Lord could reach Xu Ying, it suddenly collapsed and disintegrated. Countless lines and chains were shattered. The avenues no longer existed and all methods were destroyed!

The Holy Lord felt that all the avenues he practiced had fallen into silence, and all the magical powers had lost their power.

When he looked at Xu Ying, he felt that Xu Ying on the boat was like a giant that created the world, standing under the thick and boundless chaos, looking down at him!

Xu Ying didn't make any move, he just made a seal to restrain all his magical powers!

The Holy Lord's mind went blank, and he was completely drunk.

Xu Ying offered sacrifices to his martial arts cave. A ginseng fruit tree in the cave grew stronger and stronger, and the tree crown was lush and green, like a canopy, covering thousands of fairy mountains.

There are more than 200 Dao Dao fruits on this ginseng fruit tree. Each Dao fruit contains a kind of Dao, and it is a Dao that can be cultivated to the supreme peak!

Xu Ying said: Holy Lord, I met the ancestor of the Earth Immortal on the other side. He told me that there is no conflict between the Dao Jing Dao tree and the new Dao and the old Dao. It is possible to practice both. The Dao Fruit Dao Tree you cultivate is a false Dao Fruit. False Tao tree, what I cultivate is the real Tao fruit, the real Tao tree. The Tao you practice is just your simulation, but the Tao I practice is the real Tao. The gap between you and me is actually getting bigger and bigger .”

The Holy Lord stabilized his mind and said: Xu Daozu is worthy of being Xu Daozu. Can you match the True King of the other side now?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: It's not possible yet.

The Holy Lord was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

The Ancestral God watched him go away, shook his head and said: Xu Daozu, you gave him a huge blow.

Xu Ying said: If we don't hit him hard and he rushes to the other side, he will die. Knowing his shame and then being brave, I believe that the Holy Lord will be able to come out.

The building boat continued to move forward, and not long after, they saw another piece of clouds blocking the way ahead. There was a giant dragon prostrate in the clouds and mist, sleeping soundly in it.

Xu Ying drove the boat to the front and said with a smile: My distant ancestors are also here to see me off?

The distant ancestor dragon raised his head and sneered: I'm not here to see you off, but to go to the other shore with you. The other shore will destroy my dragon clan and destroy the three realms. Today is the time for me to rush to the other shore and take revenge!

Xu Ying asked: How do you take revenge?

The distant ancestor Dalong said: I will go to the other side with you, and use the new Dao patterns and spiritual patterns to destroy the sentient beings on the other side, destroy their immortality, exterminate their heaven and earth avenue, and let them fall into Dao ashes!

Xu Ying said: The new Taoist patterns and spiritual patterns are probably unable to deal with the immortality on the other side. As for the Taoist master, it is no problem to deal with the new Daoist patterns and spiritual patterns. Dao patterns and spiritual patterns alone cannot destroy the other side.

The distant ancestor Dalong said: I just want to kill for fun!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The people on the other side have been killed by you. Immortal and Taoist Master can still choose new people from all the worlds to enter the other side. The other side will not be destroyed. If you want to defeat the other side, this method will not work.

The distant ancestor rolled his eyes and said: Then, I will go with you, as long as I don't kill too much.

Xu Ying smiled and said, If you can make one move in front of me, I will take you there.

When the distant ancestor heard this, he roared, his dragon roar vibrated, he stretched out his dragon claws, and used all his power to catch Xu Ying!

The place covered by this claw is really boundless time and space, and it is completely under control. There is a strong momentum that the entire starry sky of the Three Realms Universe will fall into its palm!

However, before this claw could reach the Cuiyan Building and Ship, it suddenly collapsed and collapsed, its power was silent, and its power was no longer what it once was.

The distant ancestor looked up and suddenly felt that Xu Ying's body was extremely majestic, and the sea of ​​chaos seemed to be connected behind him, making any of his magical powers completely useless!

The distant ancestors practiced the two avenues of time and space, but it is still difficult to break through the chaos.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You can't make a single move, so you can retreat.

The old man whose distant ancestor transformed into a dragon-headed body pointed at the Ancestral God on the boat and shouted: Why can this old Ancestral God go, but I can't? I can fight ten Ancestral Gods now!

The ancestor god was furious and stammered: Old Long, I thought we were old friends for many years, close friends in life and death, but you actually said that to me...

Xu Ying sneered and said: When the ancestor god reaches the other side, he will be a hundred times more powerful than you and far more useful than you! Ancestor, go back and practice hard, don't make any mistakes!

The ancestor left angrily.

Behind this cloud were Emperor Ming Dao and Emperor Ming Xun. Seeing this situation, they naturally did not dare to take action against Xu Ying, and quickly followed Yuan Ancestor away.

Xu Ying shook his head and sneered: These bastards have become arrogant before they have much ability. They have no idea how powerful the other side is.

He urged the building boat to sail towards the Sea of ​​Chaos. The ancestor god was worried and said secretly: If I go to the other side, can I really be a hundred times more powerful than the old dragon of my distant ancestor?

Xu Ying continued to drive the boat forward, and when he arrived at the edge of the universe, he saw the useless Qingxuan standing under the eucalyptus tree.

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart, and said: The Holy Lord, the distant ancestors, the Ming Dao Emperor, and the Ming Xun Emperor have all returned in vain. Brother Fei, what do you have to say?

I have eaten countless saints from the other side. At the time, I thought they were ancient gods, but later I found out they were people from the other side. Qingxuan said.

Xu Ying asked doubtfully: Are you greedy again?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan shook his head and said: I mean, I can deal with them, don't worry about me. I've only eaten people from the other side, and I haven't tasted other flavors yet.

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